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Miss McInnis

Occupation Research Assignment:

After selecting an occupation, you would most like to pursue, please answer the following
1) What is the occupation
Mechanical Engineering
2) What does the occupation involve?
The occupation involves designing, research, develop, and build devices and machines.
3) What does the occupation require?
- Minimum of 3.0 GPA
- Bachelor Degree in mechanical engineering
- Master Degree
4) What does the occupation have to offer?
- Medical, Vision, and dental insurance.
- Regular Pension (retirement benefits)
- Paid sick and leave holidays
5) How well suited am I for this occupation
I’d say 80% suited since my strongest subject is math and science.

6) Is there a post-secondary institution that I plan on attending to pursue this occupation?

(where and what numbers, emails or websites can I use to get more information)
University of Calgary
Number: (403) 210-6019

7) How long will the program take me to complete? (any obstacles?)

The program will take about 4-5 years to complete if I am trying to get a bachelor
degree, but if I want a master degree it’ll take another 2 years to complete.

8) What do I need to be accepted? (grades, credits, GPA etc.)

Minimum GPA of 3.0
English Language Arts 30-1
Mathematics 30-1
Mathematics 31
Chemistry 30
Physics 30 or Biology 30*
Mid 80s (High 80s if without calculus)
Miss McInnis

120 credits for bachelor degree (4-5 years)

9) How many students does the program accept each year?

10) When is the application deadline?
October 1, 2020 to March 1, 2021
It gives you five months before the deadline to apply

11) How much does it cost to apply?

It will cost $125 for an application fee for the university of Calgary.
12) How much will tuition cost me?
The tuition fee is $5,593.5 for the university of Calgary
13) How much will books cost me?
The books will cost $1200 a year and each book is $200.
14) What other fees are associated with it? (memberships, parking, transit, student fees)
Membership: $37.48 (access to campus recreational)
Parking: $49.50/month
Transit: By car
Student service fees: $240.75

15) What are some hurdles you might face?

Hurdles I am going to face is getting enough money to get into the school and studying
and getting English Language Arts 30-1 since I am really terrible at english.

16) What do you NEED in grade 11 and 12 to be successful when applying? (classes,
prerequisites etc.)
English Language Arts 30-1
Mathematics 30-1
Mathematics 31
Chemistry 30
Physics 30 or Biology 30*
Mid 80s (High 80s if without calculus)
17) How are you going to use this information to help plan for the future?
I will use this information to guide me through highschool and college and see if I really
wanna be a mechanical engineer. This information will also help me by knowing how
much I need to save up and how hard the road and requirements up ahead is.

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