Substation Automation System: Features

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Toshiba pioneered the development of numerical

Typical VDU screens
substation automation technology during the 1980s
and has since built a wealth of experience in
supplying systems for all voltage ranges including
UHV substations.
GSC1000 is today’s state-of-the-art system compliant
with the IEC 61850 standard for substation
communications and provides the following features.

◆ Open system architecture

▪ IEC 61850 compliant open system AUTOMATION
- Standardized information models and communication services
- Standardized engineering tools using SCL* SYSTEM
▪ Client/Server system architecture
▪ Bay oriented distributed system

◆ Flexible system configuration
▪ Flexible configuration for all voltage levels
▪ Integration of protection relays and other IEC 61850
compliant IED**s
▪ Integration of non-IEC 61850 IEDs

◆ Minimized life cycle cost

▪ Optimized maintenance cycle
▪ Efficient supporting guidance

◆ Applications
▪ All substation voltage ranges
▪ GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) substation
▪ AIS ( Air Insulated Switchgear) substation
▪ Refurbishment of existing systems

SCL* : Substation Configuration Language

IED** : Intelligent Electronic Device

Transmission Distribution & Industrial Systems Company
1-1, Shibaura 1-Chome, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-8001, Japan
Tel +81-3-3457-3644 Fax +81-3-5444-9166

The data given in this catalog are subject to change without notice. Printed in Japan 6647 1003A1

Leading innovation in the creation of Typical system configuration of the GSC1000 is

shown in Figure 1. ▪ Ethernet LAN, 100BASE-TX/FX
GSC1000 presents sophisticated
functions for realizing secure ▪ Control ▪ Bay based maintenance
operation of the whole substation. ▪ Monitoring ▪ Engineering tools and easy configuration
total solutions for Substation Automation ▪ IEC 61850 protocol ▪ Measurement
▪ Recording
▪ On-line database maintenance
▪ Safety and easy bay extension on test mode
The station level equipment consists of duplicated station ▪ Automation ▪ Operation support and maintenance ▪ Signal blocking and forced status setting
・Safe, secure and reliable solutions for Substation Automation based on IEC61850 ▪Three level hierarchy
computer, an operator work-station, a printer, a GPS - Automatic synchronization for split system
・Minimised life-cycle cost through ease of maintenance and low resource usage - Remote control point (Network level) - Interlocking per bay and station wide
receiver, and the station bus. ▪ Robust systems ▪ Reduced installation space
・Flexible configuration for all system voltage levels - Substation control point (Station level) - Automatic sequence control
- Fool proof philosophy ▪ Minimized control cables and auxiliary
- Local control point (Bay level) - Load shedding
- Redundancy equipment
- Reactive power switching
▪ For a GIS substation - Protection from electrical interference ▪ On demand printing
▪ Power apparatus monitoring
The bay level equipment consists of bay control units ▪ Minimized AC operated devices ▪ Low power consumption
▪Remote monitoring through router/modem - Circuit breaker contact wear
(BCUs) and GIS local control panels (LCPs) . ▪ Surge and noise withstand capability
- Switchgear operating time
▪Remote maintenance ▪ Duplicated DC power supply (option)
The BCU is installed in the relevant LCP. - SF6 gas pressure of GIS THD* : Total Harmonic Distortion
- Operation counter TDD** : Total Demand Distortion
▪ For an AIS substation
SBO*** : Select Before Operation
The bay control units are installed in the dedicated LCP. ▪ Power quality monitoring (optional) ▪ Password security system
- IEC 61000 -4-7, IEC 61000-4-30 ▪ SBO*** for control sequence
▪ Protection relays, AVRs and other IEDs are connected
Harmonics (THD*,TDD**, up to 15th) ▪ Supporting guidance
to the station bus. Voltage swell, sag and interruption - Interlock guidance
▪ Protection - Safety tag
- For medium and low voltage power system - Busbar coloring
- Directional over current protection - Memorandum on HMI screen
- Back-up over current protection - Plant item information

▪ Local control at bay control unit with touch ▪ Windows screen and operation
type screen ▪ System monitoring
Remote Control Centre

Remote Monitoring
BAY CONTROL UNIT Station Computer
or IEC60870-5-104 KEY DEVICES
S ubs t a tion GBU100 Operator Workstation
Workstation Hard Copy
Station Computer

GSC1000 is configured in a bay
oriented and distributed system
Automation GPS Receiver On demand
printing structure. Its components are modular
The BCU performs control in accordance with
control commands from network and station
Protection relays and other IEDs can be
connected to the station bus directly by IEC
level control equipment and monitors the bay 61850 based communication.
based and facilitate easy upgrading to
S y s tem Station Computer
the latest model of each device.
level power apparatus. Non-IEC 61850 compliant IEDs can be
connected via an interface unit.
The BCU provides the following functions.
▪ Control
- Close/Open commands to switchgear ▪ Station bus
ESW ESW The station computer acts as substation server
- Transformer tap raise/lower commands An Ethernet LAN,100BASE-TX/FX, is used
equipment and performs control and
- Selection of in or out of service of for the station bus to connect station level
monitoring for the whole substation.
IEC61850, Ring LAN, 100BASE-FX protection relay equipment equipment and IEDs.
The personal computer is applied as an
- Synchronism check for circuit breaker Ethernet switches are used for the station bus.
ESW operator workstation and performs as client
closing IEC61850 is applied for communication
ESW ESW ESW 100BASE-FX - Interlocking check between the station computer and the IEDs.



▪ Monitoring Optical cables are used to suppress surge and
The GPS is used as a master clock in the - Status and failure monitoring of all relevant noise interference from power apparatus.
substation. equipment ▪ Remote control center interface
Station Computer The GPS receiver distributes time - Measurement The following IEC communication standards
Relay IFU Relay IFU Relay IFU

synchronizing signals to each IED using
▪ Recording
- Event recording with time tag of 1ms time
- Fault recording
are available.
- IEC 60870-5-101
- IEC 60870-5-104
GBU100 GBU100 GBU100 ▪ Other functions
Relay Relay Relay - Touch type LCD screen for local control at SNTP* : Simple Network Time Protocol
GIS Local Control Panels Protection Relay Panels - Time synchronization
- Operation mode selection
ESW: Ethernet Switch - Database maintenance
IFU: Interface Unit - Automatic supervision
- Protection
Figure 1 - Typical System Configuration

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