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While this bibliography lists the books that can be referred in general in relation
to all the chapters of the book, chapter specific references and websites are also
indicated at the end of the chapters.
[1] Evans JR, Lindsay WM. The management and control of quality. Mason, OH: Thomson South
Western Publication; 2005.
[2] Besterfield DH, et al. Total quality management. N.Y.: Pearson Education Publ; 2003.
[3] Feigenbaum. Total quality control. 3rd ed. McGraw Hill; 1995.
[4] Ho SK. TQM: an integrated approach. London: Kogan Page Publ; 1995.
[5] Juran JM, Gryna FM. Quality planning and analysis. New York: McGraw Hill Publ; 1980.
[6] Deming WR. Out of crisis. Chambers University Press; 1993.
[7] Murthy MN, editor. Excellence through quality & reliability. Chennai: Applied Statistical
Centre; 1989.
[8] Kume Hitishi. Management by quality. Chennai: Productivity Press; 1995.
[9] Chang RY, Neidzwiecki ME. Continuous improvement tools. Wheeler Publ; 1998.
[10] Drummand H. Quality Systems Handbook. New York: Nicolas Publ.; 1994.
[11] Omachony VK, Ross JE. Principles of total quality. Cambride, MA: Kogan & Page; 1995.
[12] Hoyle D. ISO 9000 quality systems handbook. Butterworth & Heinemann Publ; 2001.
[13] Ishikawa K. Introduction to quality control. Tokyo: 3A Corpn. Publ; 1989.
[14] Buckford J. Quality. London: Routledge; 1998.
[15] Pyzdek T. The six sigma project planner. New York: McGraw Hill Publ; 2003.
[16] In: Clarke G, editor. Managing service quality. Bedford: IFS Publications; 1990.
[17] Band W. Creating value for customers. New York: John Wiley Publications; 1991.
[18] Akiyama K. Function Analysis. Tokyo: Japan Standards Association; 1989.
[19] Drucker P. Management challenges for the 21st century. Addison Wesley, Reading (MA):
Harper Business Publ; 1980.
[20] Juron JM. Juron on leadership for quality, an executive handbook. New York: The Free
Press; 1989.
[21] Garvin D. Managing quality. New York: Free Press; 1988.
[22] Ireson W, Grant E. Handbook of industrial engineering & management. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall; 1971.
[23] Maynard HB, editor. Industrial engineering handbook. 3rd ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill.
[24] Certo S. Modern management. 9th ed. Prentice Hall; 1971.
[25] Scholtes PR, et al. The team handbook—how to use teams to improve quality. Madison, WI:
Joiner Associates; 1998.
[26] Hackman JR, Oldham GR. Motivation through design of work. Reading, MA: Wesley; 1989.
[27] Joseph P, Furr D. Total quality in managing human resources. Boca Raton, FL: St. Lucie
Press; 1995.
[28] Kemp RL. Handbook of strategic planning. New York: Cummings & Hathaway; 1995.

530  Bibliography

[29] Burkhart PL, Reuss S. Successful strategic planning. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications; 1993.
[30] Bradford RW, Duncan JP. Simplified strategic planning. Worcester, MA: Chandler House; 2000.
[31] Snape, Wilkinson, Marchington, Redman. Managing human resources for TQM.
[32] Deming WE. Out of the crisis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2000.
[33] Grant EL, Leavenworth RS. Statistical quality control. 6th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 1988.
[34] Roy RK. A primer in Taguchi methods. Dearborn, MI: Society of Manufacturing Engi-
neers; 2010.
[35] Schnaars SP. Megamistakes. New York: Free Press; 1989.
[36] Ariely D. Predictably irrartional. New York: Herper Perenniel; 2008.
[37] Kiran DR. Maintenance engineering and management: precepts and practices. BS Pub-
lishers; 2014.
[38] Kiran DR. Professional ethics and human values. 2nd ed. New Delhi: McGraw Hill; 2013.
[39] Gulfreda JJ, Maynard LA, Lytie L. Employee involvement in the quality process. Hyderabad:
BS Publications; 2014.
[40] McGregor D. The human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw Hill; 1960.
[41] Montgomery D. Introduction to statistical quality control. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 2004.
[42] Stamatis DH. Failure mode and effect analysis. Chennai, India: ASQ Publ; 1997.
[43] Kiran DR. Resistance to change. Excell Superv 1985; [of NPC].
[44] Kiran DR. Participative management. J Manuf Technol Manag 2000.
[45] Kiran DR. How to be more creative. Ralli Group J 1975.
[46] Kiran DR. Value engineering—a case study. Ind Eng J 1975.
[47] Kiran DR. Evolution of ISO 14000. In: Proceedings of 11th NIQR Convention; 2005.
[48] Kiran DR. Environmental engineering & principles of green design. In: Environmental
Seminar; 2004.
[49] Kiran DR. Energy audit. Chief Guest address at ENFUSE, 2005.
[50] Simmons, Shadim, Arthur. Integrated TQM and HRM. No. 17/3. New Delhi: 1995.
[51] Rubinenstein. QC circles & US participation movements. In: Proceedings of ASQC Technical
Conference; 1992.
[52] Blackburn R, Rosen B. Total quality & human resources management. Acad Manag Exec
[53] Orsburn, Jack D, Moran, Linda, Musselwhite, ED, Zenger, John H. Self directed work teams.
Homewood, IL: Business One Irwin, 1990.
[54] Kondo Y. Human motivation a key factor for management. Tokyo: 3A Corpn; 1989.
[55] Cochran C. Customer satisfaction, the elusive Quarry. Qual Prog 2001.
[56] Rosenberg J. The five myths about customer satisfaction. Qual Prog 1996; 29:57–60.
[57] Vavra T. Is your satisfactory service creating dissatisfied customers? Qual Prog 1997.
[58] Finch B. A new way to listen to the customer. Qual Prog 1997; 30:73–76.
[59] Gardner R. What do customers value? Qual Prog 2001.
[60] Brecka J. The American customer satisfaction index (ACSI). Qual Prog 1994; 27(10):41–44.
[61] Horowitz J. Putting service quality into gear. Qual Prog 1991.
[62] Jeffrey J. Preparing the front line. Qual Prog 1995.
[63] Duray R and Milligan, GW. Improving customer satisfaction through mass customization.
Qual Prog 1999; 32(8):60–66.
[64] Labowitz G. Keeping your internal customers satisfied. Wall Street J 1987.
[65] Virginal Baldwin Hic. Technology is redefining the meaning of customer service. St Louis
Post Dispenser 1999.
[66] Aman S. The essence of TQM—customer satisfaction. J Ind Technol 1994; 10(3):2–4.
[67] Scot Madison Patton. Unhappy employees and unhappy customers. Quality Digest 1999; 4.
Bibliography  531

[68] Harrington J. Looking down at the customer. Quality Digest 2001; 24.
[69] Godfrey B. Beyond satisfaction. Quality Digest 1996.
Kiran DR. Customer satisfaction. In: Proceedings of the NIQR/IIPE seminar; 2006.
[71] Grewal, Chopra. Development of quality costing system in small scale industry. J Ind
Eng 2006.
[ 72] Indian Standard on Quality Management Systems. Guidelines for performance improvements
(IS/ISO 9004:2000). Bureau of Indian Standards; 2000.

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