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7th International Conference on Soil Nechanics and Foundation - (Rapport Generat) Mexico, 1969,.vol.IIT, pp.127=139, ‘GENSRAL REPORT roubanons oF suWDINGS IN CLAY reg! Engineering, PAPPORT GENERAL ce FONDATIONS DE STRUCTURES SUR ARGILE oY a eer: Ged 2 In attempting to interpret and depict the Matecofeihe Art of Foumations of butlée inge in Clay during the first three aonthe of the year, S$ ras well Pesognised that ‘he only hove of attenuating the Tendency for sah offorta 20 tooene otaolete even fe they vere being intensely pareund, would te to rustrict tha sooze of tne mor foe cortain Line of problens tat’ the design engineor faces most frequently andy within ouch a avente, to discuss the’ no Iutions tost nave pesotrated into a poai= Hon ef accepted practicenjer lave « good provability of eo doing in’ the immediate foture, ‘me contributions thet were reonived for {hia Geeoien, and other inportant sapere ‘tant have boca published sa the isterin #0 oll bear out the acre Zerwroleny shat $9 Degin with it te ay celf-aocunea, eleoet umodent, duty to Fotos cn tehsil? of the Sootaty & vote of appreciation on the rut at 'which eoneriostions n tha field” ere doing mado, tosh in divereity and in depth. Mirky-oir excellent consributioas were ‘ehunnoied £0 Undo 5 wishin @ S098 Significantly troacer than’ the $1 would amply, well ettosting to the iron ‘ity of problene challenging the interest (oa the other hand, it 12 partly true eat ue t0 the novel 2pproach wet up for tate Conterence by the Orsunising Coneitten, fone of tho d3varosty of cont=tbutions To~ Selved within thie Seenion derives Zeon The comentat nore rertrietive satire of ‘the other four Seveione. Foundations of Buladinge in Clay tas boon widened to read Foundations, Dusléingo, Clays and, in turn, Youndustons may bo road "betaviour of sub” fell Mader ensineering morte, Sut idinen ‘han boen Sroedened to include’ the general ier V.F.B. de Mell, 0. Se ro Univenity of Seo Povo, Bros Asta concept of “aupsretructare™ (including iydraulle norte, etorepardo, ant eatank = ente), an8 Clay hue boon exteaiedy a mas saris forecesn, to cover “engineering be-— haviour of gsreral (oy ) soile'. 422 of wanton has boon and ta received with the Greatest eatausinen, not only beouuse one cf the principal aize of uot © Con ference 12 to catalyze excuanso of oreative ‘inking, but else Seceuse any eventual re striotive cospartinantalisatioa vould pore tond the onset of crystallization and coe sequent stagustion. Wevertuelese, the Gorere] Reporter here NAL bege eave to Fetnin, within the tan talising richness of suoh contributions, ie sore modest toope end aim,in an attenpt to retain ge a Koynete to the’ clecursion the inprovoent of the levels of confidence of devian decisions on probleas besetsins the foundation designer. ‘Thus the reader will have to stuly the individual eonri= Yutlons to eull their deoper and/or wider 4Antended lesnens: wiat will be extracted from thea for the purposes of thin Gensra Report surely will not do then full Jassie 2, BEARING camAcrtY PRoRTESS. Tho initial beste protien facing @ founda tion devign is that of safety equine faii= lure, Those who correctly olin that the foutdation design proslon 1a almaya one of fexents tay pardon the roninder teat one tendo to forget the etope by wich fone did teoend to suk a position of sa porience wherein the initial denign foal Se murfiotest to ward off any parapestive of failure, whereupon the prvtles 1p deft Bitoly one of settienente, ‘Te papers subaitied within thie area of OF MELLO, interest ave boon interpreted to contrtute tho folowing thouchte torarde the chosen ite of discusssens Bont Hancon develops ty seane of the theory of plasticity, for an ideo) rigid-plactie seterinl, the anthesntioslly sorreet sols on for'the wicrained failure (Fp = 0) boartne capacity of a strip load founded ate shallow dopth 2, (D< 25), The con Gribution rerrosente’a reftnesent on” part of the ctrip-isading "No curve prevented in Fig. 5, pe 96 (Apud Skenpion 1951); 28 inaiouies' that Skoapten's Fevossended Te values lie slightly on the unsafe eile, by about ¢ #for D= By and about 6. for D 228, which 40 8 cofrection of a far nar Fower precision than could obtain in the principe factors intervening in the prob Ten at stake, it so t0 So hoped that” in omer for auch a "nore correct" solution fo saxo hold, the endeavours be pursued Untit the entire set cf recomendations ‘enbodied in the Skeapton (1951) colution be Soraneds Brow and sayerhof present solutions, saved on aodel toate, for cizeular and rectangu- ne footings alzported either on a otift clay overiying # 2oft lay, or om @ s0ft clay overiying a stiff olay. It is of interest to nore that aoe start the re searon centered on the classic case cf Rodel footings on honogeneous clay, being Birected at some of ahe questions” raised tudor ‘tenn 2,3 and 2.4 of the Stato-o! Sthe-Art Reports thu, she @ value ap- Piisable vo sho eatabiionsent of the failure burfare 49 dieoussed, und w correction fao- Sor $m snwostigntes for use with the © value 2 detersined by unconfined eorpres~ Mos teccs, inorder to have the bearing Yalue tally with theoverionlly establasnea Yaluce of He which are taken as 5.14 for The strip loading and 6.05 (apud ison ans Stie2a, 1950) for the cirewiar footing. Gneidentaly, 428 3" x6" xogel oozing Jone enough’ to be coxpared with the Prandtl strip solution? If szeaptonts (1951) Pectengle eoluticn were applies, it appeare Ghat both for etroular ene for rectangular footings the commestion Zector to be ap plied would be 1.21, 18 such a correction, Bor eduparizon wish the sheorstieal rigid Splastic case, reaily applicoble in the Hace of the stress-strain benaviour (6f. Indaryi 1957) 7 And, upon application of ‘sock a 20 correction to Ur values, vtat happens to the eceepesbiy-estabisenes cor Felations for Re as susaariced in Teble 77 Of the Statecof=the Art Report ? Tt wold fe of considerable interest to have such 128 Tetioulous Intoratory snvestigations terpretedstnuistienily. de ypuible influeree from the \elig? ose 295°) 7 the isportance of strain phenosens, and the eienificant alt= Ferencee’ therein indicated eo obtained 1a ‘he two loyered-elay eesea, it would be of interest to establian within what preod stone the Taverage” percent penetrations fas described are esta:lishedy ant corre= Bpondinely to whet extent the remuite precensed are restrictive to te single Sioy tected er to the clays described ee Souerately brittle, alieitiy sesaltiv How far would @ change in rigisity, cone conttant with the change of etrenethyaffest the Feeulte ? The paper tackies © probles of very frequent interest to the foundation Gecigner, nd conconstantly 4¢ touches om problens ‘ef veaprraieal pointedly rateed in the State-of-the-kri-Report aa there aay pense Te would appene to the design ancineer thet fhe victaai ties of tbe bare application of selneentioal derivations without Ste muse port of expersnenznl sbobrvation wre troupe {fo attention in the separ by lante! and See engons TUageneen (2938) any a8 pointed ut ty the eutnora, dyna) (565) and Water (i966), would ene’ to the conclaeson teed ‘ho bearing copseity of © soft slay weal crease eignificantay sf underiaia ty eek a aiailow fopteer the authors rocedeltee Sho probies of tno strip footing “on the (cr 8°) 2011) apriyine tho aheosy of nett sotslabetan tod’ the setnod of character Glee te eeiabisen sxe tossing copactiy’ face tote, ‘ehlch avy found fo incteass very “0p- preolety with the procenoe of the wuaiiow Srarock he cove ba of ftoquent prosticn, Storect at's Listting’ condstion to one of ‘he casee exparinmnteday’ leveccionsee 3cona and lopereet. Sono ‘ndel testing” Sight te sndiceted to cloer such untoratie differences of opinion, “inoestent” pen Siecle Sypotiaten governing too" daria Mus and Woies cast further ght on the problen of ecoentrie and inclined loadings on rectangular shallow footings on aad, sorting to larze-seale nodel teate fer se sore practica! one of ecegntrsetty and inclination alons the longer dineasion of the footing (oompared with the eeverel,theoe retical ansiyne and with layertotts 2953 11 nodel testa with eocenteiotty and ta clination yarailet to the skort aldo. be- cause of the simulation of strip loading condisions), “The results presented fora part of @ wider research progran,and thus iobie guensrialed LDENS ang**Meiagte gy (ao a2"). Interest is fovussed ale ot Se eteusenant of novanl and’ tangential stresoon tater toy footing slong 306, tong Seis, i may appear soumthat eazly to poe Since the exerocely siaple equatita = TOad" "te utdlotent to fetlest “the dssrenve dle to inedinations Incidentally, in view of the fact that recent trands of thinking have repeatedly jointed towards the need of an elesto- Splsstic sodel. v9 eubetitute for the rigide cplastic Prandtl analysis, tt is of inte. Feat 20 register herein the publication ty Ruinos (1969) suggesting the application of @ rodified Pasternak foundation node) for precieely the above purpose, 2. INDIVIDUAL PILE AND PIER Lok SerTLmonT BEUVIOU. Considerntle shterest kas centered on tn Strinentod pile toate for Snterpresation of tho losd-aottiazent Sohaviour and ulti mate Lead capact iy. et al. investigate a largendiaxétor (30 ine. ty "28 £8.) plain-bored pile exe cuted tn a tit? clay, atove the water to Ble, he lond-toot daca presented are of consideratle interes because the shat perforsance bas been measures at five oF Bix intermediate levels besides the tase fand top levels at which Waiteker and Cooke's (1965) data ware obtained, Tt 1s clear that much additional interpretation ay be exireoted from the data 4? printing Space Limitations vere waived, To” begin ith, 1¢ would te of nverost’ to derive fron’ the deta (wich clocely receable sarlior data on piles, sentioned under ‘te 252 of the Statenof’the-tvt Repors) the detailed interpretasione on By values in stead of working with overall values Wesoh do not pereit confident extrapola- ona to other lengths of piles (reference fo tastes end Foulos 1969 may prove useful) Moreover 5 etnce four consecutive load tests to Toushiy the ultimate load were carrie’ out, the stress-strain behaviour of was investigated up to about 3.5 ins. dle after developseat of the respeotive pea, It say be'noved that Burland et al (2966) ma carriea shoir toad teste on Tondon elays to settlezenta ef 6 to 7 Ans. but did not posseso dase for” ceparating ase and skin restetance contributions fan only Le coscluted, by conbining their Surves with information adapted fea Tie taker and Cooke's curves, that the skin frlotion follows e typical strain-softentag ‘tendency compencated ty the increase of base resistance et greater gettienente, waitaKer and Comke's data, aa wentiones eariier, had fot procesded beyond ssttienents of avout 43 $0 0.5 inss, et waton poant the shart adhesion Had bean fully developed but only about 30 to 40% of the have resiotance had Coxe Sato play. Indeed, from ne data of Burland et ai. st eranopires thas bayon’ @ sottlesont of about 0.25 ina. he load “test data cone close $0 "failure", andy moreover, 1% 1¢ clear that the total settle Senta of the etricture will be sient! cantly grester than the "innediate cettie~ ine observed in the load rest (see, for Instance, Plesing and Steger, 2966,” with reopect to observed settiesante of” build ings oa large-dianeter piles in London). Bat; for the purpose ef possible applica Sone of the sonelueions’ 20 other sare, for instance, afferent oath Gey bo at play under the tase na along che shatt, it Le highly desirable to interpret he fla] etress-etrain bebaviour of the erate cosponenta ~ 0 point An which the presen: date cosplenent tho cartier publi= Uafortwately the eubeotl date presented aro not particularly conducive to sore Genereitzed snverpretetion, 29 would. bo Sigeriy desired, In ahe face of astesul~ ee in uneietareed eenpasna ete, the hear straireatrength inforsatioa in Ll ted Sounention g? ermasio UE valtne between 2 ana 8 ks/ex" sevonpurying the fairly con Sistent 15 to 45 blow Sevelues of the ous tiginay Dopartnont dymasic’ cone pene troseter, the untoriving horiton only re gisters H values, varying in a highly 6m Fatie anner between 120 end 790. Tt ie oped that the authors aay yet farnish col~ lateral indioetiona for the “correlations, Gat would be of great ube, Ie would. leo be of dnterest. to invoctignve( cf, Skenpion 3958, ston 2.1.2 Stave-of-tne-drt Report) “he influence of sonoreting rater aleration on the adheoion (affecting fy valuea):eieoy ‘Who tise elapoes borween tho” consecutive dona zosto (effect of tiza on Fe-healing of naheason strained beyond 188 pone ‘She previous 1oesng)« Pinaliy, 4¢ is noted that implicit in the Authors! fitted formula Lae the hypothe ‘bie that the etraine necossury to develop Adhesion vould to prozertional to the dia Beter, « hypothesis that cannot be proved oF Ssoprovod ty testing single pile, but hat my load to nieapplications if ‘ex fended to other taneters: it appoare that the duepincanente necessary to develop skin roristarce should rettalay indepen dest of dianeter, execution effecte ax olaed. Kerioo1 and Mas prosont a very rich eoou- wie dotureced ayers ll be rostriozed 20 the olay beomuee the Induratione in the ft clearly sake it a rather opooini case, The olay shear Stroagth (U2 and vane) 39 defined ty the oqustion 9 = 6+ 2.( 2.5) ¢/stywith values ranging fron 6 t/a? to 1) t/a? ‘over “t Gepts ef interes’, Sf values would thus telly with about (6.6 t0 745) que The rex sult worthy of spesia! aotice lise ta the cone penetroneter results with three da rb and two opende, whieh furaiohed Joint rogsatanoes of the order of 25° to 55 ug/ox’, sdsearing top values of the order of 30 (ot, ites 2,5.1)- e—sestions expioyed were nol- yaa (preeusabhy) Box ebay nt configurations composed piles riveted or weldeat ‘piles ware pushed inte place ‘The dnatrumentation the T's loos to varying deptna. persittes recording the load distribution long the piles ar every 005 m of depth, The salient resulta sumarized by the eu- Shore izolude: the high point resistance pouring capacity factor verging fos about 25-30 (with respect to the vane valuo) ‘to about 12-15, with inerocse in the *aia~ Setort of the pilea (an Toquivalent die~ Reter® being reflectec, for the different Shapes of the pile session, by the ratio of base ares to periseter);, the akin Feaistanse reflecting a A value of about 1s (once agein 1+ appears that the publication dan suffered trom spice Testricrions,since the Gate presented mould rarvant such ade Gitionsl interpretarive study. On. one point additions) clarification appears Endiepeneable: the ioed testing wae ear Fied out in soze case the Zain resting perioge which were establish sine 4 weeks ee a taxizun; considering She interference of pore pressures ete, Et 'eauna iayarsent to specity for sack Fesult wzat was the rest period, since no Binizus wae et. 130 Shersan reports on five sneteusonted steel nondieplacesout piles (3H pilos and 2. openmend vate piles) ériven into a tite Tortiery olay Stratus, and thea lead tested 4h teneion and ceaprovcion after a ainiaus Feet period of two wooke,” Piretly if woud be of interest to know 4 tho eplit-apoon Penetresicn rvaistances are weant to be SPE Yalueo, ounce the apparent correiation for The ood ttered rooulto fumniohod would aver ge qu = 50/22 with « range between S7%/ AA2.siand 502/50 (or, Sten 248). Norwovery for sore generalised interpretation 1f would be of interest to request indications "on the sensitivity anl/or stress-strain curves of the strength teste, end SZ additions) Fovulte on tho undieturbed samples sight bot be avatlatie to sarrow the wide diez persion reflected ty ¢ » 1.6 + 0.8 kg/on’. ue outhor oxphssizes ass coueluston the fact thas the cosputed adhesion valuealpre— eusauly B, vulses) epprexinately equsiled ‘he full tadreined shear etresgth of tho clay, and Zar exceeded "values zormlly expested in atiif to bart olay solla" ‘baving thio obsorvetion on values derived fron displacosont piles. It ie felt that the reoults prosented are, 4m and orders of magnitude, coxpa! erloting information, if being assumed aot the olay Le of low sansttivsty, and that whipping offecte may be oxolutod fro Conatdoretion. When the tip resistance te practically nonexistent, autenatioally Hull loeding must be taken up by adheotont aad if the adhosion wore insutfictent ,auto- atsoauly tho pile would be driven deopery (oF pushed dove te the loed test; only if @ high sensitivity (or whipping) were able to daterfere, at the top of the pile, with ho acsunulation of overall akin resievance, would such & retconing fail, the pile fatl- Ing to ducreaso im boarine Sapasity with depth. Tt gust be rovelied that insediate Aisphicosento (observed in ouek 2oad tests) Anvolved in developing adiesion are very soil, end bear ne relation to the long fore Gattlosent reoulting if cueh "eaxi= mum adheeions" ere at play. Tt would be of such interest if the authors clarifies for what affective tip arena the calculations vere xade, arriving at the Top = 9.3 (avarage)t aloo what were the average sdhosions B of the piles ut the fuxises loedinge: andy fiemlly, if any Fallncut toot wae carried far enough to ‘confirm, approxiaatoly, the effective pax of mobtiizatien of acheaton arivon into stiff elays 19 ferent piles, Tho rooulze presented are of interest principally through reflecting cenparetiva behavicur of aifferest ayp0a of piles, and between Jonting and extrac son, B vance ‘and ion seater an Togsrde a appear 49 follow reasonable trenin, show etgnifican: increases with tine, Mariott and Walid investigate bored piles fexenuted in an overcousciidated swelling olay: the relatively stubby piles were fitted with fiat Jacks at the base 00 8 to persit seperate tosting of the tase and tkin roolstance (approximating the Testing of instrusented piles), ft must be noted thet the paper dovetas prinespal attention to the behaviour ef the piles thea subject to tansite forces due to the Swelling! hovover, this eubject is con sidered as pertaining to a spacial case, deyond the Soope chosen Zor tale Goneral Report. The three coupressien pilon were Load testes, inasvsdunily and an eros. Reoults of direct interest to the thenes under eonotdersion inclsdere tana re Bistance icp value of about 19, ony de Yeloping after the full edhesion had de Yoloped; the 6 values of about 2 develop~ 04, for tho typos of exsoution exployed, wiinin a nonth after concreting (the very Tumary deseription of the pales Zoo" not furnish indications on perforation end concreting water migrations, etc.); the Aivalue recaining ooventially oonstant at progrogaively greater pile loed-test sot Blasonts; the group ultanave reasovanse Jer pile (at costor-to-conter aietance sf WC digaeter) was essentially dentsos) with that of single piles, but et deformations roughly doubled ‘me load capactty of lender ateel pile Sn soft clays ie creates ty Uondlay at fl., who onzriea out load teste on five Sealraented piles, eesentinliy contin ing existing indications (for ezmspley Gtick 1948, et al.). Tt ie of opectad Antereet 10 note also the collateral n= fereation, concerning long tern and group Anteraction, which constitute, to the iral Keporter'a. knowledge, ‘novel piace: ef information, On the log’ term loeding “thore was @ eignifiount increase in the carried by the lover portion Gedicating @ relosation in ‘the friction in the upper coil layers". iy Bo atgiticant effect on adjacent pte (opnoes at 4 tines the width in both ai- Fectians) could be deteoted aa one of tho piles cf the group wan loaded to failures Regarding opecial typa0 of piles devised for drawing erenter tenetit of the set] pile interaction towards inproved tearing Semetiyy Monae” 68 als present new dat on aulticreased pilest sn optiaun spacing of bulbe ef the order 1.25 to. 17s ti the pile Qianeter is indicated tased on puli‘out tents on full scale plies, {t Doing hoped. that further data on euch tg vestigations aay be furnished "to" permit FOUL Geuessaone” of their epplicabiligy to Special attention must te celled herein to the recent extensions ty Mattes and Zoulos (1969) and Poulos and Mateos (1969) of the derivations based on elastic theory, for prediction of the losd~settioneny tenaviour Of aingle piles. The Zermer anaiysie per tains toa comprecsibie floating pile of eireuiar crose-seotion in an ideal elastic soll, and furnishes @ clear tneight inte ‘tho problexs of. load tranaier along the pile and the load carried ty the pile base (whether enlarged or not). for cason of 80 piles in stiff clays such as the london Targo-bored pile ined teste, oF the cases presently reported ty Reese et al, Karieel find Aden, end Sheraan. fhe other analyors (Boulos dod Yatten, 3969) se etatlar to that followed for the study of negaséve, friction (Nexis 1969) but taking inte account « finite compressibility of the bearing stratum, “Tho theoratical sole Hons Fresented ty the authore enable” the Gisplacenent of tho top and the tip of @ pile, acd tho divtrinution of load” in the File, to be culoulated, once appropriate Yaluoa of Bo/Be (nodull of elasticity of Bearing stratus and soil layer) and pile stiftaess factor E are antined or deter mined. The behaviour of an end-bearing pile in shows to be intiueneas prinartiy by the length 0 diameter ratio I/a, and the above factora, The publicasions are reputed to be of very considerabie importance. To. bogia wish, they ehouls pamsit sore approprist oveliation (preferably statistical) of the weulzh of seuttored load teat data publieh- 2d dusing the pect twenty years, mush. a for instance, with regard to By factore(ef. Aten or fi fectora contacted with given B, ‘and By conditions. Moreover, ‘thoy aupplast the nood for tho stopmant gration souutions (ef, Sten 2.5.2)1 Lt appears that evon fer successions of dif~ ferent strata, for which those oblutions sould appear indicated, the principle of Superpoattion of the einetie theory eolun Tone persita ousy sige of the A3thore" To~ Suite, “Pinaby, the soot obvious tauodlato Application of ihe resulse 1ies 4a she vory lear tnulght they sive into cosparative Debavsoure of different piles, fumishing ‘the theoretioal akelaton for. ‘aodel-to- “prototype of prototype-tonprotetype FO Jntionanipa. 3. SERRISWENTS OF SHASIOW POUNDATTONS. In atecuasing the coxputetion of sottiénents of shallow foundations 4 had been arb! Gruriiy deoiied for the State-cf-thewkrt Haport to retain, ase start, the subdi- Vielen into "mssdlate Sottioaenta" and “consolidation Sossiezents". In connection with tmeodiate sottlenents Bention will fret be ande of the rosults Of two very carefully observed iarge-acale ts (leg et a1, 1969) cn a slightly vee Smediate Hite the value of young's modulus B= 1000» (inarained f1e14 vane strength): (of. Leo~ sarde 1968, of al.). Yor use in computation of euch elastic thee Ty immediate aectlenente, Sovine subsite fhe analytic solutions for rigid squire and rectangular footings resting on a limited slovtie layer ( # = 0.5) of uniform thick- eos bounded ty & rigid lower bed, ALthouR The derivation 1s for frictionless: con. facta at the tae of the footing and at the Figid lover voundery, st furatahes cone n= Gications of comparative conditions, Por Shetance, for'a square footing on an elas Sle layer 2.5 times (or nore) as thick fas the ide of the Tooting, the uniform gid settienent will be given ao 0.62 3/2, Inthe notations of Aten Jel. The paper extenio tate consideration of contact pres fures and snelinatione due to leading 20- ent, watoh 14a beyond the soope set for ‘Thin Generel Report. chin resorte to the technique, hitherto lined in vartous fashions, of direct inter~ pretation of aixe relationanipe for ond Teste one leterivie clay. Reiztarpreting Bond's (1961) end ormer ace he gathers confirmatory evidence for the conclusion, 132 fren dimonaional analyaia, that the oad Sseranttlenent relntsonshiza are” (/a3 = DE (p 7a) for santa and Vee =f (F/8) for elaye: ‘and for model teeta on a resoulded Jateritio clay tho noct appropriate f1t vas obtained vy the equation (P/2)/q=% » Q(#/a)- 2s te welt inom, tie probes 1m axeh an approcch for sotinats of Zeoting gettlo- Bente lies in the fast that a minimum of ‘feo load teste would Have to be performod For exch soil, and each of the load teate carries a Hoevy reoponsibility with reapoot fo exporizontal ersor or non-hocogenetty: Snore generalized soproach such aa Sond" aitough initially gubject to wider aargias fof orrore can hope gradually to scoumuinte ‘inte from various cites, go co to porait narrowing statistical ognrigence bands ‘round significant paraneter Zn auy attanpt to interpret eueh size role Honstipe ao eubsoce to errors either at the senting of the plate or due to layered eub- soil, ir ie tsportant 20 investigate the probable Aiete:bution of compression cone Eeibusions of the supporting soil "elabe"s Seeoty pointe to the fact thet for a given accumilated-conprescion total sottlesoxt, She dietrioution of tho unit ogupressions Sevnet a sazinum st tho upper Nalab™ but ether at about a depth equivalent to the width of the footing 3. “Tho significant Tnislneee eubjost to oomproceions extents fo about 2 3. Only a pert of the explana Hon deriver fron the ieterel support at ‘ihe upper elabe dus 0 friction at the potion of the footing. the prinetpal com eribution any be theoretioully deduced ty Appropriately conbidering she relative ak placecente of the assuned tounéary plane: Reeasttn couselidation settlenehte and i portant Interrening paranesere (steno 3.2 Gnd 3.5)y mention must be sade of some 1a portant donsritutione that have come forth Binoe preparation of the State-of=tho-Art Report. leotards (1950) firstiy calle at~ ‘envion to she appreeiable error that oc- cura in AStherto condustes strane distri= bution conputetions for shallow foundations by the routine Zoussineeg opproxization Enstond of @ dstesled excavation enalyate: Sneidestaliy, since tae error Tor the ospea protenied cofraaponda 20 an overestisate of he applied pressures by a2 such a0 50 49 100 fit mill be neceosary to scurry once ‘aeain'so reconsider sil the settierent com putations thst have hitherto been sade to faity closely with observed values, and which Goubely Sonceales compensating errors (of, 3.5.2). Aa regards the application oF sae: Taoulto, a special teem ique of tecting and of interpreting the Inboretory rerulte io indioated: booides Ae care in determining the pp value ond he recespression index, tha’ prineiyal point conprises plotting the € ve, 0g P Gurve on tho basis of 0 ond 100% cone soliéetion conpression (by lost method) for the consecutive snerenonta, and there ty cosputing tho consctisazson’ paravely sompuring the 2 pression, based on she consistent relation Ship discovered (Toone and Gireult,1961) between the ratio Re/Bi00 of the sezondary cospreacion Ry per log cycle 20 the 100 % Consolidation compression Bigg, voreus tht Yoad-tnorenent ratio. Incidentally, hae ‘the consistent relationchip sontionod ever Doon observed to intorfore in fie1d pore srvations, of might St be Héeg ot 2 (2959) conclude trom the careful Jy instratonted load teate above aentionedy, ‘that the pore pressure change “in the us’ ruined olerent of seit (given by the ger ‘erulised fora of the Skoupton A coefficient formula) sas practically easel to, the ‘Added Cotahodral total strona determines with = 0,5, and tet beyond the point ‘whore applied Ioede caused local shea? Stresses exceeding the undrained strength Of the clay, the noticeabie tnorease sn eveloped Fore pressures should not be associated with an "artificially increasea” ‘dnvalue, but say be computed for an appre~ Puistely postulates condition of contained plastic flow. That part would the above Teorarie-dirault secontary compression effect, and/or comparative plesoneter 258 age aid " innediate’ u alterntions ( Gib 208 1963) at different stress ranges play fa. interpretations of suche presioe a- ‘At any rete, 4¢ coos to the Genera? fe porter tint’ tho stove ‘ro very inetructive Publications call for adaptations end cox Pleaentatione in orter to transform thes Ato tspleaonts ef dovign decisions in the face of consolidation computations. Another paper that calls for the closest eorutiny 10 that on "Sesondary settlenonte of bulléingo sm Dranses, iormy" ty Foeay Foprecenting a follow-up on. Bjormy'9(1957) Sleariy expounded concept of the "eolayed Ponselidation preconsolidation,dotectanle Ehrough very wetiouloue eanpling hand iney 133 fend consolsantion testing on clays exhibits dng significant. rooconsary conprecstbility™. Setting aoide minor revielona that ight be cqnatdareé it connection wiih the onapete” loan, st muot be conceced. thar the ex date night merit, fron e design eae point of view, the inverpretation deat thay Taoically sonfiee an sverestiante of the Siboretory precensolizavion presoure pi, in couparison with field po veluce (ory ten Sista). Since sont clays aneatcively eon aopied ee norsaliy-comelicaved (ere) the Santos clays) cust hve existed for" cen furies or thousande of years, the delayed sconsolidation presonectidation effect must be quite gmneral, to varying and’ unknown Sogroce. Tharefcrey 12 appears. that the theory. proposed for’ Iramssn should te quite genertily applicable, to varying degrees Seponaing principally on the secondaty com proseibiiity. Mat bas been the exyerience of settlenent computations ? sell, partiy through hind Signted nionrul tainkine ent partly through overt N corrections (tex 5) the overall Settlesesta have genaraily een mate to agree, Such Tare end expecially snterest— ihe cases ae the one covered by Yoore aad Spencer (2969), wherein all existing methods of caloulation 'canssaiy lead $0. seriously lndorestiated sevtiexents, aay provide food for reconsideration in the Icke of ‘the new theory. At ary rete, in general, regards normally-consolidsted clays 1% ust be conceded shat, t0 begin withy Pie Yeluce were recogaizedly wluays sonewia® Lowered ty caapiing and testing techniques, ‘and interpretations on the sutsot! profile were alweye adapted for use of the virgin Compression slope ac a baie of "inal" Settlesant complitarions, Therefore st can be seen that for *ttadi¢ional” evaluation of such eases, sone significant magattute of total sestlenon: wae slmys available for ainor edjustzento to th observed Value (ell tas sore 20 since s2 the clays Gxnibiting nore pronounced secondary oom pressibility the tise of completion of Field prinary settleuents bas hitherto been subject to undiepurable latitude of choice). ds regards the intervening timenoet tlenent curves, well, nobody could ever pay such heed t0 then'anywoy (CE. iteo 3ea)e It appasra therefore that the protles falls pack on plazoneter raadings, since Beticulote fold pore would be required *0, within she Guass-preconsolidated range, the clinching Proofe of the theory propoced( ineiéentelly, plezonoter readings are briefly mentioned 4m the payer but only resrding groudwator conditions). “Apparently, fer euch "aged™ pormcily oouelidaied clays she bieie problex, in comparicon wish "sraditional practice" lisa in the propsreioral sisal ficance attached to prinary consolidation Bottlorenta or to secondary comeeasion, Foflocting in tine-sottlesnat curren and in long-atrution "fina" settienente (both rather elusive itens at present). oat ave plozonever readings skom, routinoly, in clays accepted a norsally consolidated (ox. Hoes ot al, 2969) 2 Can 4k be that sone of theve record ‘ounotdod wits ‘ax "aged" clay ? Ironically, therefore, in the Lent of the Gesign engineer's problens, the prozres~ sively greater care at aoveraining labora tory pig values has raisod'a problen n- sunpected when, for inotance, sore ruli- Sentazy techniques on lesa exotio. olaye permitted the Casagrande graphical p'e Geversincstion (proouaatly oa 24-hr 2anera- ory loadings) Fo correlate aocoptanly with ‘the presuiea £014 pp valusa, Tt would "be of snterect to setablish wnat plo valuss ould bo obtained by the arbitrary "rou Eine" graphical interpretation of routing dedonecer vente, and wishin what wtatiec Heat dsapersions euch pig values would ke interpreted for the clay layers under Study (of. Pig 33, ite0 3.5-4). Tua, as & pructioal recomtoniatioa “@ corzestion factor ¥ say te suggosted for sppiieation fo pig values (pg = Dig) da uo cnr for obaputation ef the Ninel" sotele- ments. lorvover, if the secondary com pression ages sabune the overricing Sm portance indicated, two points should be clarigiea: firstly, if one accepts the (€, po) point as inom, in order to foilow slong the eurve eorreaponding $0 ‘he “age of the clay dopostt" (*2ine2 stage of Soposision” 7) 10 not the lnttor inforsation superatundant; secondly, for wht lead dnoresont restos, aon fo be extronoly inportant, ehowld the laboratory ‘testing be conducted to provide the eet of parallel surves that the designer should Use for hie settlexent computation ? It jexs thet by the propoeed theory one 2aa ‘to start by computing tho "final" settle nent along the curve for the age of the clay (incidentally, the cley itself doubles Ste ege meatinsie), ant then rely on rate solutions to ohock’on what should be the Sesslosonts within the short pertod of Carseat interest. Cen such an” approsch 134 hold promive of inproved preciatona of Gesign aecieions 7 Credence would be Bigher 4f the bande of aispersion cf the data presented were candidly wider. Finally, the zeater'e attention 49 called 20 the feneratien? aochod of predioeing jettlseante. proposed ty Taytovioh,(Payto- vVieh and Dalsacoy), wader tke dononina tion Of the Toguivalont layer othod", Tt en Coupasser both the iauediate and” te con Solidation sottleucnt components, and tho otve of unsaturuted soil is covered. Tabu Snted valuoo are furnsened that permit di root cosputation of the equivalent sof) Inyer beneath a footing, whorety the ose “dimensional coxproseieh of the respestive ayer should exactly reproduce the conplex Yoree-dinensional probles, The duthor ‘Bight oxpatiate on the Ficl4 and/or labore tory teste ouployed to define tho para~ piers et ploy, end on the rospoctive pre~ Givions. One paranoter of inportancs "to ‘Sho total sottionont computation io potntad out 39 bo the “osrustural compreacive Strength" oF the soil skelatsn, 20 ba do~ Lomned ty ourereliy epplying’ very seal) preeeure dncrenonts until the "break" 40 he € va p. curve 19 detected. nother paranover required ie the "nttisl heed Eridient" bolow which the snteretstial water does act flow, The Auther further Gevelops the sane solution to fumien the ‘ize-oottlonent relationships, Pinal2yy Bulnatov oxtende the method by developing fa influence chart, analogous to Newsark' (G42), Tor use ofthe equivaiont layer Bethea’ in computing the mutual interference of adjacent buildings, In comestion with rate of consolidation solutions threo sdvansed contripatione that have beea put forth recently must be ol fe ying bayond tne scope of this General Report, vince they do not Sepinge on prin= cipal paranstere contsionine dessen “do cteions on foundations. Davis and Lee present fora] solutions for layered soil Geposize, in extension of existing mumeri- eek ond epprozinnte solusions.Tue analysis furniehes Gate of considerable tnterest a3 ‘an aid dn assoosing conparative attustions Likeiy to oceur in prsties. It ppeara, howeran, that tho ouse of Iayered foide would staicate a etrosg predominance Of horizental perseabsitty, nnoreby the Yortioal consoliaasioa ease would ~te of Feetricted interest. Sorry end THlkinaon (2369) extend existing radial consolidation ‘heory to take eccount-of a varying per meability and conpresetbiiity, nom-ltnear structure? viscosity, und anear et the Grainage toundarses (cond draine). Once feuin, the Feoulse et procent eorve prin GSpelly for appraisal Sf coaparative situa Sons, until Inboratory teste are nore eepectally developed end widely ured for Gevernination of tho necessary rheological porusstore. Pirally, Darecaly ef al. Yeoxde genoral probiess of the theory” of ponlinesr consolidation, including the Snvestigstion of tho cooffiosont of initial yore pressure (in Lieu of the Skespton A fot B coefficients) for unsaturated 4e CASE STUDIES oN SEPTMENTS. Nonve:lier and Kleiner report one group of four heary rectangular silos for whieh ‘he settlonext computations adhered closely Yo the Skenpton-Bjerrun rethod, and the verge settlexent under full load 48 found ‘to agree elosoly with the computed value, he sathore observe wish Anterect ovaver, She fact that the sertlecont under dead ond wee mach overestinated. ‘Appendino and Jentolkonsky report on settle ‘Dent computations, and settlement and pore proceure seasurenects on a 200m igh chin bey on an overconsolidated clayey and sandy Bilt, Tho entire computation io. carried out through theory ef elastioity formuae, sing f= 0.3 ent appropriate 2 values Gximected froa cedonster teat reculta, and ageribeting to the etreular rigia rounds ‘Hon a *rigitisy index € 0.5" kooonéing to Gorbunoy-Fosedov 1953. Dvorak reports on a speci] caso of & multi-etorey building founded on a reine foreed-conerete raft which faced a rela— Maly heterogenoous subtest] condition but uocenefully aversed eignificunt Aifferon Sind settlenents. Mathinn snd Fautel describe the case of @ Jowerhourendan end ioe on the Rhone river, Foundos on preconseliaated clay, with very Snteresting observations on henves and lezen Bourges et al. xeport on the eettlonente ‘esbaimente of soft clay furaich= ing 0 vot of vory elucidative data on well Anotrumented Yeots, Attention ie oalled to the inportant intorforence of Iateral ‘and to the efficacy of sand 135 Graine, used under part of the fills for comparisos. Of special interest alo are he data derived on ihe increses of | E velusa with consolidation (computed trom Tnedieve cottlozente cf ouscessive stages Of the earth-filling), the somparigos be- Groen laboratory sna fila pore pressure paraneters (Skenpton-fjerrua) dotersined, nd the Siscuaoton on the influence of the factor of safety sf the loading on the laterad deforsations. Destidar et al report on 111 loading Yost ome uershy area, proving the suce’ Zul ues of 25-inch "eana wieks” composed Of eand-filed oyiindrice! kage of jute Rextile inserted into standard boreholes. 5. SPECIAL PROBLEIS. Astehison and Yoogburs present a very slucidetive report on sose problems of Geoign of Foundations in desiecsted arens, herein at any given applied loed large Tonves or settlacente my result fron sue~ ‘or inoressea, Arparatue and for seseuring tho nesessary pare Aisousced, as a neane tovarde ton decreas tosnasqus: Beles et el, report on a case of succes fel application of prevetting to a col~ Inpeibio~strusture loses, te antio:pate tho sevtlenensn (ep to 2's, end. very or patie) of hydraulic structures, sush Tanks of a mater treatnent pistt that cannot pructisally ensure avoidance of Geatage into the subsoil during operation. Tenasine ond Yous Ascuse the probions of forage yard founéations op soft cohesive otis, sterein the lateral deformations, and their eppreoiable influence (aptly ononstrated) cn aay deep Founsationsy S287 f'bajer part in selection of the appro- priate solution, economically optinizea. Reoroy end Slavalidi conesser the sotl- “erusture invermotion problen due to Soupreseion eettlezente, as affecting tho Stresses and structural teheviour of Foot= ng slabe and pile cops. 6, CONSIDERATION OF DIFFERENTIAL SETLE- mers. Four papare were rocoived coaprising prob Lees of very special invorost directay related to design dectoions on @tfferen- ‘ied sottlenente, etd studies the foundetion-euperstructure interaction of Twinfereed-conerate Gtrue~ tures subject zo settiesents, taking into Account the fast thut both the loade and tha flenured rigiaity increase during Construction dun to the aaastional flora, find, on the other Ind, the creep of con Grote decreases the rigidity. Tnasfar a earlier solutions ¢ ag. Sved and. Knok 195), ot al.) assuxod the eottleseat 0 ine! with the trang fully “rong, the paper Sstablishes « step formard, Ay regurdo tho typotheste ofthe 2inetr e-osrain offeet of redistrivuted Loads gn the footing settlosentay 12 appears. that the 1spliest sontaguense 48 to restrict the application of the paper to "direct cettloxense" oF footings oupported on clays (Sau infiuenoe factors for a1) footings) the case of setziezents die to thick deepiy-underlying coupresaitio olay layers ‘such ae oxricogod by Chanecki (1955) might be approached ty introdueing for each elenanted area ito appropriate influence faster, and, 9 necessary, — approprin’ strosa-otrain ant stmasn-tine Pelassona, ‘Thus, the Author's pointing oxt that ep plication is restricted to cases (clays) fn twhich the settlements occur at a sloner rete than the creop deformations of the Gonsrete, brings forth the quoction as to ho piesa’ of the tine-sevtlament phenowanon over witeh the sethod 2 applicable, since Bot only are such direct sprtlesenta quite rapid Cites 2,9) tut alec the ratea of et ‘louonte will drop signitioantiy with tine, {ne above relative-rate problon srises be- cause tho use of the sace nodulus of voluse Aeforaability for coupressions and expan ‘sions ie valid as part of the coaputationa princizle of eupersoaition of strosase ang Steins ave given inotant, but not for the volumotric strsins that will have been con Dusated ao tine eiepees. The Author aight explain how the pointe mere selected for pplication of the wit loads within the slenental losded arene. oreover, con Sidersng the aajor interference of wall~ spaneling on the rigidity of the butléing Trane (e.g. Bonjenin end Wiiliane 1058, ewoamaupt 1952, Aosenraupt and Bueller 295}, wt Al.) 12 would be highly snterest= ine io" sompive whet adds sional vadiaeritie Hon of Loads vould obvain trom en m factor, Finally, 1+ weuld bo of epoctal interest to lnow, for the example used, what onier of magnitudes of distortion Fedistribution factors A (ef. tea 5) would bo cosputed Zor the various Pg Doundaries presently adaitted so applice- 136 ble (ozs Figs 39) In view of the already welt epraad {nfore= son with respect to oma deuree of ine Yerferences of butiding Figlaities on aif Terentia! aottlosenta, it te hoped that in S21 casos in whieh authore (avg. Zoonand 3968, ot al.) diecuce the cospartoona | b6 ‘tween sospuioa and measured settleaenta and distortions (of. iter 5, the A, and A factors, whicn aight be "eeatiatioaliy® rolatea under comson conditions, sappells 41982) sone mention will hitherto ainaya be tuolused wits reapest to tho olegnifioant structural eharaoteristice and the compute ‘ional simplifications forlowed. Koxoraik and Zeiten desorite daanges +t stubby four-storey structures, duo to dif ferential cottienanse caused suddenly (spon 18 reevy rainfall), cyolicaliy (during wet Sndvary season), 'ana rapsaly, over perioaa of months ant/or few yeers, in the chaos of Butldings founded on short underreaned Biles in desiccated proconsoiidatod olays, Since the rigidities of tho buildings iad ‘been expecially strongthonod, and the Gasaseo varied from sinos 20 elncst ruinous ie would be of considerable interest 4¢ the Authore were to aieouse tho cate in the ant of darage criteria and desten doct= ‘ions. New afeas will occasionally show up in whieh the soil pherosena reported may appear as a surprise, but tho behaviour deseribed 19 slresay racomuised in many fn aren. Meanwhile 1¢ te of utnoat Lspor fence to gather systenstically all posattle data tonarda iaproving present ostiaates of rigidities, Avaiuec, and A fg limiting Sonditions. ‘he opening up of new appronahes tomrde quantizying the elesents of "judecent® 40 tho face of protlens of foundation dostgn aust te hailed with the enthuslaen of curiosity because of the promi Sight hold in store, in ouoh & opirit have the two papers, wy Skuk and by Hezandis aud Herrera, soon receives ty tho Genoral Reporter, irtespactive of question= ble facets that nay be raised. ‘Shuk attonpte to apply the reasoning of protabilities and the resognition of the Statistica) nature of eotl properties (ine cidentelly are structural factors #0 auch Sore dotcrainistic ?), to interpret end Gavelop *juderent™ in'eonneotion with tho design of size of independent footings, ubject to "direct seitlenento", eo at te stninize the cota busiaing cost foundation cost, with due consideration of Baintensnce couts due to dotrizertel total of digferential sotslensnts, indeed, oini~ Sar thinking ean already to found” (eugs Getsler 1968), avon with sone soneiderstion of the diopersions of tho bavie intervening "data" such e8 the Author prevents, for ie sunsary idealized exmple, in his Pigs. 1 fand 2. Unfortunaltely, however, the paper does not initiate the eager reeder into fhe precticel steps that wore foltoned an ‘the exanple proffered, and that aisat be Feepecte’ sutavie mutacdis, How are the Gistributions determines ? by which and hhow many teste? what significance ts Tevained by sho kethog and its conclusions within conton banda of diopereion cf the Gata? Hith respect %0 one over, © serious coubt aris sppatentiy elaine that tno tote) expocted cost of the whole building as 8 function Of foundation cost se rininized by obtain fhe the sumation of inaiviaually mini~ ized costa for eaoh footing: venturing Into Sntultions on the probles 4t 19 Teze Ghat the atatezent and consequent computa onal procedure ie not valid (apperently Statistical Decision Theory aight euesest sintaising the avoruge coot). probabilistic development for the E vectangular cenerally-loaded foundation ubject to average and tilting cettlesente Of # magnitude to be determined. They in- fecpret the subsoil compressibility as Comprising besides the clear-cut changes of propertien identified by conventional fxploretion techniques, @ eet of randos variations, and conclate (with some do~ Tonetration tased on laboratory aata}that doth the averuge se:tienent and the tilt tre norsally distributed random functions, de en interesting collsterel derivation they denonstrate the parked ineresee in probability of tilting with imeresse of Pigiaity of the beiléing. Two design criteria “are devoloped and exeuplizied, fone tasod on certain probability of the average sevtlezent and tilt not exceeding “tolerable liaite" (ihe latter ere exter sively disousced for t1t), aud ono based on cost minimization (iacldontaliy, e- Gheting the total cost and differentiating, Ee yould be sugzestea ateve for. the Skule fpprosch). Assuming that the much nore frequently controlling design ersterion s0 on maxima cofterential settlesents (ate~ fortions) it ie hoped that the method de- Yeloped will be extended to cover euch @ ‘7a NEGARIVE SKIN FRICETON of PITES [A gubject that has trowht forth the grest~ eat consentretion of invaluable contribu Eons da the subject of nesetive skin frice sons Four papers vere proconted directly fo this Session ané en aaditional thirteen were ebnnelaa through tho Specielty Session apres tically onganised for ap praizal of the subject, Considering the lange number of costributions, and tho Tact that nore getaiied disenssion ang appraisal on then will be cerried out at the Special ty Soesion, thie General Report will Limit Heolf to” tabulation of the principal potnies sa an oxtrenely cumurized conclusion tt ey be stated that, with the exception of Some questions with regard to group be— haviour, the Troblen of nosative skin f7tc~ tion eppeare tatiefnotorsay equated: andy above ally a2 an engineering solution tt Sppears highly recomended to employ the stecessfully deronstrntes technique for reducing oF elmost elisinsting the heaty foverlosa due to the prenosena. ‘shor Geos and sethod Prinoipal contusions Ti Poulos | Single cylindrical pile of various| Doméreg force P= T.lgefgsD curves ‘and, —-|i/a vation and stiffneeses K,point-| of Influence I reflected marked ef tos | Lteering on rigid tacethooretical| fect of A and E. Consolidation settl. ite dept) solutions for sofl as fonogencous Seotropso olastio material (f= 0 Gepth, end inoredeing linearly Enz tron pile assused Linear with depth bith pat surface. and f= 045) Approx. cola. also for elesto- | Distrivution of adhesion Ta hae con- Aiinetic cass of loesl yield pile-| siderable influence. P for given fa pia (amecion Ty conce. with | $2 greater for Tq. = const. 137 Tathor Gave an wothod Feteaigal onoiuadone 2. PaLientun | fo separate 2ong 4netruented pre-| High exsoue a recorded, and dlonten ‘sot | Gast" plice. through wot sarse-conn, | tion Sn 150 ayer Reentive akin fig neoss | Clay Into oll and nnd. Hon observed dus 0 clay reconecdiGa | ESS OST Fre uSivstnoay unatetard ++] Sat sint stacked reconolssnted Ethenst 7 4 Minow | Four singe driven inatmamentea | Soi ecrengthe before and after, Skim © Tipe pllee (oonptring‘vorsisat_ | frletion St Wey tnt for open-end si | | Stomoteond point-bencing, “ditto | pile = 60 #. ‘Tnutmal point (of, Sten Setvered, vortion epenénd” point-| tt) appary aoesre at sane seine Sheasine) vorsionl ehososvand erso-| 2ap2n on the four piles. Kch at eon piiey"wstnin ebay and #0 with buvtnoy sateling 150a/ver. “Bjorn | Inssruoated single stael ripe fant | pilen with spociai point ativon obannessed fo nook, throagn toft ciays under ease Vory high dognaras, akin friction 1) Sunaary of 6 earlier ca FR (ein P) sian@'s "0.2 for elaye 2 OU for stSty olaye ») Six pitee oapactenty for ro | Reduetion of aikta friction ty 90 Gucing negttive Srietion En bituseossoated pile with enlarged Saee to avert asretehing oct flap ¢) throes piles ony. for retuoing | trommatis srwacnert (cachode)” modes Eogative ‘ristiony, drives Seteiy séteccive, very effective = Tenvugh ccarae ockeraisle Thigh anperage.,Easscnite aIssy ane noleretely sefectiver 5 Geass upper layer (oye. enna) | Proposes 2iaiting domdrag to given Shusing Settlonent off oinyy around | ty pulling force ofthe pile Single enécbesring pile on’ saad Este. aserowsante solution Eorasan of point tena. on sneiaito Slate on eiksele foudsston: G, Bromo | Snavnmented piles Griven into | Abows yr obeervestonss Gall F Sr | ant-tesring euad aeyerr’ 7 onstuin | Soveloped constaeratio. fy. SL. | SRW Eopidne s “P Wrcconsine | save af sosesete, Vanroptio Files nice beutonite-elusy to’ | gered appress with Zeetanrt-de Beer Eonuce''f} ‘i'Finrevaasing’ pile | Formas ccaputetions, ths two Sith titlen-coated casings “2” | avthode of recuoing vistally Tamar steel pile uinianted St 7. be eer] Pulling vesiotance loed vests of | concerning atin friction, the oone ch" | Civorel plies atcouengrassiar | penetroanter tenuis yields conanrea= valliye | S{iit, Ecostpanied ty Gone pone | Tive coviaate of palling resterane tronezer testa: Prank piles, with and without enlarged ba pileo opet-in-eita tn Vontontter Fstaeitized holes, caved piles. Bentonite slurry does not influanet 138 Founoamions iw clay 7 water Case ani aethed Principal conelustons 8. Verrijt | Higid cyling. pile ent-bearing on Figid bace, soll under waiters surface lotding. — D:fterential og. of elastic oqutl. Linit con ition of partial elip sotl-pile ‘Song upper senate, Yor the epectal aamumpsione, Tora Gowarac would depend stzonsly on fy on surface loeding, snd on aqunre of soil layer thicknesa, 3. Hocker [a rigid piles per wall orea on Figid tacey aol under “wadtora surface lodding. Computer pro fran for ciftesentiel equation, Sthecion taken eo o's One tang 10, Correa | Description and eaanplified design caszutation for pected ‘elesoopie pile patented for Peducing nagative skin feistion. i Sultan | "Samary desoription of problens, : including over-eiaplizies analyoen of sese oash “Digital analog eiswlater™ conpiter progran. Weiel of special telescopic Joint eatietectoriay teoteds 2. avis | Sumary of series of elustio and | ‘theory solutions presented ty Poulos | Poulce, Davie and Katies on pile behaviour. |Commscviy presonved tables and Graphe [ot rosuate of theoretical analyses fant conpartaons with published obeorrs ‘ions 1B. Resendiz | Design, Tiela-cecting, ead etal. — | observation onte hetory of the Palacio de 100 Deportes, Yexieor 35 piles ica tected. Woll-docusered case including npor tent probles of negative friction and specéad piles behaved alnoet exactly 5 foreseen, Referer Benjamin, Jk, and Wi2iéans, HA, “the ‘behavior of one-etory brick shear mile" ALB.C.E, Jour. Strict. 54, July 1958, Bersy, Pols and Wilkineon, W.B. “The radial ‘consolidation of olay soils" Geotech~ nique 13, no, 2, 3. 253, 1969. Bond, D. tho influence of foundetion size ‘oh bettlouent™ Geotochaique 21, py 12, ise, Otbeon, RAB. An analyate of eysten flext- ‘bitity ang ite effect on tie-iag. in pore-vater pressure seasurenente” Geo- technique ZEIT, no, 2y pe 1, 1963. Glick, GW *InrIuonse of eoft ground on ‘the design of long piles" ToUSOHEF 1948 1¥, ps hy Rotterdan. Yeonarde, G.A, "Predicting tenant of buildings oa elay otis" 1958" Soil Mechanics tecture Series, Foundation The Gineering, Evanston, {lisnois pe fie Eattes, 1.5. and Poulos, sc. "Settienent ‘of tingle canpressibie pile" Joure AsS.0eEs, SUL, Jan 1969, p, 189. Moore, PaJ. and Spencer, G.x, "Settienent ‘of building on feop Sonpreasiblo soll Sours A.S.C.E., S3y be 159; Day 1963. Poulos, H.0., and Mattes, ¥.S. "Me ben naviour of axially losded ené-bearing piles" Geotechnigue 19, nos 2 pe 265) 1989. Raines, FJ. "Hlastic-plagtio foundation ‘odel for punchshear failure" Joure AS.CsEs, SHB, Hay 1969, p. 619. See; Kevevia; resicpaned wearin SE Rosenhnupt, Sy "Experiuental stuty of aiek elay inder load teste at Aerun™ Geoteetnique 29, no. 2, p- 101, 1969. Jeppeli, Re "Ricerca cut codinenti aiffen rongiali dol piane di posa ai un edifi- elo. Geotsenica, sarch 1962, pe 62. 139 Rosonaupt, &, and Hueller, 6. ‘aasonty’ walls on tease" A.S.C,- Jour Struct. 813, dune 1952, pe 37. openings 4m masonry walle on set‘ling suppor AsB.G.E, Sour. 803, June 1963y Be OT

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