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Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139

The influence of oxygen impurities on the formation of AlN Al /

composites by infiltration of molten Al Mg /

S. Swaminathan, B. Srinivasa Rao *,1, V. Jayaram

Department of Metallurgy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India

Received 14 August 2001; received in revised form 17 December 2001


The influence of residual oxygen in nitrogen on the formation of AlN /Al matrix by reactive infiltration has been investigated.
Increasing the oxygen content from 10 ppm upwards decreased the nitride content in the matrix from 64 to 6%. Based on the
analysis of the availability of oxygen at the Al-melt/gas interface, three distinct scenarios have been proposed: (i) at lowest values,
oxygen does not interfere with either infiltration or nitridation reaction; (ii) at intermediate values, nitridation is suppressed,
however infiltration continues; and (iii) at a critical upper value, the melt passivates without any infiltration. This phenomenon
offers control of the AlN/Al ratio in the matrix and the possibility of creation of microstructural gradients by the appropriate choice
of gas mixtures. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Infiltration; Residual oxygen; Nitridation; AlN

1. Introduction from 95% in N2 /0.7% H2 (0.1 ppm oxygen), to 16%

with pure nitrogen (3 ppm oxygen), while oxygen
The formation of ceramic particulate composites with contents of /1% brought the level of nitridation to
AlN /Al matrices with interesting mechanical and :/3% and lower [1]. In contrast, the practically more
thermal applications is made possible by the nitridation useful situation is when the alloy is simultaneously
and simultaneous infiltration of molten Al alloys into a infiltrating into a ceramic preform, such as alumina
preform. It is known that during the process of [2 /6]. Here, it has been shown that Mg plays a key role
nitridation of Al /Mg alloys the degree of conversion in reducing the oxygen partial pressure to enable the
of Al to AlN is a strong function of temperature and alloy to infiltrate by capillary action. While alloyed Mg
alloy composition. Two different types of experiments content is important, in this regard, it was also shown
have been conducted. In the first, alloys have been [5,6] that gettering the incoming nitrogen with a molten
exposed to nitrogen containing atmospheres in the Al /Mg alloy was even more effective in ensuring that
absence of a preform. The increase in AlN content at passivation of the infiltration did not occur. This
1000 8C with Mg in the range 1/10% and with the phenomenon applies in the low temperature regime
Mg:Si ratio has been determined [1]. In addition, it was (850 /950 8C) in which the extent of nitridation is small
pointed out that the degree of conversion also depended and equally at higher temperatures at which AlN
on oxygen impurities in static atmosphere. For Al / becomes a significant phase. At the same time, it has
2Mg /0.8Si, the fractional conversion to AlN diminished been shown that the transition temperature from metal-
rich to ceramic-rich composites increases slightly when
commercial nitrogen is used instead of a nitrogen /
* Corresponding author. Present address: Technische Universität hydrogen mixture.
Darmstadt, FB Materialwissenschaft, FG Nichtmetallisch- The purpose of the present paper is to report a much
Anorganischewerkstoffe, Petersen Straße 23, 64287 Darmstadt, more substantial variation in nitride content that may be
Germany. Tel.: 49-6151-16-6318; fax: 49-6151-16-6314
E-mail address: (B. Srinivasa
achieved during infiltration by introducing oxygen
Rao). impurities and to examine the possible reasons for this
Presently a Humboldt Fellow. sensitive behaviour.
0921-5093/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 5 0 9 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 0 2 - 3
S. Swaminathan et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139 135

2. Experimental procedure After infiltration the crucibles were cut longitudinally

with a high speed precision saw using a diamond-
Fused alumina particulate of 53 mm size were used as wafering blade for optical metallography. The sectioned
the dispersion into which infiltration was carried out. samples were polished using standard metallographic
Preforms of the dimensions 80 /40 /5 mm were made procedures to 1 mm diamond finish. The polished
by cold pressing in a steel die by applying a pressure of samples were examined under an optical microscope to
:/10 tons. These cold compacts were heated at 3 8C determine the distribution of various phases in the
min 1 to 800 8C to avoid cracking of the preform composite. For scanning electron microscopy, the
during binder removal. After 800 8C the preforms were polished samples were etched with concentrated Keller’s
heated to 1600 8C and held for 1 h in order to obtain reagent in order to remove Al and the samples were
sufficient mechanical strength for handling purposes. coated with gold in order to make the surface electrically
Commercial purity aluminium and magnesium were conducting. The matrix hardness was measured by a
used to prepare Al /2 wt.% Mg and Al /5 wt.% Mg SHIMADZU HMV-2000 tester at test loads of 100 g
alloys. Aluminium was melted in air in a clay graphite and a hold period of 10 s. Care was taken to ensure that
crucible at a temperature of :/750 8C and the melt was the indentation fell within the matrix and that there was
degassed by using hexachloroethane before and after no interference with adjacent particles. An average of
magnesium was added to the melt. Magnesium was ten to 15 readings was taken as a measure of the
wrapped in aluminium foil in order to minimise representative hardness of the matrix.
evaporative losses. An excess of 10% (over and above The volume fraction of AlN present in the composite
the desired value) of magnesium was added to compen- was determined by decomposing it with sodium hydrox-
sate for any residual evaporation. The alloys were cast ide solution to evolve ammonia which is quantitatively
into plates and homogenised at a temperature of 400 8C analysed by titrating against a strong acid.
for 24 h and cut to the final size for infiltration. Alloy
composition was determined using atomic absorption
spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectro-
3. Results and discussion
scopy (ICP). Mg contents in these alloys were found to
be 1.95 and 5.01% for the Al /2Mg and Al /5Mg,
The microstructures of the composites fabricated at
respectively. Alumina trays of dimensions 84 /42 /30
975 8C are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. As shown in Table 1,
mm were used as crucibles. The insides of the crucibles
the first three runs, all carried out in N2 /2% H2,
were lined with graphite foil in order to facilitate easy
indicated wide scatter in the AlN content which was,
removal of the composite and residual metal after the
however, consistent with the microstructures (Fig. 1)
and hardnesses. It was also noted that the microstruc-
Infiltration experiments were carried out in a high
tures were uniform throughout the composite and that
temperature tube furnace (Barnstead Thermolyne). The the infiltration was therefore reproducible across the
dimensions of the composites fabricated were 80 /40 / section and along the length. It transpired that in the
5 mm. Alumina preforms were kept on the top of the first two experiments in which the AlN content was as
Al /2Mg alloy billets in the alumina crucible. The in- low as 6%, that the O-rings that sealed the tube furnace
coming gas was passed over an alloy of Al /5Mg that had given way during previous experiments. Degrada-
acted as an oxygen getter before the gas reached the tion of the seals was evident when attempts were made,
melt-preform assembly. The getter was located in the unsuccessfully, to fully evacuate the system after these
900 /950 8C temperature zone of the same tube. The two runs. During subsequent runs, the seals were
effectiveness of the getter could be gauged by the replaced more frequently and, accordingly, the AlN
formation of MgO whiskers on the wall of the furnace content obtained increased to 64.5% (No. 3 in Table 1).
tube, downstream of the getter. However, no measure- The experiment was repeated for reproducibility at the
ments were made of the oxygen partial pressure. The same temperature with a new seal and a nitride content
tube was evacuated to a pressure of 0.05 mbar and then of 62 vol.% was obtained. Consequently, this value is
back-filled with N2 /2% H2 (10 ppm oxygen) or com- expected to be representative of the maximum achiev-
mercial nitrogen (5000 ppm oxygen) before the start of able at that temperature with N2 /2% H2. The AlN /Al
experiment. Gas was passed at a rate of 250 ml min 1 matrix in the above cases is divided into two parts: a
throughout the experiment at a pressure slightly above portion adjacent to the particle surfaces that is rich in
one atmosphere and bubbled out through a column of AlN (Al/AlN in Fig. 1B,C) and the inter-particulate
oil before being vented to the atmosphere. The furnace region that contains metal pockets as shown in Fig. 1(B)
was heated at a rate of 4 8C min 1 to 975 8C and held and Fig. 2(B). The relative microstructural scales may be
there for 3 h to ensure complete infiltration of the seen more clearly in the etched scanning electron
preform. micrographs in Fig. 2. The hardness of the metal
136 S. Swaminathan et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139

pockets changes little, suggesting that its nitride content

is minimal.
The mechanisms of alloy infiltration and nitridation
are, at this time, not fully understood. However, certain
physical features of the process have been established
[7,8]. The melt tends to preferentially climb along
alumina particle surfaces and commences nitriding out-
wards from the surface along an irregular front into the
inter-particle pores. It is possible for residual porosity in
the portions infiltrated earlier (far below the maximum
extent of melt penetration), to then become isolated
from the nitrogen diffusing in from the outside. These
regions then fill up with advancing alloy without
reacting significantly with nitrogen and lead to the large
metal-rich pockets that are seen in Figs. 1 and 2. Thus,
the appearance of the microstructure is completely
consistent with experiments [7,8] that are carried out
as a function of temperature (after ensuring the absence
of air leaks) in the range 950/1100 8C in which the total
amount of AlN increases, both by the expansion of the
composite Al/AlN zone adjacent to the particulate at the
expense of the alloy pockets as well as by an increase in
the fraction of AlN within these regions. The amount of
oxygen leaked into the system in the present instance is
not known. However, to confirm its role, an experiment
was conducted at 975 8C with commercial purity
nitrogen, which has a residual oxygen content of :/
5000 ppm and which yielded a composite with a nitride
content of 29 vol.% (Fig. 1) that is close to the result of
one of the earlier runs in N2 /2% H2, which is known to
have been performed with a leaking seal (Table 1, No.
2). Thus, the behaviour with decreasing oxygen is
similar to that displayed with increasing temperature,
i.e. an increase in the nitride content of the composite.
In order to understand the role of oxygen, the
suggested mechanisms of nitrogen uptake by the melt
are now briefly reviewed. It has been suggested [9] that
nitridation proceeds by a two-step reaction, beginning
with the nitridation of Mg in the vapour phase to
Mg3N2, followed by reduction to AlN by the advancing
melt. This sequence is similar to that which is now
accepted for directed melt oxidation, in which MgO or
MgAl2O4 plays a similar intermediate role. However,
the presence of Mg3N2 at the composite surface has not
yet been established. It has been shown [10] that if the
oxides are suppressed by adequate gettering, that AlN is
more stable than Mg3N2 in the alloys of interest.
Fig. 1. Microstructures of the samples processed at 975 8C depicting
However, this balance could be overturned if the Mg
the influence of different amounts of oxygen impurities on the amount activity was substantially increased in the vapour phase,
of AlN formed in the matrix. (A) 6% AlN; AlN is mostly dispersed as thereby making it more available for reaction with the
isolated particles in Al-alloy matrix as indicated with an arrow. (B) incoming gas. At this point in time, this issue is
34% AlN; formation of AlN around the Al2O3 particles and starts unresolved, i.e. does nitrogen combine directly with
extending into the inter-particle pores is the dominant feature at this
volume fraction. However, large metal channels can still be seen
aluminium in the melt or via an intermediate compound.
(marked with M; white in colour). (C) 64.5% AlN; almost all of the What has been believed, however, is that residual
inter-particle regions are covered with AlN (dark in colour) inter- oxygen levels need to be sufficiently lowered so that
spersed with fine Al-alloy channels (white in colour). oxides (MgO or MgAl2O4) do not form and terminate
S. Swaminathan et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139 137

in some of the runs, the oxygen levels are sufficiently low

that infiltration is still able to occur. Thus, one of the
key presumptions in our prior understanding of the
pressureless infiltration of Al-alloys, i.e. the need to
maintain extremely low oxygen partial pressures, needs
to be modified. Now one has to interpret these results in
a framework that allows minute amounts of oxygen to
permit capillary advance of the metal at rates that are
not significantly altered, but effectively poisons the
nitridation reaction, even though, for all practical
purposes, the partial pressure of nitrogen is one atmo-
sphere and that of oxygen is several orders of magnitude
We now examine the issues relating to the thermo-
dynamics and rate of oxygen transport in this system. It
has been pointed out [1] that the oxygen partial
pressures under which AlN is stabilised in preference
to Al2O3 are extremely low and in the vicinity of 10 20
atmosphere. At these pressures, the number of oxygen
molecules available within the entire preform would be
only / unity. This value becomes even lower if one
assumes that Mg vapour from the getter is in equili-
brium with MgO and oxygen. Similar or lower numbers
are obtained when examining the competition between
other equilibria, e.g. those involving MgO and Mg3N2.
Thus, it is likely that thermodynamic considerations do
not play as important a role as the availability of the
appropriate gas molecules to enable a particular equili-
brium to be achieved. In particular, it is likely that while
experiments carried out in closed systems might con-
ceivably approach such equilibria, the situation in
flowing gas, which is the practically relevant one for
Fig. 2. SEM photographs after etching of the samples. (A) 6% AlN
and (B) 64.5% AlN in the matrix. AlN formed around the Al2O3 the fabrication of matrices that contain AlN, is certain
particles, fine metal channels and a metal pocket (marked with P) that to be dominated by kinetic availability. To analyse the
has been etched away can be seen clearly in the case of 64.5% AlN problem of oxygen arrival at the melt-atmosphere
sample. interface, it is assumed that the flux is determined by
the partial pressure difference between the interface and
the infiltration. (The system may then choose to grow an the outside of the preform. In addition, the ratio of the
oxide/metal composite, as in directed melt oxidation, oxygen flux to the rate at which the melt advances
[11] if the temperature and oxygen partial pressures are through the preform determines the net uptake of
sufficiently high.) The results presented here show that oxygen by the alloy. We assume that whether the
there is an additional degree of complexity in the surface is passivated or not can be defined with respect
infiltration. Despite the reduced extent of nitridation to two limits of oxygen content. The lower limit is one at
which the bulk level of oxygen in the melt, enhanced by
Table 1 surface segregation, can lead to strong binding between
Hardness of and AlN content in the matrix Al and O atoms, thereby preventing any nitrogen
S. No. Gas AlN (vol.%) Hardness (GPa) uptake. Beyond the upper limit, precipitation of oxides
takes place. Between the lower and upper limits,
Nitride region Metal pockets infiltration is possible, but with a gradual decrease in
1. a
N2 /2%H2 6 / 0.6890.06 the extent of nitridation, i.e. the composite becomes
2.a N2 /2%H2 34 3.890.6 0.790.07 progressively metal rich as the oxygen content rises.
3. N2 /2%H2 64.5 6.491.1 0.890.2 Let Jg be the flux of oxygen arriving at the surface of
4. Repeat of 3 62.0 melt, D Dc /Dx , where Dc is the concentration difference
5. N2b 29.0
between furnace atmosphere and melt surface, D is the
In the presence of oxygen impurities. gas phase diffusivity and Dx is the preform thickness.
Contains 0.5% oxygen. Assume that melt surface is at 0, i.e. everything that
138 S. Swaminathan et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139

arrives there is instantaneously adsorbed. Then Dc / description of the steps involved before Al2O3 precipi-
cfurnace /P /RT, where P is the partial pressure of tates out. Stucki et al. [14] studied the initial oxidation of
oxygen in furnace. Let us suppose that poisoning occurs Al. When a solid Al is exposed to oxygen, there is
when the average O:Al ratio exceeds f. For this to chemisorption up to 20 Langmuirs and then the oxide
happen, before the interface moves up by one mono- peaks start to appear in the auger signal. In contrast,
layer, the number of oxygen atoms arriving per unit area when the liquid is exposed, there was no chemisorption,
must exceed f or fN moles oxygen per area, where N is but the oxygen appears to go into the solution until 1000
the number of moles of aluminium per unit area. Thus, Langmuirs and then the oxide signal appears directly.
the limiting flux is given by: Jt /fN , where t is the time This tells us that liquid Al can dissolve more oxygen
taken for melt to move up a layer /y /vm, where y is the than solid Al, however, there was no indication of what
height of one monolayer and vm is the speed of happens at the melt surface after the melt is saturated
infiltration. with oxygen and before Al2O3 starts to precipitate.
Therefore, the limiting value of pressure is given by: An estimate of the solubility of O in pure Al is 10 6
DP=(RTDx) (vm fN)=y [15]. Thus, if we use f /106, then we get P /0.02 Pa
and assuming a total pressure of 1 atm or 105 Pa, the
or oxygen level is 2/107 Pa or 0.2 ppm. In the absence
P (fNRTvm Dx)=(Dy) of more detailed information on solubilities or the actual
partial pressures prevailing, it is difficult to be more
At 1248 K, Dx is the preform thickness :/0.01 m and quantitative. The above estimate is intended to demon-
D /104 m2 s 1 [12], with oxygen ions of 0.28 nm strate that partial pressures much higher than those
diameter and an experimentally observed infiltration predicted from thermodynamic equilibrium can be
rate of :/2 mm h1: tolerated, given the kinetic constraints when infiltration
y 2:810 10 m is proceeding simultaneously.
Evidence supporting the inhibiting effect of O2 on
vm 0:002=3600 5:610 7 m s 1 AlN growth comes from the literature on the growth of
Let oxygen adsorb as a close-packed array with a group-III nitride single crystals (AlN, GaN and InN) by
spacing of 0.28 nm. The number of moles of oxygen dissolution of nitrogen in the melts (Al, Ga and In)
atoms per unit area is {(2.8)2(0.866)(10 20)(6) under high nitrogen pressure [16]. Quantum mechanical
(1023)} 1 /2.45 /105 and the number of molecules calculations have provided some insight into the me-
per unit area is N /105 per m2. chanisms of nitrogen dissolution into these metals [17].
Since the oxygen ion radius (0.14 nm) and aluminium It was shown that the adsorption of N2 on the surface of
atom radius are the same, the number of moles of each Al melt leads to the dissociation of N2 molecule. The
per unit area is the same for normalisation, assuming energy barrier for this dissociation is around 3.2 eV,
that Al is close-packed at 1248 K. which is less than half of the dissociation energy of N2,
which is 9.8 eV. In contrast, O2 dissociates and then
P f f(10 5 )(10375)(5:610 7 )(0:01)g=f(2:810 10 ) adsorbs onto the melt surface without any energy
 (10 4 )g barrier. This points to the fact that the growth of defect
free AlN or GaN is difficult since any oxygen in the
: 210 4 f Pascals
processing environment dissolves in the melt very easily.
It seems likely that the critical oxygen concentration In the similar way, it is expected that the presence of
that can be tolerated before all infiltration ceases is the oxygen impurities during the infiltration of Al /Mg into
solubility limit, beyond which spinel or alumina would Al2O3 preform inhibit the growth of AlN mainly by
be precipitated. Thus, the limit for poisoning of nitrida- adsorption onto the Al melt surface. Strictly speaking,
tion is expected to be lower than this solubility limit. It one has to consider the effect of Mg on the adsorption
will be even further lowered, if surface segregation is of O2 onto the surface of Al melt since Al /2% Mg is
present. Some evidence is available in the literature to used for infiltration. At this moment, it is unclear
support the argument that the Al melt is partially whether Mg helps or hinders the formation of AlN.
covered with oxygen before Al2O3 precipitates out. However, its role in keeping the melt surface free of any
Goumiri and Joud [13] studied the initial stages of passivating oxides, such as alumina or spinel, is well
oxidation and its effect on the surface tension of Al by studied [5,6].
auger electron spectroscopy. It was reported that the From the above analysis, one can then envisage three
surface tension of Al decreases strongly at initial distinct scenarios of infiltration that are delineated by
oxidation and stays rather constant for coverage up to the arrival rate of oxygen at the interface. At the lowest
one monolayer. The decrease in the surface tension of values, oxygen dissolves in the melt in small amounts
the melt was attributed to the formation of oxide islands and does not interfere with either infiltration or the
up to approximately saturation coverage. There was no reaction between Al and N2. At intermediate values,
S. Swaminathan et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A337 (2002) 134 /139 139

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