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The article is a part of speaking which stays near a noun. It shows if an object, a phenomen is
known or unlnown to the speaker.
It is all the time before the noun.

In English there are three types of articles:

I. The Indefinite Article: A/ AN

“A” is used before a word beginning with a consonant.

e.g.: a car, a book

“An” is used before a word wich begins with a vowel.

e.g. : an elephant, an hour

The uses of the indefinite article:

 When we know nothing about that noun, or is mentioned for the first time
e.g. There is a boy in the street.

 Before the name of a job, nationality, after de verbs TO Be, To Became

e.g. She is a teacher/ doctor
he will became a doctor.
You are an Englishman.

 Like a numeral
e.g. A boy is reading, two girls are playing.
A hundred

 Before LITTLE and FEW, to give them a bigger quantity

e.g. He has few books. (el are putine carti)
He fas a few books.( el are putine(ceva) carti)

 After MANY (and after it a noun for singular), QUAITE, RATHER, SUCH, WHAT,
e.g. Many a man would like this
She is quite a lady
Such a nice girl!
What a morning!
She is a lady without a husband.
Write this as an introduction.

 Before name of measures( time, distance, quantity)

e.g. once a day, twice a year, three miles an hour, a lot of( o multime de..), a couple(doi), a third( o
At a dinstance= la distanta
On a average= in medie
On a large/small scale= pe scara larga/redusa
With a view to= in scopul de a
It is a pity/ a shame= e pacat/ e rusine
To be in a hurry= a fi grabit
To have a fancy for= a avea chef de
To have an answer for everything= a avea raspuns la toate
To have an opportunity= a avea prilejul
To have a right to= a avea dreptul la
To have a talent for= a avea talent la/pt
To keep it a secret= a tine secret
To make a fortune=a aface avere
To make a fuss= a face caz
To take a seat= a lua loc
To go for a walk/ a sail/ a drive/ a ride= a se duce la plimbare pe jos/ cu yola sau cu vaporul/cu
automobilul/cu bicicleta sau calul

II. The definite Article: THE

We pronounce it di when it stays before a noun that starts with a vowel or a mute “h”.
e.g. the egg (di egg)
the hour (di hour)
We pronounce it da when it is before a noun which begins with a consonant.
e.g. the picture (da picture)

The uses of the definite article:

 In front of a noun that is known or well determined
e.g. The boy sitting in the corner is my brother.

 Before proper name of plural or determined by an attribute

e.g. We shall dine with the Browns.
The famous John Smith will come tomorrow.

 In front of names of mounts of plural or ranges of mountains.

! Just three singular names of mounts are articulated: the Jungfrou, the St. Bernard, the St. Gothard.

e.g. the Carpathians, the Caucasus

 Like demonstrative pronoun

e.g. Stephen the Great

 Before adjectives in order to make them become nouns

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