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A walk in the past media careers and involvement of people in information

 Pre-Spanish Era  – knowledge was passed on through folk media and indigenous forms of media. Careers:  Town
crier, messenger, community scribe.
 Spanish Era  – while education was limited to the elite, publication of books (i.e., Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo) and newspapers (La Solidaridad) advanced the Propaganda movement which led to the people’s
revolution against Spanish rule. Filipinos at that time did not have a common language. Only the elite spoke and
understood Spanish.  Thus, communication was limited. Pen names were used to avoid political oppression. Careers:
book writers, newspaper writer, editor, publisher, copyreader, artist.
 American and Japanese Era  – During this era, major newspaper (i.e. Manila Times and Manila Bulletin), radio
broadcasting and movies became available. Media was used for propaganda by government and other groups.
Careers:  book writers, newspaper writer, editor, publisher, copyreader, artist, cartoonist, reporter, producer,
 Post-war Era  – the golden age of Philippine Journalism. Advertising, Communication Education, and press
freedom flourished in this era. Careers:  book writers, newspaper writer, editor, publisher, copyreader, artist,
cartoonist, reporter, producer, media technicians, advertisers.
 Martial Law Era  – Highlights of this era include the government takeover of media and the press and the image
engineering of the Marcoses in the name of nationalism.
 Post-EDSA Era  – People Power brought greater freedom for Philippine media. During this era, the new
Constitution recognized the vital role of communication and information in nation-building. Press freedom influenced
the growth in media careers.
 Modern Era  – Careers:  web designer, online instructors, digital producers, bloggers, animators, programmer,
archivist, metadata analyst, data miner, user experience designer, call center agents, virtual assistants.

It is an assembly of people with a common interest where they become the main means of mass communication. In other
words, people are media themselves since they have the ability for mass communication.


People in Media – they are the people behind another form of media. They use other forms of media such as text media,
visual media, multimedia, etc. in disseminating information and imparting knowledge.
People as Media – they are the MEDIA itself. The person serves as the medium for another person to learn or acquire
new knowledge.


 Media practitioners  Print Journalists
 Provide information coming from their expert  Photojournalists
knowledge or first- hand experience of events  Broadcast Journalists
 Multimedia Journalist
 Opinion Leaders
o Highly exposed to and actively using media
o Source of viable interpretation of messages for lower-end media users
o Opinions are accepted by a group
 Citizen Journalism
o People without professional journalism training can use the tools of modern technology and internet to create,
augment or fact-check media on their own or in collaboration with others.
 Social Journalism
o Journalists are using social media to make their content available to more people.
 Crowdsourcing

o The practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of
people and especially from the online community.

Social media is a catch-all term for a variety of internet applications that allow users to create content and interact
with each other. This interaction can take many forms, but some common types include:
 Sharing links to interesting content produced by third parties
 Public updates to a profile, including information on current activities and even location data
 Sharing photos, videos and posts
 Commenting on the photos, posts, updates, videos and links shared by other
A term used to describe a variety of Web-based platforms, applications, and technologies that enable people to
socially interact with one another online. Some examples of social media sites and applications include Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter, blogs and other sites that have content based on user participation and user-generated content (UGC).
Social media has enabled people to be channels of information, thereby becoming a medium of communication.
There is no fixed classification of formats of social media. There is a wide variety of classification made by different


1. Individualized, builds profiles (includes personal

details, pictures, likes)

2. Connects with friends and people (includes

referrals by other friends or by the site itself)

3. Uploads content in real time

4. Enables conversations (both private and public)

5. Provides tracking (history and threads)


 Relationship or Social networks – Facebook

 Micro-blogging – Twitter, Instagram

 Special interest networks – Linkedin, Pinterest

 Media Sharing – YouTube, Flickr

 Collaborative news -Reddit, Waze,

 Discussion Forums – Google Groups

 Group buying/merchant sites – OLX, Groupon,


 Virtual worlds – Farmville, World of Warcraft,

Secondlife, Minecraft

Positive Effects of Social Media
1. Social networks help the businesses in a variety of ways. Traditional marketing mediums such as the
radio, TV commercials and print ads are completely obsolete now However, with social media the
businesses can connect with their targeted customers for free, the only cost is energy and time.

2. The increasing popularity of social sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, social networks have
gained attention as the most viable communication choice for the bloggers, article writers and content

3. These social networking sites have opened the opportunity for all the writers and bloggers to connect
with their tech savvy clients to share your expertise and articles. Your audience will further share your
articles, blog or expertise in their social circle which further enhance your networks of the followers.

4. Social networks have removed all the communication and interaction barriers, and now one can
communicate his/her perception and thoughts over a variety of topics. Students and experts are able to
share and communicate with like-minded people and can ask for the input and opinion on a particular

5. Another positive impact of social networking site is to unite people on a huge platform for the
achievement of some specific objective. This is very important to bring the positive change in society.

Negative Effects of Social Media

1. One of the negative effect of social media or network is it leads to addiction. Spending countless hours
on the social sites can divert the focus and attention from a particular task. It lowers the motivational level
of the people, especially of the teenagers and students. They mainly rely on technology and the internet
instead of learning the practical knowledge and expertise of the everyday life.

2. Kids can be greatly affected by these social networking sites if they are allowed to use them. The
reason is that sometimes people share photos on social media that contains violence and sex, which can
damage the behavior of kids and teenagers. It put the negative impact on overall society as these kids and
teenagers involve themselves in crime related activities.

3. Another downside of the social media is that the user shares too much information which may pose
threats to them. Even with the tight security settings your personal information may leak on the social
sites. Downloading your videos or pictures and copying your status is an easy task and can be done within
few clicks.

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