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Progress Check 3 (Units 5-61

Choose the correct item.

1 She ....... meat every day. 5 Mother always ....... the dishes.
A is eating Beat © eats A is washing B washes C wash
2 The baby ....... at the moment. 6 Jane ....•.. a book at the moment.
A is sleeping B sleeps C sleep A is reading Breads C read
3 I ....... to bed every night at 10:00 pm. 7 She ....... very quickly. Look!
A am going B goes C go A is running Bruns C run
4 Dad . ...... TV now. 8 I ....... my homework every day.
A is watching B watches C watch A am doing B do C does

I am late. (always) 5 My dad cooks dinner. (never)

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2 She goes to the theatre on Fridays. (usually) 6 My sister makes her bed. (seldom)

3 Does he visit his grandparents? 7 Do you watch TV in the afternoon?

(sometimes) (usually)

4 They come to our parties. (often) 8 We are rude to people. (never)

3 Put the verbs into the present simple or the present continuous.

It 1) •.. if).... (be) Friday evening and my friends

and I 2) . .. .. .. .. .... (be) at the disco. Some
people 3) ............. (dance) on the dance
floor. Some people 4) ................ (sit) and
5) .. .. .... .. . .. . ... (drink) cola. My friends
6) .. .. .. .. ... (talk) and 7) ........... (laugh)
together. We 8) ............... (go) to the disco
every week. We usually 9) . . . . . . . . . . . .. (drink)
cola and 10) ................ (dance).
Progress Check 3

WI Look at the picture. Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Sally David

Peter Jenny

Sam Tom & Lee


We are playing in the 6and

We're at the beach today
We alway6 have fun at the beach
Hooray, hooray, hooray

We are eating 6andwiche6

We're eating ice cream6, too
We love ice cream6 at the beach
You can have one, tool

We are 6wimming in the 6ea

We're having lot6 of fun
We're 60 glad that 6ummer'6 here
We love the 6ea and 6un


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