Department of Information Technology

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(An Autonomous Institute under Kakatiya University, Warangal)


IT / Mini Project /2020 Date:01.05.2020

Guidelines for the preparation of the Mini Project Report :

1. The title page, and inside front page must be in “Times New Roman” font.
2. The text must in “Times New Roman font with size “12”.
3. Mini Project Report should be on single side of the A4 pages numbered on bottom-center.
4. Mini Project report should be Tape/Spiral bounded.
5. Title page should be in the following format
a) The Cover page must be in color
b) Title of the project font size - “16”
c) The matter beneath the logo should be printed- font size “13”
d) Name should be printed – font size “12”
e) Supervisor’s name with initials – font size “12”
f) Department name – (Department of Information Technology) – font “Bold” with
size “12”
g) College name – (Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal) – font
“Bold” with size “13”
h) Year of submission – font “Bold” with size “13”
6. Figures, Charts, and Tables are to be included in Mini Project Report in appropriate format.
7. Acknowledgement must be given to Principal Sir, HoD Mam and Project supervisor.
8. The total number of copies to be prepared is 2(Student copy, Department Library copy).
9. The layout of the Mini Project Report is as follows:
o Cover page
o Certificate
o Acknowledgement
o Abstract
o Contents
o List of figures
o List of Tables
o 1. Introduction
o 2. Literature Survey
o 3.Methodology
o 4. Design
i. SRS
ii. UML Diagrams
o 5.Implementation
o 6.Testing
o 7. Results
o Conclusion and Future Scope
o Bibliography
o CD pouch

On 14



Submitted to
the faculty of Engineering and Technology of
Kakatiya University, Warangal
in partial fulfillment of the requirements 13
to award
Bachelor of Technology
Information Technology


[RNO] 12

Under the
Guidance of 12
Full Designation

Department of Information Technology  12

(An Autonomous Institute under Kakatiya University)  13
2019 – 2020  13
Take printout on Letter Head


This is to certify that STUDENT NAME(R.NO) of VI- Semester B.Tech. Information

Technology has satisfactorily completed the Mini Project entitled “TITLE OF MINI PROJECT”

in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of B.Tech degree during this academic year 2019-2020.


Designation Professor & Head, Dept. of I.T.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to all the people who have
extended their cooperation in various ways during my Mini project. It is my pleasure to acknowledge
the help of all those individuals.

I thank Dr. K. ASHOKA REDDY, Principal of Kakatiya Institute of Technology &

Science, Warangal, for his strong support.

I thank Dr. P.KAMAKSHI , Professor & Head, Department of Information Technology for
her constant support in bringing shape to this Mini project.

I would like to thank my supervisor NAME of the supervisor , Designation of

Information Technology for his/her guidance and help throughout the Mini project.

In completing this Mini project successfully all our faculty members have given an excellent
cooperation by guiding us in every aspect. All your guidance helped me a lot and I am very grateful
to you.


(Sample Format)


In Multiway Voting System voter can cast his/her vote through any of the following three

ways missed-call voting, online voting and Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS). In Missed

Call Voting we assign a unique toll-free number for each contestant. Voter can cast his vote through

by giving a missed call to the contestant’s toll-free number. In Online Voting System voter will be

given a unique identification number and password. Then an e-Ballot will be displayed of his

constituency and the voter can select any one of the contestant to whom the voter is willing to vote.

If the vote is casted successfully an acknowledgment is displayed. In IVRS Voting System each

constituency will be given a toll-free number. When the voter call the toll-free number voter can

listen to the list of contestants. Then voter can select the respective number to whom voter want to

vote. In any of the above system if once the vote is casted, further votes by the respective voter will

not be considered. Vote counting and updating the status of the voter are all done automatically.

1. Introduction 01

1.1 Background 01

1.2 Objectives 01

1.3 Motivation, Scope, and Applicability 01

1.3.1 Motivation 01

1.3.2 Scope 01

1.3.3 Applicability 01

1.4 Achievements 02

2. Literature Survey 03

2.1 Voting System 03

2.2 Traditional ways 03

2.3 Ballot Voting 03

2.3.1 Advantages 04

2.3.2 Disadvantages 04

2.4 Electronic Voting System 05

2.4.1 Advantages 05

2.4.2 Disadvantages 06

3. Methodology 07
4. Design 08

4.1 Software Requirements Specification 08

4.1.1 Hardware Requirements 08

4.1.2 Software Requirements 08

4.2 Conceptual Models 08

5. Implementation 18

4.1 Multiway Voting System Modules 18

4.2 Missed Call Voting 20

4.3 Interactive Voice Response System 20

4.4 Online Voting 20

6. Testing 22

7. Results 28

Conclusion and Future Scope 35

Bibliography 36

Figure No Name of the figure Page No

1.1 Data Mining 1
3.2.1 Use Case diagram of Missed Call Voting. 9
3.2.2 Use Case diagram of IVRS. 10
3.2.3 Use Case diagram of Online Voting. 10
3.2.4 Class Diagram of Multiway Voting System 11
3.2.5 State chart of Missed call Voting 12
3.2.6 State chart of IVRS Voting 13
3.2.7 State chart of Online Voting 13
3.2.8 Sequence Diagram of Missed Call Voting 14
3.2.9 Sequence Diagram of IVRS Voting 15
3.2.10 Sequence Diagram of Online Voting 15
3.2.11 Activity Diagram of Multi Way Voting System 16
3.2.12 Deployment Diagram of Multi Way Voting System 17
6.1.1 Main Window showing 3 ways to vote 28
6.2.1 Mobile Screen 28
6.2.2 Inputs to Mobile 29
6.2.3 Information after Voting 29

Table No Name of the Table Page No
4.1 Voter Database – VoterDB 17
4.2 Contestants Database – ContestantDB 17
5.1 Test cases of Multiway Voting System 25


1.1 Data Mining //{Capitalize Each Word Option}
Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases, is a
powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important
information in their data warehouses. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviors,
allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. The automated, prospective
analyses offered by data mining move beyond the analyses of past events provided by retrospective
tools typical of decision support systems. Data mining tools can answer business questions that
traditionally were too time consuming to resolve. They scour databases for hidden patterns, finding
predictive information that experts may miss because it lies outside their expectations.

Figure 1.1 Data Mining

Most companies already collect and refine massive quantities of data. Data mining
techniques can be implemented rapidly on existing software and hardware platforms to enhance the
value of existing information resources, and can be integrated with new products and systems as they
are brought on-line. When implemented on high performance client/server or parallel processing
computers, data mining tools can analyze massive databases to deliver answers to questions such as,
"Which clients are most likely to respond to my next promotional mailing, and why?"

This white paper provides an introduction to the basic technologies of data mining. Examples
of profitable applications illustrate its relevance to today’s business environment as well as a basic
description of how data warehouse architectures can evolve to deliver the value of data mining to
end users.

Sample table representation

Transactional data for an All Electronic branches

TID List of

T100 I1,I2,I5

T200 I2,I4

T300 I2,I3

T400 I1,I2,I4

Table 3.1 All Electronic

1. D. Agrawal and C.C. Aggarwal, “On the Design and Quantification of Privacy Preserving Data
Mining Algorithms,” Proc. ACM Symp. Principles of Database Systems, pp. 247-255, 2001.
2. R. Agrawal and R. Srikant, “Privacy-Preserving Data Mining,” Proc. ACM Conf. Management of
Data, pp. 14-19, 2000.
3. H. K. Edwards and V. Sridhar, "Analysis of software requirements engineering exercises in a global
virtual team setup," Journal of Global Information Management, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 21-25, April-June

4. Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Morgan

Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd ed, ISBN 1-55860-901-6, March 2006.


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