Usdaw Activist 100

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theActivist members in ENGLAND & WALES

Issue 100
January 2021


Join the union and help us

Usdaw members need a fighting organise for
•No lifting of any Covid measures

leadership - Vote Broad Left! without agreement from elected lo-

cal health & safety committees/reps
•Full pay for all workers self-isolat-
Ryan Aldred, Usdaw South reflect their status as key save the hundreds of
Wales & Western Executive workers. thousands of jobs currently at ing or furloughed from day one - no
Council candidate This is why we need £12 an risk, whether it be to forcing staff to use holidays
hour as a minimum wage with Debenhams, the Arcadia • An immediate £12/hour minimum
hazard pay for workers putting Group or any of those on the wage as a step to £15 + hazard pay
With Covid decimating the growing list of retailers who
retail sector, it is vital that themselves at risk to continue •Increase staffing levels in store to
to deliver what has been have fallen into
Usdaw takes a lead in administration. carry out any necessary cleaning &
organising retail and recognised as a vital service. hygiene duties, bring back in house
distribution workers in We shouldn't shy away from If elected, I would take such a
strategy to the Usdaw outsourced cleaners. Full time con-
supermarkets, high street taking industrial action up to tracts to all those who want them
chains and smaller, and including strike action if executive council to ensure
independent businesses. supermarket bosses refuse to that key supermarket workers •Scrap the 2 year qualifying period -
give up their bumper profits. and non-essential retail and Full employment rights from day one
Workers shouldn't pay for this distribution workers alike are
crisis, every job must be We need to challenge • Scrap performance targets
protected. A vote for me is a •Time and a half for all overtime
defended. companies like Sainsbury's vote for a fighting, democratic
We need an end to zero and which can afford to pay out leadership.
worked over contracted hours
low-hours contracts, except massive dividends to •Reinstate lost paid breaks and
shareholders while Broad Left members are
where members specifically standing for a number of
premium payments, double pay on
opt in. simultaneously putting Sundays and time and a half on
thousands of jobs at risk. positions in the upcoming
Supermarket and distribution elections including Andrea Saturdays. No extension of Sunday
staff have worked through With each subsequent Watts for President, and Lynn trading
three lockdowns to ensure lockdown we have seen many Goodwin and Ryan Aldred for •Trade union control over changing
that everyone in Britain has names disappearing from the EC seats. The Broad Left can
high street for good. We need staff duties, hiring and firing, and
access to food. Retail and be contacted at: opening time changes
distribution workers should be a leadership prepared to roll
out a retail industrial strategy •35 hour working week without loss
rewarded with wages that
calling for public ownership to of pay

Lockdown 3.0 - fight to make our shops safe!

•Open the books to trade union in-
spection if companies say they can’t
afford these measures
Iain Dalton, Usdaw Broad 140 workers isolating at one wearing amongst others.
• Bailout workers, not the bosses
Left Chair (personal point, whilst there have also We would argue that given the
capacity) been outbreaks at a Cardiff and the speculators. Camapign for
increased transmission of the
Tesco Extra store and the nationalisation to save jobs.
new variants there are points
distribution centre at Magor. that should go further, such as •Democratically elected committees
Over the last few months, There are numerous other
retail has been vying with restocking of shelves being of workers and consumers to control
reports in local newspapers of done when aisles or stores are prices and any rationing policies at
schools for the top spot for other outbreaks.
Covid-19 outbreaks. That closed in order to protect staff, all levels.
schools are now rightly shut to Retail and distribution workers as well as vastly reducing the •For socialist planning to put the
many students to try to stop will be asking what their current capacity limits, which
needs of workers first, not share-
the spread of the virus, shines unions are doing to protect seem to be based on 1m+
distancing in stores without holders profits.
a spotlight on the retailers that them? In a recent Usdaw
press release (9th January), a any shelves etc Join Usdaw -
remain open where conditions
are far more lax than was the series of measures are put Continued on next page >
case during the first lockdown. forward, which the Activist
would support, including Broad Left election rally
Jointhe fightback
Over the last weekend there
have been a number of high
profile outbreaks of Covid in
observance of 2 metre
distancing, one-way systems,
retail workers being amongst
Sunday 31st January, 7pm on Zoom
Speakers include Broad Left
Tesco stores, with tragically
two workers in a store in
those with priority for receiving
the vaccine, doorstep only-
candidates, and Amy Murphy,
Usdaw President (personal

England & Wales
Greenock dying as a result of deliveries of shopping, trained
an outbreak there. A Bridgend security staff overseeing entry Link:
store has had 40 confirmed ● Scotland
and exit from stores and j/87466401768
cases since Christmas, with compliance with mask Meeting ID: 874 6640 1768 ● Ireland ■ ■ Facebook: ‘Usdaw Activist’ ■ Twitter: @UsdawActivist

theActivist the bulletin of CWI members in

100 issues of the Activist

Editorial board statement Paddy Lillis is aiming to revive Coronavirus specials reacting
this approach under the new to the impact of the pandemic The late
Robbie Segal,
This issue is the 100th issue of name of a ‘tripartite’ approach on retail and distribution Usdaw EC
the Activist. Initially started in - with the addition of the Tory workers. An Activist public member
November 2007 as an e-mail government in the meeting has been established 2000-12 was
bulletin to retail and ‘partnership’! as a regular feature of ADM, as one of the
distribution activists, over the well as public meetings via founders of
The activist has instead put its Zoom during the pandemic. the Activist.
years since we have managed
confidence in the ordinary Three pamphlets have been
to develop the Activist into an
workers in retail, distribution produced over the years, sold supporter Amy Murphy, being
online bulletin and website.
and the other sectors who at ADM and other events elected as President of Usdaw
The Activist was founded in make up Usdaw’s expanding further on the in 2018.
opposition to Usdaw membership. We are confident Marxist ideas we put forward
leaderships embrace of that if given confidence, to transform Usdaw into a Many of the proposals put
partnership working with the Usdaw members will respond fighting union. forward by the left minority
employers which has always to a fighting lead or given the around Amy on the EC have
meant a one-sided space to democratically The late, former Usdaw EC been voted down by the
relationship where Usdaw is discuss the issues facing us member Robbie Segal, and majority around Lillis, but their
made responsible for the be prepared to take action to the others who founded the presence has won
diktats of the retail bosses. advance their interests. Activist provided a framework improvement in the demands
and socialist understanding of Usdaw has put forward in
Linked to this were an erosion Following from this, over the how to take our union forward, campaigns like ‘Time for
of lay member influence in the years there have been dozens that has aided the Better Pay’ and ‘Save Our
union, with the Executive of contributors, many of them development of a generation Shops’ for instance.
Council (EC) being reduced to not members of the parties of of activists in the union,
meeting for as little as two the Committee for a Workers’ including the current editorial We aim to assist in the
hours to act as a rubber stamp International who produce the board members. development of further layers
for decisions already made by Activist. As new contributors of activists in Usdaw, to take
the General Secretary. and others have taken on The fruits of that work have up the mantle of developing a
roles in producing and editing been shown by the significant union that fights and wins the
These are still very live issues the Activist we have been able growth in Activist supporters gains that retail and
today -‘partnership’ has now to take new initiatives. since it’s launch by an original distribution workers deserve.
been demonstrated to be few, and in the wider growth of
disastrous for retail workers in From the 2012 Annual the left in the union. The As well as continuing the
the erosion of premium Delegate Meeting (ADM) Activist has assisted in production of the Activist, we
payments, paid breaks, onwards special issues of the developing a left challenge to have plans for further special
staffing levels and more, Activist have been produced, the incumbent leadership, issues and pamphlets. We
whilst most retail workers still and distributed in printed copy from Robbie Segal winning appeal to any Usdaw member
struggle by on little above the at the ADM and other major 40% of the vote in the last that wants to find out more or
minimum wage. Yet Usdaw’s events, with special issues on contested General Secretary contribute to contact
current General Secretary other issues, including 9 election in 2008 to Activist

< From previous page bosses organisations like the stores, then instead of this We urgently need the Usdaw
British Retail Consortium, or being taken up collectively with leadership to bring members
As the press release quoting individual companies, it is far management, they are forced together, using technology
Usdaw General Secretary from automatic they will filter to still attempt to just deal with such as Zoom, like the NEU
Paddy Lillis points out many of down to store level, given the it at the level of the stores. successfully did with a meeting
these safety measures were pressures on store managers Retail workers must take a leaf where 400,000 watched, to
agreed with the retail bosses to maintain sales volumes in out of the tremendous action hammer out a strategy of how
during the first lockdown. But a order to reap the companies by education workers, with first the unions rank and file
key sentence follows this which profits. NEU and then Unison membership can be mobilised
points to the problem of why The only guarantee of such members, invoking in a to force the retail bosses to
they are not being safety measures being collective fashion their rights take our safety seriously.
implemented. He says, “Where implemented is a confident under Section 44 of the As well as discussing how
safety measures are agreed, membership of union Employment Rights Act 1996, Section 44 could be used in
retailers need to make sure members, and their reps within which gives workers the the retail context, other options
that they are being followed the stores. Yet, a number of individual right to withdraw could be explored such as
consistently, in every store.” Usdaw reps have reported to from a workplace where they indicative ballots of members
Whilst measures may be the Activist, that when they believe they face ‘serious or over the possibility of taking
agreed at the level of the have become aware of these imminent danger’. strike action.
issues cropping up in multiple ■ ■ Facebook: ‘Usdaw Activist’ ■ Twitter: @UsdawActivist

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