SECTION 15954 Hvac Systems Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing

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A. Section Includes:
1. Heating, ventilation, hydronic, and air conditioning systems testing, adjusting,
and balancing.

B. Related Sections:
1. Section 01756 - Testing, Training, and Facility Start-Up.


A. Associated Air Balance Council (AABC):

1. National Standards for Field Measurements and Instrumentation, Total System
Balance, Air Distribution-Hydronic Systems.

B. National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB):

1. Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of Environmental

C. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association, Incorporated

1. Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems - Testing, Adjusting, and


A. Procure the services of an independent air balance and testing agency belonging to
and in good standing with the Associated Air Balance Council or the National
Environmental Balancing Bureau to perform air and hydronic balancing, testing, and
adjustment of building and process air conditioning, heating, and ventilating air

B. The Work Includes: Balancing new air and hydronic systems installed as part of this
contract and existing air and hydronic systems affected by the installation of new

C. Perform testing of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment, balancing of

distribution systems, and adjusting of air terminal units and ductwork accessories to
ensure compliance with Specifications and Drawings. Perform Tests for Following:
1. Air conditioning units.
2. Heat pump units.
3. Central station air handlers.
4. Evaporative coolers.
5. Heating units.
6. Fans.

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7. Odor scrubber fans.
8. Condensors.
9. Air terminal units.
10. Ductwork accessories.
11. Ducting.
12. HVAC controls.
13. Other specified HVAC equipment.

D. Test hydronic systems, and adjust and record liquid flow at each piece of equipment
to ensure compliance with Specifications and the Drawings. Perform test for
1. Circulating pumps.
2. Circuit balancing valves.
3. Three-way temperature control valves.
4. Hot water coils.
5. Pump discharge valves.
6. Other specified hydronic system components.

E. Test each mode of operation of thermostats, electronic controllers, and pneumatic,

electric or electronic heating, ventilating, and air conditioning instruments to ensure
operation as specified.

F. Test and adjust room distribution patterns at air outlets.

G. Provide instruments required for testing, adjusting, and balancing operations; retain
possession of instruments; remove instruments from site at completion of services.

H. Make instruments available to the ENGINEER to facilitate spot checks during


I. Provide test holes for pressure and pitot flow measurements; provide plugs for all
test holes after testing.


A. Test, balance, and adjust environmental systems in accordance with either:

1. AABC: National Standards for Field Measurements and Instrumentation, Total
Systems Balance, Air Distribution-Hydronics System.
2. NEBB: Procedural Standards for Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing of
Environmental Systems.

B. Perform services under direction of AABC or NEBB certified supervisor.

C. Calibrate and maintain instruments in accordance with requirements of standards.

Make calibration histories of instruments available for examination.

D. Make measurements in accordance with accuracy requirements of standards.

E. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Performance Requirements:

1. Comply with procedural standards of certifying association.
2. Execute each step of prescribed testing, balancing, and adjusting procedures
without omission.
3. Accurately record required data.

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4. Make measurements in accordance with recognized procedures and practices
of certifying association.
5. Measure air volume discharged at each outlet and adjust air outlets to design
air volumes within 5 percent over.


A. Resumes of proposed supervisor and personnel showing training and qualifications.

B. Interim Reports: At least 30 days prior to starting field work, submit the following:
1. Set of report forms filled out as to design flow values and installed equipment
pressure drops, and required cubic feet per minute for air terminals.
2. Develop heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system schematic similar to
Figure 6-1 in SMACNA Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing.
3. Complete list of instruments proposed to be used, organized in appropriate
categories, with data sheets for each showing:
a. Manufacturer and model number.
b. Description and use when needed to further identify instrument.
c. Size or capacity range.
d. Latest calibration date.

C. Final Report: At least 15 days prior to CONTRACTOR's request for final inspection,
submit three copies of final reports, on applicable reporting forms. Include:
1. Identify instruments which were used and last date of calibration of each.
2. Procedures followed to perform testing, adjusting, and balancing.
3. Identification and succinct description of systems included in report.
4. Initial balance test results made with all dampers and air control devices in full
open positions.
5. Description of final locations and sizes, including opening area and
dimensioned configuration of orifices and other restrictions used to achieve
final balanced flows.
6. Description of final location and opening positions of dampers, registers,
louvers, and valves.
7. Schematics of systems included in report; use schematics as part of testing,
adjusting, and balancing report to summarize design and final balanced flows.
8. Testing, adjusting, and balancing report forms.
9. Final field results established for system balancing including air flow, fan
speeds and fan static pressures at the fan inlet and outlet.
10. Appendices.
11. Include Appendices For:
a. Raw field data taken during testing.
b. Sample calculation sheet for each type of calculation made to convert raw
field data to final results.
c. Initial air balance results with dampers and registers in full open position;
include air flow at all inlets and outlet, initial fan speed and fan suction and
discharge pressures.

D. Proposed schedule for testing and balancing.

E. Certificate of proper installation. Comply with Section 01756.

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A. Prior to start of testing, adjusting, and balancing, verify that:

1. Systems installation is complete and in full operation.
2. Outside conditions are within reasonable range relative to design conditions.
3. Lighting fixtures are energized.
4. Special equipment such as computers, laboratory equipment, and electronic
equipment are in full operation.
5. Requirements for preparation for testing and balancing have been met for
elements of each system which requires testing.


Not Used.



A. Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Acceptance Criteria: Consider testing, adjusting,

and balancing procedures successful and complete when heating, ventilating and
air conditioning systems and components are functioning properly and system air
and water flows are within specified tolerances of design flows.


A. Test, adjust, and balance separate complete heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning systems.

B. Include in testing, adjusting, and balancing related existing heating, ventilating and
air conditioning components.

C. Perform testing, adjusting, and balancing cycles until air flows meet acceptance
1. Ascertain air flow balance between overall requirements and flow in individual
supply and exhaust grills.

D. Initial Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing: Perform first test on each system with
dampers, grills, orifices, and other variable air flow devices in their full open
position; measure and report initial air flows, fan speed and fan static pressures at
fan inlet and outlet.
1. Adjust total system flow downward or upward by adjusting fan speed until
one inlet or outlet is at indicated flow and all other flows exceed indicated
2. Adjust fan speed by changing fan drives or sheaves as necessary.

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E. Subsequent Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing: Perform adjustments in subsequent
testing, adjusting, and balancing by adjusting dampers, louvers, or size of orifices or
1. Measure and record air volume discharged at each inlet and outlet and adjust
air inlets and outlets to design air volumes within 0 to 5 percent over design
2. Adjust fan speeds and motor drives within drive limitations, for required air
3. Measure cfm and static pressures and adjust air supply and exhaust fan units
to deliver at least 100 to 105 percent of the design air volume.
4. Measure and record static air pressure conditions on fans, including filter and
coil pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan.
5. Evaluate building and room pressure conditions to determine adequate supply
and return air conditions.
6. Evaluate space and zone temperature of conditions to determine adequate
performance of the systems to maintain temperatures without draft.
7. Permanently mark final balance positions of balancing dampers.

F. Develop heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system schematics similar to

Figure 6-1 in SMACNA Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing.

G. Accurately record the required data on Associated Air Balance Council or National
Environmental Balancing Bureau test and balance report forms.

H. Measure amperage draw of fan and pump motors for final balance.

I. Following completion of balancing procedures for air systems, test, adjust, and
balance hydronic systems.
1. Measure flow and adjust circuit setter valves so pumps deliver at least
100 percent of the design water flow.
2. Measure and adjust water flow at coils for design conditions, within 5 percent.
Check conditions at cooling and heating coils for required performance at
design conditions.
3. Lock balance valves in the adjusted position and permanently mark the design
set point. Record valve settings in the design report.

J. Test primary source equipment in accordance with AABC or NEBB procedures.

1. Primary source equipment includes items listed in Part 1 not previously tested
as part of this testing, adjusting, and balancing work.
2. Complete appropriate AABC or NEBB equipment test forms for each piece of
3. Calculate cooling and heating capacities to show conformance with specified
4. Adjust equipment as needed to deliver specified cooling and heating loads.
5. Record final equipment performing characteristics and adjustment settings in
the final design report.


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