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Drug Evaluation

Drugs 28: 189-235 (1984)

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A Review of its Pharmacodynamic Properties and Therapeutic
Efficacy in Hypertension

M. ChajJman, R.C. Heel, R.N. Brogden, T.M. Speight and

G.s. Avery
ADiS Drug Information Services, Auckland

Various sections of this manuscript reviewed by: R. Bloch, Faculte de Medecine, U niv-
ersite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France; D.C. Brater, Department of Pharmacology, The
University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas, Dallas, Texas, USA; N.M. Kaplan,
Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Dallas, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.; A. Lant, Department of Therapeutics, Westminster Medical
School, London, England; W.P. Leary, Department of Experimental and Clinical
Pharmacology, University of Natal, Durban, South Africa; M. Lebel, L'Hotel Dieu de
Quebec, Quebec, Canada; A. Mimran, Faculte de Medecine, Centre Hospitalier Univ-
ersitaire, Hopital Lapeyronie, Montpellier Cedex, France; R.I. Ogilvie, Division of Car-
diology and Clinical Pharmacology, Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Can-
ada; G.E. Pl4nte, Department of Physiology, Pharmacology, and Family Medicine,
University of Sherbrooke; Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada; F.O. Simpson, Department of
Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; P. Turner, Department of Clinical
Pharmacology, St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London, England; H.I . WaaI-
Manning, Department of Medicine, Wellcome Medical Research Institute, University of
Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; P. Weidmann, Medizinische Poliklinik, Bern, Switzer-
land; I.A. Whitworth, Department of Nephrology, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Park-
ville, Victoria, Australia; N. Wright, St Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 190
I. Pharmacodynamic Effects ......................................................... ............................ ................. 194
1.1 Renal Effects ..................................................................................................................... 194
1.1.1 Effects on Renal Function ...................................................................................... 194
1.1.2 Diuretic Effects ........................................................................................................ 196
1.1.3 Effects on Urinary pH and Specific Gravity ........................................................ 197
1.2 Influence on Renin and Aldosterone ............................................................................. 197
1.3 Metabolic Effects ........................................................................'" ................................... 198
1.3.1 Effects on Sodium Balance ..................................................................................... 198
1.3.2 Effects on Potassium Balance................................................................................. 199
1.3.3 Other Electrolyte Effects ......................................................................................... 200
1.3.4 Effect on Uric Acid .................................................... ............................................. 202
1.3.5 Effects on Glucose Tolerance ................................................................................. 203
1.3.6 Influence on Lipid Metabolism ............................................................................. 204
Indapamide: A Review 190

1.4 Cardiovascular Effects ...................................................................................................... 205

1.4.1 In vitro Effects on Electromechanical Activity in Vascular Smooth Muscle
and Cardiac Muscle .......................................................................................................... 205
1.4.2 Effects of Vascular Reactivity and Peripheral Vascular Resistance ................... 205
1.4.3 Effects on the Heart ................................................................................................ 208
1.5 Effect on Prostaglandin Synthesis ................................................................................... 210
1.6 Mechanism of Antihypertensive Action ......................................................................... 210
1.7 Toxicology Studies ........................................................................................................... 212
1.7.1 Acute Toxicity ......................................................................................................... 212
1.7.2 Subacute and Chronic Toxicity .............................................................................. 212
1.7.3 Effects on Reproduction ......................................................................................... 212
2. Pharmacokinetic Studies ........................................................................................................ 212
2.1 Absorption and Plasma Concentrations ......................................................................... 212
2.2 Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 213
2.3 Metabolism and Elimination .......................................................................................... 213
2.3.1 Elimination Half-Life .............................................................................................. 214
2.4 Pharmacokinetics in Altered Renal Function ................................................................ 214
3. Therapeutic Trials ................................................................................................................... 215
3.1 Use in Hypertension ........................................................................................................ 215
3.1.1 Open Studies ............................................................................................................ 215
3.1.2 Comparisons with Placebo ..................................................................................... 217
3.1.3 Comparisons with Hydrochlorothiazide ................................................................ 218
3.1.4 Comparisons with Bendrofluazide ......................................................................... 220
3.1.5 Comparisons with Cyclopenthiazide ..................................................................... 221
3.1.6 Comparisons with Other Diuretic Agents ............................................................. 221
3.1.7 Comparisons with ~-Adrenergic Blocking Agents, and Their Use in
Combination ...................................................................................................................... 221
3.1.8 Comparison with Methyldopa, and Their Use in Combination ......................... 223
3.1.9 Use in Patients with Renal Insufficiency .............................................................. 224
3.2 Use in Oedematous States ............................................................................................... 226
4. Side Effects .............................................................................................................................. 227
4.1 Hypokalaemia ................................................................................................................... 227
4.2 Other Side Effects............................................................................................................. 227
5. Dosage and Administration ....................................................................................................228
6. Place of Indapamide in Therapy ........................................................................................... 228

Summary Synopsis: Indapamide J is an orally active sulphonamide diuretic agent. Although some
evidence appears to indicate that the antihypertensive action of indapamide is primarily
a result of its diuretic activity, only a limited diuresis occurs with the usual antihyperten-
sive doses of 2.5mg daily, and in vitro and in vivo data suggest that it may also reduce
blood pressure by decreasing vascular reactivity and peripheral vascular resistance. In mild
to moderate hypertension it is as effective as thiazide diuretics and (J-adrenergic blocking
agents in lowering blood pressure when used as the sole treatment. lndapamide has been
successfully combined with (J-adrenergic blocking agents, methyldopa, and other anti-
hypertensive agents. While such findings need confirmation, it appears that indapamide
shares the potential with other diuretic agents to induce electrolyte and other metabolic
abnormalities, although it may do so with less frequency or severity.
Thus, indapamide appears to offer a suitable alternative to more established drugs as
a 'first-line' treatment in patients with mild to moderate hypertension. Whether it differs
significantly from other diuretics when used as antihypertensive therapy, either in its mode
of action or its side effect profile, needs further clarification.

1 'Audex', 'Lozide', 'Natrilix' (Servier); 'Lozol' (USV).

Indapamide: A Review 191

Pharmacodynamic Studies: In dogs, indapamide 0.1 to 3.0 mg/kg did not alter effec-
tive renal plasma flow or glomerular filtration rate. Similar findings were reported in
healthy volunteers, where single doses ofindapamide 10mg and 2.5mg daily given long
term also failed to change these parameters significantly. In healthy volunteers and patients
with hypertension with or without renal insufficiency, single or multiple doses ofindap-
amide 2.5 to IOmg either increased endogenous creatinine clearance slightly (but sig-
nificantly) or had no effect. Alterations in mean serum creatinine have rarely occurred
during indapamide treatment, but increases in mean blood urea nitrogen have been noted
occasionally, the latter probably being a reflection of mild dehydration.
24-Hour urine volumes have not been significantly augmented by low doses « 2.5mg
daily) of indapamide, but moderate to large doses (5 to 30mg) have resulted in clinically
significant and dose-related water and electrolyte losses. Following oral administration,
the onset of diuresis occurs in 1 to 3 hours, and peak urinary flow at 6 hours. Increased
urinary volume from baseline may be noted up to 36 hours after a moderate (1 Omg)
dose of indapamide. In healthy volunteers or oedematous patients large doses (40 to
50mg) have induced a diuresis similar in volume to that of frusemide (furosemide) 40
or 80mg. In greater than half of the trials reported, indapamide 2.5 or 5mg daily has
resulted in mean bodyweight losses (an indirect measurement of diuresis) ranging from
approximately 0.5 to 2.4kg, which are similar to those noted with bendrofluazide 5mg,
hydrochlorothiazide loomg, or frusemide 4Omg, each administered daily. Similar to the
benzothiadiazine diuretics, the primary site of the diuretic action of indapamide is the
proximal segment of the distal renal tubule, with some activity also apparent in the
proximal tubule.
In a limited number of studies, indapamide 2.5 to 5mg daily has been shown to raise
plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentrations to an extent similar to that
of other diuretic agents and vasodilator drugs (2- to 5-fold).
In healthy volunteers and patients with hypertension, single doses of indapamide
IOmg increased the percentage of filtered sodium excreted to 3.4% (p < 0.00 1), whereas
non-parallel studies have shown the percentage of filtered sodium excreted following
usual doses of thiazide compounds and frusemide to be 8 and 23%, respectively. Low
doses of indapamide « Img) have not resulted in statistically significant episodes of
natriuresis, but larger doses ranging from 2.5 to 30mg have increased urinary sodium
excretion by 72 to 127 "mol/min. In most studies, indapamide (usually 2.5mg daily) has
not altered total exchangeable sodium. Serum sodium concentrations following long term
administration of indapamide have generally not been altered.
Indapamide decreases estimated total body potassium, but these changes have been
statistically insignificant ("" 125 mmol). Single doses of indapamide 2.5 to 40mg have
consistently increased the rate and quantity of urinary potassium loss in healthy subjects
and statistically significant decreases in mean serum potassium concentrations have oc-
curred in approximately 75% of reported clinical trials of indapamide. Although these
decreases have usually not exceeded the normal lower physiological limit for serum po-
tassium concentration, some patients have required potassium supplements. In parallel
controlled studies, decreases in serum potassium concentrations following indapamide
2.5mg daily were equal in magnitude compared with those with hydrochlorothiazide 50
or lOOmg daily.
Urinary chloride excretion is significantly increased by indapamide in a dose-related
manner. A single dose of 40mg increased chloride excretion from 7.5 to 25 mmol/hour
(p < 0.01), and this increase in urinary excretion was prolonged (up to 72 hours). The
single-dose administration of indapamide 2.5mg increased 24-hour urinary chloride loss
up to 106.3%, whereas 40mg of the relatively short-acting ("" 6 hours) agent frusemide
increased excretion by 40%. However, serum chloride concentrations seen with indap-
amide have not resulted in concentrations below the normal range. Bicarbonate ion ex-
cretion and serum bicarbonate concentrations appear to be minimally affected by in-
Most studies have shown indapamide to have a hypocalciuric effect approximately
Indapamide: A Review 192

equal to that of hydrochlorothiazide in patients with hypertension with normal or ele-

vated serum calcium concentrations. Serum calcium concentrations have not been altered
during treatment with indapamide, and urinary phosphate excretion and serum phos-
phate concentrations have not been appreciably altered. Indapamide 40mg increased (0.05
> p > 0.02) urinary magnesium excretion and decreased serum magnesium concentra-
tions (p < 0.01), and serum concentrations remained decreased for 10 days following
this single dose.
The data regarding the effect of indapamide on serum uric acid concentrations is
divergent - probably due to varying patient selection criteria in clinical trials. However
uncommon, acute gouty arthritis has occurred during treatment with indapamide.
In isolated perfused rat pancreas, high concentrations of indapamide (10 or 100
mgjL) have reduced total insulin secretory response to glucose infusions. Although in-
dapamide 2.5 or 5mg daily for 12 weeks increased blood glucose concentrations similarly
to hydrochlorothiazide 50mg twice daily (8.3, 15.8 and 11.6%, respectively) in non-dia-
betic hypertensive patients, most studies in diabetic and non-diabetic patients with hyper-
tension have not revealed a significant decrease in glucose tolerance with indapamide.
Similarly, indapamide has not significantly altered blood glucose concentrations or in-
sulin secretion in hypertensive diabetics who have received it for up to 1 year. As de-
creased glucose tolerance with thiazide diuretics in non-diabetic patients with hyperten-
sion may take up to 2 years to develop, long term studies are required to determine the
exact potential indapamide has in inducing this metabolic abnormality. Although the
data are limited, indapamide I to 4mg daily for up to 24 months has not been reported
to increase total cholesterol or triglyceride concentrations, or lower high-density lipopro-
tein concentrations.
Although the ability of indapamide to relax vascular smooth muscle and decrease
peripheral vascular resistance has been demonstrated in various in vitro and in vivo in-
vestigations, further study is required to clarify the extent to which the antihypertensive
efficacy of indapamide can be attributed to actions oth~r than its diuretic effect.
Indapamide decreased inward calcium current, clonic phasic contractions, and out-
going potassium current in longitudinal muscle strips from isolated rabbit portal vein,
and inhibited increases in clonic contractions and calcium influx which could be elicited
by angiotensin II. However, the intensity of tonic contractions was not altered. In vitro,
cardiovascular smooth muscle preparations decreased action potential amplitude in the
presence of indapamide, although resting membrane potential remained unaffected. The
decrease in isometric contractions in normally polarised rat portal vein smooth muscle
was greater with indapamide than with hydrochlorothiazide or chlorthalidone, and only
indapamide decreased the action potential amplitude in this in vitro model when equal
concentrations of the 3 agents were used.
In vitro, various concentrations of indapamide have been shown to inhibit vascular
smooth muscle contractile responses to assorted vasopressor agents [angiotensin II, ad-
renaline (epinephrine), tyramine, prostaglandin F 2a , nicotine] and electrical stimulation,
while effects on noradrenaline-induced contractions have been inconsistent. Resting tone
in arterial and venous smooth muscle has usually not been affected.
The effects of indapamide on in vivo vascular reactivity have been studied both in
laboratory animals and in man. In rats, indapamide (usually 10 mg/kg daily) decreased
pressor response to oxotremorine, noradrenaline, and tyramine, whereas pretreatment
with hydrochlorothiazide 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally did not decrease pressor response to
the latter 2 agents. In patients with hypertension, vascular reactivity (i.e. pressor re-
sponsiveness) to phenylephrine, noradrenaline, and angiotensin II were decreased after
indapamide 2.5 to 5mg daily for 2 to 6 weeks. In small numbers of patients with hyper-
tension, indapamide 2.5mg daily for 6 to 12 weeks was shown to increase muscle blood
flow, and decrease limb vascular resistance, total peripheral resistance, and peripheral
resistance 'index'. However, the non-invasive techniques and indirect methods of as-
sessment used in the majority of these studies necessitate cautious interpretation of these
Indapamide: A Review 193

Heart rate, left ventricular end-diastolic or end-systolic volume, ejection fraction, and
stroke volume have generally been unaffected by indapamide administration. Similarly,
cardiac output has usually remained unchanged or increased. Regression of left ventric-
ular hypertrophy and cardiomegaly have also occurred after long term treatment. No
electrOcardiographic abnormalities have been reported during indapamide therapy in the
absence of metabolic disturbances.
In vitro. indapamide exhibited the greatest inhibitory effect on thromboxane synthesis,
and the most stimulatory effect on prostaglandin 12 (prostacyclin) synthesis when com-
pared with frusemide, hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone. In patients with hyper-
tension, indapamide 2.Smg daily for 6 weeks increased urinary prostaglandin E2 excretion
(p < 0.02S). Some prostaglandins may play a role in the control of blood pressure in
man, but the clinical significance of these findings with indapamide is unknown.

Pharmacokinetic Studies: In healthy volunteers, bioavailability of indapamide after

a Smg dose was estimated to be 93%. Peak concentrations of indapamide occurred ap-
proximately O.S to 2 hours after oral administration and remained relatively constant
for up to 8 hours. Mean steady-state blood concentrations of 89 and IS8.S p.gJL occurred
after 4 daily doses of indapamide 2.S and Smg, respectively.
In vitro. indapamide accumulated in vascular smooth muscle and the red cell binding
of indapamide was found to be high. The red cell to plasma ratio of radioactivity after
in vitro incubation of whole blood with 14C-indapamide ranged up to 9: I, and in vivo
ratios obtained in man following treatment with indapamide were similar (S.7: I). In-
dapamide binds predominantly (98%) to the carbonic anhydrase fraction of the red cell,
but the activity of this enzyme remains intact. In man, indapamide is 76 to 79% protein
Human studies have shown indapamide to be excreted 60 to 70% renally, with about
7% as unchanged drug, and the remainder as metabolic products. Up to 19 metabolites
of indapamide have been detected in urine. The renal clearance of indapamide has been
estimated to be 1.71 ml/min; therefore, hepatic clearance is responsible for the greatest
portion ofthe total systemic clearance (20 to 23.4 ml/min). Faecal elimination accounts
for 16 to 23% of an orally administered dose. The elimination half-life of indapamide
has been estimated to range from 13.9 to 17.8 hours in healthy subjects.
Indapamide does not significantly accumulate in patients with renal insufficiency or
failure following long term treatment. Pharmacokinetic data in patients with hepatic dys-
function are lacking. Indapamide is not dialysable.

Therapeutic Trials: In open and placebo-controlled studies in patients with mild to

moderate hypertension, indapamide (usually 2.Smg daily) has been shown to be an ef-
fective antihypertensive agent, lowering resting systolic and diastolic blood pressures by
10 to 20%. Maximum blood pressure-lowering effect occurred most frequently at the
second or third month of therapy, and indapamide generally lowered blood pressure to
9Smm Hg or less in 60 to 80% of these patients.
In parallel group and crossover comparisons, indapamide 2.Smg daily was approxi-
mately equal in antihypertensive efficacy to other diuretic agents, including hydrochloro-
thiazide SOmg (alone or in combination with amiloride Smg), bendrofluazide Smg, chlor-
thalidone lOOmg, chlorothiazide sOOmg, or pindolol 10 or ISmg, atenolol lOOmg, or
metoprolol 200mg daily. In a few small studies, indapamide 2.Smg daily displayed a
superior blood pressure-lowering effect when compared with cyclopenthiazide O.Smg or
methyldopa SOOmg, each administered daily. Therapeutic regimens combining indapa-
mide with a ~-adrenoceptor blocking agent or methyldopa have exerted good antihyper-
tensive efficacy and have been well tolerated. Decreases in serum potassium concentra-
tions were generally of equal magnitude when indapamide was compared with other
diuretic agents. Indapamide has also been proven effective in reducing blood pressure
in a small number of patients with renal insufficiency or failure (on haemodialysis).
In patients with oedema due to unknown causes, congestive heart failure, or hepatic
Indapamide: A Review 194

disease, indapamide 2.5 to 20mg daily was an effective diuretic agent, with both lower
and moderately high doses (2.5, 5 and lOmg) being approximately equal in effectiveness
to hydrochlorothiazide l00mg daily. Hypokalaemia was a common complication of mod-
erate to high dose indapamide treatment in these patients, with reported incidences rang-
ing from 25 to 40%. Further studies are required before the efficacy of indapamide in
the treatment of oedema (and whether it offers any advantages over existing diuretics in
this setting) can be clearly stated.

Side Effects: The most common side effect reported during indapamide therapy is
hypokalaemia (serum potassium < 3.5 mmol/L); 1.2 to 3 and 7% of patients manifest
laboratory signs and/or clinical symptoms of hypokalaemia with indapamide 2.5 or 5mg
daily, respectively. Although central nervous system effects, fatigue, orthostatic hypoten-
sion, and gastrointestinal side effects have also occurred during indapamide therapy, they
have been infrequent and minor in severity. Sexual dysfunction said to be associated
with indapamide treatment has been reported only rarely.

Dosage and Administration: The recommended initial daily dose of indapamide for
the treatment of hypertension or oedema is 2.5mg daily, administered orally. The dose
may be increased to 5mg daily if an appropriate antihypertensive effect has not occurred
after 1 to 2 months of treatment. Likewise, an inadequate diuretic response after 1 week
of treatment with this dose in oedematous patients is indicative of a need for an increase
in dosage. Indapamide should probably be used with caution in patients with impaired
renal or hepatic function. Indapamide is capable of inducing hypokalaemia and possibly
other metabolic abnormalities and, as with other diuretics, laboratory and clinical moni-
toring of patients at appropriate intervals is advised.

1. Pharmacodynamic Effects diminished renal function (Frazier and Yager, 1973;

Mudge, 1980).
Indapamide [4-chloro - N - (2-methyl - l-indol- In dogs, indapamide 0.1 mg/kg intravenously
inyl)-3-sulphamoyl benzamide] is an indoline de- did not influence effective renal plasma flow or
rivative of chlorsulphonamide and, like clopam- glomerular filtration rate, although a higher dose
ide, it differs chemically from benzothiadiazine (1.0 mgJkg) temporarily increased both para-
diuretics in that it contains only 1 sulphonamide meters. Similar responses occurred when hydro-
group and no 'thiazide ring system' (Campbell, chlorothiazide (1.0 mgjkg) or trichlormethazide (0.3
1983; Campbell et al., 1977; Choi et al., 1982; Gre- mgJkg) were administered intravenously to dogs
bowet al., 1982) [fig. 1]. (Suzuki et aI., 1977). However, in other studies,
glomerular filtration rate in dogs was not altered
1.1 Renal Effects by the intravenous administration of indapamide
ImgJkg (Laubie and Schmitt, 1977) or 3 mgfkg
1.1.1 Effects on Renal Function (Burke et aI., 1983); effective renal plasma flow was
Thiazide diuretics have been reported to de- increased (15%, p < 0.05) only at the higher dosage.
crease glomerular filtration rate, especially after Similarly, effective renal plasma flow and glomer-
intravenous administration. This effect is probably ular filtration rate were not altered in healthy
due to a direct vasoconstrictive action on the renal volunteers administered a single dose of indapa-
vasculature. Although this increase in renal vas- mide 10mg (Pitone et al., 1978), or in patients with
cular resistance usually has little clinical signifi- hypertension administered indapamide 2.5mg every
cance, it may be of importance to patients with other day for 1 month (Waal-Manning and Does-
Indapamide: A Review 195

burg, 1982) or 2.Smg daily for 8 weeks, but was

decreased (approximately 10 ml/min, p < 0.01) fol-
lowing a single 20mg dose given to patients with
hypertension (Villarreal et aI., 1983).
In several studies, glomerular filtration rate fol-
lowing indapamide administration has been esti-
mated by measuring endogenous creatinine clear-
ance (Brennan et aI., 1982; Lemieux and L'Homme, Indapamide
1983; Waal-Manning and Doesburg, 1982). In
healthy volunteers receiving indapamide 10mg
daily for 4 days, creatinine clearance was decreased
(from 107 to 97 ml/min) [Goldberg and Furman,
1974]; however, creatinine clearance was un-
changed following long term administration of a
lower dose (2.Smg every other day) to the patients
ofWaal-Manning and Doesburg. After indapamide
2.5mg daily for 4 months, creatinine clearance was
increased (p < O.OS) compared with daily treat-
ment with placebo or hydrochlorothiazide SOmg
(Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983). Creatinine clear-
ance was also increased (SO.9 to 63.4 ml/min, p <
0.01) in 8 patients with hypertension and renal in-
sufficiency given indapamide 2.Smg daily for 6
weeks (Brennan et aI., 1982).
Although serum creatinine and blood urea ni-
trogen concentrations are less reliable indicators of Frusemide

glomerular filtration rate (Brooks and Mallick,

1982), they have nevertheless been used to monitor
renal function in many of the clinical studies of
indapamide. Alterations in serum creatinine attrib-
utable to indapamide treatment have been re-
ported only rarely, and have not been clinically sig-
nificant (Santoro et aI., 1982). Similarly, most
studies have not shown indapamide to affect blood Chlorthalidone
urea nitrogen concentrations (Bing et aI., 1981;
Brennan et aI., 1982; Capone et aI., 1983; Schle-
singer et aI., 1977), although there have been a few H

CI~ ~!H
exceptions where statistically significant elevations
were noted (Chalmers et aI., 1982; Hashida, 1977;
Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983; Santoro et aI., 1982).
Indapamide 1 to 2.Smg daily, alone or in combin- _ 0/ ' 0
ation with other hypertensive agents for 6 weeks S02NH2
to 4 months, increased blood urea nitrogen by a
mean of 0.46 to I.S4 mmol/L (p < O.OS) [Hashida,
1977; Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983], while indap- Fig. 1. Structural formulae of indapamide and other frequently
amide 2.Smg daily for 8 weeks resulted in a smaller used diuretiC agents.
Indapamide: A Review 196

but significant increase (0.33 to 0.40 mmol/L, p < aI., 1980b]. Symptoms of intravascular volume de-
0.001) [Chalmers et aI., 1982]. In 18 patients with pletion were noted in healthy volunteers admini-
hypertension and renal insufficiency (creatinine stered indapamide 20 or 30mg daily for 5 days
clearance from 13 to 61 ml/min), serum concen- (Onesti et aI., 1977a). The diuresis resulting from
trations of blood urea nitrogen and creatinine were indapamide 40 or 50mg daily administered to
not elevated following indapamide 2.5mg daily for healthy subjects (Leary et aI., 1973) or oedematous
6 weeks (Acchiardo and Skoutakis, 1983). The small patients (Leary et aI., 1974) was comparable with
elevations seen in blood urea nitrogen concentra- that with frusemide (furosemide) 40mg once or
tions following indapamide therapy have been at- twice daily, respectively. Urinary output in the 24
tributed to mild dehydration (Lemieux and hours following the administration of indapamide
L'Homme, 1983). 40mg was greater (p < 0.05) than that with cyclo-
penthiazide 5mg (Leary et aI., 1973).
1.1.2 Diuretic Effects The assessment of changes in bodyweight is a
Apparently, urinary volume per unit time in useful, although indirect, method of gauging the
man is not significantly or consistently increased magnitude of urinary volume loss with a diuretic
until dosages of indapamide exceed 2.5mg daily agent. In at least one-half of the studies reported,
(Goldberg and Furman, 1974; Schlesinger and indapamide 2.5 or 5mg daily produced significant
Benchimol, 1980; Schlesinger et aI., 1977). When bodyweight reductions both in healthy volunteers
administered in moderate to large dosages (5 to and in patients with hypertension (Campbell, 1983).
30mg) indapamide is a potent diuretic and results At these dosages, mean individual weight losses
in substantial water and electrolyte loss (Leary et appear to range from 0.5 to 2.4kg (Bing et aI., 1981;
aI., 1973) [see sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2]. Grimm et aI., 1983; Leenen et aI., 1983; Noveck
Onset of diuresis occurs 1 to 3 hours after oral et aI., 1983). In unblinded (Bing et aI., 1981) or
administration (Goldberg and Furman, 1974). Al- double-blind comparative studies (Slotkoff, 1983;
though the peak urinary excretion rate of indapa- Witchitz et aI., 1975), weight loss with indapamide
mide (section 2.3) occurs approximately 3 hours 2.5 or 5.0mg daily equalled that with bendroflu-
following administration, maximum urinary flow azide (bendrofluthiazide) 5mg (Bing et aI., 1981),
dpes not occur for 6 hours (Campbell and Phillips, hydrochlorothiazide 100mg (Slotkoff, 1983) or fru-
1974). The major diuretic response seen with mod- semide 40mg (Witchitz et aI., 1975) daily.
erate (IOmg) dosages persists for up to 12 hours, In short term studies (4 to 6 weeks), indapamide
but a lesser effect may be noted up to 36 hours 1.0, 2.5 or 5.0mg daily did not significantly de-
following indapamide administration (Goldberg crease plasma volume in patients with hyperten-
and Furman, 1974). In healthy volunteers, urine sion (Brooks et aI., 1983; Grimm et aI., 1981a; Lee-
output following indapamide 0.5 to 30mg was nen et aI., 1983). Neither indapamide 2.5ri1g nor
shown to be dose related (Caruso et aI., 1983; Onesti tienilic acid 250mg daily decreased plasma volume
et aI., 1977a) [fig. 2a]. in healthy volunteers or hypertensive patients when
In healthy subjects, indapamide 2.5 or IOmg re- administered for 6-week periods (Weidmann et aI.,
sulted in mean increases in 24-hour urinary vol- 1981). In contrast, plasma volume was decreased
ume of 0.78 and 0.6L, respectively (Goldberg and by 8% (360ml, p < 0.005) in patients with hyper-
Furman, 1974; Reyes et aI., 1983b) and a 40mg tension treated with hydrochlorothiazide 50mg
dose more than doubled the rate of urine produc- twice daily, but returned to pretreatment values by
tion (from 1.8 to 4.3 ml/min) [Campbell and Phil- the eighth week of treatment (Shah et aI., 1978).
lips, 1974). In patients with hypertension and as- As 24-hour urine volume and bodyweight are most
sociated congestive heart failure, indapamide 0.5 often increased and decreased, respectively, during
to 5.0mg daily for 21 days resulted in a mean daily indapamide administration, its lack of effect on
urine volume increase of 792ml (57%) [La Corte et plasma volume suggests that redistribution of fluid
Indapamide: A Review 197

from interstitial to the intravascular spaces may

occur during treatment (Leenen et ai., 1983).
i In maximally hydrated healthy subjects or
i 1800 patients with hypertension, indapamide increased
~:::l 1600 osmolar clearance and decreased free water clear-
~ ance, whereas it increased both osmolar clearance
.c: and tubular reabsorption of free water under con-
.!;; 800 ditions of maximal dehydration. These data sug-
~ 600
gest that the proximal segment of the distal renal
'~" 400
E" 200 tubule (cortical diluting segment) is the primary site
• of the diuretic action ofindapamide (Goldberg and
a P 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 20.0
Furman, 1974; Onesti et ai., 1977b; Pitone et ai.,
250 1978). Studies in animals (Burke et ai., 1983) and
humans (Villarreal et ai., 1983) have indicated that
• indapamide also exerts some diuretic activity in
150 • the proximal tubule. Thus, the diuretic site of ac-
'6 tion of indapamide is identical to that of thiazide

"'~ 100
diuretics (Wright and Robson, 1980).
c"'~ 0 •
.;:: E
::l E
50 •
c:- 1.1.3 Effects on Urinary pH and
'; 5 0 Specific Gravity
" 0)x
" -50
• Urinary pH was unchanged 20 to 40 minutes
b P 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 20.0 following the intravenous administration ofindap-
E 50
amide 1 mg/kg to dogs (Laubie and Schmitt, 1977),
'iii • and a single 40mg dose of indapamide given orally
'"'" 40 to 6 healthy volunteers only transiently increased
8.>: urinary pH (Campbell and Phillips, 1974).. In 13
c: 0
'" 30
'c: E patients with hypertension administered indapa-
:J E
c- 20 mide 2.5mg daily, urine specific gravity was in-
.~ 5
~ '(ii creased (average of 0.005, p < 0.05) after 4 to 6

~ 10 weeks of treatment (Brennan et aI., 1982).
" X

C P 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 20.0 1.2 Influence on Renin and Aldosterone
Most diuretic agents can alter plasma renin ac-

200 • tivity (Young and Riddiough, 1978), although the
• mechanisms involved in this effect have not been
~'O completely clarified. Diuretics probably stimulate
c: 0
'c: E 100 renin release via alteration of sodium (or possibly
::l E
.- c chloride) concentrations in the tubular fluid at the
~.g 50 • •
E" 0)
x " 0 Fig. 2. Dose response effect of indapamide on (8) urine vol-

• ume, and 24-hour urinary, (b) sodium, (c) potassium, and
P 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 10.0 20.0 (d) chloride excretion in healthy volunteers on controlled fluid
d Indapamide (mg/day) and electrolyte intake (P = placebo) [adapted from Caruso et
al. (1983)].
Indapamide: A Review 198

macula densa (specialised tubular cells within the leased (Gilmore, 1983). Indapamide 2.Smg daily
juxtaglomerular apparatus, believed to act as for 6 to 8 weeks consistently elevated plasma al-
'chemoreceptors' controlling renin release), and/or dosterone concentrations by 4S% or more (p < om,
by reduction of blood pressure or plasma volume or less) in healthy volunteers and patients with
(thereby altering renal perfusion pressure and stim- hypertension (Chalmers et al., 1982; leBel et al.,
ulating intrarenal baroreceptors controlling renin 1983; Weidmann et al., 1980). Urinary aldosterone
release) [Gilmore, 1983; Nies, 1978; Young and excretion was increased from 3.7 to 8.4 1Jf)24 hours
Riddiough, 1978]. (p < O.OS) in 6 healthy subjects administered in-
Due to variations in laboratory technique, com- dapamide Smg daily for 14 days (Noveck et al.,
parison of plasma renin activity values can be dif- 1983). There appears to be no correlation between
ficult. Indeed, accurate interpretation of plasma urinary prostaglandin excretion (reflecting in-
renin activity data requires knowledge of a patient's creased secretion of prostaglandins by the kidney)
sodium balance, posture, and drug intake when and degree of increase in plasma renin activity and
plasma samples were taken (Nies, 1978). Unfor- plasma aldosterone during indapamide therapy'
tunately, this information was provided in only 3 (leBel et al., 1983) [see section I.S]. Pindolol 10
reports of plasma renin activity following the to 40mg daily did not influence the increased al-
administration ofindapamide (Grimm et al., 1981a; dosterone secretion induced by indapamide (Chal-
leBel et al., 1983; Noveck et al., 1983). Indapa- mers et al., 1982; leBel et al., 1983).
mide 2.S or Smg daily for 2 to 6 weeks consistently
increased plasma renin activity 2- to 3-fold when 1.3 Metabolic Effects
used as a single agent in healthy subjects (Grimm
et al., 1981a; Noveck et al., 1983) or patients with 1.3.1 Effects on Sodium Balance
hypertension (Grimm et al., 1981a; leBel et al., In healthy volunteers, the percentage of filtered
1983). In other studies, plasma renin activity was sodium excreted after a single 10mg dose of in-
increased 2- to S-fold following the administration dapamide was increased 3.4% (p < 0.001) 3.S to S
of indapamide 2.5mg daily alone (Anavekar et al., hours after administration (Onesti et al., 1977b; Pi-
1979; Chalmers et al., 1982; de Ortiz et al., 1983; tone et al., 1978). In patients with hypertension,
Santoro et al., 1982) or in combination with ben- indapamide 1.0, 2.S, and Smg daily increased the
drofluazide Smg (Bing et al., 1981) for up to 16 percentage of filtered sodium excreted from 0.6%
weeks. The increases which occur in plasma renin to 0.9, 0.83, and 1.0S%, respectively (Brooks et al.,
activity with indapamide are similar to those with 1983). In non-parallel studies, the percentage of fil-
other diuretics (Witchitz et al., 1974) and vasodi- tered sodium excreted following the administra-
lator agents (Campbell and Moore, 1981). How- tion of thiazide compounds or frusemide was es-
ever, the rise in plasma renin activity was pre- timated to be 8 and 23%, respectively (Brater and
vented when indapamide 2.Smg was administered Thier, 1978; Francisco and Ferris, 1982). Although
with the p-adrenergic blocker pindolol 10 to 40mg small decreases in total exchangeable sodium have
daily (Chalmers et al., 1982; leBel et al., 1983). been noted occasionally (80 mmol, or 2.7S% de-
Renin reacts with an arglobulin substrate to crease; Grimm et al., 1981a, 1983), most studies
form angiotensin I. Converting-enzymes (predom- have indicated that indapamide (2.5mg daily) does
inantly in the lung) convert angiotensin I to angio- not significantly alter this parameter (Grimm et al.,
tensin II, the latter being not only a potent vaso- 1981a, 1983; Issac et al., 1977; Santoro et al., 1982;
constricting substance (section 1.4.2) but also Witchitz et al., 1974).
partially responsible for aldosterone release from At a dose of Img or less, indapamide does not
the adrenal cortex (Gilmore, 1983; Nies, 1978). appear to cause any significant natriuretic effect
Circulating concentrations of potassium and sod- (Onesti et al., 1977b), and no change in 24-hour
ium also regulate the quantity of aldosterone re- urinary sodium excretion was noted in healthy
Indapamide: A Review 199

volunteers or patients with hypertension after 6 ative trials, indapamide 2.5mg daily did not affect
weeks' treatment with indapamide 2.5mg daily serum sodium concentrations significantly, and the
(Grimm et al., 1981a; 1983). However, a single dose concentrations were not significantly different from
of indapamide 2.5mg administered to 7 healthy those obtained with hydrochlorothiazide 50mg
subjects on controlled fluid and electrolyte intake (Plante and Robillard, 1983), hydrochlorothiazide
increased urinary sodium excretion by 140%, from 50mg/amiloride 5mg (Anavekar et aI., 1979; De-
78 to 187 ~mol/min over 24 hours (p < 0.01; Reyes manet et aI., 1977), bendrofluazide 5mg (Bing et
et ai., 1983b), and a similar group administered ai., 1981), or metolazone 2.5mg (Vukovich et aI.,
single doses of indapamide 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 or 1983), each administered daily for 10 weeks or more
30.0mg had increases in urinary sodium excretion to patients with hypertension. Similarly, serum
of 72, 120, 141, 133 and 127 ~mol/min, respec- sodium concentrations were not significantly al-
tively (Onesti et ai., 1977a). Similar findings have tered following 3 months' daily administration of
been reported by Caruso et ai. (1983) [fig. 2b]. In indapamide 5mg or chlorothiazide 500mg (Milliez
maximally hydrated healthy volunteers and patients and Tcherdakoff, 1975).
with hypertension, urinary sodium excretion 3
hours after a single dose of indapamide 10 or 20mg 1.3.2 Effects on Potassium Balance
was increased from 202 to 406 ~mol/min (p < As indapamide increases the activity of the
0.001; Pitone et ai., 1978) and 150 to 525 ~mol/ renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (section 1.2)
min (Villarreal et ai., 1983), respectively. After a and increases sodium delivery to the renal distal
single dose of indapamide 40mg, urinary sodium tubules (Pitone et aI., 1978), it is not surprising that
excretion was increased (p < 0.01) for at least 14 its administration should result in a dose-related
hours, resulting in decreased serum sodium con- increase in urinary potassium excretion (fig. 2c) and
centrations on the second and third days following in decreased serum potassium concentrations.
administration (Campbell and Phillips, 1974). In dogs, single-dose intravenous administration
In hypertensive or healthy subjects, the natri- of indapamide 0.3, 1.0 and 3.0 mg/kg resulted in
uretic effects ofindapamide 2.5 and 40mg were sig- a dose-related increase in the fractional excretion
nificantly greater than those of frusemide 40mg of potassium [from 26.1 to 39% (p < 0.05), 35.3 to
during the initial 24 hours after administration [280 55.2% (p < 0.02) and 35.1 to 78.9% (p < 0.01),
vs 189 mmol/24 hours (Witchitz et ai., 1974) and respectively] (Burke et aI., 1983). The rate of po-
429 vs 169 mmol/24 hours (Leary et ai., 1973), re- tassium excretion in dogs hydrated by intravenous
spectively]. Indapamide 7.5 mg/day increased infusion of hypotonic (2.5%) mannitol was also in-
urinary sodium excretion over 6 days to a similar creased from 63 to 108 ~mol/min (p < 0.05) 30
extent as did hydrochlorothiazide 25mg daily, and minutes after a Img/kg intravenous dose (Laubie
greater than did chlorthalidone l00mg daily (Bloch and Schmitt, 1977).
et aI., 1981) [fig. 3]. Single-dose oral administration of indapamide
Serum sodium concentrations generally have not 2.5 to 40.0mg consistently resulted in increases in
been altered following long term administration of the rate and/or magnitude of kaliuresis in healthy
indapamide, although a few studies have shown volunteers (Campbell and Phillips, 1974; Caruso et
statistically significant decreases (Andries et aI., aI., 1983; Leary et aI., 1973; Onesti et aI., 1977a;
1980; Brennan et aI., 1982; Charoenlarp and Ja- Reyes et aI., 1983b; Villarreal et aI., 1983). Thus,
roonvesama, 1981) or increases (Horgan et aI., urinary excretion of potassium was elevated (p <
1981; Kubik and Coote, 1981). Nevertheless, de- 0.01) over a 14-hour period following indapamide
spite their statistical significance, these alterations 40mg, with the peak rate of potassium loss occur-
have not resulted in values outside the normal con- ring from 4 to 6 hours after administration (Camp-
centration range (135 to 145 mmol/L) [Freitag and bell and Phillips, 1974). The rate of kaliuresis 3
Miller, 1980; Wallach, 1978a]. In parallel compar- hours after the administration of indapamide 20mg
Indapamide: A Review 200

increased from 43 to 74 ~molfmin (p < 0.001) [Vil- was noted in healthy volunteers administered in-
larreal et al., 1983], and daily urinary potassium dapamide 5mg daily for 14 days while maintained
losses following a single dose of indapamide 40mg on a controlled potassium diet (80 mmol/day)
were consistently greater (p < 0.025 at 48 hours) [Noveck et aI., 1983]; but decreases in mean serum
than those with cyclopenthiazide 5mg or frusemide potassium concentrations following long term
40mg (Leary et aI., 1973). treatment with indapamide 2.5mg daily appeared
Although statistically significant decreases in to be oflesser degree, varying from 0.3 to 0.7 mmolf
mean serum potassium concentrations have oc- L (Grimm et aI., 1983; Hamilton and Kelly, 1977;
curred in the majority (~ 75%) of clinical trials Houde and Carriere, 1983; Noble et aI., 1983; San-
where indapamide 2.5 or 5.0mg daily was admin- toro et aI., 1982). In a non-parallel comparison, an
istered to patients with hypertension, they have analysis of publications on diuretic-induced hypo-
usually not lowered serum potassium concentra- kalaemia in patients with hypertension or conges-
tions to less than the normal physiological range tive heart failure indicated that mean decreases in
[3.5 to 5 mmolfL (Wallach, 1978a)]. However, 6 serum potassium concentrations of 0.62, 0.30 and
to 14% of patients administered indapamide with- 0.67 mmolfL occurred following long term treat-
out potassium supplementation have had serum ment with hydrochlorothiazide (mean dose 90mg),
potassium concentrations decreased to below 3.5 frusemide (mean dose 75mg) or chlorthalidone
mmolfL, whereas 1% have had concentrations less (mean dose loomg), respectively (Morgan and
than 3 mmolfL (Campbell, 1983). A mean decrease Davidson, 1980). In parallel controlled studies, de-
in serum potassium concentration of 1.1 mmolfL creases in serum potassium following indapamide
2.5mg daily have at least equalled those seen with
hydrochlorothiazide 50mg given once daily (Mor-
ledge, 1983; Noble et aI., 1983; Ogilvie et aI., 1983;
200 200 Plante and Robillard, 1983) or twice daily (Cou-
tinho et al., 1980) [section 3.1.3.].
190 190 In patients with hypertension, indapamide
2.5mg daily for up to 10 months decreased esti-
mated total body potassium insignificantly (mean
170 170 decrease 125 mmol, from 2785 to 2660 mmol), [Is-
"0 sac et aI., 1977]. Similar findings were made in the
~ 160 160
patients studied by Meyer-Sabellek et al. (1984) who
§. 150 150 had received indapamide 2.5mg daily for 6 months.
.2 Antihypertensive treatment with thiazide diuretics
11 140 140 has been associated with total body potassium
5 130 130
losses approximating 200 mmol (Perez-Stable and
Caralis, 1983).
~ 120 120
c: 1.3.3 Other Electrolyte Effects
§ 110 110
0 2 3 4 5 6
Treatment time (days) Effects on Chloride
When sodium undergoes reabsorption and/or
Fig.3. Effects of indapamide 7.5mg (0-0). hydrochlorothiaz- passive efflux from the renal tubule, electroneu-
ide 25mg (.......). chlorthalidone 100mg (6---6). and tienilic acid
trality is maintained by the simultaneous reab-
(ticrynafin) 250mg (.........) on urinary sodium excretion in patients
with hypertension. Each agent was administered daily for 6 days. sorption of a cation or the tubular secretion of an
Change in urinary sodium excretion with hydrochlorothiazide was anion. As chloride is abundant in the glomerular
not significant. filtrate and readily penetrates the tubular mem-
Indapamide: A Review 201

brane, sodium diuresis is often accompanied by Effects on Bicarbonate

concomitant chloride diuresis (Mangini and Young, As with the benzothiadiazide diuretics (Fran-
1978). cisco and Ferris, 1982), there appears to be little
In healthy volunteers, a single dose of indapa- change in bicarbonate excretion following treat-
mide 40mg increased urinary chloride excretion ment with indapamide. Lemieux and L'Homme
from 7.S to 2S mmol/hour (p < 0.01), with excre- (1983) reported a decrease in serum bicarbonate
tion significantly elevated for at least 14 hours (2.S ~mol/L; p < O.OS) following indapamide 2.Smg
(Campbell and Phillips, 1974). Urinary chloride loss daily for 4 months, but other investigators have
following indapamide appears to be dose related not found significant changes following long term
(Caruso et al., 1983) [fig. 2d]. The same dosage of administration of indapamide 2.S or Smg daily
indapamide decreased serum chloride concentra- (Anavekar et al., 1979; Chalmers et al., 1982; Mil-
tions in other healthy volunteers within 24 hours liez and Tcherdakoff, 1975; Turner et al., 1977;
(p < O.OS), and these concentrations continued to Witchitz et aI., 1975).
fall for up to 72 hours (p < 0.02S). Serum concen-
trations of chloride were lower following 2 doses Effects on Calcium and Phosphate
of indapamide 40mg given 24 hours apart than after Although one short term study (Leary et aI.,
2 doses of frusemide 40mg (p < O.ooS) or cyclo- 1973) indicated that urinary calcium losses follow-
penthiazide Smg (p < O.OOS) [Leary et al., 1973]. ing indapamide were increased and approached
Single-dose administration of lower doses of in- those seen with frusemide treatment, most reports
dapamide (2.5mg daily) to healthy volunteers or resulting from short or long term studies have
non-oedematous patients with hypertension in- shown indapamide to have a hypocalciuric effect
creased 24-hour urinary chloride excretion 86 to (Andries et aI., 1980; Campbell and Phillips, 1974;
95% and 106.3%, respectively (Mroczek, 1983; Reyes et aI., 1983b; Santoro et al., 1982; Waal-
Reyes et aI., 1983b; Witchitz et aI., 1974), whereas Manning and Doesburg, 1982). The hypocalciuric
frusemide 40mg only increased chloride excretion effects of indapamide 7.S or 2.Smg daily were ap-
by 40% (Witchitz et aI., 1974). However, natri- proximately equal to those of hydrochlorothiazide
uresis with frusemide is relatively brief(~ 6 hours) 2S or SOmg daily, respectively (Bloch et aI., 1981;
[Lant, 1984]. Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983), and doses of 2.S
Treatment with indapamide 1 to Smg for at least and 5mg daily have been shown to reduce urinary
4 weeks resulted in significant decreases in plasma calcium excretion in hypercalcaemic patients (Ca-
chloride concentrations in over half of the clinical ruso et aI., 1983). As plasma calcium concentra-
trials where this parameter was measured. The tions are not necessarily dependent on urinary cal-
mean decreases in serum chloride concentrations cium losses (Campbell and Phillips, 1974), plasma
generally ranged from 2 to 6.6 mmol/L (Capone et calcium concentrations during short or long term
al., 1983; Froment et al., 1975; Hamilton and Kelly, indapamide treatment have not been altered (De-
1977; Noveck et al., 1983; O'Brien et al., 1984; manet et aI., 1977; Kubik and Coote, 1981; lem-
Royer, 1976), but did not result in serum chloride ieux and L'Homme, 1983; Lenzi and Di Perri, 1977;
concentrations below the normal physiological Plante and Robillard, 1983).
range (9S to lOS mmol/L) [Freitag and Miller, 1980; Campbell and Phillips (1974) reported in-
Wallach, 1978a]. The decreases in serum chloride creased (p < 0.01) urinary phosphate excretion in
concentrations following indapamide 2.Smg daily healthy volunteers following a single dose of in-
were not significantly different from those after dapamide 4Omg, but indapamide 2.S or 7.Smg daily
treatment with hydrochlorothiazide SOmg daily for 1 or 6 days, respectively, did not result in sig-
alone (Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983; Plante and nificant changes in urinary phosphate loss (Bloch
Robillard, 1983) or in combination with amiloride et al., 1981; Reyes et aI., 1983b). Long term admin-
Smg (Anavekar et aI., 1979). istration of indapamide has not resulted in statis-
Indapamide: A Review 202

tically significant alterations in mean serum phos- magnesium concentrations significantly, assess-
J)hate concentrations (Kubik and Coote, 1981 ; ment of magnesium balance during such treatment
Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983; Waal-Manning and may be indicated. Long term data regarding the use
Doesburg, 1982). of indapamide 2.5mg daily in patients with hyper-
tension are required before definitive statements
Effects on Magnesium on the effect of usual doses of indapamide on mag-
As most of the magnesium in the glomerular nesium metabolism in this patient population can
filtrate is reabsorbed at the proximal tubule and at be made.
the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle, the
kidney plays a large role in magnesium homeosta- 1.3.4 Effect on Uric Acid
sis (Leary and Reyes, 1982). Renal magnesium ex- 35 to 50% of patients with primary gout have
cretion is enhanced by the benzothiadiazines, fru- hypertension, and 26 to 33% of patients with mild
semide, and ethacrynic acid, although the mech- hypertension (untreated) are hyperuricaemic (Ogil-
anism by which this occurs is unclear (Leary and vie, 1983). Since increases of 0.059 to 0.118 mmol/
Reyes, 1982; Porter, 1980). L in. serum uric acid concentrations are common
Total body magnesium may be poorly reflected during thiazide administration and 0.236 to 0.295
by serum magnesium concentrations (Ogilvie, mmol/L elevations have been reported (Mangini
1984); however, most studies of the effect of in- and Young, 1978), the incidence ofhyperuricaemia
dapamide on magnesium have also included urin- may increase to 50 to 75% when diuretic therapy
ary magnesium excretion rate data. In 6 healthy is instituted (Ogilvie, 1983). Diuretic-induced
volunteers, a single dose of indapamide 40mg in- hyperuricaemia is mainly due to extracellular fluid
creased the rate of urinary magnesium excretion volume contraction (Mangini and Young, 1978;
(0.05 > p > 0.02) and the concentration of mag- Plante and Robillard, 1983), but decreased urate
nesium per volume of urine (p < 0.01), and de- excretion and/or postsecretory reabsorption may
creased serum magnesium concentrations (p < 0.01) also play roles (Lant, 1981; Mangini and Young,
[Campbell and Phillips, 1974J. Although urinary 1978). The incidence of diuretic-induced acute
concentrations and rate of excretion of magnesium gouty arthritis is relatively rare « 5%) [Ogilvie,
returned to pretreatment values 3 days after in- 1983J, and it is not known whether these patients
dapamide administration, serum magnesium con- are at increased risk for the development of gouty
centrations remained decreased for 10 days follow- nephropathy (Mangini and Young, 1978).
ing this single large dose (mean decrease from 1.2 It is difficult to assess the exact potential of in-
to 0.8 mmol/L). The single-dose administration of dapamide to increase serum uric acid concentra-
a smaller dose of indapamide (2.5mg) to 7 healthy tions. Several well-designed trials have shown that
subjects did not alter 24-hour urinary magnesium indapamide (1 to 5mg daily; 3- to 108-week treat-
excretion, in spite of significant increases in urin- ment periods) could increase serum uric acid con-
ary volume and sodium, potassium, and chloride centrations by 0.035 to 0.083 mmol/L (Houde and
loss (Reyes et aI., 1983b). The serum magnesium Carriere, 1983; La Corte et al., 1980b; O'Brien et
concentrations of the patients of Acchiardo and al., 1984; Royer, 1976; Santoro et al., 1982; Weid-
Skoutakis (1983) were not altered by indapamide mann et aI., 1981), while other similarly conducted
2.5mg daily; however, as these patients were anuric studies demonstrated no significant effect (Ana-
or oliguric and undergoing long term haemodialy- vekar et aI., 1979; Andries et al., 1980; Hatt and
sis, these data are not representative of the effect Leblond, 1975; Witchitz et al., 1975). Some com-
of indapamide on normal renal magnesium excre- parative studies (Coutinho et al., 1980; Lemieux
tion. As higher dosages of indapamide (>2.5mg and L'Homme, 1983; table I) have shown in-
daily) appear to have the potential to increase both creased serum uric acid concentrations following
urinary magnesium excretion and decrease serum indapamide, but again there has been no consistent
Indapamide: A Review 203

Table I. Comparative effects of indapamlde (10) and other diuretic agents on serum uric acid concentrations in patients with hyper-

Reference Number of patients Study Daily dose (mg) Effect on serum uric acid
[study duration] design
indapamide other agent indapamide other agent

Comparisons with hydrochlorothiazide

Coutinho et al. 120 Open 2 HCTZ 50 x 2 t 20% t 27.1%
(1980) [12 weeks] 2.5 t 16.8%
Lemieux and 26 pi 2.5 b HCTZ 50mgb t (p < 0.05; t (p < 0.05;
L'Homme (1983) [4 months (10), compared with compared with
> 6 months (HCTZ)] placebo and placebo)

Plante and 24 db, pi 2.5mg HCTZ 50mg t (p < 0.05;

Robillard (1983) [12 weeks] compared with

Comparisons with other agents

Anavekar et al. 20 r, db, co, pi 2.5b HCTZ 50 t (p < 0.01;
(1979) [8 weeks]" and AMR 5b compared with

Hatt and Leblond 38 sb, co, pi 5.0 CHLR 100

(1975) [45 days]"

a Duration of treatment with each active agent.

b Administered alone or In combination with other non-diuretic antihypertensive agents.
Abbreviations: HCTZ = hydrochlorothiazide; AMR =
amilorlde; CHLR = chlorthalidone; r = randomised; db = double-blind;
sb single-blind; co = crossover; pi =
placebo-controlled; t= increased; - =no change.

agreement. The varying results may be due to the 1.3.5 Effects on Glucose Tolerance
exclusion of patients with histories of gout or Up to 30% of patients with hypertension taking
hyperuricaemia from many of the clinical trials thiazide diuretics may eventually develop abnor-
(Anavekar et al., 1979; Andries et al., 1980; Bren- mal glucose tolerance (Amery et al., 1978). This
nan et al., 1982; Capone et al., 1983; Charoenlarp phenomenon may occur in non-diabetic patients,
and Jaroonvesama, 1981; Horgan et al., 1981; but clinically significant hyperglycaemia usually
Hashida, 1977) or the administration of allopuri- occurs only in 'pre-diabetic' patients or in diabetics
nol or uricosuric agents during others (Beling et aI., with poorly regulated blood glucose concentrations
1983; Demanet et al., 1977; Goto et al., 1982; Ro- (Perez-Stable and Caralis, 1983; Porter, 1980). The
dat, 1975). As with other diuretic agents, the ele- mechanisms by which thiazide diuretics may upset
vations in serum uric acid concentrations seen with carbohydrate metabolism are not clear (Perry,
indapamide usually do not progress beyond the up- 1983): decreased insulin secretion, decreased tissue
per limits of normal [0.443 and 0..502 mmol/L for sensitivity to insulin, increased insulin output
women and men, respectively (Wallach, 1978a)] or (leading to depletion), and an enteropancreatic in-
result in symptoms, although the administration of sulin axis deficiency have all been proposed mech-
indapamide has been associated with the occur- anisms. Hypokalaemia (which interferes with the
rence of acute gouty arthritis in a few patients (Bel- conversion of pro-insulin to insulin) may also con-
ing et aI., 1983; Royer, 1976; Waal-Manning, 1984). tribute to thiazide-induced glucose intolerance
Indapamide: A Review 204

(Perez-Stable and Caralis, 1983). 2.5mg for up to 60 days (Greco et aI., 1983). In
In isolated perfused rat pancreas, indapamide non-diabetic patients with hypertension, only the
10 or 100 mg/L produced dose-dependent reduc- double-blind comparative study of Coutinho et aI.
tions in total insulin secretory response to a high (1980) indicated that indapamide 2.5 or 5.0mg daily
concentration glucose infusion. A concentration of could increase (p < 0.05) blood glucose concentra-
500 mg/L completely suppressed insulin secretory tions after 8 weeks of treatment; and at 12 weeks,
response to a glucose infusion, but increased (p < indapamide 2 or 2.5mg daily increased blood glu-
0.05) the basal insulin secretion rate (Furman and cose concentrations similarly to hydrochlorothi-
Razak, 1981). azide 50mg twice daily (8.3, 15.8, and 11.6%, re-
In mice and rats, the oral administration of in- spectively).
dapamide 10 mg/kg/day for 24 days did not affect In diabetic patients with hypertension, indapa-
fasting plasma glucose concentrations or those ob- mide did not significantly modify mean blood glu-
tained 60 to 120 minutes after the administration cose concentrations or insulin secretion in studies
of a glucose load (Furman and Razak, 1981). No ranging in duration up to 1 year (although indi-
change in plasma immunoreactive insulin concen- vidual patients have shown glucose intolerance)
trations occurred in the rats up to 20 minutes after [Baba et aI., 1982; Bam and Bouwer, 1983; Roux
glucose loading and only in the mice were plasma and Courtois, 1981]. In a 6-month study of 20 dia-
glucose concentrations increased (p < 0.025) 30 betic patients with hypertension, glycosylated
minutes following the glucose load. However, as haemoglobin measurements were not altered after
glucose tolerance tests in rodents treated with. indapamide 2.5mg daily (Raggi et aI., 1982).
hydrochlorothiazide have failed to demonstrate Most of the studies of insulin secretion and car-
impaired carbohydrate metabolism (Foy and Fur- bohydrate metabolism in diabetic or non-diabetic
man, 1972), it is unclear whether diuretic agents patients have been relatively brief(::E; 1 year). Thus,
produce hyperglycaemic responses in animals sim- there are no data on the long term effects of in-
ilar to .those seen in man (Furman, 1977). dapamide on glucose tolerance in either population
Although abnormal glucose tolerance may oc- group. In view of this, and the comparatively low
cur following only a few months of treatment with number of reports detailing blood glucose concen-
thiazide compounds (Hicks et aI., 1973), it usually trations and insulin release in man, a clear state-
takes 1 to 2 years to develop in the elderly and up ment on the effects of indapamide on glucose tol-
to 5 years in younger populations (Amery et aI., erance must await further long term controlled
1978; Lewis et aI., 1976). There have been rare in- trials.
stances where patients have had elevated blood
glucose concentrations following indapamide (Bel- 1.3.6 Influence on Lipid Metabolism
ing et aI., 1983; Goto et aI., 1982; Slotkoff, 1983; Several sulphonamide diuretics in common use
Wheeley et aI., 1982), but almost none of the stud- (hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone and frusem-
ies of carbohydrate metabolism in non-diabetic ide) are known to have a blood lipid-lipoprotein
patients with hypertension have revealed altera- elevating effect both in healthy and hypertensive
tions in glucose tolerance (as assessed by mean glu- men (Grimm et aI., 1981b; Joos et aI., 1980) and
cose concentrations) after treatment with this agent in postmenopausal women (Boehringer et aI., 1982).
(Andries et al., 1980; Beling et aI., 1983; Demanet The specific mechanism of diuretic-induced in-
et aI., 1977; Goto et aI., 1982; Zorn, 1982). Basal creases in serum lipid concentrations is unknown
immunoreactive insulin secretion and oral glucose (Grimm et aI., 1981b; Perez-Stable and Caralis,
tolerance test results were unchanged from control 1983; Weidmann et al., 1983), but studies with
values in 12 patients (non-obese, 30 to 50 years of chlorthalidone have indicated that it occurs most
age) with mild to moderate hypertension and nor- frequently in patients with low initial total chol-
mal glucose tolerance treated with indapamide esterol concentrations « 4.8 mmol/L) [Perry,
Indapamide: A Review 205

1983]. Although some investigators regard this 1.4 Cardiovascular Effects

phenomenon as a 'biochemical' side effect of un-
certain clinical relevance (Boehringer et aI., 1982; 1.4.1 In Vitro Effects on Electromechanical
Ogilvie, 1982, 1983), it has been proposed that in- Activity in Vascular Smooth Muscle and
creased serum low density lipoprotein, triglyceride, Cardiac Muscle
and total cholesterol concentrations during anti- In vitro electrophysiological and mechanical ex-
hypertensive therapy with diuretics may favour an periments on longitudinal muscle strips from iso-
increased risk of coronary artery disease (Grimm lated rabbit portal vein have demonstrated that in-
et aI., 1981b) and counteract the benefits ofreduc- dapamide (~ 0.1 giL) is capable of decreasing
tion of mild and moderate hypertension (Perez- inward calcium current and clonic (phasic) con-
Stable and Caralis, 1983). tractions (Mironneau and Gargouil, 1979). Al-
Long term data are limited, but the administra- though indapamide also decreases outgoing potas-
tion of indapamide 1 to 4mg daily to healthy and sium currents, it does not significantly change the
hypertensive patients over 1 to 24 months has not intensity of tonic contractions. Indapamide also
been associated with increases in total serum chol- blocks the increases in clonic contractions and cal-
esterol (Baba et aI., 1982; Beling et aI., 1983; Goto cium influx which can be elicited by angiotensin
et aI., 1982; Hatt and Leblond, 1975; Scalabrino et II (0.1 mg/L) in the same in vitro model, but can-
aI., 1984; Waal-Manning and Doesburg, 1982; not block the in tonic contraction and
Witchitz et aI., 1975; Weidmann et aI., 1981), tri- outgoing potassium current induced by noradren-
glycerides (Beling et aI., 1983; Scalabrino et aI., aline 0.01 mg/L (table II) [Mironneau and Gar-
1984; Waal-Manning and Doesburg, 1982; Weid- gouil, 1979]. The effects of indapamide noted in
mann et aI., 1981), or low density lipoprotein con- this study were slowly reversible and dose related.
centrations (Baba et aI., 1982; Goto et aI., 1982; In other in vitro studies, indapamide was shown
Meyer-Sabellek et aI., 1984; Scalabrino et aI., 1984; to reduce the action potential amplitude of cardio-
Waal-Manning and Doesburg, 1982), or decreases vascular smooth muscle preparations, without al-
in high density lipoprotein concentrations (Baba et tering resting membrane potential (Gargouil, 1979;
aI., 1982; Goto et aI., 1982; Scalabrino et aI., 1984; Mironneau and Gargouil, 1976, 1977), to more po-
Waal-Manning and Doesburg, 1982). The effects of tently reduce the isometric contraction and action
indapamide 2.5mg daily or tienilic acid 250mg daily potential amplitude of smooth muscle strips from
on serum lipid-lipoprotein concentrations in rat portal veins than hydrochlorothiazide or chlor-
healthy and hypertensive men have been studied thalidone (Mironneau et aI., 1981), and to reduce
(Weidmann et aI., 1981). After 6 weeks of treat- transepithelial sodium transport resulting in de-
ment with tienilic acid, triglycerides and low den- creased potential differences and short circuit cur-
sity lipoprotein cholesterol were increased (12% and rent across a frog skin membrane (Uhlich et aI.,
17%, respectively; p < O.OS), while indapamide had 1977).
no effect on these substances. Neither agent sig-
nificantly affected high density lipoprotein chol- 1.4.2 Effects on Vascular Reactivity and
esterol, total serum cholesterol, or apoprotein B Peripheral Vascular Resistance
concentrations. In hypertension, increased blood pressure re-
In a multicentre trial in progress, indapamide sults from constriction of the small arteries and ar-
Smg daily increased total serum cholesterol con- terioles, which leads to increased resistance to flow.
centrations to a greater extent than did hydro- This increase in peripheral resistance may theo-
chlorothiazide SOmg daily (0.49 mmol/L and 0.26 retically result either from the presence of in-
mmolfL increases, respectively) when each was ad- creased stimuli leading to excess vasoconstriction
ministered over a period of 40 weeks (Morledge, or from intrinsic abnormalities within the resist-
1983). ance vessels leading to an increased response to
Indapamide: A Review 206

Table II. Effect of indapamide on vascular reactivity in man. See text for further discussion

Reference Population Indapamide regimen Vasoconstrictor Effect on vasoconstrictor response"


Boer et al. (1983) Hypertensive 1, 2.5mg or 5mg daily Noradrenaline IV 'Decrease' in pressor reactivity
x 28 days occurred in responding (8 of 10)
patients. Post-treatment pressor
reactivity appeared to be dose related

Carretta et al. Hypertensive 2.5mg daily x 90 days Noradrenaline IV ~(p < 0.05) pressor reactivity in 8 of
(1983) 10 patients

Grimm et al. Normotensive 2.5mg daily x 42 days Noradrenaline IV No significant change in pressor dose
(1981 a) Angiotensin II IV of either agent following indapamide
Hypertensive 2.5mg daily x 42 days Noradrenaline IV t (p < 0.001) in pressor dose required
Angiotensin II IV t (p < 0.05) in pressor dose required
Noveck et al. Normotensive 5mg daily x 14 days Phenylephrine IV t (p < 0.05) in pressor dose required
(1982) Angiotensin II IV

Weidmann et al. Normotensive and 2.5mg daily x 42 days Noradrenaline IV t (p < 0.02) in pressor dose required
(1980) hypertensive (15-30 mg/L) for borderline hypertensives (p <
0.02) and all subjects together but not
in normotensives
Angiotensin II Pressor dose in indapamide-treated
(1.5 to 3.0 I'g/L) patients approximately doubled, but
significant only when all patient
groups analysed together (p < 0.05)

a Pressor response measured indirectly using standard cuff and sphygmomanometer or automatic blood pressure recorder.

normal stimuli, or a combination of the two mech- agonist drugs and electrical stimulation in a wide
anisms. There is fairly general agreement that variety of in vitro preparations from rats (Bor-
hypertension is accompanied by evidence of in- kowski et aI., 1981; Finch et aI., 1977a,b; Kraetz
creased vascular reactivity to constrictor stimuli, et aI., 1978; Kyncl et aI., 1975; Uhlich et aI., 1977)
and this change may be responsible in part, if not and rabbits (Kyncl et aI., 1975; Usui et aI., 1978).
mainly, for the increased peripheral resistance Angiotensin, adrenaline, tyramine, prostaglandin
which characterises this disorder. The mechan- F2a and nicotine resulted in decreased vasocon-
ism(s) responsible for increased vascular activity striction in the presence of indapamide, while its
are unclear, although structural medial hypertro- effects on noradrenaline-induced smooth muscle
phy in resistance vessels, abnormalities in vascular contraction have been inconsistent. Resting tone in
smooth muscle calcium-sodium exchange pro- arterial and venous smooth muscle is usually not
cesses, and local intravascular release of vasoactive affected by indapamide (Campbell and Moore,
substances (particularly prostaglandins) have been 1981 ).
suggested as possible contributing events (Doyle, Inhibition of noradrenaline-induced vasocon-
1982). striction in the isolated perfused rat mesenteric ar-
tery was greater with indapamide than with hydro-
In Vitro Effects on Vascular Reactivity chlorothiazide, chlorthalidone or acetazolamide, but
Indapamide has been shown to inhibit vascular not significantly greater than that with frusemide
smooth muscle contractile response to various (Kraetz et aI., 1978). The vascular activity of these
Indapamide: A Review 207

various agents does not correlate with their natri- atropine was decreased more than 50% from con-
uretic potency. trol values in normotensive rats administered in-
Rat diaphragmatic twitch in response to con- dapamide 10 mgjkgjday or reserpine 0.5 mgjkgj
stant phrenic nerve stimulation was not antagon- day orally for 6 days (Moore et aI., 1977). The same
ised by indapamide, suggesting that it may have dose of indapamide administered to pithed DOCA/
little effect on skeletal muscle innervation [Bor- saline-hypertensive rats for 10 days resulted in sig-
kowski et aI., 1981]. nificant decreases in vasoconstriction when the rats
Indapamide had a relaxing effect on contraction were administered noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
in various rabbit arterial preparations which had [p < 0.03] or tyramine (p < 0.05) intravenously
been stimulated by prostaglandin F2a ; this relaxa- (Finch et aI., 1977a,b). Pretreatment of other
tion was not inhibited by atropine, propranolol or DOCA/saline-hypertensive rats with hydrochloro-
aminophylline (Usui et aI., 1978). Hydrochloro- thiazide 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally resulted in a
thiazide produced a lower frequency of relaxation similar hypotensive response noted in the indap-
than indapamide in these prostaglandin Fustim- amide-treated rats, but pressor responses to
ulated vessels, although the statistical significance pharmacological or electrical stimuli were not al-
of this difference was not stated. Interestingly, Usui tered when compared with controls. However, in-
et ai. (1978) reported that indapamide potentiated dapamide 10 mgjkg orally reduced (from approx-
pulmonary arterial contractile response to trans- imately 175 to 125mm Hg; p < 0.01) the pressor
mural electrical stimulation. Interference with neu- response to an electrical stimulus (Hicks, 1979).
ronal amine uptake was the apparent cause of the In studies in man (table II), Weidmann et ai.
inhibition of nicotine and tyramine-induced vaso- (1980) administered indapamide 2.5mg daily to 12
constriction. Usui and co-workers indicated that patients for 6 weeks to evaluate response to va-
indapamide did not appear to relax vascular smooth soconstrictive agents following long term therapy.
muscle through ganglionic blockade or decreased The pressor dose was defined as the quantity of
noradrenaline from adrenergic nerve terminals, but vasoconstrictor substance necessary to increase
suggested [as have Burgess et ai. (1981) and Camp- mean (noradrenaline) or diastolic (angiotensin II)
bell and Moore (1981)] that the effect of indapa- blood pressure by 20mm Hg. Cardiovascular reac-
mide on contraction may be due to a direct action tivity to noradrenaline was significantly decreased
on vascular smooth muscle. in patients with borderline hypertension only
Decreased contractile response was not seen in (pressor dose was increased from 99 to 156 ng/kg/
mesenteric arteries or portal veins removed from min; p < 0.02). The pressor dose of angiotensin II
indapamide-treated DOCA-hypertensive rats and was also increased following indapamide treat-
exposed in vitro to noradrenaline, serotonin (5-hy- ment, but only achieved statistical significance
droxytryptamine) or adenosine-5' -triphosphate when normo- and hypertensive patients were an-
(Finch et aI., I 977a,b). alysed together (12 to 21 ng/kg/min; p < 0.05).
Similar findings were reported by Grimm et ai.
In Vivo Effects on Vascular Reactivity (1981a) in patients with mild to moderate hyper-
Several groups of investigators have studied the tension. Indapamide-induced changes in noradren-
changes in vascular reactivity (assessed as pressor aline pressor dose and mean blood pressure were
responsiveness) which occur in association with in- found to be inversely correlated (fig. 4).
dapamide administration in laboratory animals Vascular reactivity was also assessed by Noveck
(Finch et aI., 1977a,b; Hicks, 1979; Moore et aI., et ai. (1982), who administered indapamide 5mg
1977) and man (Boer et aI., 1983; Grimm et aI., daily to healthy volunteers for 14 days prior to ad-
1981a; Noveck et aI., 1982; Weidmann et aI., 1980). ministering increasing doses of phenylephrine or
Pressor response to oxotremorine following angiotensin II. A pressor response was defined as
blockade of peripheral muscarinic receptors with increases of 25 to 35mm Hg and 20 to 30mm Hg
Indapamide: A Review 208

in systolic and diastolic blood pressures, respec- were made in relatively small numbers of patients
tively. Pressor doses of phenylephrine were in- with generally non-invasive assessment methods
creased from S.03 to 10. 72 ~gJkg, and pressor doses which included a xenon 'washout' technique
of angiotensin II increased from 16.7 to 31.7 ngJ (radiolabelled xenon is injected intramuscularly,
kg after indapamide treatment. and tracer disappearance metered to determine
In these studies (Grimm et aI., 1981a; Noveck blood flow) [Burgess et aI., 1981], carotid pulse
et al., 1982; Weidmann et aI., 1980), significant wave recording (Canicave and Lesbre, 1977; Ve-
changes in plasma catecholamine concentrations lasco et aI., 1982), and assorted plethysmographic
did not occur during indapamide treatment. How- methods (Ogilvie et aI., 1983; Velasco et aI., 1982).
ever, plasma renin activity was increased (p < O.OS, Only Villarreal et a1. (1983) utilised invasive tech-
or less) in all 3 studies, and increases (p < O.OS) in niques to acquire data in a more direct manner.
plasma (Weidmann et al., 1980) and urinary (No- Peripheral resistance was usually calculated as a
veck et aI., 1982) aldosterone concentrations were function of mean blood pressure and cardiac out-
also noted (see also section 1.2). put (Velasco et aI., 1982; Villarreal et aI., 1983),
but alternative resistance formulas were also used
Effects on Peripheral Vascular Resistance (Canicave and Lesbre, 1977).
In patients with hypertension, indapamide
2.Smg daily for 6 to 12 weeks increased muscle or 1.4.3 Effects on the Heart
limb blood flow (Burgess et al., 1981; Ogilvie et Heart rate during long term treatment with in-
aI., 1983; Velasco et aI., 1982), and decreased limb dapamide has generally remained unchanged, al-
vascular resistance, total peripheral resistance though some clinical reports have revealed signifi-
(Gensini et aI., 1983; Velasco et aI., 1982; Villarreal cant decreases (Dean, 1981; Guidi et al., 1982;
et al., 1983) and peripheral resistance 'index' (Can- Hamilton and Kelly, 1977; Turner et al., 1977) or
icave and Lesbre, 1977) [table III]. These findings increases (Brennan et al., 1982; Houde and Car-
riere, 1983). Heart rate did not change from base-
line measurement or vary with treatment group in
parallel studies where indapamide 2.Smg daily was
compared with cyclopenthiazide O.Smg (Khan,
, 1981), or hydrochlorothiazide SOmg alone (Ogilvie
et aI., 1983; Plante and Robillard, 1983) or in com-
bination with amiloride Smg (Anavekar et al.,
~ 1979), each administered daily. The bradycardic
~ 0
a.. response to the Valsalva manoeuvre was intact in
c: healthy volunteers administered indapamide Smg

daily for 14 days (Noveck et aI., 1983).

.s In patients with hypertension, indapamide 1.0,
~ 2.S and Smg daily for 4 to 8 weeks had no effect
'" -20~--~----~----,-----~
B on left ventricular end-diastolic or end-systolic vol-
-50 0 +100 +200 +300 umes (Dunn et aI., 1981; Gensini et al., 1983; Lee-
Change in noradrenaline pressor dose (%) nen et al., 1983). Ejection fractions, as measured
by echocardiography, were unchanged following
long term treatment with indapamide in some
Fig. 4. Inverse correlation between percentage change in mean patients (Gensini et al., 1983; Leenen et al., 1983),
blood pressure and percentage change in noradrenaline (nor-
epinephrine) pressor dose in 14 patients with hypertension re-
while those assessed by Dunn et al. (1981) had in-
ceiving indapamide (r = - 0.62, P < 0.05) [adapted from Grimm creased ejection fractions (increased from 63 to
et al. (1981 all. 69%, p < O.OS). Stroke volumes were unchanged
Indapamide: A Review 209

Table III. Summary of the effects of indapamide (ID) 2.5mg daily on muscle blood flow and vascular resistance in patients with
essential hypertension (see section 1.4.2)

Reference Number of Study Variables measured, Results

patients design methods of assessmentb
blood flow vascular resistance
[duration of

Burgess et al. 5 pi Resting and exercise MBF I. t (38%) resting

(1981) I. [1 week] measured by xenon washout MBF
II. [6 weeks] techniqueC ..... exercise MBF
II. t (52.6%) resting
t (18%) exercise

Canicave and 20 op PRI calculated from ~ (p < 0.001) PRI

Lesbre (1977) [2 months] carotidogram datad

Gensini et al. 9 pi CO measured by ~ TPR, from 1722-

(1983) [6 weeks] echocardiography. TPR 1426 dyne/sec/ems

Ogilvie et al. 6 r, pi, db, co LBF (forearm) measured by LBF with:

(1983) [3 months]" plethysmographic technique pi = 3.53 ml/min/dl
ID = 4.01 ml/min/dl
HCTZ = 3.4 ml/min/dl

Velasco et al. 9 pi CO measured by impedance t (p < 0.05) LBF, 3.98 ~ (p < 0.01) LVR,
(1982) [6 weeks] cardiography' and LBF to 5.02 ml/100g • min from 47.3-31.8mm Hg
measured by • 100g • min/ml
plethysmographic technique. 9
TPR and LVR calculated"

Villarreal et al. 10 op CO measured with ~ TPR, from

(1983) [8 weeks] thermodilution catheter, CI approximately 1925-
and TPR calculated" 1550 dyne/sec/cm s

a Duration of treatment with each agent. LBF also measured following administration of hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) 50mg daily.
b BP measured in all studies.
c Method of Hirai (1974).
d A graphic recording of carotid pulse waves, allowing measurement of dicrotic and systolic wave amplitudes:
POW diastolic BP + (systolic BP - diastolic BP) ADW/ASW
PRI (systolic BP + PDW}/(systolic BP - POW).
e TPR = MBP (mm Hg}/CO (L/min); LVR = MBP (mm Hg}/LBF (ml/100g' min); CI = CO (L/min}/A (m 2).
f Method of O'Malley et al. (1976).
g Method of Greenfield et al. (1963).
Abbreviations: pi = placebo-controlled; op = open; r = randomised; db = double-blind; co = crossover; MBF = muscle blood flow;
PRI = peripheral resistance 'index'; CO = cardiac output; TPR = total peripheral resistance; LBF = limb blood flow; LVR = limb
vascular resistance; CI = cardiac index; POW = pressure of dicrotic wave; BP = blood pressure; ADW = amplitude of dicrotic wave;
ASW = amplitude of systolic wave; MBP = mean blood pressure; A = area (body surface); t = increase; ~ = decrease; ..... = no
Indapamide: A Review 210

following indapamide 2.5mg daily for 6 to 8 weeks platelet microsomal fractions, respectively (Gbeas-
(Dunn et al., 1981; Gensini et aI., 1983). sor et aI., 1982). While indapamide was the most
Cardiac output, as assessed by echocardio- potent inhibitor of thromboxane synthesis, hydro-
graphy, was increased in the patients of Gensini et chlorothiazide showed no activity at all. Similarly,
ai. (1983) [increased from 5.92 to 6.63 L/min, p < indapamide was the most potent stimulator of the
0.05] and Dunn et ai. (1981) [4.4 to 5.3 L/min, p vasodepressor prostaglandin 12 (prostacyclin), with
< 0.01] after indapamide 2.5mg daily for 6 to 8 hydrochlorothiazide again showing little activity.
weeks; however, the same dosage administered for In 11 of 19 patients with essential hypertension,
6 weeks did not alter cardiac output in another indapamide 2.5mg daily for 6 weeks increased (p
study (Velasco et aI., 1982). Cardiac index was un- < 0.025) urinary prostaglandin E2 excretion, prob-
changed in patients administered indapamide 1 to ably via stimulation of renal production (LeBel et
5mg daily for 4 to 8 weeks, whether assessed by aI., 1983). Urinary prostaglandin F 2a excretion was
echocardiography (Leenen et aI., 1983) or via a not significantly altered, and there was no corre-
more precise technique utilising thermodilution lation between the percentage difference in prosta-
catheters (Villarreal et al., 1983). glandin E2 excretion (43% increase) and the mean
Regression of left ventricular hypertrophy and changes in blood pressure, plasma renin activity or
cardiomegaly (as assessed by unspecified methods) plasma aldosterone concentrations (section 1.2).
occurred in 50 to 53% and 38 to 50%, respectively, Renal production of prostaglandin E2 is suppressed
of the patients with these conditions treated with in a certain percentage of patients with essential
indapamide 2.5mg daily for 1 to 18 months (Fro- hypertension, and alteration of concentrations dur-
ment et aI., 1975; Naegel et aI., 1975; Rodat, 1975; ing treatment with indapamide could result in
Royer, 1976). Reduction of heart and chamber size intrarenal haemodynamic changes which might
was presumably due to improved blood pressure contribute to a decrease in blood pressure (LeBel
control. et aI., 1983).
In healthy volunteers and patients with hyper-
tension, indapamide 2.5 or 5mg daily for 14 to 90 1.6 Mechanism of Antihypertensive
days did not induce electrocardiographic altera- Action
tions of the P-R or QRS intervals (Haiat et al., 1981;
Noveck et aI., 1983) or the QTc intervals and T It has been proposed that indapamide decreases
wave amplitude (Noveck et aI., 1983). blood pressure via 2 major mechanisms: through
relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, and a di-
1.5 Effect on Prostaglandin Synthesis uretic effect (Campbell, 19"83; Caruso et al., 1983;
Issac et al., 1977; Rutsaert and Fernandes, 1983).
Many studies have demonstrated the ability of Evidence for a direct effect on vascular smooth
renal tissues to generate prostaglandins. Although muscle consists of in vitro and in vivo data which
the exact interrelationships between prostaglandin demonstrate the ability of indapamide to decrease
metabolism (primarily that of prostaglandins E2 and calcium inward currents, vascular reactivity and
12) and blood pressure have not been elucidated, it peripheral arterial resistance.
is likely that some prostaglandins play some part Indeed, indapamide appears capable of decreas-
in the overall regulation of blood pressure (Camp- ing inward calcium currents and clonic (phasic)
bell, 1983; Lant, 1981). contractions in in vitro smooth muscle prepara-
The in vitro effects of indapamide, frusemide, tions (section 1.4.1); it has therefore gained a pro-
spironolactone and hydrochlorothiazide (all in visional classification as a calcium antagonist (Opie,
concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 5000 nmol/L) 1980). However, the effect of indapamide on cal-
on prostaglandin and thromboxane biosynthesis cium influx has not been shown to be dose-de-
were studied in sheep seminal vesicles and human pendent, as has been demonstrated with calcium
Indapamide: A Review 211

antagonists such as verapamil and nifedipine, and has been suggested as being supportive of a pri-
it has not been possible to demonstrate any cal- marily vascular mechanism of action (Caruso et
cium antagonist effect on the heart with indapa- aI., 1983; Santoro et aI., 1982) on the premise that
mide (Mironneau and Gargouil, 1979). Compari- a diuretic antihypertensive agent would be ineffec-
son of indapamide with calcium channel blocking tive in this patient population. Excepting the
agents (e.g. papaverine, verapamil) did not dem- patients requiring haemodialysis (a procedure cap-
onstrate any significant direct interference by in- able of lowering blood pressure through removal
dapamide with transcellular or intracellular cal- of sodium), the mean creatinine clearance in the
cium mobilisation (de Wildt and Hillen, 1983). patients with renal insufficiency receiving indap-
Also, the effects on calcium current are elicited only amide was approximately 50 ml/min. However,
when concentrations of indapamide are used which thiazide diuretics may also lower blood pressure in
exceed by a factor of 50 to 100 the concentration patients with creatinine clearances as low as 25 ml/
in human serum required to induce a blood pres- min (Acchiardo and Skoutakis, 1983); in other
sure-lowering response. It is not clear whether in- studies, chlorothiazide significantly decreased blood
dapamide interferes directly with potential-de- pressure in patients with a mean creatinine clear-
pendent or receptor-operated channels responsible ance of 14 ml/min (Jones and Nanra, 1979); and
for smooth muscle contraction, or whether it alters the quinazolinone diuretic metolazone was effec-
some other process such as the sodium/calcium ex- tive in the treatment of hypertensive patients with
change proposed to control smooth muscle relax- creatinine clearance as low as 15 ml/min (Bennett
ation (Murphy and Mras, 1983). and Porter, 1973).
Similarly, the in vitro studies concerning the ef- Although there are some notable differences, the
fect of indapamide on vascular reactivity involved renal and metabolic effects exerted by indapamide
concentrations of indapamide in excess of what are similar to many available diuretic agents (sec-
would appear in human serum during treatment tions 1.1.1 to 1.1.3 and sections 1.3.1 to 1.3.5), and
with this agent (sections 1.4.2 and 2.1), and such their blood pressure-lowering abilities are almost
experiments have not been repeated with concen- identical (sections 3.1.3 to 3.1.6). Such biochemical
trations of indapamideresembling those achieved changes are generally not observed with vasodilat-
clinically. ing drugs which decrease blood pressure solely due
Studies in man have shown treatment with in- to their direct effect on vascular smooth muscle,
dapamide to be associated with decreased vascular through inhibition of peripheral or central nervous
reactivity (section 1.4.2) [table II]. In patients with system activity, or through inhibition of inward
hypertension, limb vascular resistance, total peri- calcium current in vascular smooth muscle (Mim-
pheral resistance and peripheral resistance index ran et aI., 1983). In addition, the reflexive increase
were decreased and muscle blood flow was in- in sympathetic activity and heart rate usually seen
creased following the administration of indapam- with direct-acting vasodilating agents (Gunnels,
ide. Although these changes were of statistical 1982) does not occur during indapamide treat-
significance, their clinical importance remains ment. However, there is recent evidence (Carretta
uncertain, particularly since changes in calculated et al., 1983) which shows that indapamide inter-
resistance values are notoriously difficult to attrib- feres with the baroreceptor reflex, and this may ac-
ute solely to vasodilation or vasoconstriction (Sa- count for the lack of tachycardia at rest seen fol-
far et al., 1983; Schlant et al., 1982). lowing treatment with this agent. Thus, whether the
Indapamide has demonstrated considerable ef- vascular effects of indapamide make an important
ficacy as an antihypertensive agent in patients with contribution to its clinical efficacy in hypertension,
renal insufficiency and in a small group of patients or with usual therapeutic doses are only ancillary
with renal failure of sufficient severity as to war- properties, is not yet clear, and requires further
rant frequent haemodialysis (section 3.1.9). This careful study.
Indapamide: A Review 212

1.7 Toxicology Studies multidose administration, and in patients with renal

insufficiency or failure. There are no studies in
1. 7.1 Acute Toxicity patients with hepatic dysfunction. Large species
Indapamide has a low order of toxicity. Median differences exist regarding rate of absorption, mag-
lethal doses (LD50) were: 410 to 557 mg/kg intra- nitude of peak plasma concentrations and clear-
peritoneally and 577 to 635 mg/kg intravenously ance (Campbell et aI., 1977; Grebow and Treit-
in mice; 393 to 421 mg/kg intraperitoneally and man, 1981). Consequently, caution should be ex-
394 to 440 mg/kg intravenously in rats; and 347 ercised when pharmacokinetic information from
to 416 mg/kg intraperitoneally and 272 to 358 mg/ animal studies is used to supplement information
kg intravenously in guinea-pigs. The oral LD50 for on the disposition of indapamide in man.
all 3 species of rodent is > 3000 mg/kg, whereas
in dogs it was determined to be ~ 2000 mg/kg 2.1 Absorption and Plasma Concentrations
(Kyncl et aI., 1975; Moore et aI., 1977; Pruss and
Wolf, 1983). In pharmacokinetic studies of indapamide,
blood, plasma, or urine concentrations have most
1.7.2 Subacute and Chronic Toxicity often been determined by use of an accurate and
Indapamide 25 to 150 mgjkg administered orally specific spectrofluorometric assay (Grebow et aI.,
to mice for 2 months and 100 to 300 mg/kg ad- 1977). In addition, a high-performance liquid chro-
ministered orally to rats for 3 months was found matographic assay has recently been developed
to be well-tolerated in these laboratory animals. Al- (Choi et aI., 1982) which has the advantages over
though no abnormal organ histology occurred which the spectrofluorometric method of internal stan-
was attributable to indapamide, the higher dosage dardisation and easier handling. The correlation
levels did result in exacerbation of spontaneously coefficient between these two assay procedures has
ocsurring renal and cardiac lesions (Moore et aI., been determined to be 0.97 (Choi et aI., 1982).
1977; Pruss and Wolf, 1983). Absorption was rapid and complete following
Studies in mice and rats lasting 21 and 24 single-dose administration of radio1abelled indap-
months, respectively, failed to demonstrate any amide 5 or 10mg to healthy volunteers; mean peak
carcinogenic effects from the administration of in- plasma indapamide concentrations of 43 and 140
dapamide 10 to 100 mg/kg/daily (Pruss and Wolf, ILg/L, respectively, occurred within 0.5 hour of
1983). administration (Campbell et aI., 1977; Klunk et aI.,
1983). However, in another single-dose study (Sza-
1.7.3 Effects on Reproduction bodi et aI., 1982), indapamide 2.5, 5.0 and IOmg
Indapamide 0.5 to 18 mg/kg/daily neither af- resulted in peak whole blood concentrations of 113,
fected male or female reproductive capacity nor in- 236, and 536 ILg/L, respectively, which were sig-
duced teratogenic effects in mice, rats, or rabbits nificantly (p < 0.001) dose-related and occurred 2.1
(Moore et aI., 1977; Pruss and Wolf, 1983). Ma- to 2.7 hours after administration. In the study by
ternal treatment with indapamide during ges~tion Klunket aI. (1983), peak plasma indapamide con-
did not affect postnatal development in rat or centrations remained relatively constant for 8 hours
mouse offspring (Moore et aI., 1977). following administration, and about 93% of the
radiolabelled drug was recovered, indicating high
2. Pharmacokinetic Studies bioavailability. The bioavailability of indapamide
was not significantly reduced when taken with food
The pharmacokinetic properties of indapamide or antacids (milk of magnesia or aluminium hy-
are linear and independent of dose (Szabadi et aI., droxide gel) [Caruso et aI., 1983].
1982), and have been studied in healthy volunteers In healthy subjects, steady-state blood concen-
and patients with hypertension following single- or trations of 89.7 and 158.5 ILg/L were attained after
Indapamide: A Review 213

4 daily doses (88 hours) of2.5 or 5mg, respectively activity between the control rats and the rats with
(Szabadi et aI., 1982). Campbell et al. (1977) re- reduced haematocrits. Apparently, when haema-
ported proportionately lower steady-state plasma tocrit is altered, identical plasma indapamide con-
concentrations which ranged from 20 to 50 p.gjL, centration determinations may not reflect identical
but these were measured 3 days after the com- amounts of drug in the body (Lettieri and Portelli,
mencement of treatment (fig. 5). Steady-state blood 1983).
concentrations of indapamide appear to be inde- Indaparnide is approximately 76 to 79% bound
pendent of bodyweight (Campbell et aI., 1977). to human plasma proteins (Campbell et aI., 1977;
Klunk et aI., 1983). The specific protein(s) in-
2.2 Distribution volved in binding have not been identified (Camp-
bell, 1980).
A preliminary report of an in vitro study where The indapamide volume of distribution is large,
a rat hindquarter preparation was perfused with a and has been estimated from blood concentrations
protein-free solution containing 14C-labelled in- to be 25 to 27L (Grebow et al., 1982; Klunk et aI.,
daparnide indicated that indapamide accumulates 1983). The volume of distribution estimated from
in vascular smooth muscle in concentrations 10 and plasma concentrations was llOL (Campbell et al.,
2.5 times greater than in the protein-free perfusate 1976, 1977).
or skeletal muscle, respectively (Campbell et al.,
1977). 2.3 Metabolism and Elimination
Within 5 minutes after the in vitro incubation
of washed human red blood cells with 14C-indap- In man, the major route of indapamide elim-
amide and over the first hour following the intra- ination is the urine, where 60 to 70% of an orally
venous injection of 14C-indapamide in beagle dogs, administered dose is excreted (Campbell et al.,
the red cell to plasma radioactivity ratios were as 1976, 1977; Klunk et al., 1983). Up to 7.3% of the
high as 9: 1 (Campbell et aI., 1977). In human administered dose is eliminated unchanged,
volunteers, 14C-indaparnide 5mg resulted in a whereas the remainder of the dose is excreted as
blood/plasma radioactivity ratio of 5.7 : 1 at peak
concentrations (Klunk et al., 1983). These studies
indicate that indapamide preferentially binds to red
blood cells. The drug binds to the carbonic anhy-
drase fraction in a competitive and reversible man- CD
ner. This association with indapamide does not 'e
significantly inhibit carbonic anhydrase activity, ~:::J 40
although 98% of the total red blood cell indapa- "'-

mide is bound to this enzyme (Campbell et al.,

"'e: 30-
.0. •
1977). In vitro, the red blood cell binding of in- '" I!! 20-
dapamide was shown to be substantially decreased e: CD
CD c:
'" 0
by chlorthalidone or acetazolamide, each of which ~8 10-
have greater affinity for the binding site (Lettieri
and Portelli, 1983). In the same study, the effect
ef reduced haematocrit on red blood cell binding 6 8 10 12
2Time (days)
of indapamide in rats was found not to be as sig-
nificant as might be expected. Although whole
blood concentrations were lowered (p < 0.05) in Fig. 5. Mean concentrations of drug in plasma following the
the rats with reduced haematocrits, there were no administration of indapamide 2.5mg dally to 6 healthy volunteers
significant differences in plasma levels of radio- [adapted from Campbell et al. (1977)).
Indapamide: A Review 214

metabolic products (Campbell and Phillips, 1974; counts for 16 to 23% of an orally administered dose
Campbell et aI., 1977; Klunk et al., 1983). Klunk (Campbell et aI., 1976, 1977; Klunk et aI., 1983).
et aI. (1983) detected at least 5 metabolites in ad- The presence of metabolic products in the faeces
dition to unchanged drug in the urine of volunteers suggests that they are at least of molecular weight
administered 5mg of 14C-labelled indapamide. 500 or greater. Since the molecular weight of in-
18.3% of the urinary radioactivity was due to the dapamide is only 375, the metabolites are probably
presence of glucuronide and sulphate conjugates of glucuronide and sulphate conjugates (Campbell et
indapamide. In other studies, 14 to 19 metabolic aI., 1977).
products have been detected in the urine of patients In rats, only a minor fraction of an admini-
treated with indapamide (Campbell et aI., 1977; stered dose of indapamide has been demonstrated
Taylor et aI., 1976). Most of these metabolites were to undergo reabsorption via the enterohepatic cir-
generated in small proportion to the others: only culation (Klunk and Mangat, 1980), and no evi-
5 were shown to individually account for greater dence was found to indicate that indapamide is
than 10% of the urine radioactivity (or 5% of the capable of induction of mixed-function oxidases
total radioactivity of the administered dose) [Tay- (Klunk et al., 1981).
lor et aI., 1976]. The pharmacological activity of
the metabolites has not been reported. 2.3.1 Elimination Half-Life
The mean peak urinary excretion rate following In healthy volunteers administered single doses
a single dose of indapamide 40mg was approxi- of indapamide 5 to 40mg, the plasma concentra-
mately 3 #£g/min (Campbell and Phillips, 1974). tions of drug have undergone a biphasic pattern of
Peak urinary excretion following oral administra- decline, with a terminal phase half-life of 13.9 to
tion has been reported as 3 hours for unchanged 17.8 hours (Campbell and Phillips, 1974; Campbell
indapamide (Campbell and Phillips, 1974), and as et aI., 1976; Grebow et aI., 1982; Klunk et al., 1983).
6 to 8 hours for the total radioactivity, while max- Repeated-dose pharmacokinetics of indapamide
imum urinary flow occurs at a mean of 6 hours have also been studied in healthy volunteers
after dosage (Klunk et al., 1983). Mean renal clear- (Campbell et aI., 1977). Upon discontinuation of
ance estimates (of total radioactivity following 14C_ administration of indapamide 2.5mg daily for 15
indapamide) of 5 to 8.6 ml/min have been calcu- days, plasma concentrations of the drug declined
lated (Campbell et al., 1977; Klunk et aI., 1983). with an estimated elimination half-life of 17 hours.
Since human glomerular filtration rates normally
range from 105 to 150 ml/min (Wallach, 1978b), 2.4 Pharmacokinetics in Altered Renal
such a low clearance indicates extensive renal tu- Function
bular reabsorption (Campbell et al., 1977). The
reabsorption characteristics of indapamide are due Intravenous administration of 14C-labelled in-
to its comparatively high lipid solubility [pKa = dapamide to anephric dogs resulted in plasma
8.3; octanol phosphate buffer partition coefficient elimination of indapamide which was similar to
at pH 7.4 and 31" C is 31.7 (Campbell et al., 1977; that of dogs with intact renal function. When the
Caruso et aI., 1983)] conferred upon the molecule renal route of excretion was eliminated, total body
by the side chain methylindoline substitution clearance for indapamide and its metabolic prod-
(Campbell and Phillips, 1974). The renal clearance ucts was not significantly changed; excretion of the
estimate for unchanged indapamide is low (1.71 radioactivity was apparently shifted to the biliary
ml/min), reflecting the importance of hepatic clear- route (Klunk et aI., 1982).
ance (23.8 ml/min) in the determination of the es- Indapamide 2.5mg daily was administered to
timated total systemic clearance (20 to 23.4 ml/ patients with hypertension and varying degrees of
min) [Grebow et al., 1982; Klunk et aI., 1983]. renal insufficiency in the 6-week study of Ac-
Human faecal elimination of indapamide ac- chiardo and Skoutakis (1983) [see also Berger et al.,
Indapamide: A Review 215

1982]. Patients with normal renal function were also have been identified as occurring with greater fre-
studied, and mean creatinine clearance for the nor- quency in untreated patients with hypertension than
mal, mildly impaired, moderately impaired, and in non-hypertensive subjects. However, there are
severely impaired patient groups were 100, 58, 44, no specific symptoms of mild or moderate hyper-
and 15 ml/min, respectively. In patients with nor- tension (Bulpitt et aI., 1976). Therefore, the valid-
mal renal function, whole serum indapamide con- ity of many of these 'efficacy ratings' may be in
centrations ranged at the steady-state from 185 j.Lg/ considerable doubt. Accordingly, the response rates
L 2 hours after dosage to 76 j.Lg/L 24 hours after mentioned in this review are based solely upon
dosage, whereas drug concentrations from patients blood pressure responses.
with renal insufficiency ranged from 234 j.Lg/L 2 The terms 'mild', 'moderate', and 'severe'
hours after dosage to 127 j.Lg/L at 24 hours. No hypertension are widespread in this review, and re-
correlations were found between whole blood in- spectively refer to diastolic blood pressure ranges
dapamide concentration or decrease in arterial of 90 to 104, 105 to 129 and ~ 130mm Hg, unless
pressure and degree of renal impairment. Indapa- otherwise specified.
mide did not accumulate significantly in these
patients or in functionally anephric patients with 3.1 Use in Hypertension
hypertension undergoing frequent haemodialysis
who were administered 2.5mg daily for 4 weeks 3.1.1 Open Studies
(Acchiardo and Skoutakis, 1983). In the latter In hypertensive patients (usually with mild to
patients, steady-state indapamide blood concentra- moderate hypertension) treated in published re-
tions ranged from approximately 50 to 100 j.Lg/L, ports of open studies, indapamide 2.5mg daily for
and indapamide was shown not to be removable I to 12 months reduced resting systolic and dia-
by haemodialysis (see sections 1.1.1 and 3.1.9). stolic pressures by about 15 to 18% (table IV). In
2 studies (Naegel et aI., 1975; Rodat, 1975), effort
3. Therapeutic Trials systolic and diastolic pressures were decreased by
approximately 10 to 16%.
The antihypertensive effectiveness of indapa- In these uncontrolled studies, the patient groups
mide has been assessed primarily in open and pla- were predominantly (55 to 60%) female, and mean
cebo-controlled trials in patients with mild to mod- patient age generally ranged from 52 to 61 years.
erate essential hypertension (sections 3.1.1 and In several of the studies (Brun and Grunwald, 1976;
3.1.2). In addition, the diuretic efficacy of indap- Naegel et aI., 1975; Reyes et aI., 1983a; Rodat,
amide has been studied in a relatively small num- 1975), patient dietary sodium intake was restricted
ber of patients with oedema of cardiac or hepatic at least to some degree, whereas the patients of Is-
origin (section 3.2). sac et ai. (1977) were allowed ad lib sodium intake.
The study design of the therapeutic trials often Several studies (Brun and Grunwald, 1976; Issac
included single- or double-blind techniques, treat- et aI., 1977; Marais, 1981; Naegel et aI., 1975; Ro-
ment crossover, random allocation of treatment, dat, 1975) permitted patients with severe or re-
and placebo 'run-in' phases - all included to min- sistant hypertension to continue previous anti-
imise bias in the study results. However, the meth- hypertensive medications, including a-methyldopa,
ods used to evaluate 'response' to indapamide have guanethidine or dihydralazine. Following indapa-
been highly variable from study to study. Often, mide 2.5mg daily for I month, Mimran et al. (1981,
the occurrence of symptomatic improvement was 1983) added a i3-adrenergic blocking agent to the
combined with blood pressure response to for- drug regimen of patients who had not achieved
mulate a final 'efficacy rating'. Indeed, some symp- blood pressure 'control' with indapamide alone
toms (morning headache, depression, blurred vi- (approximately 10% of total patient group). When
sion and to a lesser extent faintness and nocturia) combined treatment was administered to these
Indapamide: A Review 216

Table IV. Summary of open efficacy studies of indapamide 2.5mg daily in essential hypertension

Reference Severity of hypertension Study duration Blood pressure reduction (%)a

[total no. of pts]
erect supine otherb

Baba et al. (1982)C Mostly mild (49) or moderate 6 weeks-1 year 19/17
(27) (67 pt treated for 1
[79] year)

Brun and Grunwald Moderate (26) and severe 3 months 13/14 14/14
(1976) (15)

Caretta et al. (1983) All pts MAP> 105 3 months 17


Issac et al. (1977) MoStly moderate 4.5 months (mean) 13/9


Marais (1981) All pts BP ~ 150/90 12 weeks 23/20


Mimran et al. (1981, All pts DBP > 95 mean BP 3 months 17/17 17/17
1983) (erect) 186/105

Naegel et al. (1975) Mostly moderate (15) or 5 weeks 12/15

severe (22) 15/16

Reyes et al. (1983a) All pts DBP (supine) 100-140 8 weeks 22/15 24/13

Rodat (1975) Mean BP (erect) 191/105 1-3 months (17 pts) 16/28 16/16
(supine) 187/104 6 months (21 pts)
[50l d 8-12 months (12 pts)

a Reduction expressed as percent decrease from pretreatment values; systolic/diastolic, or mean arterial pressure (MAP).
b Percentage reduction in systolic/diastolic pressures (seated) or in mean arterial pressure.
c Patients treated with indapamide 1 to 3mg daily.
d One patient believed to have hypertension secondary to renal causes.
Abbreviations: MAP = mean arterial pressure; BP = blood pressure; DBP = diastolic BP.

patients, mean diastolic blood pressure was de- ficacy and the tolerability of indapamide did not
creased by 18mm Hg. In the study reported by appear to be influenced by the age or sex of the
Marais (1981), 264 of the 387 patients achieved patients, although the higher the untreated blood
'normalisation' of blood pressure on indapamide pressure before the initiation of indapamide, the
alone: approximately 69% of the patients with mild greater the blood pressure reduction.
to moderate hypertension, and 40% of those with Overall effectiveness ratings were generally based
severe hypertension. upon the ability of indapamide to reduce diastolic
In the trial with the largest patient population blood pressure to 90 to 95mm Hg or less, although
(2184; Mimran et al., 1981, 1983), normalisation ocular changes or functional symptoms were con-
of blood pressure occurred most frequently be- sidered in some studies (Brun and Grunwald, 1976).
tween the first and second month of indapamide In the multicentre trial reported by Marais (1981),
treatment. In this study, the antihypertensive ef- indapamide was approximately 82% 'effective' in
Indapamide: A Review 217

the treatment of 189 patients with mild (diastolic often lowering systolic and diastolic pressures or
90 to 110mm Hg) hypertension: a single daily dose mean blood pressure by 10 to 20% more than
of 2.5mg was the sole agent used in 154 of these placebo.
patients. This degree of effectiveness was similar Generally, these comparisons involved patients
to that noted in other open studies (Baba et aI., ranging in age from 40 to 60 years, and male and
1982; Mimran et aI., 1981, 1983; Naegel et al., 1975; female patients were equally represented. Placebo
Rodat, 1975), where 'effective' ratings ranged from treatment periods were usually 2 or 4 weeks in dur-
approximately 70 to 80%. _ ation, although extremes of 7 days and 6 weeks did
Of the 60 patients of Baba et al. (1982) with occur. In most studies, indapamide was used as the
diabetes mellitus, only 4 exhibited decreased glucose sole antihypertensive agent; however, 4 of the 19
tolerance while taking indapamide, and none of the patients of Jorge and Perello (1980) were treated
467 patients of Mimran et ai. (1981, 1983) with with other agents [a-methyldopa, a is-adrenergic
elevated (> 6.05 mmolfL) pretreatment fasting blocker (atenolol or propranolol), or clonidine). In
blood sugars appeared to be affected when fasting another study, patients showing an inadequate re-
blood glucose concentrations were repeated at 3 sponse (diastolic> 100mm Hg) to indapamide
months. 2.5mg daily after 4 weeks were also treated with
nadolol (Houde and Carriere, 1983).
3.1.2 Comparisons with Placebo Of the 644 patients in the large multicentre trial
of Passeron et ai. (1981), the percentage of re-
Unblinded Comparisons sponders (in whom diastolic blood pressure nor-
Indapamide has been compared with placebo malised or fell at least 30mm Hg) was 64% follow-
treatment in a large number of short to long term ing 3 months of treatment with indapamide 2.5mg
(1- to 24-month) studies which have usually in- daily. This response rate was in general agreement
volved small (10 to 30) numbers of patients with with those of other placebo comparisons, which
mild or moderate essential hypertension. In such ranged from 70 to 90% (Charoenlarp and Jaroon-
studies, indapamide (usually 2.5mg daily) was vesama, 1981; Goto et aI., 1982; Guidi et aI., 1982;
clearly more effective than placebo treatment, most de Ortiz et aI., 1983; Jorge and Perello, 1980; San-

n = 307 n = 282 220 n = 55

200 200
Cl 180 180 Cl 180
::c 160 ::c 160 ::c 160
E E 140
S 140 S 120 ~ 140
120 -; 120
~ ~
100 en 100
~ 100
en en en 80
~ 80 80
~ 60
a. 60 C. 60
'0 '0
40 0
40 "80 40
iIi 20 iIi 20 iIi 20
0 2 3 0 2 3 0 2 3
a Treatment time (months) b Treatment time (months) c Treatment time (months)

Fig.6. Mean systolic (D) and diastolic (II) blood pressure responses in patients with (8) mild [diastolic 90 to l09mm Hgj. (b) moderate
[diastolic 110 to 129mm Hgj. or (c) severe [diastolic ~ 130mm Hgj essential hypertension during treatment with indapamide 2.Smg
daily [data from Passeron et al. (1981)].
Indapamide: A Review 218

Table V. Summary of single- and double-blind placebo comparisons with indapamide in patients with essential hypertension

Reference Severity of hypertension" Study design b Daily Blood pressure Res- Criteria for response
[no. of pts/group] (duration of dose reduction (%)" ponse
active (mg) rate (%)
erect supine

Andries et al. I. 176/97 (supine) [42] sb 2.5 17/16 76 Diastolic" 90mm Hg or

(1980) II. 201/116 (supine) [12] (10 months) 22/23 66 decrease in diastolic ~
III. 211/135 (supine) [5] 24/27 100 20mm Hg

Beling et al. 149/102 (erect) db. r, co 2.5 9/20 11/10 56 Diastolic < 90mm Hg or
(1983) 151/97 (supine) [260] (40 weeks) decrease in diastolic ~
10mm Hg (erect)

Capone et al. I. 157/103 (erect) db,co 1.0 9/6 9/5 33 As above

(1983) 157/100 (supine) (8 weeks)
II. 148/102 (erect) 2.5 10/8 9/6 43
150/98 (supine)
III. 152/102 (erect) 5.0 9/1 9/1 40
152/99 (supine) [87]

Casar (1977) 179/113 (erect) db, co 2.5 5/6 9/1

171/111 (supine) [10] (8 weeks)

Hamilton and I. 166/109 (erect) sb,co 2.5 Erect systolic and

Kelly (1977) 172/109 (supine) [14] (12 weeks) 12/14 16/20 50 diastolic pressures in
II. 158/104 (erect) ranges of 120-140 and
168/106 (supine) [10] 16/15 11/14 70 80-1oomm Hg

Horgan et al. 170/108 (erect) sb 2.5 15/13 13/17

(1981) 152/100 (supine) [17] (24 weeks)

Lenzi and Di 192/110 (erect) db,co 2.5 16/15 14/13

Perri (1977) 190/109 (supine) [47] (8 weeks)

O'Brien et al. 176/111 (erect) db,co 2.5d 11/8 10/9

(1984) 184/109 (supine) [24] (8 weeks)

Turner et al. 169/109 (erect) 2.5 22/15 18/18 60 As in Hamilton and Kelly
(1977) 175/105 (supine) [10] (12 weeks) (1977)

Van Hee et al. 197/112 (erect) sb 2.5 20/18 19/12

(1981) 198/110 (supine) [24] (2 months)

Velasco et al. 168/107 (erect) db, r 2.5 17/11 10/8

(1980) 167/109 (supine) [20] (8 weeks)

Whately and 180/104 (erect) sb,co 2.5 10/10 13/16 87.5° Very good response >
Heraty 184/103 (supine) [8] (12 weeks) 30mm Hg decrease in
(unpublished) diastolic pressure. Good
response 10-3Omm Hg

a Mean blood pressure (systolic/diastolic) following placebo treatment.

b = =
sb single-blind; db double-blind; r = randomised; pi = placebo-controlled; co =
c Data shown are the additional blood pressure reductions over and above the placebo response; systolic/diastolic.
d All patients were administered oxprenolol160 to 480mg daily before and throughout the placebo comparison, and were consid-
ered oxprenolol 'failures' (diastolic pressure remaining > 95mm Hg).
e Very good response in 4 pts; good response in 3 pts.
Indapamide: A Review 219

toro et aI., 1982); a notable exception was the re- the second, and stabilised during the third month
sponse rate (2/13; 15%) of the patients studied by of treatment. In contrast to these findings, the
Fernandes et ai. (1977), where the low (0.5 or patients of Bhalla (1981) exhibited their maximum
1.0mg) daily doses of indapamide probably pre- antihypertensive response to indapamide during
vented optimum blood pressure responses. their first month of treatment. The antihyperten-
The patients of Passeron et ai. (1981) were di- sive effect of indapamide was sustained during up
vided into 3 groups according to pretreatment blood to 24 months of continuous treatment in a recent
pressures, and were monitored at monthly inter- placebo comparison (Scalabrino et aI., 1984).
vals over the 3-month course of indapamide treat-
ment. In the 307 patients with mild hypertension Single- and Double-Blind Comparisons
(fig. 6a), mean blood pressures normalised follow- In blinded, parallel group and crossover com-
ing 1 month of therapy with indapamide 2.5mg parisons of indapamide and placebo, the ami.-
daily, while the patients with moderate (fig. 6b) and hypertensive response to indapamide has been
severe (fig. 6c) hypertension showed their largest consistently better than that with placebo (table V).
declines in systolic and diastolic pressures after 2 Systolic and diastolic blood pressures (erect and
and 3 months of treatment. Similarly, in the stud- supine) were generally reduced 10 to 20% from pla-
ies of Bam and Bouwer (1983) and Dunn et ai. cebo levels, with 'response' rates usually falling
(1981), the antihypertensive effect of indapamide within the 50 to 75% range. The dose of indapa-
appeared during the first month, increased during mide was most often 2.5mg daily, but Capone et



E 150
II) 140

0 130
CD 120
n = 12
~ 110
n = 42

B P 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Treatment time (months)

Fig. 7. Mel'!'l arterial pressure response in patients with mild [diastolic 90 to 109mm Hg (0-0)]. moderate [diastolic 110 to 129mm Hg
(~)]. or severe [diastolic;;' 130mm Hg (0--0)] hypertension administered indapamide 2.5mg daily (8 = baseline; P = placebo)
[data from Andries et al. (1980)].
Indapamide: A Review 220

Table VI. Summary of comparative studies between indapamide (ID) and selected benzothiadiazide diuretic agents in the treatment
of patients with essential hypertension

Reference Severity of hypertension" Study design b Daily doses Blood pressure response Relative
[no. of pts) (study duration) (mg) (% decrease)!l efficacyh

erect supine MAP

Comparisons with hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)

Coutinho et al. 'Mild to moderate' unb ID 2.0 -8.1 ID 2.0mg =
(1980) (120) (12 weeks) ID 2.5 -9.1 ID 2.5mg =
HeTZ 100 -6.2 HeTZ l00mg

Feldstein et al. BP - ID group (erect) 178/ db, r, pi ID 2.5 17/13 14/12 ID 2.5mg
(1981) 108, (supine) 177/103 (6 weeks) HeTZ 50 3/13 9/4 ,., HeTZ 50mg
BP - HeTZ group (erect)
173/98, (supine) 177/96

Lemieux and BP (supine) 208/128 pi ID 2.5 35/33 ID 2.5mg ~

L'Homme (1983) (26) (4 months)" HeTZ 50 29/27 HeTZ 50mg

Morledge (1983) BP (erect) 153/102 db, r, pi, co ID 2.5 26/16 ID 2.5mg,.,

BP (erect) 152/101 (40 weeks) ID 5.0 15/16 ID 5mg =
BP (erect) 151/101 HeTZ 50 15/17 HeTZ 50mg

Noble et al. (1983) BP - ID group (erect) db, pi ID 2.5 11/12 ID 2.5mg =

159/110 (8 weeks) HeTZ 50mg
BP - HeTZ group (erect) HeTZ 50 15/23

Ogilvie et al. BP (erect) 150/96 db, r, pi, co ID2.5 9/6 ID 2.5mg ..

(1983) (17) (3 months)d HeTZ 50 9/5 HeTZ 50mg

Plante and BP - ID group (erect) 139/ db, pi ID 2.5 9/14 8/11 ID 2.5mg,.,
Robillard (1983) 98, (supine) 138/93 (12 weeks) HeTZ 50mg
HeTZ group (erect) 150/98, HeTZ 50 7/8 5/4
(supine) 147/93

aI. (1983) also used I and 5mg daily doses and 18 reductions which 'stabilised' only after 4 months
of the 24 patients of Van Hee et aI. (1981) main- of treatment, regardless of the pretreatment sever-
tained excellent blood pressure control (decreases ity of hypertension (Andries et aI., 1980) [fig. 7].
in supine systolic and diastolic pressures of 19 and Most of these studies were relatively short term (8
15%, respectively) on indapamide 2.5mg every to 12 weeks); however, the long term trials of An-
other day following 2 months of daily administra- dries et aI. (1980) and Beling et al. (1983) [10
tion. months] further demonstrate that indapamide is
Although the antihypertensive effect of indap- capable of inducing a sustained blood pressure re-
amide was fully manifest in 4 to 6 weeks in several duction in most patients treated.
of the blinded placebo comparisons (Capone et aI.,
1983; Lenzi and Di Perri, 1977; O'Brien et aI., 3.1.3 Comparisons with Hydrochlorothiazide
1984), one group of patients had blood pressure In parallel group and crossover comparisons,
Indapamide: A Review 221

Table VI. (contd)

Reference Severity of hypertension" Study design b Daily dose" Blood pressure response Relative
[no. of pts) (study duration) (mg) (% decrease)9 efficacyh

erect supine MAP

Comparisons with bendrofluazide (BDR)

Bing et al. (1981) BP (erect) 164/100. (supine) r ID2.S 16/8 12/7 10 2.5mg =
160/92 (16 weeks) BDR S 14/8 8/4 BDR Smg

Zacharias (1981) BP (supine) 171/100. db. r. pl. co ID2.S 9/10 10 2.Smg =

181/102 (12 weeks) BDR S 13/9 BDR Smg

Comparisons with cyclopenthiazide (CYC)

James et al. (1981) BP (supine) 165/102. r. co ID2.S1 I. 8/6 10 2.Smg >
167/111 (2 weeks)d II. S/8 eye O.Smg
[44) eye O.SI I. 1/4

Khan (1981) BP - 10 group (erect) r. pi ID2.S 15/2 10 2.5mg ~

198/110 (6 months) eye O.Smg
BP - eye group (erect) eye O.S 3/7

a Mean systolic/diastolic pressures (mm Hg) [BP= blood pressure).

b pi = placebo-controlled; db = double-blinds r = randomised; co = crossover; unb = unblinded.
c Duration of indapamide treatment. Hydrochlorothiazide administered ~ 6 months.
d Duration of treatment with each agent.
e Hydrochlorothiazide was administered in a divided daily dose in the study of eoutinho et al. (1980).
f I signifies drug was the first agent administered in this crossover study; II signifies use of the drug as second agent.
9 Blood pressure response (systolic/diastolic) expressed as percentage decrease from pretreatment or placebo pressures. Data
of eoutinho et al. (1980) expressed as decrease from pretreatment mean arterial pressure (MAP) [mm Hg).
h Statement of relative efficacy based upon antihypertensive effect only.

indapamide 2.5mg daily demonstrated antihyper- VI] did not appear to be satisfactory. The patients
tensive efficacy essentially equal to that of hydro- in these studies had mild to moderate hyperten-
chlorothiazide 50mg daily (Morledge, 1983; Noble sion, with the exception of the majority of those
et aI., 1983; Ogilvie et aI., 1983; Plante and Rob- studied by Lemieux and L'Homme (1983) and No-
illard, 1983) or 100mg daily (Coutinho et aI., 1980) ble et aI. (1983), where mean pretreatment dia-
[table VI]. In one partially retrospective study stolic pressures were 129 and Illmm Hg, respec-
(Lemieux and L'Homme, 1983), indapamide in- tively. Following the administration of indapamide
duced a statistically greater decrease in blood pres- 2.5mg or hydrochlorothiazide 50mg daily for 1
sure although the difference was not necessarily month, the patients of Noble et al. (1983) not re-
clinically important. Similarly, indapamide 2.5mg sponding (diastolic ~ 90mm Hg) were placed on
daily showed statistically significant superiority methyldopa as a 'second line' medication (starting
over hydrochlorothiazide 50mg daily in the study at 250mg twice daily, and titrated to a dose not
of Feldstein et aI. (1981); however, randomisation exceeding 3000mg daily). Amongst the patients who
of patients (re: placebo blood pressures) [see table required the addition of methyldopa to achieve ad-
Indapamide: A Review 222

equate blood pressure control (n = 10, both groups), were continued on a combination of indapamide
those receiving indapamide 2.smg daily required a 2.smg and bendrofluazide smg daily for an addi-
significantly smaller average dose than those re- tional 16 weeks. This combination resulted in a
ceiving hydrochlorothiazide sOmg (1100 vs Is7smg, further fall in diastolic pressure [from approxi-
p < 0.05). In the study of Lemieux and L'Homme mately 92 to 87mm Hg (erect)], but not in systolic
(1983), 11 patients also took reserpine and 9 or mean arterial pressure. Although further in-
patients took methyldopa, a ~-blocker or guaneth- creases in plasma renin activity and blood urea were
idine in addition to indapamide or hydrochloro- noted with the combination treatment, no further
thiazide. Antihypertensive agents other than the decreases in bodyweight or serum potassium oc-
study drugs were not used in the other trials. curred compared with either agent alone.
In these comparisons, side effects which oc-
curred in any treatment group were not severe, and 3.1.5 Comparisons with Cyc/openthiazide
those which did occur were similar in frequency in In 2 randomised studies, the hypotensive effect
both indapamide- and hydrochlorothiazide-treated of indapamide 2.smg daily was generally superior
patients. Neither agent significantly reduced heart to that of cyclopenthiazide O.smg daily (James et
rate (Feldstein et aI., 1981; Noble et aI., 1983; Ogil- al., 1981; Khan, 1981) [table VI]. Blood pressures
vie et aI., 1983; Plante and Robillard, 1983). The increased when patients were 'crossed over' from
decrease in serum potassium concentrations with indapamide to cyclopenthiazide treatment, and de-
indapamide and hydrochlorothiazide were of equal creased when indapamide followed cyclopenthia-
magnitude. The patients of Plante and Robillard zide (James et aI., 1981). As has been noted in other
(1983) administered hydrochlorothiazide had a studies (section 3.1.1), blood pressure response to
mean serum potassium concentration (3.4 mmol/ indapamide (and cyclopenthiazide) was greatest in
L) in the hypokalaemic range; however, placebo patients with higher pressures on entering the study
serum potassium concentrations were lower in these (James et al., 1981). Although indapamide was
patients than in the indapamide group (3.9 vs 4.2 subjectively assessed as being much more effective
mmol/L). than cyclopenthiazide in the geriatric (mean age 77)
population studied by Khan (1981), blood pres-
3.1.4 Comparisons with Bendrofluazide sures (systolic only) were significantly lower with
(Bendroflumethiazide) indapamide only on the last patient visit of the 6-
Single daily doses of indapamide 2.smg or ben- month study.
drofluazide smg produced similar reductions in The frequency of side effects was similar with
blood pressure in 2 studies conducted in patients both drugs, and side effects were minor in nature.
with mild or moderate essential hypertension (Bing Although both agents decreased serum potassium
et al., 1981; Zacharias, 1981) [table VI]. The two concentrations, neither induced clinical or labora-
diuretic agents were the sole antihypertensive agents tory signs of hypokalaemia (James et al., 1981;
administered to the patients of Bing and co-work- Khan, 1981).
ers, whereas the patients of Zacharias were admin-
istered atenolol 100 or 200mg daily in addition to 3.1.6 Comparisons with Other Diuretic Agents
the trial drugs. Indapamide and bendrofluazide in- In controlled studies, generally of brief dura-
duced a mean decrease in bodyweight of approxi- tion, indapamide 2.0 to s.Omg daily was shown to
mately 2.skg, and significantly (p < 0.05) de- have equal antihypertensive efficacy compared with
creased serum potassium concentrations in the daily administration of a hydrochlorothiazide/ami-
patients of Bing et al. (1981), while these para- loride combination (Anavekar et al., 1979), chlor-
meters were not changed in the patients of Za- thalidone loomg (Hatt and Leblond, 1975), meti-
charias (1981). crane 300mg (Ikeda et al., 1982), or chlorothiazide
In the study of Bing et al. (1981), 12 patients soomg (Milliez and TcherdakotT, 1975) [table VII].
Indapamide: A Review 223

Pretreatment and placebo systolic and diastolic and Leblond (1975) administered chlorthalidone
pressures were usually decreased 10 to 20% by in- required supplemental potassium due to 'severe'
dapamide and the other diuretics tested. Two of decreases in serum potassium concentrations, while
the studies compared indapamide with other di- only 1 of the 38 patients on indapamide needed
uretics when each was used as the sole antihyper- potassium supplementation. Of the 161 patients in
tensive agent, but patients in the other 2 studies the multicentre trial of Ikeda et aI. (1982), 5 patients
(Anavekar et aI., 1979; Hatt and Leblond, 1975) administered indapamide became hypokalaemic
continued previous non-diuretic therapy (includ- (mean decrease of 1.3 mmol/L), whereas only 1
ing methyldopa, fJ-blockers, guanethidine, cloni- patient treated with meticrane became hypokal-
dine, prazosin and reserpine) throughout the com- aemic. Clinical signs or symptoms attributable to
parisons. hypokalaemia did not occur in any of these com-
In 2 studies (Anavekar et aI., 1979; Milliez and parative studies.
Tcherdakoff, 1975) neither indapamide nor the
comparison diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide/amilor- 3.1.7 Comparisons with /l-Adrenergic Blocking
ide, chlorothiazide) significantly affected serum Agents. and their Use in Combination
electrolyte concentrations; however, this was not In double-blind, randomised, placebo-con-
the case in other trials. 25 of the 38 patients ofHatt trolled studies, the antihypertensive effectiveness

Table VII. Summary of placebo-controlled comparative studies of indapamide and various diuretic agents in the treatment of patients
with essential hypertension

Reference Severity of hypertension" Study design Daily doses Blood pressure response (% Relative
[no. of pts] (study duration) (mg) decrease)b efficacyd

erect supine MAP

Anavekar et al. ID group 172/105 db, r, co ID 2.5 9/12 ID 2.5mg =

(1979) HCTZ/AMRD group (8 weeks)" HCTZ 50/ 11/11 HCTZ 50mg/
173/101 c AMRD5 AMRD 5mg

Hatt and Leblond BP (supine) 190/102, sb, r, co 105 20/21 17.3 10 5.0mg =
(1975) MAP (supine) 127 (45 days)" CHLR 100 20/17 15.8 CHLR 100mg

Ikeda et al. (1982) ID group 175/102; db ID2f 14/12 10 2mg =

MTR group 172/103c (12 weeks) MTR 300f 13/13 MTR 300mg

Milliez and BP 166/103c db, r, co ID 5f.g 7/6 5.7 ID 5mg =

Tcherdakoff MAP 124 (1 month)" CTZ 500mg f.g 4/4 4.0 CTZ 500mg
(1975) [22]

a Mean systolic/diastolic blood pressures or mean arterial pressure (MAP) [mm Hg].
b Blood pressure response (systolic/diastolic) expressed as percentage decrease from placebo.
c Posture during blood pressure assessment not indicated.
d Statement of relative efficacy based upon antihypertensive effect only.
e Duration of treatment with each agent.
f Administered in divided daily dosages.
9 Administered 5 days per week only.
= = = = =
Abbreviations: db double-blind; r randomised; co crossover; sb single-blind; 10 indapamide; HCTZ/AMRD = hydrochloro-
thiazide/amiloride combination; CHLR chlorthalidone; MTR =
meticrane; CTZ =
Indapamide: A Review 224

Table VIII. Summary of the relative antihypertensive efficacies of indapamide (10) and fj-adrenoceptor blocking agents when used
alone or in combination in patients with essential hypertension (HTN). All studies of double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled

Reference Severity of Study Daily doses Blood pressure response Relative efficacyd
hypertension" durationb (mg) (% decrease)C
[no. of pts] (weeks) and
erect supine

Chalmers et al. BP (erect) 162/101; co 102.5 7/6 7/3 10 2.5mg '" POL
(1982) BP (supine) 164/94 (8 weeks) POL 10 11/8 10/9 10mg

102.5 + 16/10 15/11

POL 10

De Divitiis et al. BP (erect) 178/117; co 102.5 13/14 15/14 10 2.5mg =

(1983) BP (supine) 189/115 (4 weeks) ATN 100 14/16 18/16 ATN 100mg

102.5 + 24/21 25/22

ATN 100

Kubik and Coote BP (erect) 169/109; (8 weeks) 102.5 11/9 8/6 ID 2.5mg =
(1981) BP (supine) 168/105 MPL 200· 12/10 11/12 MPL 200mg

102.5 + 17/16 16/16

MPL 200·

Rumboldt et al. BP - 10 group:' co 102.5 13/17 11/12 10 2.5mg =

(1984) (erect) 158/108; (6 weeks) POL 15 11/14 12/14 POL 15mg
(supine) 161/105
BP - POL group:'
(erect) 160/108;
(supine) 163/106

a Mean systolic/diastolic blood pressure during placebo treatment (mm Hg).

b Duration of each treatment phase, excluding placebo.
c Expressed as percentage decrease from placebo blood pressure; systolic/diastolic.
d Statement of relative efficacy based upon antihypertensive effect only.
e Administered in a divided daily dose.
Placebo blood pressures listed were those recorded following the first placebo phase.
Abbreviations: co = crossover; ATN = atenolol; POL = pindolol; MPL = metoprolol; BP = blood pressure.

of indapamide 2.5mg daily was shown to equal that suited in diastolic pressures 7 to 16% below pla-
of pindolo1 10 or 15mg daily (Chalmers et al., 1982; cebo values. The combination of indapamide with
Rumboldt et aI., 1984), atenolol 100mg daily (De a ,B-adrenergic blocker was always more effective
Divitiis et aI., 1983), or metoprolol 200mg daily in decreasing diastolic pressures than either agent
(Kubik and Coote, 1981) [table VIII]. In these 4 used alone, with 10 to 20% decreases being most
studies, indapamide generally decreased diastolic common. A factorial analysis following the study
pressures 6 to 14%, while ,B-adrenergic blockade re- of Chalmers et al. (1982) revealed that the hypo-
Indapamide: A Review 225

tensive effects seen in the combination therapy systolic and diastolic pressures about 18% com-
phase represented simple addition of the separate pared with placebo levels, whereas methyldopa in-
effects of the two drugs. A 'response' rate of 67% duced an approximate 14% decrease. In addition,
with combined therapy with indapamide and at- the rate of blood pressure response was faster with
enolol, compared with 47% with either drug alone, indapamide (2 vs 4 weeks for 'normalisation' of
was reported by De Divitiis et al. (1983) when re- blood pressure to 160/90 or less). Following 8 weeks
sponse was defined as a lowering of diastolic pres- of treatment, 50% of the patients on indapamide
sure to ~ 95mm Hg. had 'normal' blood pressures, while only 22% of
As might be expected, each of the l3-antagonists the methyldopa patients had achieved this level of
compared with indapamide induced a decrease in antihypertensive control.
heart rate (usually 5 to 10 beats/min) when used The antihypertensive efficacy of indapamide in
alone or in combination. When indapamide was combination with methyldopa was studied by La
used as the sole antihypertensive agent, significant Corte et al. (1980a). 17 patients with hypertension
decreases in heart rate were not reported. who had been 'stabilised' on methyldopa 500 to
The biochemical parameters assessed by De 1000mg daily were randomly placed on indapa-
Divitiis et al. (1983) following indapamide and/or mide 2.5mg daily or placebo for 6 weeks. The mean
atenolol treatment were not significantly altered; decreases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure
however, this was not the case in the other com- following the addition of indapamide to methyl-
parisons. Increases in serum uric acid and blood dopa treatment were 19/8mm Hg, indicating the
carbon dioxide content and decreases in serum po- efficacy of the combination. The agents were well
tassium and chloride were reported following the tolerated during their coadministration.
use of indapamide as a single agent. In addition,
metoprolol was responsible for highly significant 3.1.9 Use in Patients with
increases in serum sodium and bilirubin, while Renal Insufficiency
pindolol increased plasma urate concentrations. Although the data are limited, indapamide ap-
Although all of these changes were of statistical sig- pears to have antihypertensive activity in patients
nificance, no biochemical parameter in any of the who have renal insufficiency. Additional studies are
3 studies deviated from the normal range. necessary to clarify further its efficacy in patients
Indapamide 2.5mg daily for 8 weeks further de- with various degrees of renal function impairment.
creased mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures In an open study by Brennan et al. (1982), in-
by approximately 10% in 24 patients who had an dapamide 2.5mg daily was substituted for the par-
inadequate antihypertensive response (diastolic ticular diuretic (frusemide, chlorthalidone, or a
pressure remaining> 95mm Hg) to oxprenolol160 thiazide) which had previously been administered
to 480mg daily (O'Brien et aI., 1984) [see section to 13 patients. The hypertension and renal insuf-
3.1.2 and table V). ficiency of the patient group were poth moderate
in severity (mean pressures, 161/103mm Hg; mean
3.1.8 Comparison with Methyldopa, and Their creatinine clearance 50 ml/min, range 30 to 65 ml/
Use in Combination min). The antihypertensive regimen of each patient
In a single published report in 71 patients with included other agents (i.e. propranolol, methyl-
mild (diastolic pressure 95 to 109mm Hg, 52 dopa, guanethidine, hydralazine, clonidine and
patients) or moderate (diastolic pressure 110 to prazosin) which were continued throughout· the
120mm Hg, 19 patients) essential hypertension, in- trial. After 6 weeks' treatment with indapamide,
dapamide 2.5mg daily was essentially equal to diastolic blood pressure measurements were un-
methyldopa 500mg daily in blood pressure-lower- changed from those taken when the other diuretics
ing effect (Meine, 1981). After 8 weeks of active had been administered. Although the blood urea
treatment with either agent, indapamide decreased nitrogen and serum creatinine values were un-
Indapamide: A Review 226

changed, mean creatinine clearance increased to 64 3.2 Use in Oedematous States

ml/min (p < 0.01), indicating that the blood pres-
sure control was not retained at the expense of renal In an open study, indapamide was administered
function impairment. to 22 patients with oedema secondary to conges-
In 6 patients with moderate hypertension and tive heart failure or cirrhosis (Goldberg and Fur-
impaired renal function (creatinine clearance < 60 man, 1974). 10 of the patients with congestive heart
ml/min), indapamide 2.5mg daily for 8 weeks de- failure responded well to indapamide 20mg daily,
creased systolic and diastolic blood pressures ap- with a mean weight loss of 4. 7kg over 5 days. Two
proximately 13.5% (p < 0.01), while mean serum patients with cirrhosis and 6 patients with conges-
concentrations of uric acid and potassium were al- tive heart failure and severe chronic renal failure
tered from pretreatment values (from 0.42 to 0.45 (creatinine clearance ~ 16 ml/min) did not re-
mmol/L and from 4.7 to 4.4 mmol/L, respectively; spond to daily dosages of 20mg, and 40 to 300mg,
p < 0.05) [Santoro et al., 1982]. Indapamide 2.5mg respectively.
daily was also used as the sole antihypertensive A comparative study of indapamide 30 or 50mg
agent in 29 patients studied by Acchiardo and daily with frusemide 40mg twice daily in 15 patients
Skoutakis (1983) [see also Berger et al., 1982]. While with oedema due to cirrhosis or congestive heart
11 of these patients had normal renal function (cre- failure was conducted by Leary et al. (1974).
atinine clearance 91 to 110 ml/min), 13 others had Throughout the 72-hour study, daily urinary out-
mild to moderate impairment (creatinine clearance put (approximately 2 to 3L) and mean total weight
36 to 84 ml/min) and 4 had severely compromised loss (about 3 to 6kg) were not significantly different
renal function (creatinine clearance 8 to 27 ml/min). between the two treatment groups.
Regardless of the severity of the renal impairment, In 214 patients with oedema due mainly to un-
systolic and diastolic blood pressures were de- known causes, congestive heart failure or liver dis-
creased 5 to 10% after 6 weeks' administration. ease, the diuretic efficacy of indapamide 2.5, 5.0
Renal function (as measured by creatinine clear- and lO.Omg daily was found to be similar to that
ance, blood urea nitrogen, and serum creatinine) of hydrochlorothiazide 100mg daily (Slotkoff,
was unchanged after treatment with indapamide. 1983). In this double-blind trial, the usual diuretic
In a separate phase of this single-blind, placebo- regimen of each patient was withdrawn and indap-
controlled study, Acchiardo and Skoutakis also ad- amide or hydrochlorothiazide was instituted when
ministered indapamide 2.5mg daily to 9 function- pretibial oedema had increased by ~ 4mm and/or
ally anephric and hypertensive patients (mean pre- when the patient had gained 1.8kg. Following up
dialysis pressures: systolic > 150mm Hg and to 12 weeks of study, no difference was found
diastolic > 90mm Hg) who required frequent among the 4 treatment groups regarding improve-
haemodialysis. Over the 4-week treatment period, ment of pitting oedema scores (36 to 41% improve-
pre- and post-dialysis blood pressures were re- ment) or weight loss (average 2.6kg). Hypokalae-
duced 4 to 8% (p < 0.05). However, since the blood mia was the most frequently noted adverse reaction,
pressure of a dialysis patient may be influenced by being reported in 25 to 40% of patients in each
mUltiple factors and the patient groups were small, group. Eight of the 15 patients who withdrew from
it is difficult to conclusively attribute this hypo- the study due to side effects had been administered
tensive effect solely to indapamide. indapamide 10mg daily and had withdrawn due to
Heart rate and bodyweight were not signifi- symptoms associated with hypokalaemia (weak-
cantly changed by indapamide in either study (Ac- ness, leg cramps) and hypovolaemia (orthostatic
chiardo and Skoutakis, 1983; Brennan et aI., 1982). dizziness).
The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic prop- Thus, although the use of indapamide to reduce
erties of indapamide in patients with renal insuf- sodium and water retention appears promising, de-
ficiency are discussed in sections 1.1.1 and 2.4. finitive statements regarding its place in the treat-
Indapamide: A Review 227

ment of oedematous states must await longer term dapamide 2.5mg daily induced clinically signifi-
studies in larger patient groups. cant hypokalaemia (Richard et al., 1978; Rodat and
Hamelin, 1978). Pretreatment serum potassium
4. Side Effects concentrations of approximately 4 mmol/L fell to
2.7 to 2.9 mmol/L in 1 study (Richard et aI., 1978),
Approximately 25% of the clinical trial reports while the patient of Rodat and Hamelin had a post-
involving indapamide have stated that no side ef- treatment serum potassium concentration of 0.9
fects occurred during treatment, while an addi- mmol/L. Duration of treatment ranged from 2
tional 25% have not addressed the subject of side months (Rodat and Hamelin, 1978) to only 3 to 7
effects at all. The incidence and severity of indap- days (Richard et aI., 1978). In most cases, the signs
amide-induced hypokalaemia has been reasonably and symptoms of hypokalaemia included electro-
well documented, but little descriptive information cardiographic abnormalities [Q-T interval prolong-
regarding other side effects of indapamide has been ation, arrhythmia (bradycardia, atrial fibrillation)],
reported. In comparative studies (sections 3.l.3 to weakness and muscle cramping, and were accom-
3.1.8), the frequency or severity of side effects panied by hypochloraemia and alkalosis. In both
caused by indapamide was similar to or, studies, reversal of most abnormalities was accom-
in some cases, less than those of several benzo- plished by drug discontinuation and 2 to 6 days of
thiadiazide diuretics, i3-adrenergic blockers and potassium supplementation.
methyldopa. Cosma and Pauly-Laubry (1978) reported sinus
Most of the electrolyte and metabolic derange- bradycardia, Q-T prolongation, and intermittent
ments indapamide can induce occur only occa- torsade de pointes in a patient treated with indap-
sionally and have been discussed in section l.3. amide 2.5mg daily and disopyramide 100mg qid
for 6 weeks. On the first day of hospitalisation, the
4.1 Hypokalaemia patient's serum potassium concentration fell from
3.1 to 2.5 mmol/L in spite of potassium supple-
As previously discussed (section l.3.1), the mentation. Discontinuation of both drugs and con-
administration of indapamide has resulted in sta- tinuation of potassium administration resulted in
tistically significant decreases in mean serum po- normokalaemia within 2 days and cessation of the
tassium concentrations in approximately 75% of torsade de pointes. However, as both diuretic-in-
published reports. Despite these decreases, most duced hypokalaemia and disopyramide are com-
patient groups have maintained mean potassium mon causes of torsade de pointes (Fontaine et aI.,
concentrations within normal physiological limits. 1982; Schwertzer and Mark, 1982), indapamide
The clinical significance of such mild diuretic-in- cannot be considered the sole causative agent.
duced changes in potassium balance is controver-
sial (Perez-Stable and Caralis, 1983), and beyond 4.2 Other Side Effects
the scope of this review. However, some patients
have had indapamide-induced decreases in serum Central nervous system side effects reported after
potassium concentrations large enough to warrant indapamide treatment have included headache
supplemental potassium therapy (Beling et al., 1983; (Beling et al., 1983; Ikeda et al., 1982; Marais, 1981;
Horgan et aI., 1981; Mimran et aI., 1983). Clinical Seedat and Reddy, 1974), dizziness and similar
manifestations of hypoka1aemia have occurred in symptoms (Andries et aI., 1977; Bing et aI., 1981;
1.2 or 3% and 7% of patients treated with indap- Bowker and Murphy, 1981; Brennan et aI., 1982;
amide 2.5 or 5.0mg, respectively (Canadian and Brun and Grunwald, 1976; de Ortiz et aI., 1983;
USA prescribing information). Slotkoff, 1983; Turner et al., 1977), and nervous-
In case reports involving 4 elderly patients (74 ness and related complaints (Brennan et al., 1982;
to 83 years of age) with essential hypertension, in- Hashida, 1977).
Indapamide: A Review 228

Fatigue and similar symptoms have been fre- of therapy the antihypertensive response is found
quently reported (Bowker and Murphy, 1981; Goto to be inadequate, the dosage may be increased to
et aI., 1982; Hamilton and Kelly, 1977; Horgan et 5mg daily or an additional antihypertensive agent
aI., 1981). In one study, fatigue was experienced by may be added. Similarly, in the treatment of oed-
29 of the 644 patients (Passeron et aI., 1981) and ema, an inadequate diuretic response after 1 week
it was the most common side effect in the patients of treatment is an indication for the higher dosage.
of James et aI. (1981). Although fatigue with in- Ifblood pressure is normalised within 1 to 2 months
dapamide is usually not a serious problem, 4 of the with indapamide 2.5 to 5mg daily, the dose fre-
437 patients of Royer (1977) withdrew from therapy quency may be reduced to alternate days in some
for this reason. Fatigue during indapamide treat- patients without loss of control (Waal-Manning,
ment has been associated with a marked increase 1984).
in sodium excretion (Milliez and Tcherdakoff, Indapamide is contraindicated in patients with
1975). Muscular cramps or spasms (Anavekar et anuria or those who have demonstrated hypersen-
aI., 1979; Astacio et aI., 1980; Passeron et aI., 1981) sitivity to the drug or other sulphonamide-derived
have also occurred occasionally, most frequently agents. It should be used with caution in patients
reported in the lower extremities (Noble et aI., 1983; with renal insufficiency or impaired hepatic func-
Vukovich et aI., 1983). tion, as alterations in fluid and/or electolyte bal-
Although orthostatic hypotension (Andries et aI., ance induced by indapamide could exacerbate azo-
1977; Bowker and Murphy, 1981; Goto et aI., 1982) taemia or precipitate hepatic encephalopathy in
and palpitations (Brennan et aI., 1982; De Divitiis these patients.
et aI., 1983) have occasionally caused problems, the As with other diuretics, patients receiving in-
cardiovascular tolerability of indapamide has been dapamide should be observed for clinical signs of
good (see also section 1.4.3). A blood pressure 're- fluid or electrolyte disorders, and periodic labora-
bound' phenomenon does not occur following tory determinations of serum electrolytes and or-
withdrawal of indapamide (Reyes and Leary, 1983). ganic substances (uric acid, glucose, creatinine, etc.)
Mucocutaneous or gastrointestinal disturbances should be performed at appropriate intervals. Cau-
(nausea, diarrhoea, indigestion, dry mouth, consti- tion should be exercised when indapamide is ad-
pation) have been infrequently reported (Bowker ministered to patients also receiving digitalis gly-
and Murphy, 1981; Horgan et aI., 1981; Passeron cosides or lithium salts since hypokalaemia or
et aI., 1981; Van Hee et aI., 1981). Butaeye et aI. hyponatraemia, both potential problems with in-
(1979) reported a single case of indapamide-in- dapamide therapy, may precipitate and/or worsen
duced hepatitis in a patient who had received 5mg toxic reactions to these agents. Studies in diabetic
daily for 10 months. The diagnosis was confirmed patients with hypertension treated with indapam-
by histology and a positive lymphoblast transfor- ide have revealed alterations in glucose tolerance
mation test. Withdrawal of indapamide resulted in only rarely, but a clear statement on the effects of
complete reversal of all abnormal laboratory and indapamide on glucose tolerance must await fur-
clinical findings. ther long term well controlled trials.
Although rare, impotence and decreased libido
have been reported in a few instances (Capone et 6. Place of Indapamide in Therapy
aI., 1983; Dunn et aI., 1981; de Ortiz et aI., 1983).
Indapamide is an idoline derivative of chloro-
5. Dosage and Administration sulphonamide which shares many chemical, phar-
macodynamic, and therapeutic similarities with the
The recommended initial daily dose of indap- numerous sulphonamide diuretics currently avail-
amide for the treatment of hypertension or oedema able for therapeutic use. In addition to its diuretic
is 2.5mg administered orally. If after 1 to 2 months activity, indapamide has been shown to decrease
Indapamide: A Review 229

vascular smooth muscle reactivity and peripheral on Hypertension in the Elderly. Lancet I: 681-683 (1978).
resistance in various in vitro and in vivo models. Anavekar, S.N.; Ludbrooke, A.; Louis, W.J. and Doyle, A.E.:
Evaluation of indapamide in the treatment of hypertension.
Whether these peripheral vascular effects make an
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology I: 389-394 (1979).
important contribution to the antihypertensive ac- Andries, E.W.; Brems, H.M. and Clement, D.L.: Effect ofindap-
tivity of indapamide in man needs further clarifi- amide on blood pressure in patients with essential hyperten-
cation. In usual dosages ("" 2.5mg daily), indapa- sion: Preliminary results of a multicentre study. Current
mide has demonstrated similar efficacy to the Medical Research and Opinion 5(Suppl. I): 165-169 (1977).
Andries, E.W.; Brems, H.M. and Clement, D.L.: Long-term ef-
thiazide diuretics in lowering mild to moderately
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