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United States History II

Unit IV: World War I

US Neutrality and Involvement – Part I

Brainstorm: Why would the United States (or any country) choose to remain neutral at the start of World
War I? What do you think would eventually force them to enter the conflict?

Part I Directions:

1. Carefully read the portion of President Woodrow Wilson’s speech below.

2. As you read, think about the reason President Wilson is giving for staying out of the
Great War.


mediator: someone who helps two groups reach an agreement

impartial: taking no sides

What is important about the year
President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress, in which the speech was given?
August 19, 1914. What do we know about 1914?

The people of the United States are drawn from many

nations, and chiefly from the nations now at war. It is
natural and inevitable that some will wish one nation,
others another, to succeed in the momentous struggle. What does Wilson mean when he
says the people of the United
Such divisions among us would be fatal to our peace of States are “drawn from many
mind and might seriously stand in the way of our duty as nations”?
the one great nation at peace, the one nation ready to
play a part of mediator and counselor of peace.

The United States must be neutral in fact, as well as in

name, during these days that are to try men's souls. We What do you think Wilson means
must be impartial in thought, as well as action. when he says the United States
must be the “one great nation at

Based on your reading of the document, list the reasons President Wilson gave for keeping the United States
out of World War I below:
Part II Directions:

1. Carefully read the portion of President Woodrow Wilson’s speech below.

2. Now as you read, think about the reason President Wilson is giving for entering the
Great War.


commerce: trade

feasible: possible

dominion: control or domination

material compensation: money

President Woodrow Wilson, in a speech before Congress, April 2, 1917

Property can be paid for; the lives of peaceful and innocent people cannot be. The present
German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare In the first two paragraphs, what
against mankind. does Wilson accuse Germany of
doing? Do you think this is a good
The German policy has swept every restriction aside. Ships reason to go to war?
of every kind, whatever their flag, their character, their
cargo, their destination, their errand, have been ruthlessly
sent to the bottom of the ocean without warning. American
ships have been sunk, American lives taken.

I advise that the Congress declare the recent actions of the

Imperial German Government to be, in fact, nothing less Take a guess: In the last
paragraph, what does Wilson
than war against the Government and people of the United
mean when he says, “the world
States. must be made safe for
democracy”? How do you think
…The world must be made safe for democracy. We have no these words made Americans
selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. feel?
We seek not material compensation for the sacrifices we
shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the
rights of mankind. It is a fearful, but right thing to lead this
great peaceful people to war. We shall fight for the things
which we have always carried nearest our hearts – for
democracy, for the right of [people] to have a voice in their
own government, for the rights and liberties of small nations.
Based on your reading of the second document, list the reasons President Wilson gave for recommending
the United States go to war:

Part III Directions: Final part – I promise!

1. Carefully read the portion of the textbook below that describes the reasons why the
United States declared war on Germany.
2. As you read, think about how the reasons given by the textbook are similar and
different from the reasons given by President Wilson.

Textbook Excerpt on U.S. Entry into WWI

In January 1917, Germany reversed its policy on submarine warfare. It announced that it
would sink on sight all merchant vessels, armed or unarmed, sailing to Allied ports. While
realizing that their policy might bring the Americans into war, the Germans believed they
could defeat the Allies before the United States became heavily involved. An angry president
Wilson broke off diplomatic relations with Germany.

A few weeks later, a secret telegram- intercepted by the British government- set off a new
wave of anti-German feeling. In late February the German foreign minister, Arthur
Zimmerman, sent a telegram to Mexico with an offer to the Mexican government.

Newspapers published the secret Zimmerman telegram on March 1, and the Americans
reacted angrily to the German action.

Why do you think that the reasons given by President Wilson are different from the reasons given by the
Based on your
textbook? reading
Should weof theone
trust document, list theWhy
source more? TWOorreasons for why the U.S. entered the war?
why not?
Based on the second and third documents, do you think the United States had good reasons for entering
World War I? Why or why not?

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