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Observations of seismic activity in Southern


Article in Journal of Seismology · April 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10950-012-9343-2


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2 authors:

Tatiana Meirova Abraham Hofstetter

Tel Aviv University Geophysical Institute of Israel


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Observations of seismic activity in Southern

T. Meirova & R. Hofstetter

Journal of Seismology

ISSN 1383-4649

J Seismol
DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9343-2

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J Seismol
DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9343-2


Observations of seismic activity in Southern Lebanon

T. Meirova & R. Hofstetter

Received: 18 March 2012 / Accepted: 31 October 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2012

Abstract Recent seismic activity in southern Lebanon Focal mechanism, based on full waveform inversion
is of particular interest since the tectonic framework of and the directivity effect of the strongest earthquake,
this region is poorly understood. In addition, seismicity suggests left-lateral strike-slip NNW-SSE faulting that
in this region is very infrequent compared with the crosses the NE-SW traverse faults in southern Lebanon.
Roum fault to the east, which is seismically active.
Between early 2008 and the end of 2010, intense seis- Keywords Earthquake . Lebanon . Roum . Seismic
mic activity occurred in the area. This was manifested activity . Focal mechanism
by several swarm-like sequences and continuous trick-
ling seismicity over many days, amounting in total to
more than 900 earthquakes in the magnitude range of 1 Introduction
0.5≤Md ≤5.2. The region of activity extended in a 40-
km long zone mainly in a N-S direction and was located The northern part of the Dead Sea Fault (DSF), known
about 10 km west of the Roum fault. The largest earth- as the Lebanese segment, splits into several splays in-
quake, with a duration magnitude of Md 05.2, occurred cluding the Yammouneh, Rachaya, and Roum faults
on February 15, 2008, and was located at 33.327° N, (Fig. 1). This probably occurred in response to the
35.406° E at a depth of 3 km. The mean-horizontal peak clockwise rotation of the upper part of the crust (Ron
ground acceleration observed at two nearby accelerom- 1987). Left-lateral motion on this segment is distributed
eters exceeded 0.05 g, where the strongest peak hori- between several branches of the DSF and most of the
zontal acceleration was 55 cm/s2 at about 20 km SE of motion is accommodated by the NNE trending
the epicenter. Application of the HypoDD algorithm Yammouneh fault (Walley 1998). Recent offshore seis-
yielded a pronounced N-S zone, parallel to the Roum mic studies (Carton et al. 2004) suggest that the strike-
fault, which was not known to be seismically active. perpendicular and strike-parallel components of motion
are accommodated along the Yammouneh fault.
T. Meirova (*) However, some studies suggest that this fault has been
Department of Geophysical, Atmospheric and Planetary
locked for a long time and most of the plate motion is
Sciences, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel occurring along the Roum fault (i.e., Walley 1988; Khair
e-mail: 2001; Nemer and Meghraoui 2006), which splits from
the Dead Sea fault and continues towards the
R. Hofstetter
Mediterranean coast. Sinistral displacement along the
Geophysical Institute of Israel,
Lod 71100, Israel north-south striking Roum fault decreases northward
e-mail: from 8.5 to 1 km and is transferred to a thrust fault along
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J Seismol

ƒFig. 1 a Schematic map of the study region showing the major the activated area. In order to understand the tectonic
faults of the Levant. The box in the figure shows the study area.
framework in the region, we determine the focal mech-
Open triangles, diamonds and squares denote the seismic sta-
tions used in the location and relocation procedures. b The study anisms of the largest earthquakes that occurred from
area and seismicity from 1960 to 2008. c Subset of seismicity in 2008 to 2010, using a full waveform inversion.
southern Lebanon from 2008 to 2010. Small and big stars Finally, we determine scaling relations of this seismic
indicate the two first largest shocks of Md 4.3 and Md 5.2,
respectively. The size of the earthquake symbol is proportional
to the magnitude

2 Distribution of seismicity in space and time

the continental margin (Daeron et al. 2004). Ginzburg 2.1 Temporal and spatial seismicity distribution
and Ben Avraham (1987) and Ben-Avraham et al.
(2002) proposed the existence of an ocean-continent The whole time-window from 2008 to 2010 can be
boundary west of the Roum fault and close to the shore. viewed as a period of intense and non-uniform seismic
Schattner et al. (2006) showed evidence of reactivation activity, significantly above the normal rate in this re-
of the continental margin in the area between the Carmel gion, which involves four substantial bursts of seismic
structure and eastern Cyprean arc. Our study area is energy at different times (Fig. 2). These bursts do not
situated south-west of the Roum fault (Ron 1987; exhibit the same pattern. For example, in the second
Walley 1998; Fig. 1). This is part of the western burst, the strongest earthquake occurred roughly in the
Galilee-Lebanon province (Schattner et al. 2006), char- middle of the burst, while the others are composed of
acterized by internal deformation resulting from shear- somewhat smaller-magnitude events. In between seis-
ing in a general NW-SE direction and acts as a buffer mic bursts, there was a trickle of seismic activity. Even
zone that absorbs the transformed energy from the Dead this trickle was above the normal rate of former years.
Sea fault. The seismicity of the fault zone is character- The term earthquake swarm is normally used to de-
ized by moderate earthquakes with a release interval of scribe a cluster of small to moderate earthquakes that
40–50 years (Khair 2001). Structurally, the study region occur continuously and relatively uniformly over a long
is a low-altitude area, largely below 500 m, that forms a period of time spanning hours to days with no distinct
NNE-SSW trending anticline cut by a number of small- mainshock. Activity in southern Lebanon cannot be de-
scale slightly arcuate NE-SW faults, with evidence of scribed as a typical sequence of foreshocks, mainshock,
basement involvement in these structures (Walley and aftershocks or as a sequence of a typical swarm in
1998). Evidence of transpressive faulting systems is various environments (e.g., Brune and Allen 1967;
based on palaeoseismic investigations (Daeron et al. Johnson and Hadley 1976; Forsyth et al. 2003; Vidale
2004). Clockwise rotation of blocks bounded by the and Shearer 2006). In contrast to typical mainshock-
NE-striking right-lateral faults in the area is inferred, aftershock sequence with one strong event, the earth-
based on similar structures farther south (Ron 1987). quake swarm may contain a few relatively strong earth-
From 1960 to 2008, limited tectonic and seismic quakes that occur later in the sequence (i.e., Roland and
activity occurred south of the Roum fault. (Fig. 1b). McGuire 2009). Thus, we prefer to use the term burst of
During February 2008, very intense seismic activity in seismic energy. Nevertheless, we examined seismic ac-
southern Lebanon began, in an area that was not tivity in three ways: as a swarm-like seismic activity,
known to be seismically active, continuing through seismicity rate of the whole activity during 2008-2010,
the end of 2010 at a decreasing rate but with a few and the decay rate of short-period seismic bursts.
pronounced bursts of seismicity (Fig. 2c). Overall, the Between 2008 and 2010, data from more than 900
high rate of seismicity from 2008 to 2010 relative to earthquakes in the duration magnitude range 1.1≤Md ≤
the seismic activity in former years is surprising. 5.2 were collected by the seismic networks of Lebanon,
In this paper, we present spatial and temporal distri- Israel, Jordan, and Cyprus (Fig. 1), comprising 16 mod-
bution of this earthquake activity in Lebanon. We also erately to strongly felt earthquakes with duration magni-
use the double-difference algorithm to relocate earth- tudes larger than Md 3.5, and 41 earthquakes in the
quake hypocenters in order to enhance the picture of magnitude range 2.5≤Md ≤3.5. Seismic activity was lim-
seismicity distribution and to specify the dimensions of ited to a near rectangle with dimensions of 30×10 km,
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Fig. 2 a Histogram show-

ing the temporal distribu-
tion of earthquakes in
southern Lebanon during
2008–2010 in 2-week steps
and the cumulative number
of earthquakes. b A closer
look at the decay of the
seismic bursts 1–2 from
February 2008

aligned along a north-south trend located about 10 km end of 2010, there was a trickle of activity, with a small
west of the Yammouneh-Roum faults (Fig. 1c). Seismic increase towards the end of 2010. Figure 2 presents the
activity in southern Lebanon began on February 11, temporal distribution of earthquakes that occurred in
2008, with a moderate earthquake of Md 04.2 that was southern Lebanon in 2008–2010 in 2-week steps together
followed by a series of earthquakes with magnitudes less with the cumulative number of earthquakes.
than 2. On February 15, 2008, at 10:36 am (GMT), the For location procedure, we used a one-dimensional
strongest earthquake in the series occurred (Md 5.2), velocity model with five plane parallel layers (Gitterman
which was also the most powerful earthquake that has et al. 2005). In general, location accuracy is a function of
ever taken place in the region. The earthquake was wide- the quality of recorded phases, network geometry, and
ly felt over wide regions of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the position of the earthquake's hypocenters relative to
Israel. Mean-horizontal peak ground acceleration seismic stations. The average RMS residual in the loca-
recorded at two Israeli accelerometers exceeded 50 cm/ tion procedure was approximately 0.76 s and depths of
s2, and the strongest peak horizontal acceleration was events that occurred in the southern Lebanon region was
55 cm/s2 at about 20 km SE of the epicenter. Since the in the range of 0 to 16 km with average horizontal and
occurrence of these earthquakes, there was an overall depth errors of ±2.0 and ±3.0 km, respectively.
decrease in the rate of seismic activity. However, in the We applied the HypoDD algorithm (Waldhauser and
beginning of May 2008, seismic activity again increased, Ellsworth 2000), which allows calculating accurate rel-
comprising hundreds of earthquakes, though most of ative hypocenter locations by removing the effects of an
them were too small to be felt. Another burst of seismic un-modeled velocity structure. Input data for relocation
activity occurred during April–May 2009. In between the was compiled from arrival times and an initial event
above-mentioned bursts of seismic activity and until the location from earthquake catalogues of networks in
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Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and Cyprus. In the relocation depth was 11.6 km. The hypocenter of the largest earth-
procedure, maximum separation distance for events in a quake with magnitude Md 05.2, originally at 33.327° N,
cluster was fixed at 4 km, and the Vp/Vs ratio was set to 35.4059° E at a depth of 3 km, was relocated to
1.78. In total, we used 11,167 P-phase pairs and 9,660 S- 33.32698° N, 35.40024° E and a depth of 3.3 km, which
phase pairs for analysis that represent 73 % of all select- is a horizontal shift of 0.54 km. The RMS residual
ed pairs. The HypoDD relocations suggest further im- decreased from 0.76 to 0.3 s.
provement in epicenter locations. The mean change in Figure 3 shows the temporal and spatial distribution
the hypocenter locations was 0.5 km, and the maximal of relocated earthquakes using the HypoDD algorithm
horizontal shift of hypocenters was 1 km. The mean for 2008–2010 in time steps of 3 months. We note a
vertical shift was 1.5 km, and the maximal change in clear and even north-south distribution of relocated

Fig. 3 The spatial distribution of hypocenters and temporal evolution (in time steps of 3 months) of the 2008-2010 seismic activity in
southern Lebanon
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J Seismol

hypocenters, between latitudes 33.2° N and 33.4° N pattern is shown here. Prior to the occurrence of the
until Sept. 2008. Afterwards, the number of earthquakes largest event, the hypocenters, which were located south
in each 3-month group decreased, and activity became of the largest event, migrated northward at a rate of
mainly concentrated between latitudes 33.2° N and about 0.1 to 0.2 km/h. Shortly after the occurrence of
33.3° N. In the second half of 2010, activity shifted the largest event, we observed activity north and south
southward to about 33.1 °N. of the largest event. Later, there was a southward migra-
As a whole, swarm-like seismic activity lasted about tion of hypocenters at a rate of 0.5 km/h in the first 20 h,
3 years. The rate of seismic activity was not uniform decreasing to about 0.2 km/h (Fig. 4.2c).
throughout this period. The first year (2008) was Seismic activity of the third burst (No. 3 in Figs. 2
characterized by several short time windows, each and 4.3a, b) started with the largest earthquake (Md
lasting up to a few days and with significant seismic 3.9), which occurred on June 12, 2008, after a period
activity. The second and the third years (2009, 2010) of quiescence. It was followed by intense activity in
were characterized by relatively more continuous back- the first 25 h, comprising two more earthquakes with a
ground seismic activity. At times, it can be described as similar magnitude of Md 3.9 and several slightly
trickling seismicity, while at others, significant activity smaller events. In the next 50 h, the rate of burst
was observed. Recently, Roland and McGuire (2009) activity decayed relatively fast. Shortly after it began,
conducted an analysis of earthquake swarms in the within the first 2 h, most of the events occurred north
US and the Pacific Ocean, to obtain better under- of the largest event at varying distances of up to 15 km
standing of the rate of activity and scaling param- (Fig. 4.3c). We note that the whole region, a total of
eters. We applied a similar analysis to four relatively 15 km, was seismically active, with intense activity in
short time windows (lasting up to 100–140 h) that the first 5 h. Later, a northward migration of hypo-
contained significant seismic activity and were part of centers at a rate of 0.1 km/h was observed.
the whole earthquake swarm in Lebanon (Figs. 2 and 4, Seismic activity of the fourth burst (No. 4 in Figs. 2
earthquake activities No. 1–4). For consistency, the and 4.4a, b) started with the largest earthquake, which
northward and southward hypocentral migration of seis- occurred on April 17, 2009, after a period of quies-
mic activity were defined as positive and negative val- cence, and was followed by moderate activity in the
ues, respectively. The seismic activity of the first burst first 5 h. Afterwards, the rate of activity decayed
(No. 1 in Figs. 2 and 4.1a,b) began with the largest quickly. Shortly after the starting of the burst, within
earthquake of this burst (Md 4.3), which occurred on the first 2 h, most events occurred south of the largest
Feb. 11, 2008, and was followed by moderate activity event up to 10 km away (Fig. 4.4c). We observed a
that decayed within the next 20 h. Shortly after it started, southward migration of hypocenters at a rate of
within the first 2 h, hypocenters spread bilaterally along 0.1 km/h.
the north-south striking fault. Later, slow northward The largest event in each burst was followed by
hypocentral migration was observed at a rate of about intense seismic activity, which lasted up to 30 h and
0.2 km/h (Fig. 4.1c). was followed by a decreased rate of seismic activity.
Seismic activity in the second burst (No. 2 in Figs. 2 Definitely the swarm activity, in all bursts, demon-
and 4.2a,b) started about 50 h prior to the largest event, strated complicated migration behavior. Although the
which occurred on Feb. 15, 2008, with a non-uniform largest event in each burst was a moderate event,
rate of activity. There is a time gap of over 14 h with no consequent hypocenters in the first 3–4 h were
seismic activity between the end of the first burst and the spread up to 10 km northward and southward rela-
starting time of the second burst. The rate of activity tive to the hypocenter of the largest event. A few
immediately after the largest earthquake of Md 4.9 in hours later the hypocenters were more concentrated
this burst was rather high for about 20 h and decreased in the direction of the migration of the seismicity of
relatively fast afterwards. Shortly after the occurrence of the burst.
the largest event, within the first 3 h, activity spread out
up to 10 km south and north of the hypocenter of the 2.2 Seismicity rate
largest event, where the southern side comprised most of
the activity. Later, seismicity occurred only south of the Recent studies of the detectability of the Israel Seismic
largest event. A complicated hypocentral migration Network (Shapira 1991; Shapira and Gitterman 1995)
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Fig. 4 Spatial, temporal, and

magnitude distribution of
seismic bursts 1–4 (see
Fig. 2). Colors indicate rela-
tive occurrence time of each
event (solid circle) in groups
of 20 h using purple, green,
red, blue, black, and orange
(only for burst #1) for the
first, second, third, fourth,
fifth, and sixth groups of
hours, respectively. The larg-
est event is represented by a
black star. For each burst: a
Geographic locations of the
earthquakes as derived from
HypoDD algorithm (Wald-
hauser and Ellsworth 2000);
b Coda magnitude, Md, ver-
sus time in hours relative to
the largest event; c Distance
along the fault versus occur-
rence time of events preced-
ing or following the largest
event, where positive and
negative velocities (kilo-
meters per hour) or distances
indicate northward and
southward hypocenter migra-
tion or north and south hy-
pocenter locations relative to
the largest earthquake of the
burst, respectively
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Fig. 4 (continued)

point to the fact that threshold magnitude of detection in detection of earthquakes in this region. The b value of
southern Lebanon is about 2.0 within a probability of 0.78 was calculated using a maximum likelihood meth-
90 %, which serves as a lower boundary for the od (Aki 1965; Wiechert 1980) for the time period from
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of events per day decreasing relatively fast with time,

especially in the case of the fourth burst. We applied the
method of maximum likelihood following Omori's law
(1894) in order to estimate decay parameters of 1.40 and
1.19. These results are similar to the value of 1.1 found
by Utsu et al. (1995) for many sequences around the
world, to decay parameters of 1.09, 0.90, and 0.75 for
the 1996 sequence in Cyprus, and 1993 and 1995 Gulf
of Aqaba sequences based on measurements of up to
three months each time (Rabinowitz and Steinberg
1998) and decay parameter of 0.94 for the whole Gulf
of Aqaba based on measurements over a period of 1 year
(Hofstetter 2003).

3 Focal mechanisms
Fig. 5 Cumulative frequency-magnitude relationship for all
earthquakes occurring in Southern Lebanon from 2008 up to The number of determined focal mechanisms in this
2011. The b-value for the entire record is of 0.78 region is rather limited due to the fact that many
earthquakes are too small for the application of wave-
form inversion and station distribution is unfavorable
January 2008 to December 2010 (see Fig. 5). The cata- for the determination of mechanisms based on P-wave
log completeness is about 1.8, which is in good agree- onsets. Use of waveform inversion and application of
ment with the above-mentioned studies. The b value the code of Dreger and Helmberger (1993), we deter-
was slightly smaller than typically b values of 0.8–0.9 mined focal mechanisms of moderate to strong earth-
found by Arieh (1967), Ben-Menahem and Aboodi quakes to obtain fault orientations as well as
(1981), Shapira and Feldman (1987), Salamon et al. information about the tectonic features of the region.
(1996), Shapira and Hofstetter (2001) and Hofstetter Three component waveform data from broadband sta-
(2003), although different magnitude scales and parts tions were instrumentally corrected, integrated to dis-
of the Dead Sea fault were used in these studies. The placement and bandpass filtered using a fourth order
relatively widespread of magnitudes of about 2.5 U in Butterworh filter with corners at 0.02 and 0.10 Hz.
the lower magnitudes (from 1.8 to 4.3) does not support The local velocity model with five layers was used to
the determination of swarm-like seismic activity. On the calculate Green functions. A set of moment tensor
other hand, there is a significant lack of earthquakes in inversions were performed for a series of depths from
the magnitude range of 4<Md <5, which may have 2 to 30 km. In total, 14 focal mechanisms were calcu-
implications on the energy release of the whole seismic lated in the study area (Fig. 7, Table 1). Figure 8 shows
activity. It does not support the typical mainshock- waveform fits and mechanisms of the three largest
aftershock sequence with one strong event and a large earthquakes. The focal plane solution of the
number of smaller-magnitude earthquakes, normally moderate-strong earthquake of Feb. 15, 2008 reveals
occurring along the Dead Sea fault or on one of its two nodal planes with strike, dip, and rake of 67°/88°/
splays (i.e., the Roum fault). 179° and 157°/89°/2°, respectively, where the second
nodal plane is parallel to the NNW-SSE trend of the
2.3 Decay rate Roum fault. The focal plane solution is similar to the
Global CMT solution for this event that yields a best
We studied the decay rate of three earthquake bursts 2 double-couple with the nodal planes (strike/dip/rake)
and 3 (see Figs. 2 and 6). The first and the fourth bursts 71°/69°/−167°, 336°/78°/−22° with MW 05.1. Almost
were too short to be included or the amount of data was all other events appear to cluster (except No. 14) and
too small. In all cases, shortly after the occurrence of the have solutions with a large component of strike-slip
peak of the energy burst, the swarm rate was a few tens faulting (except No. 5). The two alternatives for
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Fig. 6 The decay rate of

three earthquake bursts 2
and 3 (see also Fig. 2)

motion are right-lateral strike slip on the ENE- 4 Directivity

WSW trending fault or left-lateral strike slip on
the NNW-SSE trending one. Based on the fact that The focal mechanism of the February 15, 2008, MW 05.1
most epicenters are aligned along the north-south earthquake presents two alternatives of right-lateral strike
trend (Figs. 2 and 4), we consider that the causa- slip on a ENE-WSW trending fault or left-lateral strike
tive fault is left-lateral with a strike in the NNW- slip on a NNW-SSE trending fault (Fig. 8). In order to
SSE direction. Event 14 (see Table 1), which was determine the active fault, we explored possible effects of
located about 20 km south of the cluster of earth- earthquake directivity as the focusing of wave energy
quakes, exhibited a strike-slip focal mechanism. along the fault in the direction of the rupture. Following
Neither the NE-SW nor the NW-SE trending nodal the procedure described by Hofstetter et al. (2008), for the
planes were in agreement with directions of the earthquake of Feb. 15, 2008, we analyzed data from six
nodal planes in the focal mechanisms of other seismic stations and recordings of peak strong motions of
earthquakes to the north. If the fault plane is in three accelerometers (Fig. 9). We measured peak velocity
the NE-SW direction, which is parallel to a series amplitudes at three components (Z, NS, EW) for all
of faults that traverse southern Lebanon, then it stations in the S-wave window, thus calculating the max-
implies a right-lateral strike-slip focal mechanism. imal vector for each seismogram, which correlates with
the seismic energy at the observation point. Then, vector
estimates were reduced to a reference distance r of
100 km. To provide the distance correction for maximal
vectors, we used the relationship A ¼ A0 =rn , where A is
the measured velocity amplitude, and attenuation param-
eter n includes both geometrical spreading and energy
absorption. For regional earthquakes, the parameter n
was estimated as 0.3 (Hofstetter et al. 2008). The rose
diagram of maximal vectors clearly shows a non-
uniform pattern of energy distribution (Fig. 9),
with increasing energy values in the SSE-SE direc-
tions. Assuming that the direction of the rupture is
parallel to the direction of the maximal vector, then there
is very good agreement for all events in the cluster
except event 14, which is located somewhat to the south
(Fig. 7 and Table 1). It is also in good agreement with
Fig. 7 Focal mechanisms of the largest earthquakes determined
macroseismic observations of minor damage that oc-
using waveform inversions (see Table 1 for details of focal curred to non-structural objects in nearby sites in Israel
mechanisms) that are located SSE-SE of this event.
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Table 1 Focal mechanisms of the relocated events determined using regional waveform modeling

No. Date and time year/month/ Lat. °N Long. °E Depth Md MW Plane 1 Plane 2 M0 Nm
day,h:min:s km str/dip/rake str/dip/rake

1 2008/02/11,23:47:02.4 33.259 35.427 6 4.4 4.1 76/77/−162 341/72/−14 1.77e+15

2 2008/02/14,18:11:04.5 33.242 35.400 6 3.2 3.2 162/87/−15 252/75/−177 7.60e+13
3 2008/02/15,10:36:17.3 33.327 35.400 9 5.2 5.1 157/89/2 67/88/179 4.93e+16
4 2008/02/15,12:15:15.7 33.268 35.415 9 3.5 3.5 237/84/−171 146/81/−6 1.72e+14
5 2008/02/28,13:39:45.6 33.256 35.441 12 3.1 3.0 330/73/−108 200/25/−44 3.59e+13
6 2008/03/16,05:41:33.9 33.284 35.441 2 3.0 3.1 83/88/−139 351/49/−3 5.67e+13
7 2008/05/19,09:08:15.6 33.268 35.435 6 3.7 3.5 150/90/−6 24/84/−180 1.65e+14
8 2008/05/23,18:25:55.2 33.306 35.433 6 3.6 3.5 112/46/−104 312/46/−76 2.06e+14
9 2008/06/12,12:58:12.7 33.279 35.445 9 3.9 3.6 321/86/−7 52/83/−176 2.56e+14
10 2008/06/12,15:28:58.6 33.313 35.442 9 3.4 3.6 140/90/−3 230/87/−180 2.75e+14
11 2008/06/13,05:28:52.7 33.317 35.438 9 3.9 3.4 144/89/3 54/87/179 1.48e+14
12 2008/07/22,09:08:10.7 33.297 35.441 9 3.6 3.9 66/66/151 170/63/28 7.28e+14
13 2009/07/10,18:19:17.6 33.249 35.410 6 3.6 3.6 170/79/13 78/77/168 2.67e+14
14 2010/08/22,22:24:59.9 33.099 35.464 9 4.1 4.3 118/81/−11 210/79/−171 2.73e+15

The seismic activity is aligned in the north-south or vertical component) and broadband stations in the
direction (Figs. 1 and 3), and for the strongest earth- case of relatively strong earthquakes. Here, we de-
quakes, we see some curved alignment (Fig.7). Most scribe briefly its application to the Israel Seismic
of the focal mechanisms present two nodal planes in Network following Shapira and Hofstetter (1993).
the ENE-WSW and NNW-SSE directions, which are
similar to the planes on the earthquake on Feb. 15, 5.1 Seismic moment determination
2008. One alternative is that the fault plane is in the
ENE-WSW direction, which is in agreement with the In total, we analyzed more than 400 S-wave spectra,
on surface faults (i.e., earthquakes 2, 4, 7, 9). The with M0 values ranging from 1.20×1012 to 4.90×1016
other alternative is a NNW-SSE nodal plane which is Nm. We assumed the relationship log M0 ¼ aMd þ b
also parallel to the trend of the Roum fault but is between the seismic moment M0 and the magnitude
slightly counterclockwise rotated relative to the direc- Md. The best fit was simultaneously obtained for two
tion of the seismic activity. In this case, it is possible parts of the magnitude range
that the fault could be subdivided in different sectors
which were activated at different instants. log M0 ¼ ð1:0  0:2ÞMd þ ð10:8  0:5Þ; 1:1  Md  3:5
log M0 ¼ ð1:5  0:3ÞMd þ ð9:0  0:5Þ; 3:5  Md  5:2

5 Seismic moment and stress drop estimation where M0 is in Nm and the magnitude range is 1.1≤Md ≤
5.2 (see Fig. 10 and Table 1). For small magnitude earth-
To get a better insight of the parameters characterizing quakes, magnitude coefficients in the first relation are
tectonics and seismicity in this region, we examined similar to those as obtained by Bakun (1984) and
various scaling relationships between seismic param- Hanks and Boore (1984) for earthquakes in California
eters, such as magnitude and seismic moment. Digital and by van Eck and Hofstetter (1989), Shapira and
seismograms of the S-wave component were Fourier- Hofstetter (1993), Hofstetter et al. (1996), Hofstetter
transformed to obtain amplitude displacement spectra. and Shapira (2000), Hofstetter (2003), and Hofstetter et
We calculated seismic moment, M0, corner frequency, al. (2008) for the Dead Sea Fault, the Carmel fault, the
f0, and stress drop, Δσ, based on the dislocation model Eastern Mediterranean region and the Gulf of Aqaba, with
of Brune (1970, 1971), using the spectra of S-waves relatively similar magnitude range. The second relation is
recorded by short-period stations (three-components similar to the relations in the above-mentioned studies.
Author's personal copy
J Seismol

Fig. 8 Focal mechanisms for three of largest earthquakes in the right side; a February 11, 2008, at 23:47:02.3 (No. 1 in
southern Lebanon. Observed and synthetic waveforms are Table 1); b earthquake on February 15, 2008, at 10:36:17.2 (No.
shown by solid and dashed lines, respectively. The parameters 3 in Table 1); c Earthquake on Aug. 22, 2010, at 22:24:59.9 (No.
of the focal mechanism and moment magnitude are shown on 14 in Table 1)

5.2 Stress drop estimation calculating the stress drop of 2.5 MPa. It is similar to
former values obtained for earthquakes occurring in
We estimated the stress drop of the earthquakes Δσ, the Dead Sea basin (van Eck and Hofstetter 1989) or
based on the dislocation model of Brune (1970, 1971), other parts of the Dead Sea fault, the Carmel fault and
using the equation Δσ ¼ 8:47M0 f03 =b 3s where f0 is the the Gulf of Aqaba (Shapira and Hofstetter 1993;
corner frequency, and βs is the rupture velocity. Hofstetter et al. 1996; Hofstetter 2003). In general,
Shapira and Hofstetter (1993) provided details of the the stress drop is clearly increased with increasing
application of the method in the case of seismograms seismic moment (Fig. 11) up to about 17 MPa, except
observed by the Israel Seismic Network (short period for the low value of the stress drop of the earthquake
or broadband). In the case of the earthquake of Feb. on Feb. 15, 2008. The lack of earthquakes with seis-
15, 2008, we used broadband observations for mic moment in the range of 1015–1016 Nm does not
Author's personal copy
J Seismol

Fig. 9 a Location of the epi-

center (open star) on Feb. 15,
2008, and distribution of
stations (open triangle—
broadband station; solid
triangle—accelerometer) that
are used for the determination
of directivity; b Maximal
vectors as calculated for the
set of stations in a

allow the determination of a simple relationship be- and Hanks (1973), Kanamori and Anderson (1975)
tween stress drop and seismic moment (or magnitude). and for the Eastern Mediterranean region by Shapira
This has already been noted for earthquakes in and Hofstetter (1993). The corner frequency decreases
California by Hanks and Thatcher (1972), Thatcher with increasing seismic moment, as can be seen in
Author's personal copy
J Seismol

Fig. 10 The relation between the seismic moment M0 and the Fig. 12 The relation between the corner frequency f0 and seis-
duration magnitude Md mic moment M0, for the earthquakes in this study, where for
reference, solid lines represent stress drop values of 0.1, 1, and
10 MPa, based on f−3 scaling. Dashed line represents a relation-
ship of ∼f−3.9 scaling (see text for details)
Fig. 12, where for reference the solid lines represent
stress drop values of 1, 10, and 100 MPa, based on f−3
scaling. on Feb. 15, 2008 and do not follow a constant value.
Figures 10, 11, and 12 show scaling relations of Figure 12 illustrates the relationship between the corner
seismic moment, stress drop, and corner frequency of frequency f0 and seismic moment M0, for southern
the earthquakes. Most earthquakes have stress drop Lebanon. As can be seen, our observations suggest a
values that are smaller than the value of the earthquake relationship of ∼f−3.9. Van Eck and Hofstetter (1989)
also reported such a drop, which is faster than −3. It
was interpreted by them as fmax for frequencies just
below 10 Hz. In this case, we observed the tendency
already at frequencies of 4–5 Hz, which clearly suggests
f0. Kanamori and Rivera (2004) suggested a drop that is
faster than −3, using earthquakes in a wide magnitude
range. Mayeda et al. (2007), Malagnini and Mayeda
(2008), and Hofstetter et al. (2008) presented a similar
relationship between the seismic moment and corner
frequency for the Hector Mine sequence, California,
San Giuliano sequence, Italy, and Dead Sea basin, re-
spectively, where the scaling of seismic moment and
corner frequency does not follow f−3 and is consistent
with f−4. They used this evidence to support the idea of
non-self-similarity, which means that a large earthquake
is not a simple integer multiplication of a small one.
Although the seismic activity in southern Lebanon is not
as rich as the above-mentioned sequences, our results
Fig. 11 The relation between Brune's stress drop Δσ and the are in a good agreement with Mayeda et al. (2007) and
seismic moment M0, for the earthquakes in this study Hofstetter et al. (2008).
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6 Conclusions Bakun WH (1984) Seismic moments, local magnitudes, and

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