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Appl. Phys. A 69, 255–260 (1999) / Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.

Applied Physics A
Science & Processing
 Springer-Verlag 1999

Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes

J.-P. Salvetat∗ , J.-M. Bonard, N.H. Thomson, A.J. Kulik, L. Forró, W. Benoit, L. Zuppiroli
Département de Physique, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Received: 17 May 1999/Accepted: 18 May 1999/Published online: 29 July 1999

Abstract. A variety of outstanding experimental results on are more numerous and more advanced than experimental
the elucidation of the elastic properties of carbon nanotubes measurements, mainly due to the technological challenges in-
are fast appearing. These are based mainly on the tech- volved in the production of nanotubes and in the manipulation
niques of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy of nanometre-sized objects. However, recent developments
(HRTEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to deter- in instrumentation (particularly high-resolution transmission
mine the Young’s moduli of single-wall nanotube bundles and electron microscopy (HRTEM) and atomic force microscopy
multi-walled nanotubes, prepared by a number of methods. (AFM)), production, processing and manipulation techniques
These results are confirming the theoretical predictions that for CNTs, have given remarkable experimental results. In this
carbon nanotubes have high strength plus extraordinary flexi- review, we cover different aspects of the mechanical prop-
bility and resilience. As well as summarising the most notable erties of nanotubes and nanotube-based composites referring
achievements of theory and experiment in the last few years, to theoretical and experimental work of different groups. We
this paper explains the properties of nanotubes in the wider do not aim to be exhaustive, but prefer to focus on what we
context of materials science and highlights the contribution of believe to be the most significant results.
our research group in this rapidly expanding field. A deeper The mechanical properties are strongly dependent on the
understanding of the relationship between the structural order structure of the nanotubes. This is due to the high anisotropy
of the nanotubes and their mechanical properties will be ne- of graphite. In our laboratory, three kinds of nanotubes have
cessary for the development of carbon-nanotube-based com- been studied: bundles of single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs),
posites. Our research to date illustrates a qualitative relation- sometimes called ropes; arc-grown multi-walled nanotubes
ship between the Young’s modulus of a nanotube and the (MWNTs); and catalytic multi-walled tubes that always con-
amount of disorder in the atomic structure of the walls. Other tain structural defects. Figure 1 shows HRTEM images of
exciting results indicate that composites will benefit from the these three types of CNTs.
exceptional mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes, but
that the major outstanding problem of load transfer efficiency
must be overcome before suitable engineering materials can 1 Elastic behaviour of CNTs
be produced.
Knowledge of the Young’s modulus (E) of a material is the
PACS: 62.20.x; 62.20.Dc; 61.48.+c; 61.16.Ch; 61.16.By first step towards its use as a structural element for vari-
ous applications. In practice, structural engineering is largely
based on the theory of elasticity, and design is concerned with
Rolling up a graphene sheet on a nanometre scale [1] has stresses below the elastic limit, safe loads being half that of
dramatic consequences on the electrical properties [2]. The the elastic limit or less [4].
small diameter of a carbon nanotube (CNT) also has an im- The Young’s modulus is directly related to the cohesion
portant effect on the mechanical properties, compared with of the solid and therefore to the chemical bonding of the
traditional micron-size graphitic fibres [3]. Perhaps the most constituent atoms. More precisely, in the case of a cova-
striking effect is the opportunity to associate high flexibility lently bonded solid, it is the shape of the potential energy
and high strength with high stiffness, a property that is ab- of a pair of atoms as a function of inter-particle separation
sent in graphite fibres. These properties of CNTs open the that determines the elastic properties of an ideal crystalline
way for a new generation of high performance composites. solid (i.e. a perfect solid free of point defects, dislocations,
Theoretical studies on the mechanical properties of CNTs and grain boundaries). Taylor expansion of the energy func-
tion U(x) around the equilibrium position, r0 , gives Hooke’s
∗ Corresponding author law for small strains (i.e. force is proportional to displace-

wrapping a graphene sheet into a cylinder. This is not sur-

prising since the atomic structure is not taken into account,
so the elastic constants are the same as in a planar geom-
etry. We expect this classical approximation to be valid for
large-diameter CNTs. The question now is, what happens in
very small diameter tubes for which the atomic structure and
bonding arrangement must be included in a realistic model.
We have in hand a sufficiently large number of theoretical
approaches [8–10] to answer that question at least qualita-
tively. Both ab initio and empirical potential-based methods
have been used to calculate the strain energy as a function
of the tube diameter (and helicity). They all agree that only
small corrections to the 1/R2 behaviour are to be expected.
As a consequence, only small deviations of the elastic con-
stant along the axis (C33 in standard notation) are observed. It
is worth noting that the dependence of the elastic constants on
the nanotube diameter is found to be different for each model.
For example, two different empirical potentials give differ-
Fig. 1a–c. HRTEM images of different types of carbon nanotubes. a SWNT
ent values for the elastic constant and show a different trend
bundles (the mean diameter of a SWNT in a bundle is ∼ 1.4 nm). b An arc- as a function of diameter. A decrease of C33 when the ra-
discharge MWNT, showing a high degree of order. c Catalytically grown dius decreases is sometimes predicted, and in other cases the
MWNTs. The catalytic production method has the advantage that the degree inverse behaviour is observed. We hope that high-precision
of disorder can be controlled experiments will give a definite answer to this dilemma. We
agree with Cornwell and Wille that, “Simulations are not to
ment) with the second derivative of the energy at r0 as the be taken as a substitute for experiment, but rather can guide
proportionality term. For a thin rod of isotropic material of experiment, point out the most promising avenues to explore,
length l0 and cross-sectional area A0 , the Young’s modulus and assist with interpretation”.
is then E = stress/strain = (F/A0 )/(δl/l0 ). A molecular solid
has a low modulus (usually less than 10 GPa) since van der
Waals bonds are weak (typically 0.1 eV), whereas a cova- 1.2 Experimental results
lently bonded one (such as graphite, diamond, SiC, BN...)
has a high modulus (higher than 100 GPa). Moreover, in each Through the use of conventional extensiometers, the Young’s
class of solids (defined by the nature of the bonding) ex- modulus of any material can be measured, provided that there
periments show that elastic constants follow a simple inverse is a large enough quantity of material and one can shape it
fourth power law with the lattice parameter. Small variations into a rod. The precision of such a method is high, and ex-
of the lattice parameter of a crystal may induce important perimental observations are beyond theoretical predictions.
variations of its elastic constants. For example, C33 of graph- The opposite situation is true for CNTs for a number of rea-
ite (corresponding to the Young’s modulus parallel to the sons. The nanometre size of CNTs allows molecular dynamic
hexagonal c-axis) depends strongly on the temperature due simulations to be performed and compared directly with ex-
to interlayer thermal expansion [5]. The Young’s modulus of perimental data (present and future). This nanometre size
a CNT is therefore related to the sp2 bond strength and should however, increases the difficulty of experiments and also their
equal that of a graphene sheet when the diameter is not too precision, preventing until now any second-order effects to be
small to distort the C−C bonds significantly. observed, such as those due to the curvature and the helicity.
The first measurement of the Young’s modulus of MWNTs
came from Treacy and co-workers [11]. TEM was used to
1.1 Theoretical predictions measure the mean-square vibration amplitudes of arc-grown
MWNTs over a temperature range from RT to 800 ◦ C. The
It is interesting to compare the different theoretical results average value of the Young’s modulus derived from this tech-
concerning the Young’s modulus and its dependence on the nique was for 11 tubes 1.8 TPa, 0.40 TPa being the lowest
nanotube diameter and helicity. The results are found to vary and 4.15 TPa the highest. The authors suggest a trend for
with the type of method and the potentials used to describe higher moduli with smaller tube diameters. The method of
the interatomic bonding. It is first instructive to use classi- measuring thermal vibration amplitudes by TEM has been
cal mechanics to identify the key points in the mechanics of extended to measure SWNTs at room temperature [12]. The
CNTs. (We recommend the paper of Ruoff and Lorents as average of 27 tubes yielded a value of E = 1.3+0.6 −0.4 TPa, but
a good introduction to this problem. [6]) The Young’s modu- there are two systematic errors in measuring the temperature
lus can be written as the second derivative of the strain energy and the nanotube length, which lead to an underestimate of E.
divided by the equilibrium volume. Continuum elastic theory Given these uncertainties in the method, it was not possible to
predicts a 1/R2 variation of the strain energy, with an elas- state whether single-walled tubes are stiffer than multi-walled
tic constant equal to C11 of graphite (which corresponds to tubes. All measured values of E for nanotubes indicate that
the Young’s modulus parallel to the basal plane), independent it may be higher than the currently accepted value of the in-
of the tube diameter [7]. Therefore, in the classical approx- plane modulus of graphite. The authors point out that either
imation, the Young’s modulus is not expected to vary when the cylindrical structure of the tubes imparts greater strength

or that the modulus of graphite has been underestimated. The this method [15]. We also measured the bending modulus of
latter statement is less likely considering the high precision disordered, catalytic nanotubes which have a kind of nested
of macroscopic methods and the variety of concordant experi- coffee-cup structure (see Fig. 1c, right image). A strong de-
ments on single-crystal graphite and fibres. crease of E was observed, which is attributed to the poorly
We have developed a method to measure the elastic mod- graphitized structure [13].
ulus of CNTs deposited on a well-polished alumina ultrafil- Electromechanical resonances of carbon nanotubes have
tration membrane [13]. On such a substrate, nanotubes occa- been applied by Poncharal and co-workers [16] to measure
sionally lie over the pores, either with most of the tube in con- the Young’s modulus of MWNTs as a function of the diam-
tact with the membrane surface, or with the tube suspended eter. In this experiment, nanotubes were excited at their res-
over a succession of pores (Fig. 2). Attractive interactions be- onant frequency, which depends on the square root of the
tween the nanotubes and the membrane clamps the tubes to Young’s modulus. A striking decrease of E was observed
the substrate. when the diameter exceeded about 10 nm, in contrast with
A Si3 N4 AFM tip is then used to apply a force and to other static bending experiments using AFM. Rippling of the
measure the resulting deflection of the CNT. Once a sus- compressed side of CNTs has been proposed as the cause
pended nanotube is located with the AFM, we determine of this behaviour. But in that case, why isn’t a crossover
its diameter, suspended length, and deflection midway along observed between the normal compressive mode at low vibra-
the suspended length from a series of images taken at dif- tional amplitude and the rippling mode at higher amplitudes?
ferent loads. The apparent tube width is a convolution of Perhaps the anisotropy of MWNTs induces an unusual dy-
the tube diameter and the tip radius, but the height re- namical behaviour that can explain why a strong decrease of
mains a reliable measure of the tube diameter. The deflection, E is observed.
d, of a beam as a function of the applied load is known The characterisation of SWNT bundles with our clamped-
from small-deformation theory to be d = FL 3 /aE I, where beam method is more difficult than for MWNTs. The bundles
F is the applied force, L is the suspended length, E is the are not always symmetric in cross section, and may be cov-
Young’s modulus, I is the moment of inertia of the beam, ered with amorphous carbon. We checked that the measured
and a = 192 for a clamped beam [14]. For a hollow cylin- diameter was the same on both sides of the hole to verify that
der, I = π(Ro4 − Ri4 )/4; Ro and Ri being the outer and inner the bundle was of uniform size. The regularity of the profile
radii, respectively. We assumed that tubes with long lengths in measured with AFM ensures that the bundle is not covered
contact with the membrane are rigidly clamped, i.e. CNTs are by amorphous carbon beads. The nearly cylindrical shape of
not lifted off the membrane during loading. To minimise the the bundles we measured was verified by direct comparison
uncertainty of the applied force, we calibrated the spring con- with multi-wall nanotubes using the same tip. For small bun-
stant of each AFM cantilever, usually 0.1 N/m, by measuring dles, it is probable that we underestimate the number of tubes.
its resonant frequency. The reversibility of the tube deflection Consequently, the Young’s modulus for small SWNT bundles
and the linearity of the d − F curve show that the nanotube re- may be overestimated. We feel that the problem will be dif-
sponse is linear and elastic, at least at low load and deflection ferent from nested multi-wall or catalytic nanotubes. The low
(Fig. 3). intertube cohesion will facilitate bending of SWNT bundles.
The slope of the curve gives directly the Young’s mod- To model their deformation, one may be tempted to consider
ulus of the CNT once L and Ro are known. The average the SWNTs as being completely independent. The clamped-
value of the Young’s modulus for eleven individual arc-grown beam formula can then be used with the applied force divided
carbon nanotubes was found to be 810 ± 410 GPa, which by the number of tubes in a bundle. Analysing our measure-
should be taken as a minimum value [13]. Our result com- ments in this way, a Young’s modulus higher than 10 TPa
pares favourably with simulations, and with the calculated was calculated for a single tube, which is far higher than the
value for the in-plane modulus of graphite, 1.06 TPa [5]. most optimistic predictions. Clearly, the model must be im-
It is also in agreement with the other AFM-based experi- proved. The deflection of anisotropic beams was considered
ment which used lateral forces to bend MWNTs deposited on by mechanical engineers a long time ago. In fact, the shear
a low-friction-coefficient substrate and clamped at one end in deformation of the beam must be included in addition to the
SiO pads. The average value for six MWNTs, diameters be- pure bending effect. The shear deformation, however, can be
tween 26 and 76 nm, was found to be 1.28 ± 0.59 TPa with neglected for long bundles with a small diameter and thus,

Fig. 2. 3D rendering of an AFM contact-mode image showing a SWNT

bundle lying over a pore on the surface of a polished alumina membrane Fig. 3. Typical deflection-force curve on a SWNT bundle

we measured directly the Young’s modulus, obtaining about modulus, since a geometrical factor is involved in the latter
1 TPa. Using this value, we also extracted the shear modulus parameter. The thickness of a curved graphene sheet is not
for larger bundles, which amounted to ≈ 1 GPa, one order of a well-defined parameter that can be chosen arbitrarily, and
magnitude lower than expected from classical theory [13]. therefore can increase or decrease the Young’s modulus with-
out any variation of the elastic constant. The assumption of
taking 0.34 nm, the thickness of a planar graphene sheet, for
1.3 Irradiation effects on the elastic behaviour of CNTs a single-shell tube seems reasonable but is it really the case?
Yakobson et al. obtained a modulus of 5.5 TPa with a tube
Using the clamped-beam method, we recently started to in- thickness of 0.066 nm [8]. According to recent experiments
vestigate the effects of electron irradiation on the elastic this value of E is probably overestimated, and the thickness
parameters of different types of CNTs. We speculate that of a single shell is probably much closer to 0.34 nm. In fact,
creation of vacancies in a single-shell nanotube may have this value corresponds to the spatial extent of the π orbitals
a strong influence on the elastic modulus (and also the and we believe that it should vary only slightly with the envi-
strength), especially in small-diameter tubes. A critical dens- ronment and with the number of layers.
ity of vacancies may exist, above which a strong decrease of
the modulus occurs. Our goal is in fact to develop different
methods to tailor the mechanical properties of nanotubular 2 CNTs’ strength
carbon structures using irradiation and also selective chemical
treatment. The strength of a material is not as well defined as the
Irradiation effects on mechanical properties of graphite Young’s modulus, because it depends not only on the type of
have been thoroughly studied because of its utilization as material, but also on its history, the atmosphere, the pressure,
moderator in early thermal nuclear reactors [5]. All elastic and the temperature, and the measuring system (fluctuations
constants of graphite are more or less sensitive to irradiation in load can modify the strength). It is intimately linked to
damage. C11 and C12 should change due to the creation of structural defects and imperfections that can be present in the
vacancies in the graphene layers. This was not observed in solid and only in very few cases do materials have strengths
practice, because the density of vacancies needed to signifi- approaching the theoretical limit. It is usual to distinguish be-
cantly modify these constants is too large. During irradiation, tween two kinds of solids associated with two different types
carbon atoms are displaced by knock-on collisions and in- of stress/strain curves. The first one is typical of brittle con-
terstitials are introduced between the layers, which results in ditions and is characterised by the absence of plasticity, i.e.
an expansion of the c-axis lattice parameter. A reduction in the rupture occurs in the elastic regime. The strength is meas-
the interlayer forces is expected, which should reduce C33 ured by the fracture stress σf . Ceramics and glasses usually
(Young’s modulus parallel to the hexagonal axis) and C44 (the exhibit a brittle breaking mechanism. The second behaviour
shear modulus, G, parallel to the basal planes). Experiments is typical of ductile conditions and is encountered in metals
confirm that C33 decreases slightly after irradiation. The most and simple ionic solids. The strength of the material is then
important and rather unexpected change is, however, an in- associated with the yield stress σy when the material ceases to
crease of C44 . In fact, the shear modulus is very sensitive to behave elastically. The strength and the breaking mechanisms
the presence of structural defects in the crystal and especially of a material depend largely on the mobility of dislocations
to basal plane dislocations. C44 in pyrolitic graphite can be and their ability to relax stress concentrations at the flaw
as low as 0.18 GPa, whereas it is about 4.5 GPa in perfect tip [4].
single crystals. After irradiation, the highest value reached is It is frequently observed that the strength of a brittle solid
close to 4 GPa. Different explanations were put forward: one depends on the size of the sample. Graphite whiskers exhibit
is based on dislocation pinning by lattice defects; the second strength as high as 20 GPa, but the typical strength is 1 GPa
on linking of adjacent planes by interstitial groups [5]. for larger fibres [3]. This behaviour is due to the fact that the
In order to check if similar behaviour can be observed in number of flaws is considerably reduced in whiskers. Grif-
CNTs, we have measured the elastic properties of MWNTs fith showed that in brittle solids, fracture occurs through local
and SWNT bundles irradiated by 2-MeV electrons. For a de- decohesion at the tip of an extending sharp crack instead of
fect density lower than 1 displaced atom per 1000, no de- simultaneous bond breaking across the whole fracture plane.
tectable decrease of the Young’s modulus was observed. In This is why real strengths are orders of magnitude lower than
fact, we expected that the shear modulus of ropes would be theoretical ones. With CNTs, we have in hand model systems
modified by irradiation in a similar way to graphite. Our pre- to study the intrinsic strength of a sp2 bonded material and
liminary results show that it may not be the case. It seems that how it relaxes the mechanical energy at high strain.
intertube linking by interstitial atoms is not an efficient way We recall that the temperature is an important parameter
to increase the shear modulus. Cross-linking with covalent in the strength of a material since the motion of dislocations
bonds should be more effective in increasing G. More experi- is thermally activated. Like all covalent materials, CNTs are
ments are needed to confirm this statement. We would like to brittle at low temperature, whatever their diameter and he-
point out that because of the limited precision of the present licity. The flexibility of CNTs at room temperature is not
method only significant modifications can be measured, i.e. due to any plastic deformation but to their high strength and
higher than at least 30 percent. to the unique capability of the hexagonal network to distort
To conclude this section on elastic properties, we think for relaxing stress. This has been demonstrated theoretic-
it is worth emphasising that, when dealing with a two- ally and experimentally. The question that remains is whether
dimensional object such as a single-shell nanotube, it is or not plastic flow can occur at high temperature and what
important to distinguish between the elastic constant and the kind of dislocations are involved. The recent development

of many-body inter-atomic potentials by Tersoff and Brenner is the load transfer efficiency. Indeed, load transfer from ma-
has enabled molecular dynamics simulations on a large num- trix to CNTs plays a key role in the mechanical properties of
ber of atoms at high temperature. This provides interesting composites. If the adhesion between the matrix and the CNTs
results on the mechanism of strain release under tension [17]. is not strong enough to sustain high loads, the benefits of the
Spontaneous formation of double pentagon–heptagon pairs high tensile strength of CNTs are lost. In traditional carbon
were observed in strained nanotubes at high temperature. fibres, surface treatments are always used to improve interfa-
These defects are nucleation centres for dislocations formed cial bonding. The two principal ways of improving adhesion
by a single pentagon–heptagon pair for which the Burgers and shear strength are to increase the surface roughness or
vector is a primitive vector of the Bravais lattice [18, 19]. The the surface reactivity. In the case of single-walled nanotubes,
orientation of the easy-gliding line depends on the tube he- the question of whether they can be functionalised without
licity, therefore, different behaviour should be exhibited at creating too many defects remains open (the effect of chem-
high temperature when a tensile strain is applied along the ical functionalisation on the mechanical properties of CNTs
tube axis. Nardelli and co-workers show explicitly that the has been studied theoretically by Garg and Sinnott, but with-
behaviour of CNTs under tensile strain at high temperature out inclusion of defects [23]). It is possible, however, that
depends on their symmetry and diameter, and they established interfacial bonding between some matrices and as-prepared
a map of their ductile-vs.-brittle behaviour [20]. CNTs is enough to ensure good mechanical properties for the
The bending strength of large-diameter MWNTs was composite.
measured by Wong et al. and an average value of 14.2 ± Let us examine what can be learned from recent experi-
0.8 GPa was calculated [15]. (In graphite fibres, the typi- mental works dealing with this problem. Interesting results
cal value is about 1 GPa [3]). The high bending strength of were obtained on multi-walled nanotubes dispersed in a poly-
CNTs is associated with their high flexibility [21]. We have mer matrix by Wagner et al. [24]. TEM observations of
performed similar experiments using the lateral force of an nanotubes after a tensile test, revealed multiple fragmenta-
AFM tip to compare qualitatively the bending strength of arc- tion occurred which proved a rather good load-transfer and
grown and catalytic CNTs. As expected, the bending strength interfacial shear strength. Lourie and Wagner also observed
is much lower for catalytic CNTs, which contain many de- SWNT bundles under tensile stress in the TEM [25]. Frac-
fects. However, one must be aware of identifying the bending ture of the bundles occurred before shear breaking at the
strength with the tensile maximum stress or the fracture stress matrix–nanotube interface. However, during such an experi-
in such an anisotropic material. One reason for this, is the ment, irradiation damage probably induces a decrease of the
inhomogeneous stress that results from the rippling and buck- nanotube’s strength. Therefore, it is not sure that interfacial
ling of the graphite layer on the compressed side. adhesion is high enough to strain the bundles up to the real
In conclusion, although only bending experiments on breaking strength.
CNTs have been performed so far, CNTs seem to behave as Load transfer in carbon nanotube epoxy composites was
ideal carbon fibres that can be stiff yet flexible, associating studied in both tension and compression by Schadler and
very high modulus with very high strength. Therefore, CNTs co-workers [26]. The strain of CNTs was monitored by the
have great potential for applications requiring high-modulus shift of the second-order Raman peak at 2700 cm−1 . A dif-
high-strength materials. However, detailed characterisation of ference in the Raman shift was observed between tension and
the strength of CNTs in tension is still lacking. It would be compression because of the poor load transfer behaviour of
interesting to investigate the influence of vacancies on the nanotubes in tension compared with compression. The con-
strength of a CNT. A “traction nanomachine” still remains to clusion of the authors is that, in tension, only the outermost
be fabricated with the possibility of in situ characterization nanotube is loaded due to weak interlayer bonding. In that
and modification of the CNTs’ structure. Current progress in case, we might expect a broadening of the Raman peak since
nanotechnology is very rapid and no doubt this will be pos- the inner tubes should give an unshifted peak at 2700 cm−1 .
sible in the future. A question raised by this conclusion: why is the same be-
haviour not seen in highly graphitised macroscopic carbon
fibres? Is the interlayer adhesion very different between two
3 CNT composites shells of a MWNT and two graphene layers in a graphitised
carbon fibre? Recent nanotribological experiments suggest
The high modulus and the low weight of carbon fibres make that adhesion forces may depend on the atomic registry be-
them ideal reinforcing agents in a variety of composite ma- tween two graphene layers. In the absence of registry (tur-
terials used in the aircraft and sports industries. It is worth bostratic stacking) adhesion and friction are decreased [27].
recalling that the parameter that should be maximized for This could be the reason for the different shearing behavior
structural applications involving flexural loading is E/ρ2 , ρ between CNTs and bulk graphite. It could also explain the
being the density [22]. In effect, the deflection of a beam relatively low shear modulus of SWNT ropes that we meas-
is d = Fl 3 /3E I, and the mass of the beam is M = l A0 ρ = ured [13]. It seems that anisotropy of MWNT and SWNT
(4l 5 F/d )(ρ2 /E)1/2 . For a given stiffness F/d, we have a min- ropes is not an advantage for composites. For this reason, it
imum of mass when E/ρ2 is a maximum. This justifies the would be interesting to induce cross-linking between adjacent
use of carbon or SiC fibres in metal matrix composites. It is shells to increase the strength and the intra-tube load-transfer
important to be able to predict the mechanical properties of efficiency.
a composite as a function of the component properties and Despite the obstacles that face the development of nano-
their geometric arrangement. However, to take real advan- tube-based composites, the good load transfer measured be-
tage of the high Young’s modulus and high strength of CNTs, tween a matrix and CNTs is very encouraging for the future.
a number of conditions have to be fulfilled, and among them The problems of intratube load transfer in MWNTs and shear-

insights and discussions, Revathi Bacsa (IGA-EPFL), Thierry Stora and

Claus Duschl (LCPM-EPFL) for their help in the development of the pu-
rification procedures; Sándor Pekker (Budapest) for discussions on CNT
functionalisation. The electron microscopy was performed at the Centre In-
terdépartemental de Microscopie Electronique of EPFL. Financial support
was provided by the Swiss National Science Foundation.


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Karine Méténier, Sylvie Bonnamy, and François Béguin (CNRS-CRMD (1998)
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