Practice 18. A/An THE: Singular Count Nouns. (Chart 11-8) : Directions

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5. I drank water.

6. I fed grass to horse.

7. Pat is wearing jewelry.
8. I bought honey.
9. Tom bought new shirt.
10. I need soap to wash the dishes.

<> PRACTICE 18. A/AN VS. THE: singular count nouns. (Chart 11-8)
Directions: Complete the sentences with a/an or the.

1. A: A
B: I agree.


3. My dorm room has desk, bed, chest of drawers, and two chairs.

4. A: Jessica, where's the stapler?

B: On desk. If it's not there, look in top drawer.

5. A: Sara, put your bike in basement before dark.

B: Okay, Dad.

6. Our apartment building has basement. Sara keeps her bike there at night.

7. Almost every sentence has subject and verb.

8. Look at this sentence: Jack lives in Miami. What is subject, and what is verb?

9. A: I can't see you at four. I'll be in meeting then. How about four-thirty?
B: Fine.

10. A: What time does meeting start Tuesday?

B: Eight.

11. Jack's car ran out of gas. He had to walk long distance to find _
telephone and call his brother for help.

12. _ _ _ _ distance from sun to earth is 93,000,000 miles.

13. A: Jake, telephone is ringing. Can you get it?

B: Sure.

14. A: Did you feed cat?

B: Yes. I fed him a couple of hours ago.

CountlNoncount Nouns and Articles 229

15. A: Does Jane have cat?
B: No, she has dog. She doesn't like cats.

16. A: I wrote poem. Would you like to read it?

B: Sure. What's it about?

17. A: Was lecture interesting?

B: Yes. speaker gave interesting talk.

18. A: Where should we go for cup of coffee after class?

B: Let's go to cafe around corner from the First National Bank.

19. A: Where do you live?

B: We live on quiet street in the suburbs.

20. A: I'm hungry, and I'm tired of walking. How much farther is it to restaurant?
B: Just a couple of blocks. Let's cross street here.
A: Are you sure you know where you're going?

21. A: Did Bob find job?

B: Yes. He's working at restaurant.
A: Oh? Which one?

<> PRACTICE 19. (2) vs. THE. (Chart 11-8)

Directions: Write () or the in the blanks. Add capital letters as necessary.

1. A: o

B: I agree.

3. A:

B: I agree.

4. A: -rl.\e fruit in this bowl is ripe.

B: Good. I think I'll have a piece.

5. John, where's milk? Is it in refrigerator or on table?

6. _ _ _ _ milk comes from cows and goats.

7. Tom usually has wine with dinner.

8. Dinner's ready. Shall I pour wine?

9. We usually have meat for dinner.

230 CHAPTER 11
10. _ _ _ _ meat we had for dinner last night was tough.

11. A: Mom, please pass potatoes.

B: Here you are. Anything else? Want some more chicken, too?

12. _ _ _ _ potatoes are vegetables.

13. _ _ _ _ frogs are small animals without tails that live on land or in
water. _ _ _ _ turtles also live on land or in water, but they have tails and
_ _ _ _ hard shells.

14. A: Nicole, what are those animals doing in here!?

B: We're playing. _ _ _ _ frogs belong to Jason. _ _ _ _ turtles are mine.

15. Do you like weather in this city?

16. copper is used in electrical wiring.

17. People used to use candles for light, but now they use _

_ _ _ _ dictionaries and _
reference. For entertainment, we read novels and poetry.

19. _ _ _ _ books on this desk are mine.

<> PRACTICE 20. Using THE for second mention. (Charts 11-6 ---+ 11-8)
Directions: Use a/an, some, or the in the sentences. REMINDER: Use the when a noun is
mentioned for the second time.

1. I drank sOlMe coffee and sOlMe milk. -r~e milk

was cold.

2. I had soup and sandwich for lunch. _ _ _ _ soup was too salty, but
_ _ _ _ sandwich was pretty good.

CountlNoncount Nouns and Articles 231

3. Yesterday I bought clothes. I bought suit, shirt, and
_ _ _ _ tie. suit is gray and comes with a vest. shirt is pale blue,
and tie has black and gray stripes.

4. A: I saw accident yesterday.

B: Oh? Where?
A: On Grand Avenue. man in Volkswagen drove through a stop sign
and hit bus.
B: Was anyone hurt in accident?
A: I don't think so. man who was driving Volkswagen got out of his
car and seemed to be okay. His car was only slightly damaged. Noone in bus
was hurt.

5. Yesterday I saw man and woman. They were having _

argument. man was yelling at woman, and woman was
shouting at man. I don't know what argument was about.

6. Yesterday while I was walking to work, I saw birds in tree. I also saw

- - - - cat under tree. birds didn't pay any attention to

_ _ _ _ cat, but cat was watching birds intently.

232 CHAPTER 11
<> PRACTICE 21. Using THE for second mention. (Charts 11-6 --+ 11-8)
Directions: Write a/an, some, or the in the blanks.

One day last month while I was driving through the countryside, I saw _ _ c:l\ .,.=--'-_ man and
_----,,------_ truck next to _----,,------_ covered bridge. _ _.,----_ bridge crossed _ _=--_ small
2 3 4 5
river. I stopped and asked _ _,------_ man, "What's the matter? Can I be of help?"
"Well," said _----,,------_ man, "my truck is about a half-inch* too tall. Or _----,,------_ top of
7 8
_----,,------_ bridge is a half-inch too short. Either way, my truck won't fit under _
9 10

"Hmmm. There must be solution to this problem," I said.

"1 don't know. 1 guess I'll have to turn around and take another route," he replied.

After a few moments of thought, 1 said, "Aha! 1 have solution!"

"What is it?" asked the man.

"Let a little air out of your tires. Then truck won't be too tall and you can cross
_ _ _ _ bridge over river."
14 15
"Hey, that's great idea. Let's try it!" So man let a little air out of
16 17
_ _ _ _ tires and was able to cross river and go on his way.
18 19

*One-halfinch = 1.2 centimeters.

CountlNoncount Nouns and Articles 233

() PRACTICE 22. Summary: AIAN V5. THE V5. 0. (Chart 11-8)
Directions: Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or 0. Add capital letters as necessary.

1. A: What would you like for breakfast?

B: AY\ egg and some toast.
A: How would you like H'\e egg?
B: Fried, sunny side up.

_ _ _ _ scientific fact: steam rises when water boils.

_ _ _ _ gas is expensive nowadays.

_ _ _ _ gas I got yesterday cost more than I've ever paid.

6. _ _ _ _ newspapers are important source of information.

7. _ _ _ _ sun is star. We need sun for heat, _

light, and energy.

8. ducks are my favorite farm animals.

9. _ _ _ _ pizza originated in Italy. It is a pie with cheese, tomatoes,

and other things on top. _ _ _ _ "pizza" means "pie" in Italian.

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10. A: Hey, Nick. Pass pizza. I want another piece.

B: There are only two pieces left. You take big piece, and I'll take _
small one.

11. _ _ _ _ gold is excellent conductor of electricity. It is used in many

of the electrical circuits on spaceship.

12. A: Where's Alice?

B: She's in _ kitchen making sandwich.

13. A: Where'd plumber go? sink's still leaking!

B: Relax. He went to shut off water supply to house. He'll fix
_ _ _ _ leak when he gets back.

234 CHAPTER 11
14. A: Do you see man who is standing next to Janet?
B: Yes. Who is he?
A: He's president of this university.

15. A one-dollar bill has a picture of president of the United States. It's a picture of
George Washington.

16. A: What did you buy when you went shopping?

B: I bought blouse and jewelry.
A: What color is blouse?
B: Red.

17. A: Where's my bookbag?

B: It's on floor over there, in ---- corner next to - - - - sofa.

18. We need to buy furniture. I'd like to get sofa and easy

19. _ _ _ _ furniture is expensive these days.

20. _ _ _ _ vegetarian doesn't eat meat.

21. Only one of - - - - continents in ----

world is uninhabited. Which one?

22. Last week, I took _ _ _ _ easy exam. It was in my economics class. I had right
answers for all of _ _ _ _ questions on exam. My score was 100%.

23. Anyone who goes to _ _ _ _ job interview should wear nice clothes.

24. A mouse has _ _ _ _ long, thin, almost hairless tail. _ _ _ _ rats also have _
long, skinny tails.

25. Years ago, people used wood or coal for heat, but now most
people use gas, oil, or electricity.

26. I had interesting experience yesterday. - - - - man in - - - - blue suit

came into my office and handed me bouquet of flowers. I had never
seen man before in my life, but I thanked him for flowers. Then he
walked out door.

27. A: What is your favorite food?

B: _ _ _ _ ice cream-it's cold, sweet, and smooth.

28. We had steamed rice, fish, and vegetables for lunch

yesterday. _ _ _ _ rice was cooked just right. fish was very tasty.
vegetables were fresh.

Count/Noncount Nouns and Articles 235

29. Karen is exceptionally talented person.

30. A: Where's letter I wrote to Ted?

B: It's gone. strong wind blew it on floor, and dog tore it
up. I threw scraps in wastebasket.

31. A: I'm looking for tape player. Where is it?

B: It's on one of shelves next to my desk.
A: Ah! There it is. Thanks.
B: You're welcome.
A: Hmmm. I don't think it works. Maybe batteries are dead.

32. _ _ _ _ chalk is necessity in a classroom.

33. _ _ _ _ efficient transportation system is essential part of a healthy economy.

<> PRACTICE 23. Using THE or (2) with names. (Chart 11-9)
Directions: Complete the sentences with the or 0.


2. "'ft.\e Atlantic Ocean is smaller than t~e

_-!....!."""""-_ Pacific.

3. _ _ _ _ Dr. James was the youngest person at her university to get a Ph.D.

4. _ _ _ _ Mt. Rainier in Washington State is in Cascade Mountain Range.

5. _ _ _ _ Nile is the longest river in Africa.

6. Is Toronto or Montreal the largest city in Canada?

7. During her tour of Africa, Helen climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro and visited several

national parks in Kenya.

8. _ _ _ _ New Zealand is made up of two islands: North Island and South Island.

9. _ _ _ _ Himalayas extend through several countries: Pakistan, _

India, _ _ _ _ Tibet, and Nepal.

10. _ _ _ _ President Davis was surprised to be elected to a fourth term.

11. _ _ _ _ Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam was formerly called Saigon.

12. _ _ _ _ Andes Mountains in South America extend for 5000 miles.

236 CHAPTER 11
<> PRACTICE 24. Using THE or (2) with names. (Chart 11- 9)
Directions: Answer the questions. Choose from the list below. Use the if necessary. (Not all
names on the list will be used.)

Africa Europe Mont Blanc Shanghai

Alps Gobi Desert Mt. Vesuoius South America
Amazon River Indian Ocean Netherlands Taipei
Beijing Lagos Nile River Thames River
Black Sea Lake Baikal North America Tibet
Dead Sea Lake Tanganyika Sahara Desert United Arab Emirates
Elbe River Lake Titicaca Saudi Arabia Urals

Question Answer

1. What is the lowest point on Earth?

2. What is the second-longest river in the world?

3. What is the most populated city in China?

4. What is the largest desert in the world?

5. What river runs through London?

6. On what continent is the Volga River?

7. What mountains border France and Italy?

8. What lake is in East Central Africa?

9. On what continent is Mexico?

10. What is the third-largest ocean in the world?

11. What country is also known as Holland?

12. What is the third-largest continent in the world?

13. What country is located in the Himalayas?

14. What mountains are part of the boundary between

Europe and Asia?

15. What is the capital of Nigeria?

16. What country consists of seven kingdoms?

CountlNoncount Nouns and Articles 237

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