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“Some people cannot be cured, but everyone can heal.” - Anonymous

The world is now grieving because of the difficulty that all of us are facing, this is
not something that can be change overnight. It is not a war that can be solved over a
ceasefire. Rich or poor, anyone can be infected with the deadly virus. It seems the
conflict of different countries suddenly stopped. The enemy now is not a human and
with that we are fighting in a battle with a blindfold on.
The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our
time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. Since its
emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except
Antarctica. Cases are rising daily in Africa the Americas, and Europe.
Countries are racing to slow the spread of the virus by testing and treating
patients, carrying out contact tracing, limiting travel, quarantining citizens, and
cancelling large gatherings such as sporting events, concerts, and schools.
The pandemic is moving like a wave—one that may yet crash on those least
able to cope. But COVID-19 is much more than a health crisis. By stressing every one
of the countries it touches, it has the potential to create devastating social, economic
and political crises that will leave deep scars.

In the Philippines, The number of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in

the country increased to 3,094 after the Department of Health (DOH) reported 76 new
cases as of today.
In its daily update, the Health Department also reported eight new fatalities,
bringing the total number of deaths to 144. Meanwhile, recoveries also increased to 57
after five more patients have recovered from the virus. (JOAHNA LEI CASILAO, GMA
News , April 4, 2020)
The government is continuesly supporting our people by giving relief goods,
financial assistance, and non stop advise to everyone to stay at home to avoid the
transmission of the disease. Our President Duterte and the rest of his affiliates are
working to provide a better plan that will help to make Filipinos secured amid of the
threats. They are doing their job to the best that they can give just to serve us.
Everyone is at stake, especially the front liners and with just a single matter they
can be infected or worst be killed instantly. Even the greatest doctors we have now
cannot assure our safety. Everyday hunderds of people are dying and the saddest part
there is; if you lost someone, you will also not be able to see them in whole but ashes
delivered to you. No one can stop it unless there will be a vaccine to treat those who are
sick to suppress the spread of the disease.
In my own humble opinion, what’s best to do for now is to submit oursleves to
orders of the government. They are the most reliable source that we can account to. I
hope that my fellow Filipinos for just once atleast stop trying to resist our government.
Let them do their job, because it is for our own good. The virus will continually spread if
we let ourselves outside. It will not stop until there still who will not listen and will
continously contradict the law, please do not take advantage of the situation.
This may sound biased but in fact, we are very blessed to have president who acts
like a father to its people. For me, he is a very fair man to his decisions. He might say
things that may seem wrong to our ears, please let us remind ourselves he is just a
human like us, nobody is perfect. His job is very hard especially there are more than a
hundred million of Filipinos who will criticise your words and actions. For me it is very
suffocationg but at the end of the day it is still his chosen profession. And he must
protect us, otherwise Philippines will be in danger.
The issue about no community qaurantine or lockdown, I suggest that until there
is no guarantee of our safety there must be lockdown. It will only worsen the situation
and might be the cause of immediate increase of infected patients. We are now having a
hard time treating 3,094 individuals excluded the persons under inverstigations and
persons under monitoring overall the country what more reaching hundred thousands?
We are not capable of dealing with those numbers, especially having only few nurses
and doctors. Please, the news everyday is heartbreaking, we can suffer and endure a few
more weeks inside our homes and may starve, but having many infected persons is truly
worst. We do not want to see patients outside of the hospitals just because the rooms are
fully accommodated. Above all, we do not want to hear our president saying that the
situation is out of control.
Right now, all we can do is to wait and pray to help stop the spread of the disease.
And to hope that there will be a vaccine to treat those patients. Let us help the
government do their work by simply following the rules and guidelines. This is not about
our pride and perceptions about life. For the mean time, let us set aside our personal
intentions. Let us all pray for our future.

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