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Family Institution

1. Merrill: The biological social unit which compose a husband, wife and
children, is called family.
Characteristics of Family institution:
I. Mating Relationship: Without mating relationship no family can exist in
the society. So mating relationship is important to bring up children and
family members.
II. Marriage: It is the foundation of family. It may arrange or love marriage.
III. Need Satisfaction: Family meets with economic need. Family is
responsible for basic needs satisfaction.
IV. Common Habitation: Members of family (husband, wife and children) live
together to fulfill their desires.

On the On the On the basis On the basis On the basis of

basis of basis of of authority of marriage numbers of
residence ancestry individuals
1. Matrilocal 1. 1. Matriarchal 1. Polygamy 1.Nuclear Family
2. Patrilocal Matrilineal 2.Patriarchal (Polyandry & 2.Joint Family
3. Newlocal 2.Patrilineal Polygyny) 3.Extended Family
2.Monogamy 4.Consanguine Family
5.Family of Orientation
6.Family of Procreation


1. Matrilocal: In this family, woman gets more importance in society. The
husband of wife moves to residence of wife’s parents.
2. Patrilocal: Opposite to Matrilocal. In this family, the residence of new couple
move towards husband’s parents.
3. New local: In this, system newly married couple lives separately in an
independent house.
1. Patrilineal Family: In this type, the lineage is decided through the father and
traced by father.
2. Matrilineal Family: It is opposite to patrilineal family. In this type, lineage is
determined by the mother.

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1. Matriarchal: The family in which the source of authority is considered as the
female head i.e. mother. All matters are decided by the mother.
2. Patriarchal: Opposite of Matriarchal. The family in which the source of
authority is considered as a male head i.e. brother or father. All matters are finally
decided by the male.
1. Polygamy (Poly means “more”, Gamy means “To marry”): In this, person
marries with more than once.
Types of Polygamy
a. Polyandry: In this, woman has more than one husband.
b. Polygyny: In this, man has more than one wife.
2. Monogamy: In this, a person is allowed to marry only once.


1. Nuclear Family: In this type of family, there is a husband, wife and
dependent children or unmarried children.
2. Joint Family: In this type of family, there is a husband, wife, married and
unmarried children and also there is their brothers and sisters.
3. Extended Family: Extended family is similar to joint family. Difference is only
of kitchen.
4. Consanguine Family: The family which consist of husband, wife, their
children and blood relatives.
5. Family of Orientation: The family in which a person born. In this family a
person learn about his/her culture and other things.
6. Family of Procreation: The family in which a person gets married. For
husband, the family of wife is procreation and for wife, family of husband is

Functions of Family Institution:

1. Satisfaction of Sex Need: It is basic function satisfied by marriage.
2. Reproduction: It is another important function of family institute. Satisfaction
of sex leads to reproduction of children.

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3. Giving love and Sympathy: All the family members give love, affection to
each other in family.
4. Socialization of members: Members of family socialize us and teach us
about culture, tradition, norms and values.
5. Economic Function: Family heads fulfill the basic needs of its members to
get better food, shelter, clothing etc.
6. Social Function: Family teaches us social norms and values, and other
formal activities.
7. Religious function: Family also teaches its member about their religion,
mode or way of worshiping.
8. Cultural functions: Family teaches its member about their cultural
hereditary, or about their cultural activities.
9. Security and Protection: Firstly, the members of family are protected by
their family, and then by others like state.

Definition: Marriage is a term for social relationship of husband and wife or of plural
mates, also used for the ceremony of uniting marital partners.
Mate Section:It refers to the finding of spouse (partner) by man and woman.
Two methods of mating sections:
1. Exogamy: In this, person marries outside of group, caste, or family.
2. Endogamy: In this, person marries within a group, caste, or family. Marriages
are conducted in the family.

1. Polygamy (Poly means “more”, Gamy means “To marry”): In this, person
marries with more than once.
Types of Polygamy
a. Polyandry: In this, woman has more than one husband.
b. Polygyny: In this, man has more than one wife.
2. Monogamy: In this, a person is allowed to marry only once.
3. Fraternal Polyandry: When a woman is considered and treated as a wife of
all brothers, living in a family. Her son/daughter is considered as a son/daughter of
eldest brother.
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4. Non Fraternal Polyandry: In this, a woman is considered to have more than
one husband, but it is not essential that they should brothers. In this form, biological
father would not important.
5. Group Marriage: The form of marriage, in which the brothers are required to
marry with the sister living together.
6. Experimental Marriage: In this type of marriage, girl and boy is given a time
to make understanding among themselves for marriage, otherwise not.
7. Inter caste marriage: Caste system is very important in the society. Inter
caste marriage is practicing in different societies.
Types of Inter caste marriage:
a. Anuloma: When a man of higher caste marry with a woman of lower caste, is
called anuloma.
b. Pratiloma: When a woman of higher caste marry with a man of lower caste,
is called Pratiloma.
10. Hyper gamy: A man belonging to the nobility marries with a woman of lower
social status, is called hyper gamy.
11. Hypo gamy: A woman belonging to the nobility marries a man of lower social
status, is called hypo gamy.
12. Sororate Marriage: If the wife is died after the death, husband marries with
wife’s sister (sister-in-law).
13. Levirate Marriage: When the husband is died, after the death of husband.
Wife marries with husband’s brother (brother-in-law).
14. Compassionate Marriage: The ending of marriage by mutual consent due to
having no children.
15. Arranged Marriage: The marriage which is arranged by the agreement of
both sides’ parents.
16. Love Marriage:In this, youngsters find their life partner and make relation by
mutual understanding.
3. Swara Marriage: Popular in Pakhtoon society. If any conflict occur among
two parties. Defaulter party gives girl to the innocent party boy to marry.

Function of Marriage:
1. Social Recognition: Marriages give social recognition, the legal and sexual
relationship among woman and man as a shape of husband and wife.
2. Procreation of Children: Children born as a result of socially recognized

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3. Sense of Sympathy: After the marriage, husband, wife and children show
sympathy among themselves.
4. Basis of Family: Marriages laid down the fundamental stone for family.
Without marriage the concept of making family is incorrect.
5. Stability in Relationship: Relationship is stabilized with the passage of time
among family members. Like in son and daughter, father in law and mother in law.
6. Perpetuation of Lineage: Children perpetuate the name of their fathers and
grandfathers or family.

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