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The joint in psoriatic arthritis  

M. Mortezavi, R. Thiele, C. Ritchlin

Division of Allergy, Immunology and ABSTRACT verity from mild joint inflammation to
Rheumatology, University of Rochester Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), a chronic in- disabling peripheral arthritis. In addi-
Medical Center, NY, USA. flammatory joint disease associated tion, about 40% of patients develop ax-
Mahta Mortezavi, MD with psoriasis, is notable for diversity ial involvement, often in combination
Ralf Thiele, MD, RhMSUS in disease presentation, course and re- with other domains, which can greatly
Christopher Ritchlin, MD, MPH
sponse to treatment. Equally varied are impair quality of life and function. The
Please address correspondence to: the types of musculoskeletal involve- sheer complexity of this disease pre-
Mahta Mortezavi
601 Elmwood Ave.,
ment which include peripheral and sents great challenges for patients and
Box 695, Rochester, axial joint disease, dactylitis and en- clinicians. In this brief review, we will
New York 14642, USA. thesitis. In this review, we focus on the discuss clinical and diagnostic features,
E-mail: psoriatic joint and discuss pathways histopathology and briefly review key
mahta_mortezavi@urmc.rochester.edu that underlie synovial, cartilage and pathogenetic concepts related to joint
Received and accepted on September 28, bone inflammation and highlight key involvement in PsA.
2015. histopathologic features. The pivotal
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2015; 33 (Suppl. 93): inflammatory mechanisms and pathobi- Patterns of joint involvement
S20-S25. ology of PsA parallel findings in other The original Moll and Wright case se-
© Copyright Clinical and forms of spondyloarthritis but are dis- ries divided joint disease in PsA into
Experimental Rheumatology 2015 tinct from disease pathways described five phenotypic categories: polyarticu-
in rheumatoid synovitis and bone dis- lar symmetric/asymmetric, oligoarticu-
Key words: psoriatic arthritis, joint ease. The diagnosis of PsA from both a lar, predominant distal interphalangeal
clinical and imaging perspective is also (DIP) disease (more likely to have nail
discussed. involvement (2)), axial disease (about
40% of cases) and arthritis mutilans
Introduction (3). Diagnosis of PsA is often a major
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic challenge, owing to the wide diversity
inflammatory arthropathy with distinc- in disease manifestations coupled with
tive clinical features that are generally the fact that some patients may transi-
divided into five domains (skin and tion from oligoarticular to the polyar-
nails, peripheral arthritis, axial disease, ticular form over time. To complicate
dactylitis and enthesitis). These do- matters, distinguishing seronegative
mains are discussed in detail in accom- rheumatoid arthritis (RA), inflamma-
panying manuscripts in this supple- tory osteoarthritis, enteropathic arthritis
ment. Skin manifestations presenting or reactive arthritis from PsA may be
as plaque, guttate or palmar plantar le- difficult, particularly when the patient
sions tend to precede musculoskeletal has coincident skin psoriasis.
symptoms by about a decade and up One of the most interesting recent find-
to 25% of patients with skin psoriasis ings is that joint phenotypes in PsA are
develop musculoskeletal inflammation associated with specific Human Leuko-
(1). Features of PsA, which distinguish cyte Antigen (HLA) haplotypes. The
it clinically from rheumatoid arthritis most notable association, reported in
are diffuse swelling of digits or dac- ankylosing spondylitis, was between
tylitis, leading to the classically de- HLA B27 and axial disease (4). Fol-
scribed “sausage digits”, and enthesitis lowing this initial report, HLAC6:02
or inflammation at ligament and tendon (formerly called HLA-Cw6) was found
insertions on bone. PsA is also charac- to be strongly associated with psoriasis,
Competing interests: C. Ritchlin is a terised by abnormal bone turnover that with the gene present is in nearly 60%
consultant for Abbvie, Amgen, Sanolfi,
often leads to both pathologic bone of patients with psoriasis (5). In regards
Boehringer Ingelheim, Janssen, Novartis,
and has received research support from resorption and abnormal bone deposi- to PsA, Chandran et al. reported asso-
Amgen, Abbvie, and UCB; tion. Finally, synovial inflammation in ciations between HLA-C12/B38, HLA-
M. Mortezavi and R. Thiele have declared peripheral joints is the most prevalent B27 and HLA-C06/B57 haplotypes and
no competing interests. feature of the disease ranging in se- PsA (6).

The joint in psoriatic arthritis / M. Mortezavi et al.

Fitzgerald et al. examined HLA haplo- struction of one joint and a perfectly Joint pathology
types and PsA phenotypes and found preserved joint on the adjacent digit. Synovial tissue
that specific genetic susceptibility genes Erosive changes in the terminal phlang- Synovial biopsies of peripheral psori-
correlated with different disease mech- es lead to the classic “pencil-in-cup” atic joints demonstrated synovial tis-
anisms in PsA, which could have impli- deformity. The x-ray changes in PsA sue characterised by less pronounced
cations for diagnosis and therapy. These may sometimes be difficult to distin- intimal lining layer hyperplasia, marked
authors reported several observations. guish from severe erosive osteoarthtitis, vascularity, and a synovial infiltrate
First, the time between onset of psoria- which also targets the same joints. Plain comprised of B cells, plasma cells,
sis and arthritis was much shorter in the films of the sacroiliac joint may assist dendritic cells, CD163+ macrophages,
HLA-B27:05:02 or B39:01:01 subset in diagnosis, with characteristic unilat- more neutrophils and fewer synovial T
than in the HLA-C06:02 subset of PsA eral or less common bilateral involve- cells compared with RA (16). In gener-
cases (7, 8). Second, the prevalence of ment of both the iliac and the sacral as- al, synovial biopsies from oligoarticular
the C0602 phenotype (associated with pects of the joint. Ankylosis, a feature and polyarticular PsA resemble other
psoriasis) was observed in 58% of pso- rarely seen in RA, may be found both spondyloarthropathies than RA (16).
riasis compared to 28% of PsA patients in involved peripheral and axial joints. Surprisingly, ectopic lymphoid hyper-
in their cohort, a highly significant dif- MRI is generally the gold standard plasia is seen in both RA and PsA (17).
ference. Third, HLA-C6, B27, B8, B38 mode of imaging of axial disease for Synovial tissue from patients with RA
and B39 demonstrated increased sus- both PsA and other spondyloarthropa- shows synovial hyperplasia and often
ceptibility to synovial disease, whereas thies primarily because this instrument stains positive for intracellular citrul-
HLA-B44 had a protective effect (8). can detect the presence of bone marrow linated proteins and MHC-HC gp39
Fourth, symmetric sacroiliitis was as- oedema (BME). MRI studies in anky- peptide complexes (16). Table I sum-
sociated with the HLA-B27:0502 geno- losing spondylitis demonstrated that marises the major differences between
type whereas asymmetric involvement BME is often a precursor of syndesmo- PsA and RA.
was associated with B08:01-C07:01 phyte formation, although whether this RA and PsA show divergent disease
genotype. These data suggest that the proves to be the case in PsA remains to mechanisms. Analysis of blood and syn-
specific peptides bound by individual be determined (10). MRI of the periph- ovial fluid in the 2 disorders revealed
HLA molecules may influence both the eral joints can help to distinguish syno- that the expression of IL-17 is higher in
type and location of cutaneous or mus- vitis from enthesitis or osteitis. the synovial fluid than peripheral blood
culoskeletal involvement. Another imaging modality, which has in PsA but not RA, and a strong role for
By contrast, susceptibility to RA is for the most part been used as a re- CD4- cells was demonstrated. Impor-
associated with Class II in contrast to search instrument, is micro-CT, which tantly, the PsA joint fluid is enriched
Class I major histocompatibility locus detects bone lesions <0.5 mm in width for IL-17+CD8+ T cells and the levels
(MHC) HLA antigens. Data support a or depth (11). Schett et al. applied this of this T cell subset correlated signifi-
strong interaction between smoking technology to study osteophytes and cantly with disease activity and findings
and the shared epitope (HLA-DRB1). erosions in the metacarpophalangeal on musculoskeletal ultrasound (18).
RA has features of a classic autoim- joints and reported that neither TNF in- Another striking feature of PsA syn-
mune disease with the presence of hibitors nor methotrexate blocked os- ovium is the abundant overexpression
citrullinated protein (anti-CCP) an- teophyte formation in PsA (12), similar of proinflammatory cytokines, includ-
tibodies in circulation and in the RA to axial findings reported in ankylos- ing tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, in-
synovium. A relationship between the ing spondylitis (13). Similarly, psoria- terleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and IL-18 (19).
shared epitope, present in the third hy- sis patients PsA showed enthesophyte Although Th17 cells have been found
pervariable region of HLA-DR1 and 4 formation at mechanically exposed in the synovia of patients with both dis-
and anti-CCP antibodies has been re- sites of the joint compared to healthy eases, treatment with anti-Th17 mono-
peatedly observed (9). The case for an controls (14). These findings suggest a clonal antibodies as a monotherapy has
autoimmune mechanism in PsA is not continuum of musculoskeletal involve- proven efficacious in PsA but not RA
well established and recent emphasis ment from psoriasis to PsA. (20). Heterogeneous expression of IL-
has turned to innate immune triggers. In recent years, musculoskeletal ultra- 17 receptors between different RA, PsA
sound has emerged as an important im- and OA tissues was reported (21) but the
Imaging aging modality, which allows the clini- mechanism for the differential response
Psoriatic arthritis has characteristic cian to distinguish synovitis from teno- of RA and PsA to IL-23-IL-17 blockage
findings on all modes of imaging. Plain synovitis and enthesitis fairly quickly, remains unknown at this time.
x-rays of hands and feet generally show without exposing the patients to radia-
asymmetric erosive changes, involving tion. The capacity of ultrasound to de- Axial inflammation
primarily the proximal interphalangeal tect erosions is at least as good as mi- The mechanisms that lead to axial in-
and the distal intraphalangeal joints, cro-CT (15). Figure 1 is an ultrasound flammation in PsA are not well under-
the latter are not typically involved in image of the hand, showing synovitis stood, although the central importance
RA. Patients may show complete de- and tenosynovitis in a patient with PsA. of TNF and the IL-23-IL-17 pathway in

The joint in psoriatic arthritis / M. Mortezavi et al.

axial spondyloarthritis supports a paral-

lel disease model as that described for
peripheral arthritis. Axial joint involve-
ment in PsA and other spondyloar-
thropathies is for the most part detected
as sclerosis and erosions on plain radio-
graphs (most commonly unilateral), or
presence of bone marrow oedema in the
sacroiliac joints or spine on MRI imag-
ing seen as enhancement. Cervical in-
volvement is also common and may be
caused by soft tissue inflammation or
osteitis with syndesmophyte formation.
Ankylosis is accompanied by marked
impairment of neck motion. Biopsies
from patients are scarce, and most of
what is known about axial inflamma-
tion is derived from mouse models and
studies in ankylosing spondylitis. One
study in TNF transgenic mice with
inflammatory arthritis, found using
contrast-enhanced MRI and histologic
evaluation of the knee joints, that bone
marrow oedema represents an influx
of mononuclear cells. BME signals in
TNF-transgenic mice are characterised
by yellow to red marrow conversion,
with increased myelopoiesis and in-
creased marrow permeability (22).

Disease mechanisms: contrasts

with RA and animal models
RA is considered an autoimmune dis-
order given the strong association
between shared epitopes in the DRβ
region of the MHC and antibodies
against citrullinated peptides as out- Fig. 1. a) Right hand in a patient with psoriatic arthritis showing apparent second PIP swelling. b)
lined above. A parallel autoimmune Grey-scale ultrasound of the right second PIP long view (top) and with power Doppler (bottom) show-
ing evidence of peritendinitis, a finding that is characteristic of psoriatic arthritis. Note that the exten-
response is not present in PsA and the sor tendon sheath does not cover the dorsum of the fingers, therefore this finding is not consistent with
data point to an immune response that tenosynovitis. c) Grey-scale ultrasound of the same right second PIP transverse view (left) and with
is largely innate in composition pro- power Doppler (right) showing evidence of peritendinitis. Please note also that the joint itself is spared.
moting differentiation of both type 1
and 17 T lymphocytes (23, 24). riasis, Crohn’s disease and ankylosing PsA total (29-31). Recently, blockade
Initial clues to the involvement of the spondylitis (28). of IL17 alone has proven to be effica-
IL23/IL17 axis in spondyloarthritis The Th17 cell subpopulations release cious in treatment of psoriasis and pso-
(SpA) arose from the observation that a a variety of cytokines including IL-17, riatic arthritis (20).
polymorphism in the receptor for IL23 IL-21, IL-22, IL-23 and TNF-α which Sherlock and colleagues work reported
(IL-23R) was associated with altered trigger inflammatory cascades in sev- that in a mouse model of enthesitis,
susceptibility to ankylosing spondylitis eral cell lineages, resulting in altered musculoskeletal inflammation was
and PsA (25, 26). Specifically R381Q tissue phenotypes, presenting clinically linked to the presence of a subset of
IL23R carriers show decreased IL23- as psoriasis and PsA. Indeed the impor- T-cells (IL-23R+, CD3+CD4−CD8−).
dependent IL17 and IL22 production tance of the IL17/IL23 pathway was They showed that administration of
and a lower percentage of circulating highlighted by the impressive efficacy IL23 lead to proliferation of a special
Th17 cells (27). These individuals also of ustekinumab in treatment of patients T-cell population resident to the enthe-
showed a decreased IL23-dependent with psoriatic arthritis and the observa- sis that expressed the IL-23 receptor
signalling. Interestingly, IL23R R381Q tion that blockade of these pathways (30). They also reported that develop-
gene carriers are protected against pso- slowed radiographic progression of ment of enthesitis was associated with

The joint in psoriatic arthritis / M. Mortezavi et al.

Table I. Comparison of rheumatoid arthritis with psoriatic arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriatic arthritis

Peripheral disease Symmetric Asymmetric

Sacroilitis No Asymmetric
Female: Male 3:1 1:1
Enthesitis No Yes
Nail Lesions No Yes
Psoriasis Uncommon Yes
Genetics MHC II MHC I
HLA-DRB1 also known as the “shared epitope” HLA C6, B27, B8, B38 and B39 increase the risk
HLA B44 protective
Immune mechanism Acquired/autoimmune: Th1 cells producing Innate and acquired: Th1 and Th17 cells the major players
autoantibodies against citrullinated peptides
Synovium Intimal layer hyperplasia Intimal layer hyperplasia less marked
Low in neutrophils High neutrophils
Often stains positive for intracellular citrullinated Increased vascularity
proteins CD163 + macrophages,
Bone phenotype Impaired bone repair leading to osteoporosis Abnormal bone formation and osteoporosis
Associated symptoms Secondary Sjögren’s, scleritis, episcleritis, vasculitis, Psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, anterior/posterior
cytopenias, Felty’s syndrome uveitis, metabolic syndrome

increased levels of IL-6, IL-17 and IL- vestigation (35). Certainly TNF is im- abnormal bone formation (34). Studies
22. These cytokines were not released portant in both RA and PsA, although in bone from the axial skeleton of pa-
when mice were pre-treated with anti- IL-6 may be more important in RA. A tients with ankylosing spondylitis dem-
IL23 antibody. They concluded that hierarchy of cytokines in disease patho- onstrated expression of IL-17 by mono-
IL23 alone, in the absence of any other genesis was proposed, with TNF and cytes and neutrophils not observed in
inflammatory signal, was sufficient to IL-17 pivotal in PsA and TNF and IL-6 osteoarthritis samples. It is not known
reproduce the classical enthesitis fea- critical cytokines in RA (36). of this mechanism is also operative in
ture of PsA (26, 30). psoriatic spondylitis (40). The contribu-
Other murine studies have also demon- Bone and cartilage involvement tion of innate immune cells, innate lym-
strated that IL23 promotes Th17 cells The long-term consequences of joint in- phocyte populations and NK cells also
to secrete IL22, and that IL22 plays flammation in PsA are development of remains to be determined.
an important role in joint destruction both bony erosions and new bone forma- A central paradigm for understanding
and abnormal bone deposition (32, 33) tion leading to syndesmophytes, enthes- cartilage involvement in PsA at present
Whether similar findings are present in ophytes or frank ankylosis. Therefore, is the “synovio-entheseal complex.”
human PsA remains to be determined. the pathobiology of PsA is characterised This concept is discussed in detail by
The exact role of Th17 cells in PsA is not by dysfunction of both osteoblasts and McGonagle and Tan in this Supplement.
clear, but the Th17-related cytokines IL- osteoclasts. Although a detailed dis- The original conceptual link between
17 and IL-23 are expressed in the joints cussion of the biochemical pathways enthesitis and synovitis was that libera-
of PsA and RA patients. Treatment with involved in bone turnover are beyond tion of proinflammatory mediators in
monoclonal antibodies that target these the scope of this short review, Wing- response to stress from the local bony
cytokines are effective for treatment of less (Wnt), transforming growth factor attachment sites triggers inflammation.
psoriasis and PsA (34). A recent study (TGF)-β/bone morphogenetic protein While this concept remains generally
found not only an abundance of Th17 T (BMP), and the prostaglandin E2 path- accepted, the relationship between the
cells in the synovial fluid, but reported way are potentially involved (37). two sites of inflammation has proven to
that most of these cells were memory T- In one study, McQueen et al. reported more complex than initially envisioned.
cells. They also identified a Th17 recep- that treatment of PsA patients with a bi- Entheseal inflammation detected by
tor in the synovial fibroblasts of patients sphosphonate (zolendronic acid) did not musculoskeletal ultrasound and histo-
with PsA (35). lead to reduced bone resorption, but did pathology was also present in RA joints
RA had been considered a Th1-cell- reduce joint inflammation. This result early in disease course, although the
mediated disorder, and thought to be suggest that osteoclastogenesis occurs prevalence and significance of this find-
triggered by a population of T cells pro- via a different pathway in these patients ing is unknown (41).
ducing inflammatory cytokines such as than in osteoporosis (38). Murine stud-
IL-2, TNF and interferon-γ (36). It has ies have indicated that both IL17 and Practical considerations
been suggested that early RA and RA TNF are important in driving abnormal The major challenge to the clinician
flare may be driven by a Th17 response bone resorption (39), whereas IL 22 is is early diagnosis of PsA, given its di-
but this concept is currently under in- thought to be a potential promoter of verse array of clinical presentations.

The joint in psoriatic arthritis / M. Mortezavi et al.

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