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Monday, January 18th

Today’s Announcements:
✓ On Thursday, students will be building an igloo. This igloo can be out of whatever
material you choose. Popular materials are plasticine, marshmallows, clay, cotton
balls or sugar cubes. Plasticine was sent home on Friday for this purpose, but if
you would like to use a different material, you are welcome to!
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:15 Language Arts: Writing: Writing Our Opinions of Books
We’ve touched on this briefly, but we will return to this idea over the
next couple of lessons. We’re going to talk a bit more about writing
about our opinions of books. Maybe there’s a book you’ve read lately
that you really liked. Or one you didn’t like. And you have your reasons
for liking or disliking that book. That is your opinion and today we’re going
to write about it! There are some things in particular I want you to think
about if you’re going to write about a book. These things are:
characters, favourite parts, pictures, covers, and titles.
9:15-10:05 Independent Work Time
Students can:
- Write an opinion letter about a book. Consider writing about your
opinion of characters, favourite parts, pictures, covers, or titles.
- Teach their reader about the topic, especially if it’s one that isn’t
very well known.
- Include examples in their writing by using the phrase “for example.”
- Develop an opinion on a specific topic, supported with evidence.
- Write a letter explaining and defending their position.
Have a conversation to build up the energy/enthusiasm to start writing.
10:05-10:15 Share
Students will have the opportunity to share their writing.
10:15-10:30 Whole Group Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North
We’ll be starting a new read-aloud! This one is a personal favourite: The
Very, Very Far North. As we get into this book, we may attempt some
activities related to the story.
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:10 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
11:10-12:10 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!

✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the computer
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Science: North and South Poles
Magnets have poles! We call these poles the north and south pole. When it
comes to poles, opposites attract! When you put a north pole and a
south pole together, they’ll attract! If you try putting two north poles
or two south poles together, they will repel each other.
1:35-1:50 Science Independent Work Time: Label Poles
Take two magnets at home. Can you figure out which is the north pole
and which is the south pole of each magnet? If you can, label them!
1:50-2:00 Science: Magnetism is a strong force!
We will be making another t-chart! This time, we will make a t-chart
showing materials that magnets can and cannot pull through. If a
material allows the magnetic force to pass through it, we can feel the
magnets attract each other even when placed on different sides of the
2:00-2:35 Science: Experiment Time!
Students will experiment and create their t-chart of materials that the
magnetic force can go through.
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Ishika
2:45-2:55: Holden
2:55-3:05: Domeiko
3:05-3:15: Linnèa
3:15-3:25: Alec
Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 A picture of the writing your child completed today.
 Picture of north and south poles on your magnets
 T-chart of materials that a magnetic force can and cannot go through

Tuesday, January 19th
8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:15 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would the computer
include recording yourself reading a book on RAZ just in case I call.
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games
(Teach Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape,
ABCYA, etc.)
10:15-10:30 Whole Class Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North
We will continue to read about the adventures of Duane the polar bear

10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break

11:05-11:15 Math Mini-Lesson: Representing Three-Digit Numbers with pictures
We will revisit representing numbers with pictures of base 10 blocks,
making note of the difference between a 100 flat and a 1 unit when
11:15-11:45 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages 1 and 2 in their math booklet. With remaining
time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play math
games on the class website or Prodigy.
11:45-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Representing Three-Digit Numbers with Words
We will review the words for numbers 1-9 as well as multiples of 10 to one
hundred. Then, students will complete the matching on pages 3 and 4,
matching the number to the words.
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages 3 and 4 in their math booklet. With
remaining time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play
math games on the class website or Prodigy.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:30 Science: Covering Magnets

Today we will be looking at how magnets can be affected if we cover
them in household materials. For this experiment you will need a magnet,
some paper clips or other objects the magnet will attract, and at least
three of the following: tin foil, fabric (of varying thicknesses), wax paper,
plastic wrap, paper, etc. To complete this experiment, you will see if
wrapping the magnet up in the material has any impact on its magnetic
1:30-2:00 Science: Experiment Time: Covering Magnets
Students will complete the experiment outlined above.
2:00 *We will be ending science a bit early today as we are already nearing the
end of our unit on Magnetism! We’ll pick back up with a couple of new
experiments next week!
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Andreas
2:45-2:55: Callen
2:55-3:05: Zachery
3:05-3:15: Saphera
3:15-3:25: Mara-Jade
Work to be Submitted
 Evidence of mastery of their reading or writing snap level (if mastery has been
 Math pages 1-4
 A picture or video of you completing the covering magnets experiment.

Wednesday, January 20th

8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:05 Language Arts: Reading Mini-Lesson:
Overview of what our reading time will look like.
9:05-10:15 Independent Work Time One-on-one
Suggested allotment: reading time!
✓ 20-30 minutes of reading to self, reading to Stay close to
someone, or listening to reading (this would include the
recording yourself reading a book on RAZ Kids). computer
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing reading snap words just in case I
✓ 5-15 minutes of practicing writing snap words call.
✓ 0-15 minutes playing literacy-based games (Teach
Your Monster to Read, Dreamscape, ABCYA, etc.)
10:15-10:30 Whole Class Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North

10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break

11:05-11:20 Language Arts: Writing: Publishing Our Opinions for All to Read
Just like with our fiction and information stories, our letters need to be
published too! Today, you will be picking a letter that you want to publish.
Remember, before you publish your letter, take some time to make
sure it’s the BEST opinion letter you’ve ever written! Here are some ideas
of things you can do to make sure it’s the best opinion letter:
- If your opinion letter is about a book, consider writing about your
opinion of characters, favourite parts, pictures, covers, or titles.
- Teach their reader about the topic, especially if it’s one that isn’t
very well known.
- Include examples in your writing by using the phrase “for example.”
- Develop an opinion on a specific topic, supported with evidence.
Write a letter explaining and defending their position.
11:20-12:10 Independent Work Time
Students will work on publishing their letter. This will be the only day to
work on publishing our letters.
12:10-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Social Studies: The Importance and Symbolism of Flags
A flag is a national symbol that represents our country, province,
territory, or city. Each flag has a story and often important symbols or
ideas behind it. Can you tell which flag is the flag of Canada? What region
do you think the other flag represents? We will briefly discuss the
symbols seen in the flag of Nunavut.
1:35-1:45 Social Studies – Colouring
Students will colour in the flags of Canada and Nunavut. Please use the
examples provided (or Google image search) so you can make sure the
flags are coloured correctly.
1:45-2:00 Social Studies – Explore Iqaluit!
Here are a couple of neat videos to explore Iqaluit. What kinds of things
do you notice that are similar to Lethbridge? What do you notice that is
different? Maybe you want to make a list! (watch first) (watch second)
2:00-2:15 Social Studies – Share Observations
We will share some of the things we observed from the videos of Iqaluit,
including similarities and differences. We will reflect upon the following
- Why are there colourful houses in Iqaluit?

- Why are there no trees?
- Why are the houses on stilts?
What do you think it would be like to live there?
2:15-2:35 Social Studies: Travel Journal Entry
Lots of frequent travelers have what they call a travel journal. This is
where they can write down what they do, things they notice, and other
ideas. These travel journals can include pictures too. Sometimes they are
digital and sometimes they are hand written. In your journal today, I
want you to reflect on what you saw flying in and driving around Iqaluit.
You might want to talk about some of the observations we discussed or
the answers to some of the reflection questions
2:35-3:25 Family Check-Ins
2:35-2:45: Olivia
2:45-2:55: Paulinda
2:55-3:05: Harper
3:05-3:15: Macey
3:15-3:25: Eloise
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 A picture of the Canadian and Nunavut flags coloured
 Travel journal entry

Thursday, January 21st

8:30-9:00 Physical Education & Parent Meeting
Students are expected to be completing physical activity of some sort
during this time. Stuck? Check out our class website under the “Physical
Education” tab.
Parents, please be logged on to TEAMs prior to 8:30. Our meeting will likely
be wrapped up by 8:45.
9:00-9:10 Language Arts: Writing: Writing Nominations for Book Awards
Today we are going to use our opinion writing strategies for something
different! Did you know that books can win awards? They do, all the time!
Who gives these awards? Judges do. Today you are going to write a
letter to a judge and argue why you think that particular book should
win an award. First, let’s take some time today selecting possible
nominees. Find some of your favourite books at home and read them
again (in part or in whole) to refresh your memory and look at them
through your new lens. Pick which book you’d like to nominee. Perhaps, as
you read, you want to write down some of your ideas about why you’d
like to nominate your book.
9:10-10:15 Independent Work Time
Students will re-read through some books at home with the goal of
selecting one to nominate for a book award. They will brainstorm ideas
of why that book should be nominated.
10:15-10:30 Whole Group Read-Aloud: The Very, Very Far North
10:30-11:05 Snack and Physical Activity Break
11:05-11:15 Math Mini-Lesson: Giving Value to Digits
In this lesson, students will learn to give value to each digit in a three-
digit number. For example, in the number 492, the value of the 4 is
actually 400, the 9 is 90 and the 2 is 2. This is because in this number,
there are four hundreds (we would need four flats (hundreds) when
building this number, nine tens (with a value of 90) and two ones.
Students will need to give the value of the digit that is underlined.
11:15-11:45 Math Independent Work Time
Students will work on pages 5 and 6 in their math booklet. With remaining
time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play math
games on the class website or Prodigy.
11:45-11:55 Math Mini-Lesson: Comparing Three-Digit Numbers
We have done lots of work comparing two digit numbers, now it’s time to
increase the challenge and compare three digit numbers! Remember to
use the less than (<), greater than (>) and equal to (=) symbols.
11:55-12:25 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete page 7 in their math booklet. With remaining time,
students are encouraged to practice math facts or play math games
on the class website or Prodigy.
12:25-1:20 Snack and Physical Activity Break
1:20-1:35 Social Studies: Inuit in the Early Days
We will have a discussion about traditional clothing, food, and shelter of
the Inuit people, creating a mind map as we go.
1:35-2:35 Social Studies: Build an Igloo
Have fun building an igloo! Here are some ideas to help you come up with how to
create your igloo:

2:35-2:45, Miss Bourassa’s Office Hours

3:15-3:25 Feel free to connect with me if you have any questions or concerns! I will
be busy from about 2:45-3:15 but will respond as soon as I can once I am
Work to be Submitted
 A picture of the writing your child has completed today.
 Math pages 5, 6, and 7
 A picture of your child’s completed mind map
 A picture of your igloo!

Friday, January 22nd

8:30-8:45 Math Mini-Lesson: A New Addition Strategy: Base 10 Blocks
Here’s another strategy to add two-digit numbers! Now that we are
familiar with base-10 blocks, we can use them to add up numbers! When
we are adding, we need to break each number into its tens and ones.
Then, we can add up the ones and tens separately. Remember, if there
are at least 10 ones when you add the total, they make a ten and need
to join the 10s!
8:35-9:15 Math Independent Work Time
Students will complete pages 8 and 9 in their math booklet. With
remaining time, students are encouraged to practice math facts or play
math games on the class website or Prodigy.
9:15-10:00 Fact Friday
Suggested allotment:
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing facts (flashcards, XtraMath, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes practicing tricky facts using a strategy
(manipulatives, fingers, number line, etc.)
✓ 10-15 minutes returning to practice facts (flashcards, XtraMath,
fact-focused game, etc.) to help consolidate practice
✓ 0-15 minutes playing Prodigy or another math game (not
necessarily focused on facts)
10:00-10:15 Snack and Physical Activity Break
10:15-11:35 Art & Resource Exchange
Stay tuned to our ClassDojo for what our art project will be this week!

At some point during this time, please make your way to your child’s
home school to pick up their package of supplies for next week!
Work to be Submitted
 Math pages 8 and 9
 A picture of your child’s art project
 Evidence of Fact Friday activities
 Your child’s reading log for the week

Writing next week (Monday):
Language Arts: Writing: Writing Nominations
Yesterday we began brainstorming reasons why selected books might be
nominated for an award. Hopefully by now you have an idea of which
book you’d like to nominate. Let’s ask ourselves the question: what do
judges need to know about this nominee to understand why it deserves
an award? We need to make our case using details and evidence. It’s time
to start our nomination draft!
Independent Work Time
Students will begin to write their first draft of their nomination letter.

Social Studies next week (Wednesday):

1:20-1:35 Social Studies: The Northern Lights
We will watch a video of the Northern Lights and talk a bit about them.

1:35-1:45 Social Studies: Explore Inuktitut: The Language of the Inuit

Remember the Frobisher Inn? It was one of the places we could stay in
Iqaluit! The Frobisher Inn has a neat website that can teach us a little
bit of Inuktitut. Check it out here:
What words will you learn?
1:45-2:05 Social Studies: Practice Inuktitut
Students will take some time to practice some Inuktitut words.
2:00-2:15 Social Studies – Game
We will practice our Inuktitut on each other—seeing if one another can
figure out what we are trying to say!
2:15-2:35 Social Studies: Inuktitut: The Written Language
Check out this cool website where you can try to write your name in
Keep in mind that their language has different sounds than English does,
so you might have to go with the closest sounds rather than making it
perfectly! Can you write your name in Inuktitut? What about your
parents’ names? Are their other words you could try to write?

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