Doubt (N.) / Daʊt/ A Feeling of Uncertainty or Lack of Conviction. 'Some Doubt Has Been Cast Upon The Authenticity of This Account.' (ES Duda)

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Dive /ˈ
daɪv/ (v). Plunge head first into water with one's arms raised over one's head. 'she walked to the deep end, then she dived in' [zambullirse]

Divorced (adj.) /dɪˈvɔːrst/ 1. 'No longer married'. My parents are divorced. [ES divorciado] 2. Divorce [sth] from [sth]'separate from something'. Is it possible to divorce life from art? [ES separar]

Doctor (n.) /ˈdɒktə/ 'A person who is qualified to treat people who are ill.' Doctor Thornhill. [ES doctor, médico]

doctorate (n.) /ˈ
dɒktərət/ 'the highest university degree'. She's studying for her doctorate. [ES doctorado]
Donation (n.) /də(ʊ)ˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 1.'Something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money'. Please send your donation of £20 to the Disaster
Appeal. 1.1'The action of donating something'.The donation of carpets, chairs, and cutlery. [ES donación].

Doubt (n.) / daʊt/ A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. 'Some doubt has been cast upon the authenticity of this account.' [ES duda]
(v.) Feel uncertain about. 'I doubt my ability to do the job.' [ES dudar]

download (v.) /ˌdaʊnˈləʊd/1. 'to get data from another computer, usually using the Internet.
Robert downloaded a film to watch that evening. [ES descargar, bajar]

Downshift sth (v.) (doun′shift′),: put into lower gear. Ben downshifted the car in order to keep us safe. [Bajar la velocidad de algo]
to drag (v.) /ˈ
dræg/ 'to pull somebody/something along with effort and difficulty'. They dragged her from her bed. [ES arrastrar]
Drag your feet (idiom) /dræɡ jɔː(r) fiːt/ 'to be deliberately slow in doing something or in making a decision'. He knows he should see a doctor, but
he's dragging his feet. [ES arrastrar los pies, procrastinar, dar largas al asunto]

Dramatic (adj.) /drəˈmætɪk/ Exciting or impressive. 'He recalled his dramatic escape from the building'. [ES dramático]

Drawback (i) /ˈ
drɔː·bæk/ 'a problem or disadvantage'. The only drawback with this camera is the price. [ES inconveniente, desventaja]
dream/driːm/ 1. (n.) 'A series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep'. I had a vivid dream about my old
[ES sueño] 2. (v.) 'To have a dream'. I've been dreaming a lot lately.
[ES soñar]

Drink to (phrase.) (also drink a toast to) 'Celebrate or wish for the good fortune of someone or something by raising one's glass and drinking a small amount'. Let's drink to that and
celebrate our challenging lives! [ES brindar po algo o alguien]

Driver (n.) /ˈdrʌɪvə/ 'A person who drives a vehicle.' a taxi driver. [ES conductor]

Driving licence
Driving licence (n.)
/ˈdraɪvɪŋ ,laɪsəns/ 'an official document or certificate authorizing a person to drive a motor vehicle.' I got my driving licence when I was 18. [ES licencia/permiso para conducir]

Drop (v.) /dräp/ 'Let or make (something) fall vertically'. The fire was caused by someone dropping a lighted cigarette. [ES caer]

Dry-cleaner's(n.) /ˌdrʌɪˈkliːnə/ 'Shop where clothes are cleaned.' That suit's too delicate for the washing machine; you'll have to take it to the dry
cleaner. [ES tintorería]

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