100 Best Friendship Poems: For My Bestest Friend

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Dear Mom & Dad (Your Special Title here)

I want to thank you for always being near me and for all the unconditional love you have
given to me.

You have been the best parents I could ever want.

You were with me when I laughed, when I cried,

When I succeeded, and when I failed.

You were always there giving me a helping hand.

I thank you for being such great parents and I want you to know That I love you very

100 Best Friendship Poems

F riendship isn't always easily described. The Eskimos, they say, have a hundred

different words for snow. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as
innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love
is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.

Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend.
Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. But
whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite
meaning in such a simple word.

Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the
number of them at any rate. Society and mores (and often our own conscience)
dictate we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as the
adjectives we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make
in life.

Let the countdown begin.

For My Bestest Friend

by Tanyo

Friendship is something to hold on to

But for me that's not the case
Cause I don't feel I need to keep
Something that can't be erased

I am sure of what I have

Cause with you I have no doubt
For what we've built, can't ever fail
It's what I care about

I find it hard to describe

This thing that we share
Especially when there's nothing else
That ever could compare

Others always know

That together we will be
For there can never be another
"Tani and Kerrie"

Those two words, known all over

Might as well be one
Cause without a Kerrie, there is no Tani
I'm sorry, it just can't be done

For you're the "U", and I'm the "S"

And forever that will be
Cause together we make "US", and so

We Thank You Mom and Dad

We are here because of you

You've given us love and so much more
We give thanks to our Lord
For sending you to teach us right from wrong
You've showed us what family really means
You've nurtured our needs
We thank you mom and dad
From the bottom of our hearts we give thanks
And we will never forget
All the love we had
Our bestfriends and parents
You're always there to lend a helping hand
Now we've grown and we know
What it means when you say you love us
Now we'd like to say these words to you
We love you too
We thank you mom and dad
From the bottom of our hearts we give thanks
And we will never forget 
All the love we had



By: Rebekah Smits

I guess I knew that someday I would be writing about my parents

and about their significance in my life, but I never expected it to be
so soon. As graduation approaches, and the end of 18 years of
living under my parent's guidance and wisdom, what better time to
capture those memories than now.

God blessed me with my parents, Dale and Karil Rasmussen, 18

years ago, and those 18 years will probably be the sweetest years
of my life. Obviously, I don't remember much about the first few
years of living with my parents, except I do remember being
spanked quite frequently. I was really a disobedient child, although
you would never know it now, (HA HA!) My parent's patience and
wisdom during this time, amazes me. They never disciplined me for
childish foolishness, only when they knew I was deliberately

The first Bible verse I memorized, was Colossians 3:20 "Children obey you parents, for this
is well pleasing to the Lord." My parents taught me not only to obey them just because they
were my parents, but because it also pleased Jesus when I obeyed. I never forgot this and
as I became older my thinking changed from: "If I do this I'll get in trouble," to, "Will doing
this please the Lord?" Whenever I did get in trouble, my parents would explain why, and
what I did was wrong according to the Word of God. Then after I was spanked or
disciplined, somehow, my parents would hold me, love me, and pray with me. This taught
me that God was a loving God, and disciplined because He wants us to be our best.

Another thing that I will never forget is my Dad's passion for truth! In our relationship he
always wanted me to tell the truth and he would do the same. He always got to the heart of
issues and looked at them from God's point of view. He once said that if there was anything
he would teach me, it would be to tell the truth, and to get to the heart of the matter. He
has passed that passion on to me.

As I got older, the spankings ceased and my parents took on a different form of teaching.
I'll always be so thankful that they let me make decisions for myself when they knew I
wouldn't be permanently "damaged." When I was about 12 or 13, a girlfriend of mine gave
me one of those "trashy" romance novels to read. I had read about a third of the way into
the book before my parents knew about it. They checked the novel out, and told me why
they didn't want me to read it. According to God's Word, they told me what consequences
reading a book like that might hold, and then they let me decide for myself, telling me they
trusted me. I gave the novel back to my friend, because my parents trusted me and I didn't
want to let God or them down. And that is when our relationship turned into a trusting,
responsible one. I knew that my parents trusted me, and I valued that trust. That trust
gave us both freedom and a strong relationship.

As a teenager, I don't know what I would have done without my parents. Their wisdom,
love, and support guided me through every decision, and gave me a peace and confidence
so dear to me. Some of my most special memories are of sitting on the couch with my Dad
at 12:30 a.m. talking about life, and rubbing each other's feet. I could talk to my parents
about anything ... boys, sex, romance, relationships, God, and life. I never felt
uncomfortable about talking to them about any issue, or struggle I was facing. They always
taught me God's wisdom and would laugh when I laughed, or hold me while I cried. My Dad
often took turns taking each of us kids out on dates, and we often had "Family time."

A couple of times, I remember running out to my Dad's office to talk to him, peeking
through the window to see if he was busy, and finding him on his knees, hands clasped, and
praying. I remember being up late at night, and hearing my parent's voices in their
bedroom, praying or talking about us kids and life. My parents never had reservations about
showing their affection for each other in front of us kids ... kissing and hugging ... at the
dinner table. My Mom always got (and gets) up early in the morning and works late into the
night taking care of her family faithfully and unbegrudgingly.

My parents always stressed the importance of communication and forgiveness in

relationships. I remember getting so upset with my parents when they wouldn't let me
leave the room until I had told them what was bothering me. It amazed me when I walked
away feeling so much better, when my parents forced me to talk to them. And whenever
my parents knew that they may have said something to hurt me, they immediately came to
me and asked for forgiveness. They were, and are, always so humble and unselfish towards
us kids; laying down their "pride" and "rights" as parents for our feelings.

My Dad and Mom never fail to tell me, "I love you," or express physical affection with hugs
and kisses.   I Thank God everyday for them, and marvel at His love in giving them to Kara,
Landon, and I.  I write this to publicly honor them and give the Glory to God. I love my
parents with all my heart, and am so thankful that no matter what happens here on Earth, I
have the gift of spending eternity 

Thank you for believing in me

when I found it difficult
to believe in myself...
for saying what I've needed
to hear sometimes,
instead of what I've wanted
to hear...
for siding with me...
and for giving me
another side to consider.

Thank you for opening

yourself up to me...
for trusting me with your thoughts
and disappointments and dreams...
for knowing you can depend on me
and for asking my help
when you've needed it.

Thank you for putting so much

thought and care and imagination
into our friendship...
for sharing so many nice times
and making so many
special memories with me.


Thank you for always being honest with me

being kind to me...being there for me.

Thank you for being a friend to me

in so many meaningful ways.

Thank You Friend!

I know I've never told you

In the hurried rush of days

How much your friendship means to me

In a thousand little ways.

But you've played such a part

In all I do or try to be

I want to tell you thank you

For being friends with me!

Dear friends,
Let us love one another,
for love comes from God.

When you're a child so very small,

The older folks seem mighty tall.
You are impressed with many things,
Sometimes amazed at what life brings.

Life seems so very big to you,
Sometimes you don't know what to do.
You need some help along the way,
With brand new questions every day.

God gave us all a Mom and Dad,
For this we should be very glad.
We need them both to guide our ways,
To show us how to live our days.

For when we're small we do not know,
And can't decide which way to go.
Cause life's too big to understand,
Mom and Dad must guide our hand.

I have a Mom and Dad you know,
I thank the Lord He made it so.
So many things I can do now,
Just because they taught me how.

Mom taught me how to make my bed,
And comb the hair that's on my head.
She taught me how to tie my shoes,
How not to cry when I would lose.

Dad taught me how to ride a bike,
When I was just a little tyke.
Baseball is a game I love,
Dad taught me how to use a glove.

I can't believe he didn't cry,
When that baseball hit his eye.
I threw it very hard that day,
He said "It hurts, but that's okay,"
Mom taught me how to set the table,
She played with me when she was able.
She taught me how to do the dishes,
Of course it was against my wishes.

So many times I went astray,
I made mistakes most every day.
And when the price had to be paid,
Across my tail the belt was laid.

It was not done incessantly,
But only when it had to be.
Sometimes when I crossed the line,
I had to pay with my behind.

There's so much more that I could say,
Of what they taught me every day.
You see the list is very long,
They did not want me to go wrong.

I thank the good Lord up above,
He gave me folks that showed me love.
I didn't then, but now I see,
Why they were very strict with me.
Mom and Dad both did their best,
To see that I would pass the test.
They knew that there would come a day,
I'd leave the nest and fly away.

Now that I'm grown, so much I see,
For I have kids, God's gift to me.
My folks taught me what to do,
Now I can teach my children too.

I thank you Lord for Mom and Dad,
I thank you for the life we had.
I thank you Lord because you knew,
I'd need them both to make it through.

I love you Mom, so very much,
I'm very glad I've felt your touch.
No matter where I happen to be,
You're always there inside of me.

I love you Dad, oh yes I do,
And thank the Lord because He knew.
The day would come when I'd be glad,
That He picked you to be my Dad.
My heart belongs to God above,
Every day I feel His love.
I work for Him while on this earth,
A job assigned before my birth.

My little brother's name was Ray,
He came to earth but didn't stay.
Just one year then he was gone,
Back to God he traveled on.

The day will come when I shall die,
And go to dwell with God, on high.
I want to see them all that day,
My Mom, my Dad, and baby Ray.
Thank You Lord.
by Chick

My mother had a slender, small body, but a large heart – a heart so large that everybody’s joys found welcome in it, and
hospitable accommodation.  ~Mark Twain

Another quotes to say thank you mom.

If I was damned of body and soul,

I know whose prayers would make me whole,
Mother o’ mine, O mother o’mine.
~Rudyard Kipling

“The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness” ~Honoré de Balzac

Say thank you to Mom at mother day special.

Mother’s day special poems

You listen when I need to talk Mom

You wipe away my tears Mom

You share my worries when they come

You help me learn to smile

A bright and happy thank you

For all that you are

And for all that you do for me

Once again a sweet thank you

To sweeten up your day

You can send this poem with a beautiful bunch of flowers.  To get more poems to say thank you Mom click here. Thank you
poems for Mom

In same way we can say thank you Dad. Here are some unique quotes which can help you to say thank you Dad.

Thank you Quotes for Dad

” I know Dad you always done for me best thing and guide me on a right path. whenever i confused you help me, you
made my future. I love you dad”

” A dad can be one of your close and best friend. He proud of you but when things go wrong A dad can be patient and help
you strong. Thank you Dad”

Father’s Day Special Poems

Here is father’s day special poem.

Dad, you are a special person;

Whenever i felt trouble,

When i need a teacher,

You teach me, and help me;

You have a place of honor in my heart;

You are my superb Dad;

I love you because you are my Dad;

Thank you so much being a good father!

Visit this page to find out some more father’s day special poems, thank you quotes and sample notes. Thank you poems
for Dad

Table 1. Values of trigonometric functions for certain values of the argument ɸ

ɸ ɸ Trigonometric functions
(degrees) (radians) sinɸ cosɸ tanɸ cotɸ secɸ cscɸ
0 0 0 1 0 nonexistent 1 nonexistent
30 2

45 1 1

60 2

90 1 0 nonexistent 0 nonexistent 1

Dad's are often the most misunderstood part of the family unit. As a rule, men have trouble displaying
their emotions. This is product of our society that believes that it is not macho to show emotions. Fathers
may have been shamed into repressing their emotions and may pass this on to their children. On the other
hand a father who can show his children that a real man is one who shows emotion is a great gift to his
children. A father plays a huge role in his children's development. Hopefully, he will live up to the
challenge of being the best Dad that he can be.

Source: Dad Poems - Poems about Dad http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/family/dad-

Trigonometric Angles
Trigonometric Angles :
    Table Values of sin, cos, tan, cosec, sec and cot at various degree of angles (0°, 30°,
45°, 60°, 90°, 180°, 270°). Trigonometry is also spelled as Trignometry.

q 0° 30° 45° 60° 90° 180° 270°

1 1

Sinq 0 1 0 -1
2 2

1 1
Cosq 1 0 -1 0
2 2

Tanq 0 1 * 0 *

Cosecq * 2 1 * -1

Secq 1 2 * -1 *

Cotq * 1 0 * 0

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