Com Template LandingPage TipsforUse 201309

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ID Element Implementation Tips
1 Registrar Logo Area to place your company’s logo.
2 TLD Promotion Box Update the text to reflect the current TLD price promotion.
3 Top Offer Box Replace this area with your own offer graphic or update the text to
reflect an additional promotion.

Specs to replace the graphic: The offer graphic size is 380 pixels x 121

Specs to update the text: There is space for roughly 35-45 characters,
depending on font type and size. The typeface used in this template
is Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ.
4 TLD Success Story We have filmed several success stories for you to use in your
Videos marketing materials and have provided a space on this landing page
to also incorporate them. There is space for up to three video success

When using just one video success story, we recommend that the
video thumbnail be left justified with the copy wrapping around the

Success story thumbnails and their corresponding video file formats

can be found on the 2014 Verisign Marketing Creative Assets thumb
drive or the Verisign Customer Center.
5 Additional Offer Boxes Replace this area with your own offer graphic or update the text to
reflect an additional promotion.

Specs to replace the graphic: These offer graphics boxes are 300
pixels x 323 pixels each.

Specs to update the text: There is space for roughly a 20-25 character
headline and 70-80 character body copy, depending on font type and
size. The typeface used in this template is Akzidenz-Grotesk BQ.

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