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Batsantos, Allen, C.
Department of Biological Sciences, Central Luzon State University


Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is the molecule being produced by

trophoblast tissues, a tissue normally found on the early stage embryo. hCG has been
very helpful in identifying normal pregnancy as well pathologic and aborted
pregnancy( Betz, D. and Fane, K., 2019). Tests for hCG are immunometric assays
which means that they use two antibodies that bindi to the hCg molecule; a fixed
antibody and a rradiolabeled antibody which adhere to differnt sites on the molecule,
sandwiching and immobilizing the molecule to make it detectable (Cole, L., 1997).
most common testing procedures for pregnancy involves urine testing in which urine
is placed on a designated receptacle. In this laboratory activity, test for pregnancy was
done using a pregnancy test kit and the ancient procedure known as galli-mainini test


The Galli-Mainini Test

A drop of cloacal fluid with a capillary tube was placed on a clear slide and
examined under the microscope for the presence of spermatozoa. The sample, which
is negative for thge presence of sperm was used in the test. Two ml of filtered urine
was injected superficially into the gastrocnemius muscle, passing upward the skin of
the thigh or the lower back where the dorsal lymph sac is reached. The frog was
placed to a jar containing few ml of water and covered with perforated top. After 30
minutes interval, the urine voided by the frog is taken and exmined under the
microscope for the presence of spermatozoa.
The Pregnancy Test Kit

Two pregnancy test kit were used for the test; one for the urine sample obtained from
a pregnant woman and the other for the sample from a not pregnant woman. Two to
five drops of urine from both samples were added on the wells of each kit. The results
were observed for two to 5 minutes.


Galli-Mainini Test

Galli-mainini test refers to the release of sperm cells from the testis tubules of
amphibians by gonadotrophins and other substances, the process which has been
termed spermiation (Creutzberg, F., 1955). theoretical basis as a result of an in-depth
study of suitable organism for galli-mainini test suggests that it must be common to
the Anura (frog and toads) (Aznar-Ferreres, J., 1949). In the test performed in the
laboratory, spermiation after injecting a urine sample positive for pregnancy test is
expected to happen, however due to the absence of resources and ample time for
observtaion, results were not seen nor recorded, thus documentation for the presence
of sperm after injection was not obtained.

Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy test is dependent on the measurement of human chorionic gonadotrophin

in urine(Chard, T., 1992). Based on the results, the urine obtained from a pregnant
woman showed positive to the test indicated by the double red line in the kit (shown
in figure 1A), in contrast the sample obtained from a not pregnant woman showed
negative (single red line)(shown in figure 1B).
WIth most current pregnancy tests urine may reveal a positive results three to four
days after implantation. On the other hand, 98% positive result may be revealed by 7
days, the time of the expected period (Chard, T., 1992).

Figure 1. A. Positive result, B. Negative Result for Pregnancy Test.


Test for pregnancy is dependent on the presence of human chorionic

gonadotrophin (hCG), a chemical produced by the tropoblast tissue, a tissue normally
found in early embryos. Pregnancy test kit, a widely used tool for pregnancy test
showed positive for sample obtained from a pre-identified pregnant woman, thus
confirming the accuracy of the test kit.


Creutzberg, F. 1955. A comparative study of equine pregnanct tests using the galli-
mainini and the aschheim-zondek reactions. European JOurnal of Endocrinology,
19(4), 386-396.

Azanar-Ferrers, J. 1949. Pregnancy test using Male Anura. Nature, 163, 881-882.
Chard, T. Pregnancy Tests: A review, Human Reproduction, 7(5), 701-710.

Betz, D., and Fane, K. 2019., Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Retrieved from

Cole L., A. 1997. Immunoassay of human chorionic gonadotropin, its free subunits,
and metabolites. Clin. Chem 43(12), 2233-2243. 

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