2002 - in Situ Reacted Titanium Nitride-Reinforced Aluminum Alloy - R.F Shyu F.T Weng PDF

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 122 (2002) 301–304

In situ reacted titanium nitride-reinforced aluminum alloy composite

R.F. Shyua, F.T. Wenga, C.T. Hob,*
Department of Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Huwei, China
Department of Mechanical Design Engineering, National Huwei Institute of Technology, Huwei, China
Received 18 November 2001


In this paper, an aluminum matrix containing titanium nitride particles was fabricated by an in situ process in which nitrogen gas reacts with
titanium in the liquid melt to form TiN. The tensile and yield strength increased by up to 20% after the formation of TiN particles in the Al
alloy matrix, whilst the hardness increased by up to 27%. The abrasive and sliding-wear resistance increased with the in situ formation of the
TiN particles. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Wear; Composites; Aluminum alloy; Titanium nitride

1. Introduction tion [10]. A Al–Si–graphite piston cylinder used in a Ferrari

Formula One world-championship-winning engine provided
Leaded-tin bronzes have been used in many tribological increased and consistent output and reduced the fuel con-
applications, including plain bearings, and, even now, they sumption [15,16]. Particle-reinforced metals are so promis-
are amongst the universally accepted materials for such ing that metal-matrix composites may gradually replace
applications. However, the high density of bronzes, asso- most unreinforced metals [17].
ciated with problems such as health hazards caused by the The present study utilizes an in situ process in which a
toxic properties of lead that are effective during melting, and nitrogen gas reacts with titanium in the liquid melt to form
the use of the costly and scarce element tin, has led to the TiN, Al-MðliquidÞ þ 1=2 N2 ¼ MNðsolidÞ þ AlðliquidÞ
searching for alternative materials for possible applications. [18]. From a processing view-point, the advantages of the
In many tribological applications, aluminum alloys are in situ process via conventional powder metallurgy or the
desirable because of their low densities, but they are not used casting-particulate approach include: (1) a single step, cost-
because of their extremely poor wear resistance. Therefore, effective reaction and casting approach; (2) finer particulates
the development of aluminum matrix composites is receiv- (0.1–0.2 mm) with a more homogeneous distribution; and (3)
ing considerable emphasis in meeting the requirements of improved wettability between the particulate and the matrix.
various industries. In previous work, it was shown that the One of the limitations of the current technique is the
incorporation of both hard ceramic particles (e.g. alumina relatively high temperature (1300–1600 K) necessary for
[1–3], silicon carbide [4–6], silica [7] or zircon [8,9]) and a processing the material. A secondary limit is the high
soft solid lubricant (e.g. graphite [10–12] or mica [13]) into apparent viscosity of the melt that precludes the use of high
an aluminum alloy increased the wear resistance. percentages of reinforcement [18].
Considerable progress has been made in the application of In this paper, the mechanical properties and the wear
particle-reinforced metals, most notably for engine compo- behavior of an in situ TiN particle-reinforced aluminum
nents. Alumina particle-reinforced aluminum alloy pistons alloy were investigated.
have performed well, the power output increasing with a
remarkably low wear rate of the composite piston [14]. The
use of a Al–Si–graphite particle composite piston resulted in 2. Experimental procedure
a 9% reduction in the frictional horsepower losses of the
engine and up to 3% reduction in the specific fuel consump- Al–5.1%Cu–6.2%Ti was used as the matrix material. The
in situ reaction was carried out in a vacuum induction
Corresponding author. furnace. Melting of the Al–5.1%Cu–6.2%Ti was achieved
E-mail address: hoct@ms25.hinet.net (C.T. Ho). under vacuum and subsequently the chamber was back-filled

0924-0136/02/$ – see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 7 2 - 9
302 R.F. Shyu et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 122 (2002) 301–304

with purified argon gas, which was also the carrier gas. Upon Abrasive tests were carried out using a Teledyne Taber
reaching the appropriate processing temperature, the nitride Model 503 standard abrasive tester. Three cylindrical sam-
carrying gas was introduced into the melt via a gas diffuser ples, of 14 mm diameter, were positioned at three points
system. The reaction was carried out at a constant tempera- along a circle, in a disc-like sample holder (Fig. 1(a)). Two
ture 1400 K for 4 h to ensure complete the conversion of crystalon (a clay composite impregnated with 180 grit SiC
titanium nitride. After the completion of the reaction the particles) grinding wheels, of 10 mm thickness, were loaded
melt was solidified using a mould cavity of 6 cm length and by weights in a perpendicular direction onto the samples and
1.3 cm width for tensile testing samples, or using a mould rotated with the sample holder in a horizontal plane. The
cavity of 14 mm diameter for wear-testing samples. The samples were abraded by the grinding wheels twice each
mould material is SKD4. After pouring the liquid samples cycle because of the use of two wheels. The load was
into the mould, pressure ranging from 30 to 50 MPa was adjusted by changing the weights. The rotational speed of
applied immediately through a piston at the top of the mould. the sample holder was constant at 72 rpm corresponding to a
The pressure was maintained for 2 min, then the samples linear speed of 0.3 m/s.
were cooled to room temperature [18]. The composites was Sliding wear tests were conducted on a Denison wear-
examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron testing machine using a pin-on-disc type tester at a sliding
microscopy (SEM) with link electron energy dispersive speed of 0.3 m/s under dry conditions. A sample of 6 mm in
analysis (EDX), after polishing. Verification of the particu- diameter and 12 mm in length was pressed against a rotating
lates in titanium nitride was carried out by EDX. horizontal steel disc (hardness 60 HRC) under a 1 kg applied
Dog-bone samples with a gauge length of 25 mm and a load (Fig. 1(b)). The coefficient of friction was obtained by
cross-sectional area of 48 mm2 was machined from the cast measuring the side-force on the specimen produced by the
samples. The tensile tests were performed on these samples rotation of the disc at a linear speed of 0.3 m/s. The weight
using a hydraulic material testing system (MTS) machine. loss due to wear was measured, the wear rate of the samples
The strain was measured using a strain gauge. Hardness being calculated from the weight loss and the volume loss.
testing was also performed on these samples.

3. Results and discussion

Fig. 2 shows a scanning electron micrograph of the TiN

particles distributed in the aluminum matrix. Verification of
the particulates to be titanium nitride was carried out by
ESCA analysis.
The titanium nitride particle size is estimated from 0.1 to
1.5 mm upwards, which is much smaller than that of the
commercially available TiN powder, as expected. The
volume fraction of TiN in the composite was about 6%,
which was determined from the theoretical densities of the
The tensile properties and the hardness data of the sam-
ples are listed in Table 1, each item of data being the average
of at least five tests. The tensile and yield strength increased
by up to 20% after the formation of TiN in the Al alloy

Fig. 1. Abrasive wear and sliding wear test geometry. Fig. 2. Composite containing TiN particles formed in situ.
R.F. Shyu et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 122 (2002) 301–304 303

Table 1 Table 2
Tensile strength and hardness data of samples Pin and disc test results under 1 kg applied load with a rotational speed of
72 rpm
Sample UTS YS Hardness Modulus
(MPa) (MPa) (GPa) Pin material Pin wear Plate wear Friction
(108 cm3 cm1) (108 cm3 cm1) coefficient
Al–5.1Cu–6.2Ti 330  12 262  6 94  4 HB 78  4
(Al alloy) Al–5.1Cu–6.2Ti 34 4.7 0.8
Compositea 397  15 314  8 121  5 HB 89  5 (94)b Compositea 4.0 14.2 0.94
a a
Al alloy containing in situ formation of TiN. Al alloy containing in situ formation of TiN.
Rule of mixture, based on the assumption that the modulus of the
matrix is 78.
The effect of the titanium nitride on the wear rate is shown
matrix, whilst the hardness increased by up to 27%. Com- in Fig. 3. Each item of data was the average of at least five
paring the value of the modulus of the composite from tests. The wear rate dropped abruptly after the incorporation
Table 1, there appears to be close agreement between the of the TiN into the matrix alloy. At loads of up to 1 kg, the
measured value and the predicted value using the rule of Al-based alloy wore severely, while the wear rate of the
mixtures. This strongly suggests that the bonding between composite still increased gradually. Further, the wear rate
the TiN particles and the aluminum matrix is strong, so the had a higher slope initially, which was followed by a reduced
dispersoid TiN particles could accommodate the majority of slope at larger loads. This tendency was more clearly visible
the applied force and strength the Al alloy [19,20]. Further- in the matrix alloy. Comparison of the curves in Fig. 3
more, if the thermal expansion coefficient of the dispersoid indicates that the presence of titanium nitride helps the
is lower than that of the matrix, a compressive stress and matrix alloy to sustain different wear loads. The result of
dislocation field would be generated around the dispersoid the sliding-wear tests indicates that the formation of titanium
and would strengthen the composite. In the present study, the nitride reduced the wear rate by a factor of 8 compared to
coefficient of thermal expansion of TiN is less than that of that of the Al-based alloys (Table 2). However, the wear on
the matrix and hence the mechanical properties of the the plate was considerably higher in the case of the compo-
composite are superior to those of the Al alloy without site.
TiN. In addition, dislocation can be deflected and twisted by It is well known that the mechanical and wear properties
dispersed particle in the inter-grain or intra-grain of the of a material play an important role in controlling its wear
matrix, acting as dislocation resistant obstacles, which is behavior. One of the reasons for the improved wear resis-
often used to explain the higher yield strength values tance of the composite as compared to that of the Al-based
obtained in some composites [21]. Hence, the results of alloy could be the decreasing cutting efficiency of the grits.
the present study show that the composite has higher tensile The abrasive particles would become blunted, fragmented
properties and hardness than those of the Al-based alloy. and removed from their position during abrasion, if hard

Fig. 3. Abrasive wear rate versus load plots for: (*) Al–5.1Cu–6.2Ti, (~) Al alloy containing TiN formed in situ.
304 R.F. Shyu et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 122 (2002) 301–304

dispersoid phases were encounted on the specimen surface the in situ formation of TiN particles. The composite
[22]. Increasing wear rate with load could be attributed to the produced thus has potential for industrial application where
grits ploughing more deeply into the specimen surface. The high strength and high wear resistance are required.
presence of the hard TiN reinforcement in the matrix could
lead to a reduced depth of penetration of the grits (abrasive
particles) and protect the softer matrix [23]. As a result, the Acknowledgements
abrasive wear resistance of the composite became greater
than that of the matrix alloy. The authors thank the National Council, Taiwan, for
A reduction in the slope of the wear rate versus load financial support, under contract No. NSC88-2216-E-150-
curves at higher applied loads in the case of the matrix alloy 002.
(Fig. 3) could be attributed to the increased work-hardening
of the matrix taking place due to abrasion-induced deforma-
tion of subsurface regions, the ductile debris of particles also References
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