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ECE/CS 338 Communication Networks for Computers Spring 2001

M. Rashad Ramzan, Islamabad Pakistan;,

Q No. 1: Multiplexing and Probability

DATA: Total Link Bandwidth = 1 Mbps
Each user requires = 100 Kbps
% Of time each user Txmits = 10%

a) In circuits switching users can’t time-share the BW of allocated channel, so either a user Txmits for 10% of
time or 100% of time resource utilization is same. So 10 users can be supported at a same time
No of Users = 1 Mpbs/100Kbps = 10 Users

b) & c) Suppose the network is packet switched with 40 users, In this case there are two or rather more possible
scenarios. The packet network can support 1 Mpbs/(100Kbps*10%) = 100Users. Different assumptions make
the results different:

Case1: We assume that 40 users are ready for transmission; the readiness distribution is purely random and
independent of each other. We further assume that the probability to transmit for one user is p =1/40,
probability to transmit for 2nd user simultaneously while 1st user is transmitting is also 1/40. We assume that
they are independent of each other. The probability of not transmitting for a single user is q=(1-p)
The probability of N users transmitting simultaneously is given by binomial distribution formula

P (N users) =[40]*[ pn * q (40-N) ]


P (N users) =[40! /(N! *(40-N)!)][ pn *q (40-N) ]

This derivation stands correct for any numbers of users N. Implementation of system in problem limits the
users transmitting simultaneously to N=10. We can calculate the probability of 11 users just by putting the
values in expression. But this value will be true mathematically.

Case2: We can have the 10 pipes of 100 Kbps each and 10 time slots in each pipe for 1Mbps flow. If we
assume that every user is ready to transmit at same time and we know 10 users can transmit at same time. The
probability of N users transmitting is ONE if number of users is less than or equal to 10. And probability of
transmission is ZERO if number of user are greater than 10. The key is the assumption that all the 40 users
are ready to transmit at same time and all the time until they get access, but only ten get access and transmit

Q No. 2: Data Networks

DATA: No of Inhabitants = 1 Million
Each user transactions = 4 transactions /hour
One transaction = 4 packets
One packet = 1000 bits

a) Aggregate average during busiest hour =1000,000 X 4 X 4 X 1000/ 3600

= 4.44Mbps

ECE/CS 338 Communication Networks for Computers Spring 2001
M. Rashad Ramzan, Islamabad Pakistan;,

b) Each packets travels over an average of three links of 64Kbps. We assume that in the busiest hour the one
million users are not trying to transmit data at same time. Their transactions are distributed over the one-hour
time evenly and continuously. There are two cases possible depending upon the type of muxing and
forwarding used in terminal equipment sitting at the edges of network pipe.

Case1: In this case packet (4X1000=4000 Bits) bps is so high that it takes on average three 64Kbps links for
transmission. As a packet switched network, the rest of time on the 64Kbps links can be shared. The
granularity of time slice is very very fine. So even a single packet is transmitted on three links, effective
resources remain the same.

No of 64Kbps links required = (4.44Mbps/ 64Kbps)

= 69.44
Case2: In second scenario, the packet (4X1000=4000 Bits) bps and link bps are same ie 64Kbps. Each of
three packet segment occupies one 64Kbps link (comple te packets occupies three links) and under utilizes its
time as the time slice is equal to the size of packet. This dictates that no of links used be multiplied with
No of 64Kbps links required = (4.44Mbps/ 64Kbps)*3
= 69.44*3
= 208.33

c) Each habitant uses the telephone for average of 10% of time during busy hours. So for the rest 90% of time
other user can use the same link

No of telephone link required = (1 million/ 10%)*3links = 300K

Q No. 3 Packet Loss

DATA: Probability of frame damage is p and ACKs are never lost.

Suppose we want to transmit N frames. N p are lost. We retransmit N p frames. Out of that N p, Np 2 are lost again
and so on. So total transmission are
Total No of Transmission required =N+ Np+ Np 2 + Np 3 + Np 4 + Np 5 +……………
=N (1+ p+Np 2 +Np 3 + p4 + p5 +……………)
The expression inside the brackets is Maclarin’s series expansion of 1/(1-p) provided |p|<1
So mean no of transmission required to send a single frame =1/(1-p)

Q No. 4 Bandwidth-delay product


a) 10 Mbps Ethernet with a delay of 10 microseconds

Bandwidth-delay product = 10 Mbps X 10 usec = 100 bits

b) Queuing delay = 5000/ 10 Mbps = 500 usec

Total delay = Queuing delay+ link 1 propagation delay + link 2 propagation delay
= 500 +10 +10
= 520 usec
Bandwidth-delay product = 10 Mbps X 520 usec = 5200 bits

ECE/CS 338 Communication Networks for Computers Spring 2001
M. Rashad Ramzan, Islamabad Pakistan;,

c) Bandwidth-delay product = 1.5 Mbps X 50 msec = 75,000 bits = 73.24KBytes

d) Speed of light =3X 108 m/sec= 300,000 Km/sec

Propagation delay = 35,900/300,000 sec
Bandwidth-delay product = 1.5 Mbps X (35,900/300,000) = 179,500 bits = 175.29KBytes

Q No. 5 Network Utilities

a) With all my best effort I was not able to login on UIUC machines via FTP. The “connection to host lost”
message is displayed as I type “c:\>telnet”
Anyhow I looked at the man pages for “whois” utility on the sun machine in my company. This machine
is not connected with Internet, so it was not possible to do the HW assignment as such. Anyhow I figured
out that” whois searches for an Internet directory entry for an identifier which is either a name or a
handle. You can force the search for either handle or name if you precede the name with “;” or “!” sign”

b) As I am not on campus student, I did used the ping form my PC, here are the results (see next page)

ECE/CS 338 Communication Networks for Computers Spring 2001
M. Rashad Ramzan, Islamabad Pakistan;,

ECE/CS 338 Communication Networks for Computers Spring 2001
M. Rashad Ramzan, Islamabad Pakistan;,


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