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Lighting V - Economics

Slide 1: Lighting V
Welcome to Lighting V - Economics

Slide 2: Welcome
For best viewing results, we recommend that you maximize your browser window now. The screen controls allow you
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course. Click the attachments link to download supplemental information for this course. Click the Notes tab to read a
transcript of the narration.

Slide 3: Objectives
At the completion of this course, you should be able to

Describe the four principles for energy efficient lighting

Identify the two lighting design methods
Define the Fundamental Law of Illumination

Slide 4: Introduction
Lighting is frequently a large proportion of the energy consumption in buildings and can be a significant cost in
industrial spaces too.

Projects to improve the energy efficiency of lighting are among some of the lowest risk, highest payback projects that
an energy manager can select. To select and justify those projects, energy managers need to be able to show how
the changes will impact the consumption and present the financial benefits. In this class we’ll see a number of ways
to make simple evaluations of lighting projects.

Before you take this class, you will need a basic understanding of electrical fundamentals such as demand, power
and energy. You will also need to understand energy rate structures. Please see our classes on these topics if you
need them as pre-requisites.

Slide 5: Principles for Energy Efficient Lighting

Let’s revisit the four principles for energy efficient lighting that we learned about in the first Lighting class

Determine the appropriate Amount, Quality and Distribution of light

Select efficient luminaires
Use lighting controls
Commission and maintain systems properly

Slide 6: Light Amount, Quality, & Distribution

In the previous classes, we learned that an energy efficient space needs the right amount, quality, and distribution of

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Energy efficiency means that we accomplish the required results with the use of less energy. It does not mean that
we compromise needs in order to save kilowatt hours.

The right amount is important not only because too much light will consume more energy than necessary, but also
because over-lighting can be as detrimental to safety, productivity and visual comfort as under-lighting.

The quality of light is also important. An operating theater will have different needs than an intimate restaurant. A
design studio, office, art gallery, retail boutique, or school will all have different requirements to be met, regarding the
trueness of colors and the warmth or coolness of the light.

Lastly, the distribution of light considers whether we are lighting horizontal surfaces such as desks in a schoolroom,
or vertical surfaces such as walls in an exhibition center. It also considers whether the distribution should be even or
uneven. Parking lots and warehouses tend to require even, uniform lighting. In stores or restaurants, areas of high
and low light provide highlights of products and intimacy within a space.

Slide 7: Select Efficient Luminaires

The first principle is closely linked to the second principle, which is “select efficient luminaires”. The luminaire is the
light source in a fixture, and includes all of the auxiliary gear that helps it do its job. Reflectors, diffusers, current
regulating devices, and mounting hardware are all part of the luminaire.

The required quality and distribution of light drives the selection of the right light source and luminaire. Within the
choices available to satisfy these requirements, some will be more efficient than others, as we saw when we learned
about different lamp families.

Choosing the luminaire and light source in turn affects calculating the number of luminaires that will be required to
provide the right amount of light.

Slide 8: Select Efficient Luminaires

There are two lighting design methods to determine the lighting levels in a room.

The first is the lumen method which is a fairly simple method that assumes the lighting is evenly distributed
throughout the room. It’s sometimes called the zonal capacity method. This method is described in full in our class
Lighting VI: Calculating How Many Lamps with the Lumen Method.

The second is the point method, which analyses the illuminance, usually from a single fixture, at a specific point on a
horizontal surface. Nowadays, lighting designs incorporating multiple fixtures with the point method are generally
done with the support of computer programs.

Slide 9: Select Efficient Luminaires

The point method depends on the fundamental law of illumination, which is also called the inverse square law of

Click here to learn more about this law in SI units. Click here to learn in US units.

Slide 10: Select Efficient Luminaires

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This law can be expressed by this formula:

E = I/d2


E is the illuminance in lux

I is the luminous intensity of the light source in lumens
d is the distance from the light source to the surface in metres

This chart shows how varying the distance from a light source of 100 lumens affects the illuminance of a surface.
You can see the inverse square relationship very clearly – if we change the distance, the light level does not vary

Let’s explore this further.

Use the formula to calculate the illuminance of a light source providing 100 lumens at a distance of 3 metres. Then
calculate the result for a distance of 1.5 metres. Click here when you are ready.

Slide 11: Select Efficient Luminaires

Here are the two calculations:

At a distance of 3 metres, the light source provides 11 lux. If that distance is halved, reduced to 1.5 metres, the
illuminance is multiplied by 4, to 44 lux.

Slide 12: Select Efficient Luminaires

This law can be expressed by this formula:

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E = I/d2


E is the illuminance in footcandles

I is the luminous intensity of the light source in lumens
d is the distance from the light source to the surface in feet

This chart shows how varying the distance from a light source of 100 lumens affects the illuminance of a surface.
You can see the inverse square relationship very clearly – if we change the distance, the light level does not vary

Let’s explore this further.

Use the formula to calculate the illuminance of a light source providing 100 lumens at a distance of 10 feet. Then
calculate the result for a distance of 5 feet. Click here when you are ready.

Slide 13: Select Efficient Luminaires

Here are the two calculations:

Notice that at a distance of 10 feet, the light source provides 1 footcandle. If that distance is halved, the illuminance
is multiplied by 4, to 4 footcandles.

Slide 14: Select Efficient Luminaires

This is why in environments with high ceilings, lowering the height of fixtures can provide the same level of lighting
with fewer lamps and much less energy consumption. Another option is to provide a general level of background
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lighting at the room level and supplement it with task lighting on workbenches or desks.

Slide 15: Select Efficient Luminaires

In environments that are over-lit it may be possible to reduce consumption by removing some lamps. Take care that
the distribution of light in the space is not adversely affected.

Slide 16: Select Efficient Luminaires

Light levels can be determined by taking readings with a simple light meter. Note that light level readings should be
taken at task level, typically 100 cm or 36 in above floor level. Readings should be taken from several places around
the room and combined by averaging them.

Slide 17: Select Efficient Luminaires

In situations where new fixtures can be installed, the efficiency of the fixture should form part of the overall
evaluation. Even when fixtures can’t be replaced, it might be possible to improve their efficiency by retrofitting

Advanced reflector technology ensures a greater amount of light directly from a fitting. You can literally use half the
number of fluorescent tubes in a fixture to get the same lighting result. Efficient reflectors are based on two ideas.
The first is using highly reflective materials. Painted surfaces scatter and absorb light. Efficient reflectors incorporate
materials that reflect with little light loss.


The second element is the shape of the reflector. Within an inefficient fixture, as much as 70% of the light from a
fluorescent tube is directed sideways and upwards within the fitting. Efficient reflector designs are shaped to direct
the maximum amount of light downwards.


Slide 18: Select Efficient Luminaires

With a more efficient fixture, it may be possible to use fewer lamps, or lamps with a lower light output. As lighting

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technology improves, it may be possible to replace older lamps and ballasts with newer ones that have higher

Incandescent lamps may be candidates for replacement with compact fluorescent lamps or metal halide
Older fluorescent lamps may be upgraded to newer ones.
Magnetic ballasts may be upgraded to electronic ballasts.
Older metal halide lamps, especially probe start, may be upgraded to newer ones.
LEDs may be used in areas with very long burning times or in areas that are inconvenient to access

Let’s ensure that we can make good estimates of the savings that might result from a lighting project that depends on
a lower wattage installation.

Slide 19: Calculate the Savings

A building with 1,700 four-lamp electromagnetically-ballasted fluorescent fixtures with 34 watt lamps is to be
renovated with an equivalent number of similar fixtures with T-8 lamps and electronic ballasts. Given the following
information what would be the annual savings.

Existing fixture input power = 144 W

New fixture input power = 112 W
Operating duration = 3400 hours per year

Here are the details of the marginal cost of electricity. Demand is charged at 9€ per kW and energy is charged at
0.05€ per kWh. There is a local utility tax of 5%.

Can you calculate the savings from this project? Try it now. Click here if you need a hint. When you are ready,
download the worked solution from the attachments tab.

Calculate the demand reduction in kW
Calculate the energy reduction in kWh
Calculate the annual value of those savings before tax
Calculate and add the tax

Slide 20: Calculate the Savings

Calculate the demand reduction in kW
Calculate the energy reduction in kWh
Calculate the annual value of those savings before tax
Calculate and add the tax

Slide 21: Lower Wattage Example

The demand reduction can be found by taking the number of fixtures, times the difference between existing power
demand and new power demand, and converting into kilowatts.

The energy savings are equal to the demand reduction multiplied by the annual hours of operation.

Then we can use the tariff data to calculate the annual value of those savings. This is in two parts – the cost of
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demand, and the cost of energy.

Finally we can add on the tax.

Slide 22: Select Efficient Luminaires

Notice that these calculations used the marginal cost of energy. This is the cost of the last unit of energy on the tariff
– which is important in block rate structures where the first block of energy consumed has a different price than the
last block of energy.

Slide 23: Select Efficient Luminaires

Also, this analysis assumes that you can take advantage of a reduction in peak demand. This is often the case, since
lighting tends to be on at the same time as other equipment that contributes to peak demand. In this chart, the green
area relates to demand from other equipment. The red area is the demand from lighting that will still exist after the
project, and the yellow area is the demand reduction. You can see that there is a reduction in the overall peak

However, if for some reason some other equipment sets a peak at a different time of day or month, which is higher
than the contribution of the lighting, the project will not gain the estimated savings in peak demand. We see this here
– even when the yellow area is removed from the chart, the green area is still a higher peak.

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Slide 24: Use Lighting Controls

As we saw in Lighting I, lighting controls provide a number of ways of reducing the number of hours that lights are on,
consuming energy. Dimming is another way that consumption can be reduced. Let’s work through a couple of

Slide 25: Use Lighting Controls

There are a range of solutions to help ensure lights are turned off when not in use:

The manual on-off switch works, but relies on people remembering to use it. Automated methods are more reliable.

Occupancy sensors detect presence and turn lamps off and on automatically. In offices, the savings are often from
25% to 50%. In rest rooms, conference rooms and storage areas the savings can be 75% or more.

Timers can turn lights on and off according to a schedule, or they can be turned on by a user and turned off
automatically by the timer.

Keycard controls can turn off lights after a guest leaves a hotel room.

Twilight switches can turn lights on at dusk and off at dawn.

Daylight harvesting can be applied to vary artificial lighting levels to benefit from available natural light.

Building management systems can handle complex lighting schedules and incorporate the other solutions already

Slide 26: Use Lighting Controls

A storage room with three two-lamp fluorescent fixtures each drawing 56W is studied to determine the occupancy

It is found that each day, the room is accessed four times, and half the time the lights are accidentally left on.
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A vendor proposes to install an occupancy sensor and estimates that the operating hours for the lamps in the storage
room will be reduced by an average of 3 hours per day. How much will this save annually, if the facility operates 5
days per week and pays 6c per kilowatt hour?

Can you calculate the savings from this project? Try it now. When you are ready, look at the worked solution in the
file you downloaded from the attachments link at the top of your screen.

Slide 27: Storage Room Lighting

To answer this question we need to calculate the annual reduction in operating hours, like this.

Then we can determine the annual energy savings.

Finally we can calculate the value of the savings.

Occupancy sensors, twilight switches and timers can thus provide substantial savings at low cost and risk. Consider
the lighting for a parking lot. If each day the operator misjudges when to turn it on and off by one hour, the
opportunity for saving that energy is clear.

Slide 28: Use Lighting Controls

Dimmers are often used for setting the mood, but they can save money too. Some spaces do not need to be lit at full
brightness all the time, and quite simply, whenever you dim a lamp you’re using less energy to run it.

Not all lamps can be dimmed, so it will depend on the type of lamp and ballast that is installed.

Slide 29: Use Lighting Controls

Imagine an auditorium that needs full lighting for cleaning but also uses dimmers to make the space more
aesthetically pleasing. The space has 3000 watts of lighting, which is in use 6 hours per day, five days per week,
excluding the cleaning time. When in general use the lighting can be dimmed by 60%. What would the savings be if
the site pays 8.5¢ per kilowatt hour?

Try to solve this problem yourself, then click to proceed when you are ready.

Slide 30: Auditorium Savings

To answer this question we need to calculate the annual operating hours at the dimmed level, like this.

Then we can determine the annual energy savings.

Finally, we can calculate the value of the savings.

Slide 31: Commission & Maintain Systems Properly

The fourth principle is to commission and maintain systems properly.

The savings from a lighting project may not be realized if the owner, facility operations team or the building occupants
do not understand the system. Users may override timers for one-time reasons and then forget to remove the
override. A poorly installed occupancy sensor may be annoying and may be disabled by the user, rather than
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corrected. Proper commissioning and maintenance prevents this.

A practice that can help to reduce maintenance costs is group relamping. Instead of replacing lamps as they burn
out, one at a time, group relamping calculates an interval for replacing all the lamps, usually at 70% of life. The labor
savings from organizing the replacement of all the lamps together is typically much more than the cost of discarding
some lamps prematurely. In Lighting I we showed how to calculate the benefits of this.

Cleaning is also important to ensure that dirt does not compromise the performance of a luminaire.

Slide 32: Summary

Now, let’s review some of the information that we have covered throughout this course:

The four principles for energy efficient lighting are:

Determine the appropriate Amount, Quality and Distribution of light

Select efficient luminaires
Use lighting controls
Commission and maintain systems properly

The amount, quality and distribution of light controls the choice of a suitable lighting technology.

Within that technology, efficient luminaires should be selected. The choice of luminaire then affects the number of
luminaires required to provide the right amount of light.

There are two lighting design methods:

Lumen method, also called zonal cavity method, which assumes that lighting is evenly distributed throughout a room.

Point method, which deals with illuminance, usually from a specific fixture, at a specific point on a horizontal surface.

Slide 33: Summary

The Fundamental Law of Illumination says that the illuminance of a light source depends on the luminous intensity
and the inverse square of the distance from the light source to the surface.

E = I/d2

Reducing distance by lowering fixtures or providing task lighting can reduce energy costs.

Over-lit areas may be able to save energy by removing some lamps.

Light level readings should be taken at the work plane level in several places in a space and combined.

Reflectors improve the efficiency of luminaires and may be a retrofit option.

Slide 34: Summary

Lower wattage lamps and ballasts should be considered.
© 2012 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.

Incandescent lamps may be candidates for replacement with compact fluorescent lamps or metal halide
Older fluorescent lamps may be upgraded to newer ones.
Magnetic ballasts may be upgraded to electronic ballasts.
Older metal halide lamps, especially probe start, may be upgraded to newer ones.
LEDs may be used in areas with very long burning times or in areas that are inconvenient to access

Lighting controls include

Occupancy sensors
Keycard controls
Twilight switches
Daylight harvesting, and
Building management systems

Slide 35: Summary

Remember when calculating savings to use the marginal cost of energy, and analyse if there is a reduction in peak

Group relamping is a method to make savings during maintenance.

Slide 36: Thank You!

Thank you for participating in this course!

Slide 37: Slide 37

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