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Using Zea Mays Biopolymer Film to Prolong the Shelf-Life of Pyrus Fruit

Aguilar, Kristianne

Cruz, Anna

Delos Angeles, Alexandria

Gabuyo, Feyanne

Maxilom, Alyanna

Misajon, Rhenzo

Grade 12 STEM1803, Practical Research 2

National University – Nazareth School

1459 Alcantara, Sampaloc, Manila, 1015 Metro Manila

September 26, 2019


The paper is primarily concerned with prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit

by the utilization of Zea mays biopolymer film. This Zea mays biopolymer film is an economical

and manageable technique for extending the shelf-life with preserving quality of fruits and

vegetable. Notably, this study aims to know the effectivity of Zea mays biopolymer film in

prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit in terms of physical condition and the number of days

it extends with Zea mays biopolymer film. Furthermore, the Zea mays biopolymer film was

produce from the extraction of starch in the Zea mays including the integration of 45ml of water,

7.5ml of acetic acid, and 5ml of glycerin. Subsequently, the mixture was boiled using the stove

for 3 minutes and was poured into a pan to obtain an even covering. The film was dried after

three (3) days at room temperature. Thereafter, it was coated to the Pyrus fruit and performed the
direct method to determine the accurate estimation of the time it takes for before the Pyrus fruit

to deteriorate. As a result, the Zea mays is an effective biopolymer film since contains high

amylose which can affect the functionality of the film and achieves good biopolymer film

quality. For this reason, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film reduces indications of

deterioration and was able to extend the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit. Hence, due to the overall

findings, Zea mays biopolymer film is effective in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit.

Keywords: Zea mays, Pyrus fruit, biopolymer film, shelf-life, prolong.


1.1 Background of the Study

Biodegradable polymers are produced from renewable sources and extracted from

biomass that are synthesized from bio-derived monomers and produced from microorganisms.

Biodegradable polymers can be easily degrade in the environment and also resemble the

properties of conventional polymers. Moreover, it provides a significant solution in addressing

the problems in shortage of fossil fuel, health hazards, and environmental issues as possessed by

plastics (Yadav et al., 2018).

Food spoilage is one of the every human beings concern that affects not only the

people but including the entire economy (Higuera, 2019). However, as stated by Fraser (2012),

food spoilage can be defined as a disagreeable change in a food's normal state. Such changes can

be detected by smell, taste, touch, or sight. These changes are due to a number of reasons

including air and oxygen, moisture, light, microbial growth, and temperature.
In compliance with [ CITATION MaX08 \l 13321 ], starch is viewed as one of the

most encouraging materials to use in biodegradable plastics. Similarly, Zea mays has been

known as one of the comestible that has a high starch content among any other vegetables. The

utility of films based on starch depends on the ratio of amylose to amylopectin. High amylose

content produces elastic films while high amylopectin starch leads to films exhibiting poor

mechanical properties. (Garcia et. al, 2017). In line with this, edible films can help to improve

the quality of food products in terms of protection whether physical, chemical and spoilage

(Shukla, P., Bhise, S., and Thind, S., 2019).

Pyrus is a fruit known as Pear that is rich in numerous nutrients along with

antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. It shelf-life depends on how a pear was picked and

stored. In addition, a normal skin of a pear ranges from color yellow to brown, green or red.

Apart from that, a pear placed on the counter would last for about 3-4 days, when it is cooled it

would last for about 5-12 days and a pear that is freshly cut would last for a day (Ware, M.,


Numerous studies have discussed the role of biopolymer film to the fruits and

vegetables and even in the environment. However, there has not been a lot of scrutiny regarding

Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf life specifically on Pyrus fruit. The utilization

of biopolymer film is an economical and manageable technique for extending the shelf life with

preserving quality of fruits and vegetable. Thus, this study addresses the growing concerns

regarding food spoilage and pollution possessed by plastic packages. The researchers aim to

provide knowledge and recognition to Zea mays as a biopolymer film.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The research paper aims to determine the effectiveness of the Zea mays

biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit. This study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. How does the Zea mays biopolymer film prolong the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit?

2. How effective is Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit in

terms of physical condition?

3. How long can the Zea mays biopolymer film prolong the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit?

1.3 Research Hypothesis

i. Null Hypothesis: Zea Mays biopolymer film is not effective in prolonging the

shelf life of a Pyrus fruit.

ii. Alternative Hypothesis: Zea Mays biopolymer film is effective in prolonging the

shelf life of a Pyrus fruit.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study sought to benefit the following by the end of this study:

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a reference to their future study. The results

and interpretation that was generated by the researchers can guide them to discover more data

that will help them to understand their study.

To the environment, this study will help the environment to restore and prevent damages

caused by the use of conventional polymers. Moreover, starch based polymers produces less
waste and the depletion of greenhouse gasses.

To the corporation of the same field, this study will provide ideas to the corporation about the

effectiveness of Zea mays biopolymer film to prolong the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit that can affect

the buying behavior of the customers. This study will help the corporation to understand the

different factors they need to consider and change.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation

The general intent of this study is to test the viability of utilizing Zea mays

biopolymer film in extending the life span mainly of Pyrus fruit. The researchers yearn to only

identify the effectiveness of Zea mays biopolymer films in terms of prolonging the life duration

specifically on Pyrus fruit. Moreover, the researchers will gather the primary data by the means

of experimentation and testing. Hence, this study will not cover other related topics of the

research paper.

1.6 Definition of Terms

Biopolymer - polymers made from natural resources. Usually biodegradable.

Conventional polymers -polymers made from plastic compounds.

Decant the water - gradually pours the substance to another container to separate the sediments.

Deteriorate - to make something inferior in quality.

Dilapidated - decayed or partially ruined.

Direct Method - real-time study to monitor the products evolution over time.
Firmness - quality of being solid.

Horticulture - activity that involves garden cultivation.

Prolong - to lengthen/extend in time.

Pyriform - pear-shaped.

Pyrus Fruit - scientific name of Pear.

Shelf-life - length of time a product can be stored and remain acceptable for use.

Solubility - the amount of substance that will dissolve in a solvent.

Zea Mays - scientific name for corn.


This section incorporated reviews of literature and studies with regards to the use

of natural polymer in maintaining the quality of the fruit. Hence, this literature review will cover

reviews mostly concerning with biopolymer film and other related topics that will support the

study. Villalobos, Ortiz-Sánchez, Jovar-Sánchez & Huiconchea (2016), concluded that, the

utilization of biopolymers were significant alternatives for unsustainable products because of its

biodegradability and its wide range application to be able to restore the damaged environment

caused by synthetic polymers.

2.1 Conceptual Literature

Public and Environmental Health Effects of Plastic Wastes Disposal: A Review

On the authority of Alabi, A. O., Ologbnjaye, K. I., Awosolu, O., and Alalade, O.

E. (2019), in the last 6 decades, about 6.3 billion of plastics have been produced worldwide, 9%

and 12% of which have been recycled and burned. The consistent demand of plastic products

leads to environmental pollution. Furthermore, varieties of plastics were used in the production

of multiple products medical devices, food packaging, and water bottles contains chemicals such

as phthalates, heavy metals, bisphenol A, brominated flame retardants, nonylphenol,

polychlorinated biphenyl ethers, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene, phenanthrene and such. The

improper disposal of plastic can also formed an issue on the marine life, human and

environment. In like manner, toxic chemicals found in plastic products may lead in health

hazards if exposed to heat and inhaled by the public. Plastics may appear to be harmless but the

effects of it may lead to multiple risk whether in health or environment. Realistic political action

should be done to help fight the environmental pollution. Policies about chemical classification

plastic products are suggested.

Biopolymer films: An Edible Eco-Friendly Alternative for Plastics

Biodegradable polymers are produced from renewable sources and extracted from

biomass that are synthesized from bio-derived monomers and produced from microorganisms.

Biodegradable polymers can also resemble the properties of conventional polymers (Yadav et al.,

2018). As explained by Gwynedd (2003), starch is a naturally biodegradable polymer that is

widely used in food and non-food applications from crops such as maize, potatoes, tapioca, rice

and wheat.
Nevertheless, the utilization of biofilm is an economical and manageable

technique for extending the shelf life with preserving quality of fruits and vegetable (Yadav et

al., 2018). Moreover, edible films based on fruits and vegetables possesses health‐promoting

functionalities that may also be developed, such as probiotic or prebiotic films, increasing their

market appeal as a healthy food components with desirable sensory properties (Espitia et al.,


Biopolymer Packaging Materials for Food Shelf-Life Prolongation

The utilization of biopolymer packaging materials exhibit an attractive and eco-

friendly alternative to petroleum-based polymers due to the availability, low cost, and renewable

raw materials and agro-industrial waste (biomass) usage while maintaining the product quality.

Polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids are the primarily components used for biopolymer

production. Additionally, for the biopolymer material properties to enhance, it can be laminated

or formed as composites and can be edible or active with strong antioxidant and antimicrobial


Various studies have been conducted with the objective of expanding successful

implementation of biopolymer packaging with a radius of food products. Furthermore, it is

significant to distinguish the properties of biopolymer packaging materials prior to application

and to manufacture bio-based materials. The text intends to analyze and evaluate the potential of

biopolymer packaging material application for packing dairy, meat, fruits, and vegetable

products (Popovic, S. Z., Lazic, V. L., Hromis, N. V., Suput, D. Z., Bulut, S. N., 2018).
2.2 Related Studies

A Proposed Method of Test for Spoilage of Fruits and Vegetables

This article sought to provide all of the information and procedures needed for

testing the fruits and vegetables in determining the spoilage of the product progression during

storage. This kind of testing method was constructed to determine the effect of household

refrigeration storage on the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables. This article began with preparation

of the subjects prior in the said procedure. Additionally, data collection procedures used

throughout the experiments were analyzed and specified using a checklist for visually identifying

physical condition of “spoilage” and “freshness” are developed. Systematic procedures includes

the spoilage testing, plating process, freshness testing, molecular testing, water loss, photo

documentation, color changes, texture and data tabulation and summary. This approach provides

standard methods for sampling and pre-analytical preparation and reasonable collection of data

associated with organoleptic and microbial spoilage (Lineberry, K. R., Pate, M. & Brehm-

Stecher, B. F., 2012).

Edible Coating Technology for Extending Market Life of Horticultural Produce

Postharvest horticultural are commonly produce through eco-friendly treatments

in an emerging field. Edible coating is one of the promising treatments that extend the market

life of lively respiring for the postharvest horticultural. When the edible coating is applied on the

harvested horticultural commodities such as fruits, vegetables, edible products of flowers,

plantation and mushrooms, it extended the shelf life, marketability and postharvest quality.

Edible coating does not also leave any post application residues and thus makes the product

readily consumable. Additionally, it positively affects physical (moisture retention, glossiness,

appearance, firmness), physiological (respiration rate, ethylene evolution rate), and biochemical

attributes (cell wall degrading enzymes) attributes of horticultural commodities.

Similarly, recent advances had intelligently proposed the application of edible

coating on both solely and in combination with other postharvest treatments and natural

preservatives for retention of postharvest quality with the minimized postharvest loss. Hence,

this review sought to define detailed information on the mechanism, formulation and application

of edible coating technology on horticultural commodities (Prasad, K., Guarav, A. K., Preethi, &

Neha, P., 2018).

Edible Films and Coatings – Sources, Properties and Application

According to Suput, D. Z., Lazic, V. L., Popovic, S. Z., & Hromis, N. M., (2014),

the use of edible films and coatings as renewable packaging has became of a new trend in the

food industry. Functions of edible films and coatings are similar to the synthetic packaging.

Moreover, another benefit from this food packaging is their eco-friendly reputation because it is

produced from edible biopolymers, unlike the other packaging materials that are made from non-

renewable energy sources. Modification to the film-forming solutions can also be included in

order to give improvements in protection against microbial deterioration. The bio-edible films

have the potential to reduce traditional plastic packaging but to do so the product must perform

multiple necessary functions.

Food Spoilage: Microorganisms and their Prevention

In proportion to Rawat, S. (2015), food spoilage has been known as “any sensory

change" that includes tactile, visual, olfactory or flavor that is considered to be inappropriate to

the consumers and market. Spoilage may exist in any stages of the food specifically on physical
damage, natural enzymes, and microbial contaminations. Additionally, ripening weakens the cell

walls because of enzymes that caused the fruits to lessen its resistance to contaminations. In

India, the fruits and vegetables products are more likely to deterioration because their

geographical features. The most common pathogens causing deterioration in vegetables and

fruits are fungi such as Alternaria, Diplodia, Monilinia,Rhizopus, Pencillium, and such. Among

these bacteria, Ervinia, Pseudomonas, and such tends to generate large-scale damage.

Recent Advances on Edible Films Based on Fruits and Vegetables

Food packaging system have been widely used for its efficiency and effectiveness

related in containment, information, and marketing. One of its significant functions is to protect

the food from deteriorating agents, minimizing exposure to spoilage factors, avoiding losses of

desirable compounds and to prolong the shelf-life of the food. In line with this, the use of food‐

grade biomacromolecules in fruits and vegetables provides an edible packaging with suitable

physical‐mechanical properties as well as unique sensory and nutritional characteristics (Otoni,

C. G. et al., 2017).

Standard subjects for replacing conventional polymers should be both renewable

and biodegradable. Polysaccharides and polypeptides address those requirements and have good

film‐forming properties. Most of the proteins and carbohydrates are edible, and can be used as

source for edible films and coatings (Krochta, 2002).

The presence of edible films and coatings in fruit and vegetable purees makes

them more attractive to consumers due to the additional sensory and nutritional appeal.

Moreover, edible films based on fruits and vegetables possesses health‐promoting functionalities
that may also be developed, such as probiotic or prebiotic films, increasing their market appeal

as a healthy food components with desirable sensory properties (Espitia et al., 2016).

Zea mays as a Potential Material for Biopolymer Films

According to Gibson & Benson (2002), Maize (Zea mays L.; Poaceae family) is

an angiosperm, monocot plant of enormous modern-day economic importance as foodstuff and

alternative energy source. Additionally, as stated on the study made by Bernhardt, Ponce,

Basanta, Stortz, & Rojas (2019), Zea mays truly is a potential source of useful biopolymers.

Plastic packaging is vital nowadays. However, this packaging materials caused an

enormous environmental problem that has to be reduce and eliminated. In contrast, the possible

solution may depend on the use of biopolymers derived from polysaccharides. Furthermore, the

use of starch in biodegradable plastics is viewed as one of the most encouraging components

(Ma, Chang, Yu, & Stumborg, 2009). On the other hand, Zea mays had consistently been known

as one of only a handful couple of sustenances that are abundant in starch. Hence, the fact that it

also has the highest starch content among any other vegetables that can give up to 72 to 73

percent of the kernel weight.

The functionality of films based on starch depends on the ratio of amylose to

amylopectin. High amylose content produces elastic films whereas high amylopectin starch leads

to films exhibiting poor mechanical properties. Furthermore, chemical modifications of starch

including acetylation and oxidation may be used to improve edible films properties (Garcia et. al,

2.3 Synthesis

Packaging materials such as plastics are highly useful and effective in

manufacturing industries because of its performance and ease in production. However, the high

percentage of plastic consumption has created a serious problem in the environment because of

their resistance to biodegradation (Yadav et al., 2018). Edible films or coatings are known in

prolonging the lives of fruits and vegetables. There were also different starches that can be used

with different viscosity and some starches can have tensile strength and some have low tensile

(Amaral, et al., n.d). In addition, edible coatings prolong the life of fruits by providing a partial

barrier to moisture, oxygen, and carbon dioxide (Andrade, R. D., Skurtys, O., & Osorio, F. A.


There were different kinds of bacteria in fruits and vegetables that caused it to

spoil. However, there were some ways in order to prolong the shelf-life of the fruit including the

usage of biodegradable polymers produced from renewable sources. This kind of polymers can

able to protect the product against microbial deterioration, maintains the product quality, has

antioxidant properties and even perform multiple functions similar to conventional polymers.

Edible coating helps the horticultural products to extend its shelf-life after being harvested. It

affects the fruits in terms of its physical, physiological, biochemical properties. Additionally,

carbohydrates and proteins helps the film to form a good quality, adds sensory and nutritional

appeal to the consumers and has health-promoting functionalities.

The utilization of biopolymer packaging materials exhibit an attractive and eco-

friendly alternative to conventional polymers for it is produced from renewable raw materials

and maintains the product quality. Furthermore, many studies have discuss the role, advantages,

development, application of biopolymer film to the fruits and vegetables and even in the
environment. However, there has not been a lot of recognition on how does Zea mays

biopolymer film prolong the shelf-life specifically on Pyrus fruit. Nevertheless, the researcher

aims to address concerns regarding environmental impact of plastic production, fruit spoilage,

fruit quality including its structure, moisture and nutrients.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

Prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit by the

utilization of Zea mays biopolyer film

Zea mays
Biopolymer film
Coating Method Direct Method

Extends the Maintains Minimizing Forms

duration of the Pyrus exposure to edible
shelf-life of fruit’s spoilage composite
the Pyrus quality factor films

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

The figure 1: conceptual framework involves prolonging the shelf-life of the

Pyrus fruit by the utilization of Zea mays biopolymer film. This study sought to extends the

duration of shelf life of the Pyrus fruit, forms edible composite films, minimize the exposure to

spoilage factors, and maintains the Pyrus fruit quality. Likewise, to be able to conduct the study

the researchers will perform the: Zea mays biopolymer making, coating method, and direct

method. Withal, Zea mays-based biopolymer film has a greater potential as an alternative to

conventional polymer.

Hence, the figure shows how the researchers will present and interpret the data

wherein the researchers will address the statement of the problem and establish stronger evidence

that will support the study.


3.1. Research Design

The researchers used a quasi-experimental research design to determine the

effectivity of Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit. This research

design involves the manipulation of independent variable wherein the Zea mays biopolymer film

and the dependent variable in which the Pyrus fruit to determine the effectivity of  Zea mays

biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit. Also, the researchers take control on

how does the Zea mays biopolymer film was used in the study by determining its attribution to

the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit. Moreover, Scales and Direct method were also used throughout

the experiment to determine the data associated in the study. The data gathered from the

experiment was analyzed using statistics.

3.2 Context and Participant

This study mainly focuses on prolonging the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit with the use

of Zea mays biopolymer film. Additionally, the researchers used a purposive sampling wherein

the participants were selected based on predetermined criteria related to the topic. Hence, the

participant of the study includes a maximum of two (2) Pyrus fruit that was purchased at any

supermarket offering the product. In structure, the post-harvest Pyrus fruit possess a bell or

“pyriform” shape that is around 5-6 inches long, and weighs about 200g. Moreover, the shelf of

the Pyrus fruit was very thin and can be seen as green, red-orange or yellow-orange in color. 

The researchers collected the data on how long does the Pyrus fruit prolong its

shelf-life before deterioration by using scales and direct method. This method involves observing

the Pyrus fruit under intervals of time until it reaches the deterioration state. The researchers

conducted this experiment at one of the available place from the member of the group in the

month of August, 2019.  

3.3 Research Instruments

Direct Method was used in determining the changes within the shelf life of the

Pyrus fruit wherein it conducts a real-time investigation or observation that comprises of storing

away the Pyrus fruit, with and without the Zea mays biopolymer film under the same conditions

of temperature to monitor the progress or changes within the fruit in regular intervals of time.

The advantages of Direct Method was it makes an exact estimation of time it takes before the

Pyrus fruit to deteriorate and shows the changes among the physical condition of the Pyrus fruit

including the odor, color, texture, firmness, and bruised spot. Similarly, the researchers provided

a scale wherein number 1 indicates minimal changes while number 5 indicates abundant
changes. Withal, this scale was mainly for every category of physical condition including the

odor, color, texture, firmness, and bruised spot that was used to categorize variables to determine

its appropriateness in a certain criteria. Every fixed number in the scale corresponds to the

description stated in the table. Thus, the said instrument provides a reliable source of data for the

outcome of the study. The following table was the scale used to categorize each physical


Scale Description Odor of Pyrus fruit

1 Null No odor
2 Minor Very faint
3 Moderate Faint
4 Great Strong
5 Immense Very stong

Table 1: Odor of the Pyrus Fruit

Based on the table 1: Odor of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as

no odor, scale number 2 or minor was defined as very faint, scale number 3 or moderate was

defined as faint, scale number 4 or great was defined as strong, and scale number 5 or immense

was defined as very strong.

Scale Description Color of the Pyrus fruit

1 Null Light yellow
2 Minor Yellow
3 Moderate Light brown
4 Great Brown
5 Immense Black

Table 2: Color of the Pyrus Fruit

Corresponding to the table 2: Color of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was

defined as light yellow, scale number 2 or minor was defined as yellow, scale number 3 or
moderate was defined as light brown, scale number 4 or great was defined as brown, and scale

number 5 or immense was defined as black.

Scale Description Texture of the Pyrus fruit

1 Null Very smooth
2 Minor Smooth
3 Moderate Sticky
4 Great Gritty
5 Immense Rough

Table 3: Texture of the Pyrus Fruit

As stated in the table 3: Texture of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined

as very smooth, scale number 2 or minor was defined as smooth, scale number 3 or moderate

was defined as sticky, scale number 4 or great was defined as gritty, and scale number 5 or

immense was defined as rough.

Scale Description Firmness of the Pyrus fruit

1 Null Very firm
2 Minor Lightly firm
3 Moderate Medium
4 Great Lightly soft
5 Immense Very soft

Table 4: Firmness of the Pyrus Fruit

In relation to the table 4: Firmness of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was

defined as very firm, scale number 2 or minor was defined as lightly firm, scale number 3 or

moderate was defined as medium, scale number 4 or great was defined as lightly soft, and scale

number 5 or immense was defined as very soft.

Scale Description Bruised spots of the Pyrus

Few bruised spots, rarely
1 Null noticeable
Little bruised spots on some
2 Minor parts
3 Moderate Light bruised spots
4 Great Large bruised spots
Large bruised spots, already
5 Immense rotten

Table 5: Bruised Spot of the Pyrus Fruit

According to the table 5: Bruised spot of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was

defined as few bruised spots, rarely noticeable, scale number 2 or minor was defined as little

bruised spots on some parts, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as light bruised spots, scale

number 4 or great was defined as large bruised spots, and scale number 5 or immense was

defined as large bruised spots, already rotten.

Effectiveness of Zea mays biopolymer film

Scale Description in prolonging the shelf-life of Pyrus fruit
Does not prolong the shelf-life of the Pyrus
1 Null fruit.
2 Minimal Generally not notice, but recorded.
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
3 Minor a very short period of time (1 hr. – 4 hrs.).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
4 Light a short period of time (5 hrs – 9 hrs ).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
5 Moderate an average period of time (10 hrs. – 15 hrs.).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
6 Strong an average period of time (16 hrs. – 19 hrs.).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
7 Major an average period of time (20 hrs. – 23hrs.).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
8 Great an average period of time (1 day – 2 days).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
9 Tremendous a long period of time (3 days – 4 days).
Prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on
10 Immense a very long period of time (5 days – 6 days).

Table 6. Effectiveness Scale of Zea mays Biopolymer Film in Prolonging the Shelf-life of

Pyrus Fruit

Based on the table 6: Effectiveness Scale of Zea mays Biopolymer Film in

Prolonging the Shelf-life of Pyrus Fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as does not prolong

the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit, scale number 2 or minimal was defined as generally not notice,

but recorded, scale number 3 or minor was defined as prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on

a very short period of time (1 hr. – 4 hrs.), scale number 4 or light was defined as prolongs the

shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on a short period of time (5 hrs – 9 hrs ), scale number 5 or moderate

was defined as prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on an average period of time (10 hrs. –

15 hrs.), scale number 6 or strong was defined as prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on an

average period of time (16 hrs. – 19 hrs.), scale number 7 or major was defined as prolongs the

shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on an average period of time (20 hrs. – 23hrs.), scale number 8 or

great was defined as prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on an average period of time (1 day

– 2 days), scale number 9 or tremendous was defined as prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit

on a long period of time (3 days – 4 days) and scale number 10 or immense was defined as

prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit on a very long period of time (5 days – 6 days).
3.4 Data-gathering Procedure

The researchers will produce Zea mays biopolymer film by conducting the

following methods:

In making the biopolymer film, the researchers obtained 280g of Zea mays grain

with 280ml of distilled water to the blender grinding the Zea mays grains. 


Picture A shows the Zea mays grains was being weighted by 280g using a weighing

scale while, Picture B shows the 280ml of distilled water.


Picture A presents the 280g of Zea mays grains that was being placed into the

blender while, Picture D presents the 280ml of Distilled water that was poured into the blender
along with the grains.

Picture E shows the Zea mays grains was grinded.

Figure 2: Grinding the Zea mays grains

Afterwards, the researchers poured the liquid off through the strainer into the

container, leaving the Zea mays behind the strainer and repeated the same procedure twice.


Picture A presents the liquid obtained from the grinded Zea mays grains that was

strained through a strainer leaving the solid grains behind while, Picture B presents the same

process and was repeated twice.

Figure 3: Straining the Zea mays grains

Moreover, to get the final starch the researchers leave the mixture to settle the

starch down at the bottom then decanted the water. 


Picture A shows that the researchers waited for the starch to set at the bottom

before decanting the water while, picture B shows the water that was then drained.

Picture C presents the obtained starch from the Zea mays grains.

Figure 4: Extracting the Final Starch from the Zea mays grains

After extracting the starch, the researchers poured a tablespoon of Zea mays

starch, 45ml of water, 7.5ml of acetic acid, and 5ml of glycerin into the cup.

Picture A shows the tablespoon of Zea mays starch obtained from the grains that

was placed in a cup while, Picture B shows the 45 ml of water that was then poured into the cup

along with the starch.


Picture C presents the 7.5 ml of acetic acid that was poured into the cup while,

Picture D presents the 5 ml of glycerin that was then placed into the cup.

Figure 5: Mixing the ingredients for the Biopolymer film

Subsequently, the researchers boiled the mixture using the stove for 3 minutes.

The mixture was poured onto a pan to obtain an even covering. 


Picture A shows the mixture that was being boiled using a stove for exactly 3

minutes while, Picture B shows that the mixture was then poured into a pan inorder to obtain an

even covering.

Figure 6: Boiling and Drying of the Biopolymer film

This approach takes one (1) to three (3) days at room temperature before the Zea

mays biopolymer film to dry. In addition, the researchers used Coating Method in applying the

film where the Pyrus fruit was covered by Zea mays biopolymer film that provides surface

coating, quality and shelf-life prolongment to the Pyrus fruit.

Picture A presents that the Pyrus fruit was being covered by Zea mays biopolymer

film that provide surface coating.

Figure 7: The Pyrus fruit with the Biopolymer film

The researchers also employed Direct Method in testing to come up with an

accurate estimation of the time it takes before the Pyrus fruit to deteriorate by monitoring the

changes within the fruit over time. This type of method was conducted in a real-time

investigation or observation for the Pyrus fruit, with and without the Zea mays biopolymer film

under the same conditions of temperature to monitor the progress or changes among the physical

condition including: odor, color, texture, firmness, and bruised spot. Hence, the results were

interpreted using a Scale wherein it was used to categorize variables to determine its

appropriateness in a certain criteria and to identify the description that the variable satisfies.

Similarly, number 1 in the scale indicates minimal changes while number 5 indicates abundant

changes. Withal, this scale was mainly for every category of physical condition including the

odor, color, texture, firmness, and bruised spot. The following were the description for every

category among the physical condition:

Odor of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as no odor, scale number

2 or minor was defined as very faint, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as faint, scale

number 4 or great was defined as strong, and scale number 5 or immense was defined as very


Color of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as light yellow, scale

number 2 or minor was defined as yellow, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as light

brown, scale number 4 or great was defined as brown, and scale number 5 or immense was

defined as black.
Texture of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as very smooth, scale

number 2 or minor was defined as smooth, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as sticky,

scale number 4 or great was defined as gritty, and scale number 5 or immense was defined as


Firmness of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as very firm, scale

number 2 or minor was defined as lightly firm, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as

medium, scale number 4 or great was defined as lightly soft, and scale number 5 or immense was

defined as very soft.

Bruised spot of Pyrus fruit, scale number 1 or null was defined as few bruised

spots, rarely noticeable, scale number 2 or minor was defined as little bruised spots on some

parts, scale number 3 or moderate was defined as light bruised spots, scale number 4 or great was

defined as large bruised spots, and scale number 5 or immense was defined as large bruised

spots, already rotten.

     3.5 Data Analysis

The Unequal Variance (Welch) T-test was used to determine whether the Zea

mays biopolymer film was effective or not in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit. This

kind of statistical treatment determines the appropriateness of comparison of means wherein, it

specifies whether there was a statistically significant difference between the means in two

unrelated groups. Similarly, it helps to ascertain if the null hypothesis wherein the Zea Mays film

is not an effective biopolymer in prolonging the shelf-life of a Pyrus fruit will be rejected or

accept the alternative hypothesis comprising the Zea Mays film is an effective biopolymer in
prolonging the shelf life of a Pyrus fruit. Furthermore, this data analysis helps the researchers to

evaluate and establish data in order to address the research problems and research objectives.


This chapter incorporates presentation of findings and data analysis regarding Zea

mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit.

4.1 Presentation

odor of the pyrus fruit

w/ Biopolymer film w/o Biopolymer film




D ay 1 D ay 2 Day 3 D ay 4 D ay 5 D ay 6 Day 7 D ay 8 Day 9 D ay 1 0 D ay 1 1 D ay 1 2

Figure 7. Odor of the Pyrus fruit

This table shows that, the Pyrus fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film had

already a faint odor on the 6 th day to 12th day of its observation. While, the Pyrus fruit with the

Zea mays biopolymer film remained the odor of the fruit until the 7th day of its observation then,

became faint until the last day of its observation.

Color of the Pyrus fruit

w/ biopolymer film w/o biopolymer film




D ay 1 Day 2 D ay 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 D ay 8 D ay 9 D ay 1 0 D ay 1 1 D ay 1 2

Figure 8. Color of the Pyrus fruit

This table shows that, the Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film remained

light yellow until the last day of its observation. While, the Pyrus fruit without Zea mays

biopolymer film becomes yellow on the 5th day to 9th day of its observation then, light brown

until the last day of its observation.

texture of pyrus fruit
w/ biopolymer film w/o biopolymer film




Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 1 0 Day 1 1 Day 1 2

Figure 9. Texture of the Pyrus fruit

This table shows that, the texture of the Pyrus fruit with the Zea mays biopolymer

film remained very smooth until the 10th day of its observation. While, the Pyrus fruit without

Zea mays biopolymer film becomes sticky on its 11th to 12th day of its observation.

fi rmness of the pyrus fruit

w/ biopolymer film w/o biopolymer film




D ay 1 D ay 2 D ay 3 D ay 4 D ay 5 D ay 6 D ay 7 D ay 8 Day 9 Day 1 0 Day 1 1 Day 1 2

Figure 10. Firmness of the Pyrus fruit

This table shows that, the Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film remained

very firm until the 9th day of kits observation compared to the Pyrus fruit without Zea mays

biopolymer film that only lasted very firm until the 7th day of its observation.

spots of pyrus fruit

w/ biopolymer film w/o biopolymer film

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 D ay 6 D ay 7 D ay 8 D ay 9 D ay 1 0 D ay 1 1 D ay 1 2

Figure 11. Bruised spots of the Pyrus fruit

This table shows that, the Pyrus fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film was able

to preserve the little bruised spots from worsening until the 7 th day of its observation. While, the

Pyrus fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film constantly changed from having a few bruised

spots to large bruised spots that was a sign of spoilage.


0 w/ biopolymer film Column1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 12. Effectiveness of Zea mays biopolymer film in Prolonging the shelf-life of the

Pyrus Fruit

Based on the table shown above, the Pyrus fruit with the Zea mays biopolymer

film started from null (1) on the day 1 to day 3 to light (4) on the 5 th day then moderate (5) on the

6th day of its observation. In the 7th day to 8th day it shows a scale of 6 or strong afterwards, the

scale of 7 or major on the 9th day to 10th day then becomes great (8) from 11th day to 12th day of

its observation. However, the Pyrus fruit without the Zea mays biopolymer film was passively

changing over time that has a scale of 1 or null.

4.2 Analysis

Corresponding to the results, the color of the Pyrus fruit without Zea mays

biopolymer change from light yellow to light brown that indicates that it shows a sign of

deterioration while, the Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was able to preserve on an
average period of time. In terms of texture, Pyrus fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film

becomes sticky unlike in Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film that has a smooth texture,

this indicates that it is close from being rotten. In terms of firmness, Pyrus fruit without Zea

mays biopolymer film becomes lightly soft unlike in Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film

that is lightly firm. This approach indicates that Zea mays biopolymer film was able to preserve

its original form since the day it was bought. In terms of bruised spot, Pyrus fruit without Zea

mays biopolymer film possessed large bruised that was classified as already rotten unlike in

Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film that has large bruised spot but not totally rotten.

Thus, bruised spots changes were also noticeable, since the day it was bought there were already

existing bruised spots, but these spots were prevented from worsening by putting the biopolymer


Furthermore, the researchers used Unequal Variance (Welch) T-test in able to

determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of two unrelated groups.

The researchers used Microsoft Excel that helps in determining other statistical data as well as p-

value in which it is essential in order to identify whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis.

The data from the categories of odor, color, texture, firmness and bruised spots, with and without

the Zea mays biopolymer film were inserted in the Microsoft Excel. Likewise, two groups were

separately identified particularly the Pyrus fruit with the Zea mays biopoymer film and Pyrus

fruit without the Zea mays biopolymer film.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means

Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 2.416666667 0 -0.75 0.514929 0.4363469
biopolymer 2.583333333 0 -0.75 0.514929 0.4363469

Table 8: Odor of the Pyrus Fruit

In terms of odor, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in

prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05).

Nevertheless, reject null hypothesis.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means

Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 1 0 -4.01 0 0.002070153
biopolymer 1.916666667 0 -4.01 0.792961461 0.002070153

Table 9: Color of the Pyrus Fruit

In terms of color, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in

prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05).

Nevertheless, reject null hypothesis.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means

Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 1.166666667 0 -2.37 0.389249 0.029975923
biopolymer 1.75 0 -2.37 0.753778 0.029975923

Table 10: Texture of the Pyrus Fruit

In terms of texture, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in

prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05).

Nevertheless, reject null hypothesis.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means
Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 1.25 0 -2.63 0.452267 0.018565497
biopolymer 2.166666667 0 -2.63 1.114641 0.018565497

Table 11: Firmness of the Pyrus Fruit

In terms of firmness, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in

prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05).

Nevertheless, reject null hypothesis.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means

Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 2.416666667 0 -3.14 0.514929 0.00660065
biopolymer 3.5 0 -3.14 1.087115 0.00660065

Table 12: Bruised Spots of the Pyrus Fruit

In terms of bruised spot, Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective

in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05).

Nevertheless, reject null hypothesis.

Independent sample test

t-test for equality of means

Mean Mean t-value Standard two-tailed
Difference deviation (p-value)
biopolymer 4.666667 0 4.49 2.774341 0.000793
biopolymer 1 0 4.49 0 0.000793

Table 13: Effectiveness of Zea mays Biopolymer Film in Prolonging the Shelf-life of the
Pyrus Fruit

In terms of effectiveness of Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life

of the Pyrus fruit, the Pyrus fruit with Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in prolonging the

shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit since the p-value was less than the alpha (0.05). Nevertheless, reject

null hypothesis.

In totality, reject the null hypothesis which means Zea mays biopolymer film is

effective in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit.

4.3 Interpretation

As reflected to the results that have been gathered, the following were the

statement of the problem that was made to be interpreted after the experiment; (a) how does the

Zea mays biopolymer film prolong the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit? (b) how effective is Zea

mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit in terms of physical

condition? (c) how long can the Zea mays biopolymer film prolong the shelf-life of the Pyrus

fruit? Furthermore, it was shown that Zea mays biopolymer film was effective in prolonging the

shelf-life of Pyrus fruit since it established changes within the physical condition unlike in Pyrus
fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film. This finding was significantly related in the study of

Prasad, K., Guarav, A. K., Preethi, & Neha, P., (2018), biopolymer film has positively affects the

physical (moisture retention, glossiness, appearance, firmness), physiological (respiration rate,

ethylene evolution rate), and biochemical attributes (cell wall degrading enzymes) of

horticultural commodities. In line with this, the changes or damages in physical condition of a

fruit can be possibly classified as a food spoilage. It was then mentioned in the study of Rawat,

S. (2015), food spoilage is “any sensory change" that includes tactile, visual, olfactory or flavor

due to the inability of the cell wall that caused the fruits to lessen its resistance to


The application of Zea mays biopolymer film reduces the microbial factor that can

affects the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit. This finding also validates the findings of Otoni, C. G. et

al., (2017), edible coatings provides a significant function that is to protect the food from

deteriorating agents, minimizing exposure to spoilage factors, avoiding losses of desirable

compounds and to prolong the shelf-life of the food. Similarly, when the coating is applied on

the harvested horticultural commodities such as fruits and vegetables, it extended the shelf-life,

marketability and minimized postharvest loss. Nevertheless, this finding could be attributed to

the fact that it extends the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit, forms edible composite films, minimize

the exposure to spoilage factors, and maintains the Pyrus fruit quality.


This chapter incorporates summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations

regarding the utilization of Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus

5.1 Conclusion

This study was conducted for the sole purpose of testing the effectiveness of using

Zea mays biopolymer film in prolonging the shelf life of the Pyrus fruit. Quasi-experimental

research design was used and Direct method was also utilized as the instrument for collecting

data. The Pyrus fruit served as the participant which was selected through purposive sampling.

The experiment was directed from August 27, 2019 to September 12, 2019.

In dependence upon the data from the previous chapter, the following findings of

the study are as follows:

Zea mays is an effective source of biopolymer film because the usage of starch in

biodegradable polymers is viewed as one of the most encouraging components. Additionally, it

has the highest starch content among any other vegetable and it also contains high amylose that

helps in producing an elastic film and affects the functionality and quality of the film.

Furthermore, the chemical modifications of starch in Zea mays including acetylation and

oxidation are one of the components that enhance the film. Hence, Zea mays biopolymer film

prolongs the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit by providing a partial barrier to moisture, oxygen, and

carbon dioxide. It also provides resistance from any contaminations and even protection from

any microbial factors.

In relation to the data gathered during experimentation, Zea mays biopolymer film

shows to be effective in prolonging the shelf-life of the Pyrus fruit because it provides barrier

from the exposure to any deteriorating factors that maintain the physical condition of the Pyrus

fruit including the odor of the Pyrus fruit that shows a faint odor because of the scent of the Zea

mays biopolymer film. Withal, other physical appearance such as the color, texture, firmness and
bruised spot maintained unlike with Pyrus fruit without Zea mays biopolymer film since, the film

attributes to the physical, physiological, and biochemical condition of the fruit. Thus, it avoids

further losses of desirable components in able to maintain the quality of the product.

Furthermore, the Zea mays biopolymer film was able to lengthen the shelf-life of

the Pyrus fruit for an average period of time, extending the shelf-life for 2 days compared to the

Pyrus fruit without biopolymer film that becomes completely rotten after 10 days.

Generally, based on the concluded data it indicates that the utilization of Zea

mays biopolymer film is effective in prolonging the shelf life of the Pyrus fruit. Nevertheless,

reject null hypothesis.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, here are the several recommendations to be


1. The researchers recommend that the process of experimentation shall be done a month or

more to establish a much accurate results or observation and to have an additional time in

case of unexpected events.

2. The researchers recommends to be careful in doing the experimentation for there might

be some reaction from the subjects that are not stated in the procedures including the

odor, formation of the product and such.

3. The researchers recommend to perform a deeper investigation regarding other properties

of Zea mays biopolymer film that prolong the shelf-life of a fruit or vegetable.
4. Future researchers shall perform the experiment repeatedly to achieve the desired


5. Future researchers are recommended to undergo further examinations in able to discover

other related data that are not fulfilled by the researchers.

6. This type study shall be performed in a fine laboratory with a good and complete

laboratory apparatus instead of conducting at home.

7. Stores may use Zea mays biopolymer film as an alternative to plastic container in able to

prevent immediate spoilage of the fruits.

8. Consumers should be encouraged to purchase a product with a Zea mays biopolymer film

instead of plastic container.


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Gant Chart

Group # 3
STEM - 1803

 Aguilar, Kristianne V.


 Cruz, Anna Dominique S.

 Delos Angeles, Maria Alexandria E.

 Gabuyo, Feyanne Louise Y.

 Maxilom, Alyanna Denise O.

 Misajon, Rhenzo T.

Using Zea Mays Biopolymer Film to

Prolong the Shelf-Life of Pyrus Fruit



08/22/2019 PERMITS

08/27/2019 – 09/12/2019 EXPERIMENTATION

08/27/2019  Extraction of Zea mays
 Making of biopolymer
08/31/2019 – 09/12 2019  Coating method
 Direct method

09/14/2019 CONCLUSION



09/15/2019 ABSTRACT

09/15/2019 REFERENCES

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