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Implementation of EDP Type Project to the

Automation of Substations according to IEC
Martins, D.F.R., Student IST Pinto de Sá, J.L., Senior Member IEEE

Abstract - The EDP long tradition of substations automation and a way that it is possible cope the norm to increase the size of
protection gave birth to a prototype project, whose configurations the features planned for those, whereby the amount of
can be reuse in future projects with all the financial benefits that configurable parameters assumed a characteristic of
this solution insures. However, the recent communication norm exponential growth, making the parameterization task by the
for energy environment (IEC 61850), recommend rules protection engineer, an exhaustive process with high rates of
specifications of organization oriented for objects, applying a
specific language SCL (Substations Configuration Language).
error probability associated.
Substations adjust to the new norm aims to carry the In a worldwide context it is possible to find IEC 61850 mainly
PC/Windows: Ethernet net, TCP/IP environments, and “plug and in transport energy substation. For the involved voltage levels,
play” services to substations informatics systems. Towards it is the substations are sized and designed almost individually,
very important and interesting the development of reusable whereby a new substation project involves in most cases the
specifications of Automation and protection systems for EDP same number of workers of the former substation, and it’s not
substations, using the organization for objects and SCL language possible to settle a prototype project. Nevertheless at
set in IEC 61850. distribution voltage levels it is possible to see that electricity
The main goal of this work was to write in SCL language the EDP substations are very similar among them and for that reason
current specifications for systems described in substations
prototype project, making their structure according the norm
the new substation projection it is basically other project
principles and using high level tools called “System configuration replication being a labor force and a time waste besides the
tools”. These tools have graphical environments that aid SCL use, large probability of making mistakes during settings.
like Visual SCL and Helinks STS, which were used in this work. The solution presented in this article focus its approach in the
Many configuration methods were tested for these tools. In development of a proposed substation type, which can be
addition communication interfaces were exploited between reused whenever you want to design a substation with similar
system configuration tools and IED’s configuration tools, in order characteristics of a existing one. This substation type notion
to find if it is possible reach interoperability through data makes sense when considered in parallel with all the flexibility
exchange among tools. principles that characterize the IEC 61850, raising the
It was also developed an new method for all configuration
services related to IEC 61850, hat consist in a program based on
following question:
C language, with the ability of reading and editing SCL files. "Is it possible to create an engineering tool based on IEC
61850, which can receive an SCL file with the substation
Index Terms-- IEC 61850, IED’s Configuration Tools, System generic configuration, creating a new file with the
Configuration Tools, SCL Language configuration of a real substation, totally configured with
equipment from different manufacturers?"
I. INTRODUCTION These two concepts adaptation would enhance all substations
IEC 61850 was presented in the market like an universal setting process to a new level, generating a new paradigm in
solution with the aim of go around the vast protocol amount protections market.
existence in substation communication field, which in general This new paradigm would provide essentially a method of
were associated with technical and financial complications, for reducing the configuration costs since the application of a new
users and manufacturers. The communication standardization method based on universal processes need less skilled labor
provided by the norm, will allow a decrease of engineering and force in the different projects. Likewise the constant evolution
maintenance costs contributing to the raise of investments that a certain substation model can be subjected, gives more
security. The norm appliance vantages are at the level of efficiency and strength, eluding all the problematic situations
system expansion process will therefore upgrade costs far that were found on previous projects. In spite of concepts
below those that are practiced today. Therefore the IEC 61850 adaptation it only makes sense if protection manufacturers
application in electricity substations will lead to operational adopt a common philosophy in tools standardization around
and financial benefits. Hence last decade was a period of huge common protocols that share the same language.
development at the level of digital relays protection systems The incompatibility problems arise in this tool interaction
digital technology. A great part of systems evolution occurs in phase because all the manufacturers end up to insert in their
software’s and SCL files peculiar characteristics that can be
Manuscript received xx, 2010. problematic in a project with different IED’s (Intelligent
Electronic Devices) from diverse manufacturers.

Digital object xxx.


II. IEC 61850 AND DIFFERENT MANUFACTURES important for this work, where the main goal is to obtain a
Most protections manufacturers had settled its equipment to substation configuration guided by the impartiality toward the
needs imposed by the standard. This adaptation process considered manufacturers. Last consideration, it can never be
involves engineering tools creation which in parallel to IED's possible to completely avoid the use of manufacturer’s tools,
configuration are able to create and handle different SCL but it will be make an effort to reduce great part of this need.
formats file.  Visual SCL (manufacturer: ASE)
This procedure makes possible to deal with their IED's in the  Helinks STS (manufacturer: Helinks LLC)
environment of IEC 61850 at IED's configuration tool and at  DIGSI (manufacturer: Siemens)
system configuration tool level. Coming the substation
configuration phase, it is required that these two tools levels The system configuration tools used during the test phases
establish communication channels between them. were the following:
IEC 61850 does not prescribe how logical nodes are conducted  WinSettings (fabricante: Efacec)
internally or what they do. Therefore, and consequently, the  DIGSI (fabricante: Siemens)
IED's don’t need to be changed according to the standard,
except the formatting has to be normalized according to the it. The procedures that took place during the test phases are based
This normalization does not require the IED's modification, in configurations philosophy allowed from the system
since the intermediate configuration tools become to be the configuration software, Helinks STS. This tool was chosen
real IED's interfaces toward the norm. instead of Visual SCL, since after extensive use of both
The system configuration tools must be able to import and programs utilization, Visual SCL revealed some background
export configuration files in the SCL language based on rules problems. In this chapter it will be analyzed the differences
defined in part 6 of IEC 61850 [1]. These tools must be between SCL files from two protection manufacturers which
provided with the ability to import as many IED's protection units are in the laboratory, Efacec and Siemens.
configuration files, as those who wish to install in a given The development of tests procedures in this phase allow to
substation project. These IED's descriptive files must be prove that although the existence of common points among
generated by respective IED's configuration tools. IED’s structures there are divergences. The most evident
Subsequently, the configuration system must generate a file differences are structure related with the way the two
containing the substation configuration, which must be manufacturers organized the logical nodes inside the LD
approved by the IED's configuration tools, in order to all (Logical Device) instance and also LLNO (Logical Node
settings be properly perceived by all IED's substation Zero) notion. For that, four ICD files were downloaded for the
elements. substation description. As can be seen in the following figure it
In Figure 1, is described the method which SCL file formats is possible to analyze that the tool was succeeded in the four
directly involved in the communication of data between unit’s presence interpretation specifically the IED_0010,
different engineering tools, specifically, ICD and SCD will be IED__0013 and IED_0018 devices from Siemens and
administered. IED1_lab device from Efacec.

IED Configuration System
Tool Configuration Tool

Figure 2 - Association of IED's in a substation with Visual SCL
Figure 1 - Functional diagram of the communication SCL files between two
engineering tools
As expected the program updates the substation description
with IED’s data of the two manufacturers, namely the sections
During the development of this work were used tools from two corresponding to instances of "Data Type Templates", which
protections manufacturers, Efacec and Siemens. However, not can be seen in Figure 3. In that figure can also be observed that
only it was use the tools created by the manufacturers, but also this instance is composed from several fields, namely: "Lnode
tools from others without a direct connection with the Types", "Data Types", "Attribute Types" and "Enum Types."
manufacture of protection units such as ASE (Applied Systems
Engineering, Inc) and Helinks LLC . The use of these tools
developed outside the context of protections manufacturers, is
a decisive factor for the configuration of a reusable substation,
since the process of construction of this software must have
followed a principle of universality of use and should not
depend on the manufacturers to use the in the project. This is

A. Logical Device Organization

It is at LD organization level, where the general differences
between the structures of the two manufacturers in question,
lies on. There are several philosophies which can be followed
to structure the logical nodes within a LD instance. Within
Figure 3 - Hierarchical structure of Data Type Templates with Visual SCL Figure 5, it can consider that the "LDevice" of IED_0018
(Siemens) consists of five instances where the nodes are
For example, in the "Lnode Types" (Figure 4) it can be organized in logical agreement with its functional area. More
observed all logical nodes which can be implemented by four specifically, the five instances are:
devices, where the logical nodes of IED_0010, IED_0013  PROT - Protection
IED_0018 and are appointed based on the device address and  MEAS - Measurement
subsection in which they operate. On the other hand, the  DR - Disturb Rec
logical nodes from other IED are named based on the prefix  CTRL - Control
"EFA_" followed by the acronym representing the protective  EXT – Extended
function. Although different from the method followed by
Siemens, the definition of logical nodes by Efacec is not going
against IEC 61850, since it’s provided the prefixes and
suffixes combination to the description of the logical nodes.
While Efacec chooses to use prefixes, Siemens often chooses
the use of suffixes, as can be seen for IED_0010/PROT/PDIS
logical node, which can be terminated with the number "1" or
with the number "2" as can be observed in the fifth and sixth
line of Figure 4.

Figure 5 - Comparison between files in Visual SCL (left side: Efacec, right
side: Siemens)

In IED_0018 structure the logical nodes are not immediately

disposed within each of the instances listed above, as there are
still two more branches, more specifically, "LLN0" and
"LN’s". Its inside the instance "LN’s" that are discriminated all
logical nodes. Relatively to IED1_lab also represented in
Figure 5, may consider that the "LDevice" while detailing the
logical nodes within the instance "LN’s", don’t organized
them into logical devices, opting only to list them all on the
same branch. The other instance in the logical device
("LLN0") will be analyzed in the following chapter.

B. Logical Node Zero Organization (LLN0)

The Figure 5 analysis also proved to be very useful with regard
to LLN0. The importance of this logical node is vital, since it
is through it that are all communications aspects are
parameterized, like horizontal (GOOSE) and vertical (RCB,
etc). On this point clear differences emerge between the
Figure 4 - Association of Lnode Types in Visual SCL
structure followed by Siemens and Efacec. As the IED from
Efacec are characterized by only a list of logical nodes, only
have one instance of the logical node LLN0 against the five
instances of Siemens (one instance for each of the lists of
logical nodes of the five functional areas).

original DIGSI although this is not in agreement with Visual

SCL schema. Nevertheless when the file is save it is adapted it
to its default schema which is not recognized by DIGSI.
Therefore, we find that this is not a problem of standard
misinterpretation, but a problem of interoperability between
tools. On the other hand, the interaction between the Helinks
STS and DIGSI does not present the same problems that Visual
SCL. This result was leading to the choice of an engineering
tool used to perform the procedures that follow. Henceforth
the Helinks STS was the tool of choice for the substations


The Project type main idea, is to find a unique configuration
solution for the substations, using whenever it’s possible the
tools to perform the expected functionalities. The EDP Project-
Type is composed by an extensive set of technical documents
with a very broad spectrum of areas, which sets the technical
characteristics the substation HV / MV should include in its
installation. From all the functional areas this paper mainly
focuses its analysis only on issues related to SPCC (Protection
System, Command and numeric Control). As the name says
Figure 6 - Comparison between files in Visual SCL (left side: Efacec, right SPCC is responsible for the protection, command and control
side: Siemens)
of all substation organs, their internal architecture consists of
several information process modules which interconnection
allows the performance of all necessary functions for the
As described earlier, is on LLN0 that communications are proper substation work. The functional architecture of the
parameterized, with the main phase interest the RCB stage SPCC is divided into three interlinked hierarchical levels, as
settings. To parameterize completely an RCB a configuration seen in Figure 7:
of the two instances is needed which can be seen in Figure 6
 Level 0 – Process (constituted by HV / MV
for any of the IED’s. The attributes that will be provided are
substation equipment in which SPCC interacts
specified in the instance "Data Sets", and this section is later
 Level 1 – Panel Unit / IED;
referenced inside the instance "Report Controls" where must
be defined other features relating to RCB's.  Level 2 – UC (Central Unit):
The logical node LLNO internal structure is the same for any
o PCL (Local Command Station);
of the manufacturers, and the only thing that varies are the
names that are assigned to instances that constitute it. For o CC (Conduction Center);
example for the "Data Sets", Efacec chooses to do an
o CER (Remote Engineering Center);
association between a specific "Data Set" and the RCB by the
composition of the name. Namely "DSforbRCBA" means "
Data Set for Buffered Report Control Block A". Furthermore
Siemens chooses only call "DataSet1," and only makes the
association of "Data Set" with its RCB at a later
parameterizations stage.
Despite the existence of commonalities between the IED's
structures, there are also divergent points that may prove to be
problematic when the need to export files arises.

C. Interaction between engineering Tools

We tested the SCD file transfer resulting from the previous
chapter, between the two configuration tools, from systems
analyzed. It was found that in Visual SCL and DIGSI cases
there are different interpretations of some points of the SCL
language, otherwise the adaptation of Visual SCL schema to
the original DIGSI file would not cause changes that inhibit
their subsequent transfer. Visual SCL schema, consists
essentially of a standard structure that the Visual SCL uses to
organize its files. Must be underlined that the Visual SCL Figure 7 - Architecture and Functional Organization of the SPCC [2]
recognizes and correctly interprets the file structure of the

The communication data between different SPCC levels is file which can be executed on a computer with Windows
carried out through both LAN (Local Area Network), operating system. Conversor SCL does not eliminate the need
specifically the "Process Bus" and “Substation Bus," which for a universal configuration tool nor the tools from
wiring diagram is shown in the previous figure. The "Process manufacturers. The program's function is to reduce the amount
Bus" establishes a data connection between the physical of time and complexity of transactions between the system
equipment of HV / MV and the IED's, just as the “Substation operator and the various engineering tools, solving the
Bus" establishes communication between IED's and UC. It is interoperability problems encountered when trying to use data
important to refer that although there is a conceptual notion of groups. In a simplified way the program allows the reception
"level 0" it is not yet in operation on distribution network of SCD files where can be inserted generic IED’s or IED's
substations. whose internal structure is not set according to the
interpretation of a particular protections manufacturer. The
generic IED structure depends only on the generic
A. Different communication levels
configuration tool system used, in this case the Helinks STS.
In IEC 61850 it’s possible to distinguish two communication The SCD file creation on Helinks STS based on these generic
distinct levels, vertical and horizontal communication. IED's give rise to a file whose services and data, represent no
Horizontal communication also known as GOOSE, real protection unit from any manufacturer protections in
establishing communication channels between different IED's particular. The Conversor SCL performs the recognition of
present at the substation, while the vertical communication generic IED’s, and converts to a particular manufacturer
(RCB) provides links to data exchange between IED's and UC. structure. So, it is possible to parameterize an entire substation
Although both communication types are very important, this based on generic entities and then converting to the structure
paper focuses exclusively its approach to the vertical of a particular manufacturer, each of these entities.
communication level of IED's. The referred algorithm is illustrated graphically in Figure 8. In
this figure it can be seen that both input and output of
IV. PROJECT TYPE REUSABLE CONFIGURATION Conversor SCL are SCD format files. For the case in figure
EDP project type has in his genesis the construction of a mentioned above, the difference lies in the fact that the inputs
substation type where all processes and parameterizations can file describing the substation is an IED from Siemens and a
be based on a possible procedure to replicate most of the generic, while the output file becomes an IED from Siemens
substations. However, protections manufacturers have created and one from Efacec. That is, the program recognizes the
their own software to deal with language SCL, adding also that existence of a generic entity and asks the user if he wanted to
the interpretation of IEC 61850 is slightly different among award this entity to a particular manufacturer, in which case it
different manufacturers. The solution enabled by IEC 61850 was assumed that the user intended to use an Efacec entity.
for this problem boils down to the use of universal engineering Moreover, all input file entities that are not recognized as
tools capable of dealing with the different structures of the generic remains unaltered in the output file.
SCL files submitted by manufacturers
However, and as reported previously, available tools and the
different patterns of data presentation followed by the .SCD Conversor SCL .SCD
manufacturers do not allow full interoperability of these tools. Substation: Substation:
Moreover, for a given voltage level the substations assume in Siemens IED Siemens IED
most cases an identical topology, so that all settings in the Generic IED Efacec IED
protection units will have to be repeated whenever wants to Figure 8 - Functional diagram of the Conversor SCL
build a new substation. This setting method besides being
extremely exhausting for the operator responsible for
In the previous paragraph was mentioned an IED generic
parameterization introduces a high probability of human error
adaptation to a manufacturer's, Efacec, because this was the
during extensive process.
only manufacturer existing into the database which the
It was demonstrated in this paper a method to solve the
Conversor SCL uses. However, the method can be
interoperability problems found, allowing a fully reusable
extrapolated to any market producer which implement in their
substation configuration, using to this end, an algorithm
protection units the features contained in IEC 61850.
programmed in order to operate the IEC 61850 settings based
in a single procedure.
1) Functional flowchart
A. Conversion tool of SCL files among manufacturers The functional flowchart of Conversor SCL is represented in
Figure 10. In this picture it can be seen two oval shapes
The solution adopted to automate all services settings, related
outlined in red representing the program input and output.
to IEC 61850 consisted in the development of a program in C
Likewise, the rectangular blocks represent subsystems where it
programming language, which allows reading and editing the
acts directly on the file and lozenges subsystems where the
SCD files, exploiting the XML format that is the basis of SCL
need for a decision arises.
language. The program called Conversor SCL, explored the
One of the key points for correct perception of the built
extensive list of existing libraries that enable interaction with
program goes to new entity concept clarification, which is
XML files, as well as the simplicity of creating an executable

called the generic IED. The system configuration tools allow

the association of IED's, by importing the ICD files associated
SCD file
with them. However, these tools allow another method of
entities association, where the operator can easily create a new
IED through an icon "New IED." Immediately after the entity
Analyzes the SCD
association, the characterizing object is only constituted by the file looking for a
generic IED
hierarchical structure root that defines a model of IED based
on IEC 61850. This generic structure, which can be If find If not find

continuously branched depending on the settings made on

IED. Figure 9 shows all the necessary branches to configure
Operator wants to convert the
the vertical communication structures, also having the entire generic IED to the proper No
Makes no change to
the file
structure of a manufacturer?
terminal nodes (in red) needed to correct the definition of a
generic IED.

IED_generico IED Collects data from

the generic IED

AP1 Point Asks the operator the
name and serial
number of the new

Replaces the generic
IED structure by the
manufacturer structure
and inserts the data SCD file
Logical the user requests
LD_generico Device

LN0 Lnodes Checks if the generic IED Updates the initial

Dont have
has RCB's and DataSet SCD file

DataSet1 Data Set
Control Have

From the template of IED

manufacter collects all No
FCDA available Lnodes and
their internal attributes

Figure 9 - Diagram of the branches to implement the generic model of an IED

All branches that have been outlined previously can be Manufacturer IED has Lnodes
and attributes described in the
Warns the
operator that there
Operator wishes to
No continue the conversion
transcribed for the Helinks STS, obtaining a similar result to generic dataset of the generic
are no available
data on IEDl
of the remaining?

what is shown in Figure 14.


Add the template

dataset of IED and
the RCB according to Yes
the manufacturer

Figure 10 – Functional flowchart of Conversor SCL

2) Procedures
The main goal of carrying out the following procedures is to
prove that it is possible to develop reusable configurations for
a substation, which can be properly converted to a particular
project through interaction with a new engineering tool.
In the sequence of following tests, were associated with the
substation description, two IED's, one belonging to a particular
manufacturer and the other following the concept generic IED,
explained in the previous chapter. The IED association from a
particular manufacturer does not add value to the tests,
allowing only illustrate that this entity does not get in conflict
with the generic entity. It is precisely this generic entity in

which the experience are focused in, since it is based on  PTOC.Op

similar entities which hypothesis of substations settings reuse  XCBR.Mod
are going to be tested. The substation description is based on
these two IED's interaction with developed software in order to
demonstrate that this allows converting the reusable
specifications in a configuration that represents a particular
case. The procedures were organized taking in consideration
four key steps listed below:
 1st Stage - Import and parameterization of a Siemens
IED in Helinks STS
 2nd Stage - Membership and parameterization of a
generic IED Helinks STS
 3th Stage - Interaction between the resulting SCD file
and Conversor SCL
 4th Stage a) - Importation of SCD File generated on
the Conversor SCL to Helinks STS
 4th Stage b) – Importation of SCD File generated on
the Conversor SCL to DIGSI

The SCD files which constitute the entrance to the Conversor

SCL (3th Stage) has associated in its internal structure, two
IED's,one from Siemens (parameterized in 1st Stage) and a
generic (parameterized in 2nd Stage). As already mentioned, all
IED's from the input file which is not recognized as generics
will remain unchanged in the output file, i.e., Siemens IED
that was associated with the file, should not suffer any
alterations. For the generic IED that is present in the file, the
Conversor SCL will adapt the structure in order to satisfy
particular manufacturer specifications, in this case Efacec. The
files compatibility which is the program output will be
checked for the Helinks STS [4th Stage a)], as for the DIGSI
[4th Stage b)].

a) 1st Stage - Import and parameterization of a Siemens

IED in Helinks STS
The proceeding begins with the IED association at the Figure 12 - Internal structure of the IED_0010 in Helinks STS
substation describing file, through the SCL file importation
with ICD format. In Figure 11, can already be seen the IED b) 2nd Stage - Membership and parameterization of a
association to the substation, specifically IED_0010 Siemens. generic IED Helinks STS
At this procedures stages will be associated with a generic IED
instance in the same substation descriptive file where has been
configured IED_0010. The result of this procedure can be seen
in Figure 13, where it is evident the two IED's presence.

Figure 11 – IED’s considered within the description of a substation in Helinks


The ICD file that gave rise to the represented IED instance was
generated by DIGSI. The responsible structures for vertical
communication of this IED (DataSets and RCB) can be created
in DIGSI before exporting the ICD file, or they can be created
directly in Helinks STS after importing the file. It was decided Figure 13 – IED’s considered within the description of a substation in Helinks
to make the settings through Helinks STS, with the obtained STS
result shown in Figure 12. In this figure, it is analyzed the
instance creation of "Data Set", which was associated with The SCD file resultant from all settings that took place will be
three attributes, namely: interpreted by the Conversor SCL. The level names created
 PDIS.Str during the branch of generic IED structure need to be carefully

assigned, since it is through them that the Conversor SCL can internal structure, one belonging to Siemens manufacturer and
perceive the existence of a generic IED structures and their the other generic.
constituents. This way, the names from all relevant objects to a Conversor SCL when receiving the file if detects the presence
proper program work were pre-defined and represented in the of a generic IED automatically generates a communication
lateral left section of Figure 9. All branches outlined in this interface with the user, represented in Figure 16.
figure were transcribed for the Helinks STS, as shown in
Figure 14. In a meticulous analysis from this figure, it is verify
the direct correspondence between the names assigned to
objects, and predefined names that were displayed in Figure 9.

Figure 16 - Communication interface with the user of Conversor SCL

The program requires user interaction, to answer the four

questions listed below:
•Find IED generic. Replace? [Y / n];
•Insert IED name that will replace the generic;
•Insert IED manufacturer that will replace the generic;
•Insert serial number;

In Figure 16 are outlined in red the answers that were provided

for this case. As can be seen in the figure, the user has chosen
to proceed with the generic IED substitution for one from
Efacec, with the name IED2_lab and serial number, 903016.
The entire program provided information will be integrated
into the internal structure of the resulting SCD file.
Figure 14 - Internal structure of the IED_generico in Helinks STS
Conversor SCL is performed based on an EXE format file, and
the resulting file called "output.scd" is generated in the same
In the previous figure can be analyzed that a DataSet instance directory where the executable file is located.
was created named "DataSet1" which were set three attributes
listed below. d) 4th Stage a) - Importation of SCD File generated on
 XCBR.Pos the Conversor SCL to Helinks STS
 XCBR.BlkOpn In this test phase, the file which is the output of the Conversor
 RREC.BlkRec SCL can now be analyzed with the aim of verifying that the
changes made by the program are consistent with the defined
This dataset has been associated to a RCB instance called SCL models. For the "output.scd” file analysis, was used in
"Report URCB Control", whose properties are shown in first instance Helinks STS. As can be seen in Figure 17 the file
Figure 15. is considering a Siemens IED and an Efacec IED, instead of
one from Siemens and a generic (Figure 14).

Figure 15 - Internal structure of the RCB instance of the IED2_lab in Helinks

Figure 17 – IED’s considered within the description of a substation in Helinks
c) 3 Stage - Interaction between the SCD file and the
Still in this phase, it is interest to verify that "Data Set" settings
resulting Conversor SCL and RCB were also correctly described in the “output.scd” file.
This testing phase begins with file import from the previous These fields can be examined at the IED2_lab internal
phase to Conversor SCL. This file has two IED's defined in its structure, represented in Figure 18. In this picture it is possible

to see that "Data Set" field was parameterized with all the
attributes previously defined in Figure 14:
 XCBR.Pos
 XCBR.BlkOpn
 RREC.BlkRec

Figure 19 - Relatório da importação de um ficheiro SCD para o DIGSI

The warnings returned by the import report are not

problematic, just warn the user that the IED's instances to be
imported were not yet defined within the descriptive icon of
the substation. If the user wishes to continue with the import, a
substation description is updated depending on the SCD file,
and returns a new report. This new report no longer shows any
problems (Figure 20).

Figure 20 - Report of importing a SCD file to the DIGSI

After the file has been successfully imported, it is important to

ascertain whether DIGSI recognizes the two IED's presence,
and if for each of them is correctly interpreting the settings
made. Figure 21 shows the analysis that DIGSI recognized the
two IED's association on the substation file description.
Figure 18 – IED’s considered within the description of a substation in Helinks

The results of this test phase, shows that Conversor SCL is

performing the objectives for which it was built, since it
confirms the possibility to a system configuration tool import
the resulting file of the program, correctly interpreting their
internal structure and their settings. Nevertheless, the file
"output.scd" has to be successfully imported by the IED's Figure 21 – IED’s considered within the description of a substation in DIGSI
configuration tool in use (DIGSI), a situation that will be tested
in the next phase. For IED_0010 was configured a RCB with the following
e) 4 Stage b) – Importation of SCD File generated on
 PDIS.Str
the Conversor SCL to DIGSI  PTOC.Op
To make the import in DIGSI, was created a new substation
 XCBR.Mod
descriptive icon and downloaded the "output.scd” file. When
the created didn’t have any IED associated, the import report Figure 22 reflects the DIGSI interpretation from IED_0010
indicates that both IED_0010 and IED2_lab, were not present settings made in Helinks STS. Comparing the attributes defined
at the substation, and for that reason two warnings appear in the figure, with the attributes that were listed, it is confirmed
which that can be seen in Figure 19. that DIGSI are actually interpret successfully settings.

IED's, exporting later a SCL file with a substation description

based on real IEDs. This was achieved successfully and has
been proven that the tool in question meets all the results that
were proposed.

Figure 22 - Internal structure of the RCB instance of the IED_0010 in DIGSI REFERENCES

[1] IEC TC 57, “IEC 61850-6: Communication Networks and Systems in

Conversor SCL only makes effect on generic IED's, i.e., from Substations, Part 6: Part 6: Configuration description language for
the two IED’s presents in SCD files, which compose the communication in electrical substations related to IEDs”
program input only IED2_lab suffer a few changes, so the [2] Pedro Filipe Moreira Dias, “Projecto estruturado de Sistemas de
Automação em Subestações segundo a norma 61850”, Tese de mestrado,
positive result for IED_0010 was quite expected. Furthermore,
IST, 2009
the configuration of IED2_lab has greater relevance. [3] Carl Öhlén, “Um IED com conceito modular e prova de futuro”, Rio de
For IED2_lab was configured a RCB with the following Janeiro, April 23-25, 2006
 XCBR.Pos
 RREC.BlkRec
Martins, D.F.R. (1987) is student of Electrical Engi-
The settings that were made in Helinks STS for IED2_lab were neering at the Instituto Superior Técnico in Lisbon,
Portugal. He has worked in research related with the
properly interpreted by DIGSI, as shown in Figure 23. The IEC 61850, with digital IED technology of two
analogy between the attributes defined in the figure, and the manufactures, Efacec and Siemens.
attributes that were listed, shows that DIGSI are actually
interpreting profitably the settings.

Pinto de Sá, J.L. (1951, SM 90) is a Professor of Elec-

trical Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico in
Lisbon, Portugal. He has worked in Substations ad-
Figure 23 - Internal structure of the RCB instance of the IED2_lab in DIGSI vanced automation since 1981. In the nineties he led the
development of multi-function protective relays for
EFACEC, and from 2001 to 2006 he was with LABE-
This result confirms the overall success of Conversor SCL as
LEC as a coacher and a consultant. His main research
an engineering tool, demonstrating their compatibility with the interests are in Power Systems Protection, protective re-
SCL models specificities defined in IEC 61850. Based on the laying and Substations Automation.
testing procedures carried out, it is confirmed that the created
program is able to convert an IED generic model to the
structure of a particular manufacturer, not compromising the
ability of this file to be imported into the IED configuration
tool in a configurations after stage.

The IEC 61850 advent and its interoperability and free
allocation principles has brought new perspectives regarding
the design and configuration of systems automation. In this
context, this paper elaborates some proposals to develop new
solutions in terms of engineering tools that were capable to
deal with SCL. The system configuration tool tested, Helinks
STS didn’t show any kind of abnormal situation, when he
underwent DIGSI tools interaction tests. It is possible to
conclude that the compatibility level between some of the
engineering tools, is perfectly feasible to transfer SCL files
with the IED’s settings and substations between software from
different manufacturers.
Finally, the paper focused its approach on building software
with specific features that allow a specific interaction with
SCL files. The engineering tool algorithm built, works in the
sense of cooperation with the engineering tools already
exploited at work, in order to download SCL files with generic

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