HM8123 Service Manual

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3 GHz

Programmable Counter

General information regarding the CE marking

General information regarding the CE marking

HAMEG instruments fulfill the regulations of the EMC directive. The

conformity test made by HAMEG is based on the actual generic- and
product standards. In cases where different limit values are applicable,
HAMEG applies the severer standard. For emission the limits for
KONFORMITÄTSERKLÄRUNG residential, commercial and light industry are applied. Regarding the
DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY immunity (susceptibility) the limits for industrial environment have
The measuring- and data lines of the instrument have much influence
Hersteller / Manufacturer / Fabricant / Fabricante: on emmission and immunity and therefore on meeting the acceptance
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestraße 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen limits. For different applications the lines and/or cables used may
Die HAMEG Instruments GmbH bescheinigt die Konformität für das Produkt be different. For measurement operation the following hints and
The HAMEG Instruments GmbH herewith declares conformity of the product conditions regarding emission and immunity should be observed:
HAMEG Instruments GmbH déclare la conformite du produit
HAMEG Instruments GmbH certifica la conformidad para el producto
1. Data cables
Bezeichnung: Universal-Zähler
For the connection between instruments resp. their interfaces and
Product name: Programmable Counter
Designation: Compteur universel external devices, (computer, printer etc.) sufficiently screened cables
Descripción: Contador universal must be used. Without a special instruction in the manual for a reduced
Typ / Type / Type / Tipo: HM8123 cable length, the maximum cable length of a dataline must be less than
3 meters and not be used outside buildings. If an interface has several
mit / with / avec / con: –
connectors only one connector must have a connection to a cable.
Optionen / Options / Basically interconnections must have a double screening. For IEEE-bus
Options / Opciónes: – purposes the double screened cables HZ72S and HZ72L from HAMEG
mit den folgenden Bestimmungen / with applicable regulations / are suitable.
avec les directives suivantes / con las siguientes directivas:

EMV Richtlinie 89/336/EWG ergänzt durch 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EWG 2. Signal cables

EMC Directive 89/336/EEC amended by 91/263/EWG, 92/31/EEC Basically test leads for signal interconnection between test point and
Directive EMC 89/336/CEE amendée par 91/263/EWG, 92/31/CEE
instrument should be as short as possible. Without instruction in the
Directiva EMC 89/336/CEE enmendada por 91/263/CEE, 92/31/CEE
manual for a shorter length, signal lines must be less than 3 meters
Niederspannungsrichtlinie 73/23/EWG ergänzt durch 93/68/EWG and not be used outside buildings.
Low-Voltage Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC
Directive des equipements basse tension 73/23/CEE amendée par 93/68/CEE Signal lines must screened (coaxial cable - RG58/U). A proper ground
Directiva de equipos de baja tensión 73/23/CEE enmendada por 93/68/EWG connection is required. In combination with signal generators double
Angewendete harmonisierte Normen / Harmonized standards applied /
screened cables (RG223/U, RG214/U) must be used.
Normes harmonisées utilisées / Normas armonizadas utilizadas:
3. Influence on measuring instruments.
Sicherheit / Safety / Sécurité / Seguridad: Under the presence of strong high frequency electric or magnetic fields,
even with careful setup of the measuring equipment an influence of
EN 61010-1: 1993 / IEC (CEI) 1010-1: 1990 A 1: 1992 / VDE 0411: 1994
Überspannungskategorie / Overvoltage category / Catégorie de surtension / such signals is unavoidable.
Categoría de sobretensión: II This will not cause damage or put the instrument out of operation. Small
Verschmutzungsgrad / Degree of pollution / Degré de pollution / Nivel de
deviations of the measuring value (reading) exceeding the instruments
polución: 2 specifications may result from such conditions in individual cases.
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit / Electromagnetic compatibility /
Compatibilité électromagnétique / Compatibilidad electromagnética: HAMEG Instruments GmbH

EN 61326-1/A1: Störaussendung / Radiation / Emission: Tabelle / table /

tableau 4; Klasse / Class / Classe / classe B.

Störfestigkeit / Immunity / Imunitee / inmunidad:

Tabelle / table / tableau / tabla A1.

EN 61000-3-2/A14: Oberschwingungsströme / Harmonic current emissions

/ Émissions de courant harmonique / emisión de corrientes armónicas:
Klasse / Class / Classe / clase D.

EN 61000-3-3: Spannungsschwankungen u. Flicker / Voltage fluctuations

and flicker / Fluctuations de tension et du flicker / fluctuaciones de tensión
y flicker.

Datum / Date / Date / Fecha

19. 08. 2005
Unterschrift / Signature / Signatur / Signatura

G. Hübenett
Product Manager

2 Subject to change without notice


Declaration of Conformity 2

General information regarding the CE-marking 2

3 GHz Programmable Counter HM8123 4

Specifications 5

Control elements 6

Adjustment 8

Circuit and layout diagrams 9

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3 GHz Programmable Counter


Frequency range from 0 Hz to 3 GHz

HZ33, HZ34
Test cable BNC/BNC
400 MHz time base with 0.5 ppm stability

2 identical inputs, up to 200 MHz each

9-digit resolution at 1 sec. gate time

9 measurement functions, external gate and arming

HZ42 19“ Rackmount kit 2RU

Input for external time base (10 MHz)

Display modes: numeric, histograms or trend plots

OCXO optional

HZ20 Connector
BNC to 4 mm socket
RS-232 Interface
optional: USB, IEEE-488

4 Subject to change without notice

Accuracy: (resolution ± ext. gate time error x
3 GHz Programmable Counter HM8123 frequency A)/total
Pulse resolution: 10 ns 10 ns
Valid at 23 °C after a 30 minute warm-up period
Ext. gate error: - 100 ns

Time interval / Average time interval

Input characteristics (Input A and B)
(Input A = start; input B = stop)
Connection: BNC socket
LSD: 10 ns (10 ns to 1 ps in "average” mode)
Frequency range:
Resolution: 1 LSD (1 or 2 in "average” mode)
0 – 200 MHz (DC-coupled)
Accuracy: ± (resolution + trigger error 2) + system error) /
10 Hz – 200 MHz (1 MΩ, AC-coupled)
time interval ± time basis uncertainty
500 kHz – 200 MHz (50 Ω, AC-coupled)
(system error: ≤ 4 ns)
Input impedance: 1 MΩ II 30 pF or 50 Ω (switchable)
Number of average: N = 1-25 LSD = 10 ns
Attenuation: 1:1, 1:10, 1:100 (selectable)
N = 26-2500 LSD = 1 ns
Sensitivity: (normal triggering)
N = 2501-250000 LSD = 100 ps
0 to 80 MHz 25 mVrms (sine wave), 80 mVpp (pulse)
N = 250001 – 25000000 LSD = 10 ps
80 MHz to 200 MHz 65 mVrms (sine wave)
N = › 25000000 LSD = 1 ps
20 Hz to 80 MHz 50 mVrms (sine wave, auto trigger)
Trigger (programmable via encoder or software)
RPM measurement
Attenuation: Trigger level: Resolution:
NPR1) presetting: 1 – 65535 pulses per revolution
1:1 0 to ± 2 V 1 mV
Gate time: 330 ms fixed
1:10 0 to ± 20 V 10 mV
LSD: 7.5 x 10-8 revolution speed
1:100 0 to ± 200 V 100 mV
Resolution: 1 or 2 LSD
Max. input voltage:
Accuracy: ± (trigger error 2) / 0.33) ± time basis error
Input 1 MΩ: 250 V (DC + ACpeak) from 0 to 440 Hz
decreasing to 8 Vrms at 1 MHz
Input 50 Ω: 5 Vrms
Range: Covers the entire measurement range
Minimum pulse duration: ‹5 ns for single pulse
Resolution: Same resolution as in normal measurement.
Input noise: (typ.) 100 μV
If the gate time is changed in the offset mode, the offset resolution is
Auto trigger (AC coupling): trigger point: 50 % of peak-to-peak value
the reference value resolution or the current reading resolution
Trigger slope: positive or negative
(whichever is less precise).
Filter: 100 kHz low-pass filter (switchable)
Gate time
Input characteristics (Input C)
Range: 1 ms – 65 sec.
Connection: SMA socket
Resolution: 1 ms
Frequency range: 100 MHz - 3 GHz
External gate time: min. 20 μs
Input sensitivity: up to 1 GHz: 30 mVrms (typ. 20 mVrms)
1 GHz-3 GHz: 100 mVrms (typ. 80 mVrms)
Time base
Input impedance: 50 Ω nominal
Frequency: 400 MHz clock rate; 10 MHz crystal
Max. input voltage: 5 V (DC + ACpeak)
Stability: ± 5 x 10-7 between +10° C and +40° C
Ageing: ‹ 0.27 ppm per month, 0.05 ppm per day
Input characteristics
External Reference: 10 MHz ± 20 ppm
External Reset Reference Gate/Arming
Input impedance: 5 kΩ 500 Ω 5 kΩ
Max. input voltage: ± 30 V ± 20 V ± 30 V
Interface: RS-232 (serial), IEEE-488 (optional),
Input sensitivity: - typ. 2 Vpp -
USB (optional)
High level: ›2V - ›2V
Safety class: Safety Class I (EN61010-1)
Low level: ‹ 0.5 V - ‹ 0.5 V
Display: LCD display (83 x 21 mm)
Min. pulse duration: 200 ns - 50 ns
Power supply: 115/230 V ± 10 %, 45-60 Hz, 40 VA
Input frequency: - 10 MHz -
Operating temperature: +10° C to +40° C
Min. eff. gate time: - - 20 μs
Max. relative humidity: 10 %-90 % (without condensation),
5 %-95 % RH
Measurement functions
Dimensions (W x H x D): 285 x 75 x 365 mm
Frequency A/B/C; period duration A; width A; duty cycle A; totalize A;
Weight: approx. 4 kg
RPM A; frequency ratio A:B; time interval A:B; time interval A:B (average);
phase A to B; Duty cycle A; burst measurements 1)
NPR=number of pulses per revolution
Trigger error= ± noise input (Vpp) / slew rate of the input signal
Frequency measurement (Inputs A, B, C)
Frequency range: 0 to 200 MHz (3 GHz)
LSD: (1.25 x 10-8 s x frequency) / measurement time
Resolution: ± 1 or 2 LSD
Accuracy: ± (resolution / frequency ± time inaccuracy
± trigger error 2) / measurement time)

Period duration measurement

Accessories supplied: Operator’s Manual and power cable
Range: 10000 sec. to 5 ns
Optional accessories:
LSD: (1.25 x 10-8 s x period) / measurement time
HZ10S/R Silicone test lead
Resolution: 1 or 2 LSD
HZ42 19” Rackmount kit 2RU
Accuracy: ± resolution / period
HZ33/34 Test cable 50 Ω (BNC-BNC)
± (trigger error 2) B / measurement time)
HZ24 Attenuators 50 Ω
HZ20 Adapter plug
Totalization A
HO870 USB Interface
(manual control) (external control)
HO880 IEEE-488 interface
Range: 0 – 200 MHz 0 – 200 MHz
HO85 OCXO (Installation only ex factory)
Min. pulse duration: 10 ns 10 ns
LSD: 1 count ± 1 count
Resolution: LSD LSD

w w w. h a m e g . co m
HM8123E/151007/ce · Subject to alterations · © HAMEG Instruments GmbH · ® Registered Trademark · DQS-certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, Reg.-No.: DE-071040 QM
HAMEG Instruments GmbH · Industriestr. 6 · D-63533 Mainhausen · Tel +49 (0) 6182 800 0 · Fax +49 (0) 6182 800 100 · ·
A Rohde & Schwarz Company
Subject to change without notice 5
Controls and display

DC (pushbutton)
Controls and display Selects the coupling of the corresponding channel.
Button DC lit = DC coupling
Button DC dark = AC coupling
Frontpanel controls
Slope (pushbutton)
POWER (pushbutton) This pushbutton selects the trigger slope. A lighted push-
Power switch, mains input connector on rear panel button indicates triggering on the negative slope, an unligh-
ted pushbutton indicates triggering on the positive slope.
The GATE LED will be on for the duration of the gate time 50 (pushbutton)
and synchronisation time, i.e. for the duration of one com- This pushbutton connects an internal 50 resistor to the
plete measurement. input in order to allow operation in 50 systems.

REMOTE (LED and pushbutton) LP 50 kHz (pushbutton)

The REMOTE LED will be on if the instrument is under This pusbuttons inserts a low pass filter in order to sup-
control via the interface. By pushing the REMOTE button press hf signals from interfering with triggering from low
operation will be returned to manual. frequency signals.

Display (LCD) TRIG (LED)

Display of measurement results and additional information Indicate triggered operation

ESC (pushbutton) INPUT A, INPUT B (BNC connectors)

Escape pushbutton (menu) Input connectors for measuring signals DC to
200 MHz
ENTER (pushbutton)
Enter pushbutton (menu) AUTO TRIG (pushbutton)
Selects automatic triggering operation indicated by the
SELECT (pushbutton) pushbutton lighting up.
Selects a menu or part thereof.
INPUT C (SMA connector)
pushbuttons Input for measuring signals 100 MHz to 2.6 GHz
These arrow pushbuttons are used to control the menu and
the parameters. RESET / V (pushbutton)
Button with two functions:
Rotating knob 1st Pressing this button will stop any measurement, erase
Knob for entering parameters the display and start a new measurement.
2nd Setting the trigger level with the numerical keys , the
GATE TIME (pushbutton) entered value will be accepted with the unit Volts (V).
Setting of gate time
TRIG / GHz/s (pushbutton)
LEVEL B (pushbutton) Button with two functions:
Setting of channel B trigger level 1st Pressing this button will start a measurement in ARMED
LEVEL A (pushbutton) 2nd Setting the gate time with the numerical keys , the
Setting of channel A trigger level entered value will be accepted with the unit seconds (s).

1 : 10 pushbutton HOLD / mV (pushbutton)

Input attenuator, total attenuation 100 times. Button with two functions:

6 Subject to change without notice

Controls and display

1st Pressing this button will freeze the display. TI avg A B Time interval A B averaged
2nd Setting the trigger level with the numerical keys , Phase A B Phase difference A B
the entered value will be accepted with the unit millivolts RPM A Rpm measurement channel A
(mV). TOTAL A Event counting channel A

ARMED / MHz (pushbutton) TRIG/ARM INPUT (BNC connector)

Button with two functions: External gate control input
1st Pressing this button will select the ARMED mode.
2nd Setting the gate time with the numerical keys , the
entered value will be accepted with the unit milliseconds Rear Panel
OFFSET / Hz/ns (pushbutton) RS-232 interface (Options: IEEE-488, USB)
Pressing this button will activate the OFFSET function.
A (BNC connector)
GATED / kHz/us (pushbutton) Trigger signal channel A output (e.g. for display on a scope).
Pressing this button will activate the GATED mode. Signal level 0 to + 5 V (TTL level)

Function pushbuttons to B (BNC connector)

Trigger signal channel B output (e.g. for display on a scope).
Signal level 0 to + 5 V (TTL level)

GATE (BNC connector)

Gate view output. This output will be high as long as the
gate is open during a measurement.

10 MHz Ref. (BNC connector)

External reference input (10 MHz)

RESET (BNC connector)

External reset signal input (TTL level). The function is iden-
tical to that of the RESET pushbutton .

These buttons have two functions: Mains input connector

1st The measurements function are called by operating
these buttons. The corresponding button will light up.
2nd Setting the trigger level or the gate time, the desired
value can be entered with this buttons and the unit buttons
(mV , V and ms , s ). Also refer to chap. Gate time
and Triggering. None of these button is lit.

FREQ A Frequency channel A

FREQ B Frequency channel B
FREQ C Frequency measurement channel C
PER A Period channel A
Width A Pulse width channel A
A:B Frequency ratio of channels A : B
Duty A Duty cycle channel A
TI A B Time interval A B

Subject to change without notice 7


seek for the lower and the upper limit of the trigger level (DAC),
Adjustment where the trigger indicator is blinking.

5. The middle of this range has to be entered and confirmed by

pushbutton ENTER , the menu will be left.
Turn off the HM8123. Push and hold the ENTER button and
start the instrument again. Do not release the ENTER button
until the initialisation of HM8123 is finished. Level B

1. The menu is called by pressing the pushbutton SELECT .

Frequency The Calibrate submenu is called by using the rotating knob
or the 2 arrow keys .
1. The menu is called by pressing the pushbutton SELECT .
The Calibrate submenu is called by using the rotating knob 2. The submenu will be opened by pressing ENTER .
or the 2 arrow keys .
3. The menu item Level B is called by using the rotating knob
2. The submenu will be opened by pressing ENTER . or the 2 arrow keys and will be opened by pres-
sing ENTER .
3. The menu item Frequency is called by using the rotating
knob or the 2 arrow keys and will be opened by 4. A 1 kHz sine wave signal (symmetric, without offset, 20 mVeff)
pressing ENTER . should be connected to channel B . By turning the knob
seek for the lower and the upper limit of the trigger level
4. A 10 MHz reference signal (e.g. GPS) should be connected (DAC), where the trigger indicator is blinking.
to the input A and ENTER depressed .
5. The middle of this range has to be entered and confirmed
5. The HM8123 will first check the frequency and then perform by pushbutton ENTER , the menu will be left.
automatic calibration. The display will show „Calibration,
please wait...“

6. A successful calibration will be indicated by „Calibration Example:

successful. Exiting...“, the menu will be left. Lower limit: DAC = 2079
Upper limit: DAC = 2099
Calibration value: DAC = 2089
Level A

1. The menu is called by pressing the pushbutton SELECT .

The Calibrate submenu is called by using the rotating knob
(9) or the 2 arrow keys .

2. The submenu will be opened by pressing ENTER .

3. The menu item Level A is called by using the rotating knob

or the 2 arrow keys and will be opened by pres-
sing ENTER .

4. A 1 kHz sine wave signal (symmetric, without offset, 20 mVeff)

should be connected to channel A . By turning the knob

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Circuit and layout diagrams

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Spectrum Analyzer

Power Supplies

Modular System
8000 Series

Programmable Instruments
8100 Series

authorized dealer
Subject to change without notice
4S-8123-00E0 / 03-11-2005-gw HAMEG Instruments GmbH
© HAMEG Instruments GmbH Industriestraße 6
A Rohde & Schwarz Company D-63533 Mainhausen
® registered trademark Tel +49 (0) 61 82 800-0
DQS-Certification: DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 Fax +49 (0) 61 82 800-100
Reg.-Nr.: 071040 QM

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