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Simran Dhesi
CLC Journal #6

Progress I have made during this past week:

During the week of January 10th to 15th I made a lot of progress in my capstone project. This week
as mentioned in my goals I created around 5 posters to post on my instagram that represented all
my research. I also researched more on topics that I found interesting such as stress and anxiety.
Moreover, I tried my hardest to gain more followers.

January 11th = 3 hours - researched on topics such as stress and mental health, created 1 poster
about physical activity and posted it on my instagram with additional information on my blog +
worked out
January 12th = 2 hours - created 2 posters about healthy eating habits and water(posted on
instagram with addition info on blog) + worked out
January 13th = 1 hour -created 2 more poster about why a healthy diet is important and tips
(posted it on my instagram + other information on my blog )
January 15th = 1 hour and 30 minutes - wrote my journal +worked out

What I need to move forward with my capstone:

For my capstone I will continue to create and post more posters (5 more) on my instagram and
additional information on my blog. I will also need to post all my videos that I did not post this
week. Additionally, I will start to create my final presentation to present my capstone as well as
start to write my reflection paper.

Obstacles I have encountered and how I've moved forward:

Obstacles that I encountered this week were being able to manage my time well. Even though I was
able to create more posters than I had planned in my goals last week, I failed to put up a video on
my instagram due to my busy schedule. The way I will encounter this is by posting at least one video
in the beginning of the week so I have enough time to learn how to do so.

Obstacles I can foresee in my next steps:

Obstacles that I can foresee in my next steps is being able to promote all the information that I
researched in a creative way and gaining more followers on my instagram page. I have noticed that
my number of followers on my instagram have stable but I wish to gain many more followers in the
next week. On the other hand, I have noticed an increase of visits on my blog page so I believe
many people are looking at the additional information I post.
Simran Dhesi

The skills I've used and what I've learned:

The skills that I used this week were creativity and personal awareness. I used creativity when
creating all my posters. I also used personal awareness while following my diet plan and workout

My goals and deadlines for the next week:

My goal for the next week is to create at least 5 posters and post at 2-4 videos. The posters that I
will be creating will focus on stress (what is stress, how to deal with stress, why is stress bad),
relaxation techniques, and more about why physical activity is important. The videos that I will be
posting are related to physical activity. I would like to post at least 1 poster on my instagram along
with additional info on my blog everyday and post at least 1 video in the beginning of the week and
one before January 22nd. I would also like to start working on my reflection paper by January 18th
and have it completed by January 23rd.

My evidence of progress:
Here is a screenshot of the posters that I posted this week on my instagram:
Simran Dhesi

Hours Devoted to Capstone Project:

TOTAL HOURS POSTED ON LAST JOURNAL 35 hours and 45 minutes


TOTAL HOURS USED TOWARD CAPSTONE 42 hours and 45 minutes

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