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Tiny House - Road Trip!

Inspired by Kirsten Dirksen’s ​Tiny Home​ Series

Ben Bisogno 2020

One or two players | 2 hours

Tiny animals have been stepped on by big folk for too long. It is time humans get a little
perspective. Go on a photo-tour of your town and show them you have no fear.

You will need:

● A tiny paper house
● An origami animal

Make your little creature larger than life by taking pictures of it, playing with perspective.

1) Take a picture with your origami animal on your tiny house, leering at a landmark.

2) Take a picture of your origami animal in a precarious position holding onto the house.

3) Take a picture of your origami animal threatening civilization, tiny house shredded.
Our Magic Castle
Inspired by Studio Ghibli’s ​Howl's Moving Castle
Ben Bisogno 2020

One or two players | 2 hours

You will need:

Origami Paper
Colored paper
Glue or double-sided tape

Some homes grow with their occupants. You make room for everyone and you mean it.
All are welcome in your walls.

You are a magic castle, floating through a foldable world. Animals, children, older folks, and
even spirits come to find comfort in your quarters.

Make your rooms

Name each room even before designing it. Pick one or make your own.
A cozy name: "The Pocket", "The Nook", "The Bookend"
A whimsical name: "The Grove", "The Glen", "The Inlet"
A rustic name: "The Well", "The Workshop", "The Lookout"

● Style each room with a differently colored sheet of paper.

● Once you fold the basic ​shape​, pen in the room name beneath the flooring.
● Who lives here? (Make your ​origami animal​!)
● Arrange a room where they will find comfort, loosely inspired by the room’s name.
(In our playtest "The Inlet" became a squirrel’s bathroom that was part beach.)
● Add an accent wall. Origami paper often comes in patterns and is perfect for this.

Fill it with joy.​ ​Draw these on the walls and floors or build them separately.

● Add one item they brought with them. (A suitcase, grandma's clock, a dress, etc.)
● Add one item they found when they got here. (A window, a bed, a train ticket, etc.)
● Add one item given as a housewarming gift by a neighbor. (Flowers, a tapestry, etc.)

How to build:

Ornamentations (tapestries and rugs)
Furniture (we suggest drawing these in)

Allow your animal friends to get comfortable. Finish by saying, "Welcome home!"

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