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Ans 1:

In order to find the bottleneck at the plant, Alex and his team used different methods. As per
the goal book,

“A bottleneck is any resource whose capacity is equal or less than the demand placed upon
In the beginning, they calculated all the available equipment and resources at the plant &
what they did is that they tried to compare it to the total marked demand of those products
which are coming out of the plant. Next, they tried to evaluate the time that each resource
which is available is supposed to contribute in order to complete the total market demand. If
for each resource, the no. of hours is less than or equal to the demanded hours, it would make
it a bottleneck. According to the book, the method was apparently very impractical in nature,
reason being the required data wasn’t available as it took lots of time to update the plant’s
data processing system. Moreover, they discovered that this technique is quite complicated
because it consumed a lot of time for implementation and execution.
Another alternative they explored was having a conversation with the expeditors of the plant
who are aware about the information like what parts are missing and what are the
departments where we can find them. The logic behind this was that the department was
where they will find the missing parts and bottleneck and missing parts are the ones that can
pass through the bottleneck.
As per the techniques mentioned in the above paragraph, they came to a conclusion that the
bottleneck would be an equipment or resource that has the biggest stack of work in the
process inventory that it needs to complete. This proved to be the most efficient technique.
This enabled them to find the two bottlenecks at the plant:
1. The machine known as NCX-10
2. The heat treat department
Ans 2:
There was implementation of a set of actions in order to increase the efficiency/productivity
in each bottleneck which would improve the complete performance of the system.
1. Reusing all the 3 old machines that substituted the NCX-10 machine. This would
enable the capacity to equal the demand.
2. Setting up a system where colour coding of each part should be done with green or
red tags. The green colour code would be the part that could be worked upon in case
there were no red coloured parts in waiting and red colour code would be the
bottleneck parts that were supposed to be worked upon first.
3. Having a quality control step just ahead or in front of the bottlenecks in order to
ensure that the bottleneck only works on the better parts by eliminating the ones that
were defective.
4. Setting up new rules for the lunch break. Ensuring that the workers take their breaks
when the machine is not idle i.e when the machine is in use or busy. This would help
to avoid idle time for the bottlenecks.
5. Sorting the bottlenecks or making the bottlenecks work on those orders which are past
due first, from the most overdue to the least.
6. By outsourcing some parts to the vendor they could reduce the workload for the
7. At each of the bottleneck location, a foreman was stationed.

Ans 3:
The biggest limit to this strategy is that the vendors will have to increase the no. of deliveries
when they reduce the delivered quantity to ensure that they are able to keep up with the
reduction in lot sizes. This would be beneficial to the vendors in the long term. However,
they could be reluctant to use the technique reason being this strategy looks unnecessary and
by looking at, it almost feels like that this would increase the cost of the vendor.
If we talk about the next limitation, this strategy mismatches with the current technique of
cost calculation. The costs are being calculated by taking the direct labour cost, raw material
cost and the cost of ‘burden’. (Burden = Direct labour cost * factor).
By using the current technique of cost calculation, when there is a decrease in the batch size,
there is an increase in direct labour cost. It looks like that there is an increase in cost, however
it doesn’t affects the expenses incurred overall. This batch reduction leads to the reduced
inventory. It increases the inflow of money through sales. Therefore, there is a decrease in
costs and the direct labour costs are spread though more products.

Ans 4:
1. Effectively produced: Efficiency can be accomplished when each machine works as one,
keeping away from waste as well as inventory of overabundance, WIP and finished
merchandise. An ideal use of labour should be in place. There should be no personal time or
inert time to construct the loop.
2. Delivering products: The development cycle should be effectively corrected and made as
professional as it might possibly be expected, so that we can complete the transition on the
doled out date and time.
3. Minimum effort production: low cost creation will allow us to achieve a higher net income
by adjusting the basis of creation than should be possible; it would also assist us with
customer haggling.
4. Quality: In improving the essence of the product, the small size of the clump is an integral
factor, as much time can be spent on spontaneity.
Ans 5:
Next, at the organizational level, the three figures are helpful for communicating the target.
1. Operational cost: it incorporates the absolute stream season of the formation as well as the
duration of the time process required in each cycle. The efficacy of machinery and labour,
moreover. The operating costs, as conceivable, can be minimized, and can be done by how
quickly the inventory can be altered to finished products that can be shipped or delivered to
the customer.
2. Stock: When the inflow rate exceeds the outpouring rate, the amount of stream units
increases throughout the loop. Under the existing limits, stock is the maximum quantity of
3. Throughput: In a given doled-out period, it is the absolute performance that can be
achieved. It is the rate at which substances are supplied by it.
Ans 6:

Ans 7:
From the book, ‘The Goal’, it is clearly evident that the NCX-10 and the Water warming is
the bottleneck, but while planning, we schedule an operational time to adjust the whole cycle
in agreement with the Bottleneck by calling it the head of the cycle since it will choose the
framework's stream season. The overall performance and limit of the plant will be selected as
indicated before the bottleneck, so interdependence could also be considered.

Ans 8:
1. The inquiry asked by Jonah as to what your target is comparable to the plant/organization
at the point where Alex meets Jonah at the air terminal, which is answered by Jonah to gain
the greatest profit. But the first one is to find out what the target is.
2. We need a leader for every cycle to be completed, as is the case of the upper
administration, so it is necessary to have the support of the upper staff.
3. Without speculation, we use a similar cycle to make the cycle more competent, so we can
continually think about what improvements can be made to make the framework efficient.
4. Correspondence between the upper and lower staff should be sufficient, so that relevant
information is given there.
5. Somewhere near the use of mechanization, or where the duration is moderate, operating
costs will decrease.
6. The stock of crude material should be according to the creation limit
7. The throughput should be synchronized with the time of the stream, not with interest as it
8. Continuously guarantee that the request or transfer should be generated or distributed on
time, otherwise it would pass to other organizations, keeping customers steadfast.
Ans 9:

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