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A Review of recruitment and selection process

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Ahmad Mohammad
Mu’tah University


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A Review of recruitment and selection process

Prepared by: Ahmed Al-Harerat Submitted to: Dr Rula Halaseh

Abstract :The purpose of this review is to review what came in some studies and
articles that talk about the topic of employment and selection during the time period
between 2010 and 2020 in order to study the modalities that are carried out in these
two tasks in various organizations. The review provided an explanation of both tasks,
taking into account what came from the recommendations in those studies. Finally, the
researcher presented a brief summary about the recruitment and selection process.

The human resource management activities are considered one of the most important
activities that have an impact on companies and among these activities we will review in
our review these are related to recruitment and selection activities to try to clarify these
activities more and to stop the most important practices used in recruitment processes
and the selection to review through our review what came in many of the research
papers Documented and published in publishing magazines and websites.
The recruitment process aims to provide the best elements with excellent qualifications
and qualifications. The importance of the recruitment process to the Human Resources
Department is to prevent hiring the wrong person, who may cost the organization very
much. Away from the salaries and incentives offered, the process of employing an
inappropriate and effective component may cost larger losses based on the decisions
and activities wrongly practiced. Therefore, this process is one of the most important
processes for managing human resources and for the company as a whole.
Whereas, the selection process is the process that aims to select the best and most
suitable donor for the job. Taking into consideration the conditions necessary in this
process and adopting the principle of justice, equality and equal opportunities for all
candidates, and that selection be made on the basis of merit and merit, and there must
be a type of control when selecting employees, as the right person is in the right place.
Based on the foregoing, recruitment and selection processes are among the most
important topics that we need to study and care about, and therefore I chose this topic
because of its importance, trying to provide information of its importance through my
review of some of the studies published between 2010 and 2020.
Recruitment Process
Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating
them to apply for jobs in the organization(Biswas2012). Stonner, Freeman and Gilbert
(2000) stated that the purpose of recruitment is to provide a group of candidate that is
large enough to let managers select the employees they need. Recruitment according to
Nzuve (1997) refers to the discovery and development of the sources of required
personnel so that sufficient number of candidates will always be available for
employment in the organization. The purpose of recruitment is to seek out or explore,
to evaluate, to induce and to obtain commitment from the prospective employees so as
to fill up positions required for successful operation and organization. )Raghavi and
Gopinathan 2013) define it as the process of creating a group of qualified candidates for
vacancies within organizations. In both professional and non-professional fields,
employment will include an attempt to identify a diverse group of applicants with the
necessary qualifications and capabilities, and inform them of available job opportunities.
There are various methods of recruitment but for the sake of simplicity, they have been
categorized under two broad headings.) Neeraj Kumari 2013)

Internal Recruitment
This is for those people who are already working in the organization; the HR people
publish the circular on notice board and online portal to invite the deserving employees
to participate in the interview via they can also upgrade their position level and avail
their career growth. In this case, employees refer their resume personally and
sometimes by their internal communication portal. This process may not be followed in
all companies and organizations, for example in the study (Sintheya Rahman 2011).
Some of the advantages of internal hiring have been mentioned. We review what each
of Stonner, Freeman and Gilbert (2000) identified three advantages of an organization
policy to recruit from within. First, individuals recruited from within are already familiar
with the organization and its members, and this knowledge increases the likelihood that
they will succeed. Secondly, a promotion from within policy fosters loyalty and inspires
greater effort among organization members. Finally, it is usually less expensive to recruit
or promote from within than to hire from outside the organization. Certain
disadvantages to internal recruitment were also recognized. It limits the pool of
available talent. In addition, it reduces the chance that fresh view points will enter the
organization, and it may encourage complacency among employees who assume
seniority ensures promotion.
External Recruitment
From other organization/company/institute or fresh graduate people this process is
applicable, step by step selection and recruitment process is shown (Bushra Bintey
Mahbub 2020). Many vacancies are filled from outsiders. Even when an company own
candidates if transferred or promoted elsewhere in the company there comes a vacant
position, which should be filled externally. (Ayesha Yaseen 2015)
The process below shows how groups of candidates are created from different sources.
It is impossible to gather all candidates from a different category and experience using
only one source. These sources have proven to be very useful and effective for finding
the right number of people who are able.

Source Nipupurni Internship report On Recruitment and Selection Process at

Viyellatex Group p 23

Preliminary Steps for Recruitment:

There are some issues which are controlled by the administration of the company
during the recruitment process. These are given below:
1) Requisition: Whenever recruitment is needed the respective department informs
the HR Operations about their vacancy position and thus the HR starts their
2) Timing: The HR Operations department usually gets 60 days to recruit and select a
candidate. This time is not specified by the respective department in which a
vacancy has been opened. Time period is totally controlled by the HR Operations.
3) Types of Contact: Qualification needed to perform the job is provided to the HR
operation by the respective department to make the recruitment process more
4) Recruitment budget: Robi Axiata Ltd. allocates a fixed amount of recruitment budget
every year. Division wise this budget is allocated.
5) Sources of candidates: Robi Axiata Ltd. always prefers recruiting online. They have
their own website where applicants send their CV‟s.( Sintheya Rahman 2011).
However, through my review of the overall studies that I have researched, I found that
there are deficiencies that may be taken into consideration for such issues, but this
ruling may not be correct, perhaps mentioning these issues was ignored because they
may be considered one of the axioms related to the recruitment process.
While there was consensus in the steps necessary to perform the recruitment process,
but differences may be in the nature of the work of each organization or company and
in general, the steps used in the recruitment process were as follows according to a
study(G van der Waldt 2014).
Common sequential steps in the recruitment process:
1) Identify the need to recruit/determine whether a vacancy exist
2) Update the job description, specification and profile
3) Determine the key performance areas of the job/recruitment planning
4) Consult the recruitment policy and procedure
5) Consider the sources of recruitment (searching)
6) Choose the appropriate recruitment method
7) Develop the recruitment advertisement/strategy development
8) Place the advertisement in the most appropriate and suitable communication
medium/implement a decision
9) Ensuring availability of application blanks/ensure pool of potential qualified
applications/allow sufficient time for responses
10) Screen responses/screening
11) Recruitment evaluation and control
The organization’s decision on whether to adopt the internal or external depends on
many factors. Motivating factors have been mentioned on the recruitment and selection
process in more than one study, but overall we find that there is a great similarity
between those factors and differences that may occur based on the nature of the work
of each organization and on the environment Work in which the company does its
As for those factors, he came up with a study (Dr. Nazrul Islam and others 2010)
Internal Factors:
Recruitment policy, Human resource planning, Size of the Firm, Cost of recruitment,
Growth and Expansion
External Factors: Supply and demand, Labor market, Image / Goodwill, Political/Social
and Legal, Environment, Unemployment rate, Competitors
In addition, a study reported (MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru and others 2013) the
following factors have also been identified as factors that determine sources of
recruitment; Organizational policy regarding recruitment, The availability of the
required staff within the organization and its effect on the overall organizational efforts,
The level of position to be filled, The number of job positions to be filled.
AhmedAbad(2018) mentioned in his study about many factors, most of which are
consistent with what most of what was mentioned above, but he also mentioned a
factor that differs from what has been mentioned, which are factors related to the
criteria of recruitment Technical criteria, that is, professional skills and experience in
your field. Candidate's personality and charisma are the most effective criteria in the
recruitment process in France. And Communication skills and knowledge of foreign
languages are also very important, to ensure that the smooth flow of communication
between the company and its subsidiary company is ensured.
As for the advantages and disadvantages of internal employment, this was mentioned in
the study Zenyka Viedeyona Zebedeus 2015) through a table sourced from (Bernardin &
Russell (2013).

The advantages of the internal recruitment came as follows: a healthier evaluation for
the candidates and reduces the training time, and it is considered quick in comparison
with the external recruitment, by cheaper confirmation, and more than that, it
motivates the current employees. But at the same time it has the disadvantages of it
creating vacancies that can stifle the diversity of politics and may be the shortage of

On the other hand, (Bernardin & Russell 2013) mentioned the advantages of external
employment, which he summarized as increasing diversity and facilitating growth and
can provide training time and is also considered to be able to solve new problems. But
the disadvantages that we may be exposed to by adopting external employment are
expensive and considered slower than employment The procedure may have less valid
data on the candidates, and it may hinder the upward movement of individuals.
The Neeraj Kumari(2013) study mentioned the benefits and benefits related to
employment in another way, as it was mentioned that employment helps to create a
pool of talents from potential candidates for the benefit of the organization and it also
increases the total number of candidates looking for work at the lowest cost and it also
helps to increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of
qualified visits One or more qualified job applicants and helps in identifying and
preparing potential job applicants who will be the appropriate candidate for the job and
in the end recruitment processes help to increase the organization and individual
effectiveness of different employment techniques and for all types of applicants For
Selection Process:
Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs
in an organization. Selection is much more than just choosing the best candidate. It is an
attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can and wants to do and
what the organization requires.( Neeraj Kumari 2012). (Aleksandra Stoilkovska and
others 2015) knows the process of selecting qualified individuals to fill vacancies in the
organization. In other words, the organization will not have much chance of success if it
fails to choose the people with the necessary qualifications because the main goal is to
hire the best person and it is a fundamental principle in equal employment
opportunities laws. He says (Bernard Oladosu Omisore 2016) is the process of choosing
from the group of applicants who will be appointed by the institution based on specific
regulatory requirements. Finally (Ayesha Yaseen 2015) explained it End result of a
constructive recruitment is having suitable competent candidates from the pool of
people. Next step is selecting the most productive and suitable person according to the
requirements of the job vacancy it can be done by assessing the candidates by various
tools or measures and making a rational choice or decision followed by an offer of
The basic aim of selection as stated by Castetter (1992) is to fill the vacant vacancies
with personnel who meet the job related competencies, self-motivated and directed or
inclined towards success, consistent, efficient towards goals, system and organization,
contribute well and quick learner directed towards self-development.
In the (Aisha Yassin 2015) study, he stated that the goals and objectives of the selection
process lie in the following:
Gather as much relevant information to analyze the facts.
Organize and evaluate the information to make the rational choice.
Assess each candidates in order to choose the best person for the job
Forecast performance of a candidate on the job and its compatibility with the firm.
Provide knowledge to applicants so that they can judge whether or not they are ready
to accept an offer of employment considering the hardships and opportunities.
Neeraj Kumari 2012 mentioned in his study that the importance of choice lies in three
aspects and mentioned it as follows :
Performance: At first, our own performance depends in part of our own subordinates.
Employees with right skills will do a better job for any company and for the owner.
Employees without these requisite skills or who are abrasive would not perform
effectively and the company performance will suffer to a great extent. So there is a time
to screen out undesirables and to choose the better and perfect candidate that can
effectively contribute to company success.
Cost: Second, it is important because it is costly to recruit and hire employees so cost-
benefit ratio have to be considered while hiring of employees in order to avoid any
unnecessary wastage of money and the valuable resources .The total cost of hiring a
manager could easily be 10 times as high as once one add search fees, interviewing
time, reference checking, and travel and moving expenses.
Legal Obligations: Thirdly it is important because of the two legal implications of
incompetent hiring. Firstly equal employment law requires nondiscriminatory selection
procedures for selected groups. Secondly, courts will find the employer liable when
employees with criminal records or other problems use access to customers’ homes to
commit crimes. Lawyers call hiring workers with such backgrounds, without proper
safeguards, negligent hiring. So the negligent hiring highlights the need to think through
what the job human requirements are. So in order to avoid the concept of negligent
hiring, it is necessary to make a systematic effort in order to gain relevant information
about the applicant and verify all the documentation.
We come to mention the steps related to the selection process and I have noticed in
many studies a great agreement between these steps and there may be slight
differences based on the nature of the work of each organization and the environment
in which it works, but the most comprehensive steps mentioned in the study (G van der
Waldt 2014).
Common sequential steps in the selection process:
1) Reception and initial screening interview
2) Application form
3) In-depth selection interview
4) Background and reference checking
5) Medical examination and physical pre-employment testing
6) Assessment center’s
7) Make a final hiring decision
8) Final decision and make a fair job offer

Macro-model (selection process-map)

There are many steps that are taken in order to perform the selection process correctly.
)MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru 2013( study mentioned these common methods that
are used :

Initial or preliminary interview: This initial interview is usually quite short and has as its
objective the elimination of the obviously unqualified. In many instances it is a standing
interview conducted at a desk or railing.
Application Blank: One of the general principles of hiring procedures is to assign each
step information objectives that can be best obtained by the methods of that particular
step. Factual information should be obtained by means of an application blank. We
should not automatically assume that all information written on the blank by the
applicant is correct.
References: The purpose of the reference check is to obtain information about past
behavior of applicants and to verify the accuracy of information given on the application
Psychological Tests: The next step in the procedure outlined above is that of testing.
Most of the larger companies that can afford to have a more detailed and accurate
selection procedure do utilize some form of employment testing. It is the smaller
company that frequently does not bother with tests, but places great reliance upon the
Interviewing: Interviewing is probably the most widely used single method of selection.
A substantial amount of subjectivity, and therefore/ unreliability, is to be expected from
interviewing when used as a tool of evaluation. For any applicant to be hired or offered
employment in any organization, the applicant must attend an interview (which is the
selection process). According to Humphrey (2010). According to the (Bernard Oladosu
Omisore, Ph.D 2014) study, the interviews are divided into two types:

Directed interviews
In this style of interview, direct questions requiring definite answers are used. This style
is especially appropriate for school leavers, for applicants with complicated job histories
and when there is a suggestion that “facts” are in dispute.
Non-Directed interviews
Open questions that allow the candidate to choose an answer should always be relied
on. It is the best way of searching or developing a candidate’s views on any subject.
Prompting is a useful technique. Another technique is for the interviewer to keep silent,
thus building pressure on the interviewee, who usually cannot resist the need to fill the
vacuum by continuing to talk, trying to establish his/her point (Humphrey 2010).
According to the study (MUSTAPHA, Adeniyi Mudashiru 2013), the last step will be
Approval by the Supervisor: Following the outlined procedure, we should now be of the
opinion that a candidate who has successfully completed all steps thus far should be
hired. At this point in the process, a third interview is conducted. The information
objectives of this interview may well overlap those of the preceding one.
We now come to mention some of the factors that have an impact on the recruitment
process, as mentioned in the (Sintheya Rahman 2011) study There are some common
factors that have affect on every organization’s selection process. These factors are:
Organizational Hierarchy: This has an obvious affect on selection process. At first the
selection process for entry level employees and for upper level employees are not the
same. The higher the job post is the more critical the selection process.
Speed of Decision Making: Making a correct decision in a very short time is very
Employee Pool: The greater the number of employee for the selection, the number of
choices organization gets to select the right person for a vacant position is better. To
facilitate the selection process, the Robi Axiata Ltd. stores many CV in their CV bank.
As for the factors that must be considered when making the selection process, the
)Ayesha 2015( study mentioned:
1) Size of the organization
2) Number of people to be hired
3) Nature of the job to be filled
4) An outside pressure or influence
5) Pinpoint criteria of an organization selection process
The success of any company depends on its employees. If the employee is ideal for a
job, the entire organization will enjoy the benefits of its unbeatable success.
Recruitment and selection help in selecting the right candidate for the right position. It
helps reduce an organization's losses. Although the recruitment and selection process is
essential for any company or organization, however, the fact that it is a basic process
does not mean that it is simple and that it can be easily implemented, because the
results can lead to counter-results.
Based on the foregoing, we review through the following table what came in studies and
articles, the most important of what is the outcome and recommendations that have
been mentioned
Year Author The name of the study and the most important findings and
2020 Sania Usmani Recruitment and Selection Process at Workplace: A Qualitative, Quantitative
and Experimental Perspective of Physical Attractiveness and Social
Desirability. (2020)
The most important results and recommendations mentioned in this review
came to search of three studies related to the subject of the recruitment
process and selection in the workplace: a qualitative, quantitative and
experimental perspective of physical attractiveness and social desire. It was
concluded that all three studies and data analysis, and found that physical
attractiveness does not play a role in the selection and employment process
Individually, this review will help shed light on theories on the factors that
affect the recruitment process. The results of this review will also guide all
future studies on how appearance, confidence, communication skills and
resumption of clarity play an important role in the recruitment process rather
than physical or facial attractiveness.
2020 Dharshini.K.A A Pragmatic study on Human Resources Trends in recruitment and selection
& Seleena.R process in Non-Banking Financial Companies in Kanniyakumari district (2020)
The most important study recommended that it is necessary to enhance the
new form of talent acquisition, such as campus recruitment, the trainees
program to employ the appropriate talents, and the evaluation of candidates
during recruitment must be more efficient. This study provided a conclusion
that the recruitment process and selection among employees of non-banking
financial companies have a positive importance Regarding their job
satisfaction, the company still has to enhance the level of employment in new
formulas for employment of qualified employees in the coming time period.

2020 Bushra Bintey Internship Report on Recruitment and Selection Process of BRAC Bank LTD.
Mahbub (BBL)(2020)
The report made several recommendations, the most important of which was
that some procedures could be computerized via the Internet so that some
work is reduced and opportunities for manual errors are reduced. It also
recommended that it is necessary to assign more manpower. There is a need
for more manpower in proportion to work. And the need to give more facilities
to the trainees, and the most important goal was that they should search for
quality instead of quantity in the case of selecting or employing employees
sometimes to achieve the goal and incentive, they choose some unqualified
people who cannot bear the workload and fall into depression and finally expel
them from the organization .
2019 Tri Indri Indonesian Language Assistant Program In Australian Schools: Recruitment
Hardini and And Selection Process (2019)
Others It became evident from this study that the UPI Indonesian recruitment process
has several stages. Each stage has its own purpose to choose the best
candidates required by both UPI and DET. It is expected that each process of
selection processes will thoroughly explore the general skills and competencies
of the candidates. The study recommended the necessity of sustaining this
program, and it is also necessary to continuously improve the recruitment and
selection system in order to select the best candidates for the coming years.
2019 Sophia Diana Challenges in Recruitment and Selection Process: An Empirical Study (2019)
Rozario and The study indicated that there are some restrictions and it was considered an
Others introductory study for future research. The first limitation relates to the cross-
sectional nature of this study describing participants' feelings and thoughts
about the selection process at a particular time only. Therefore, the results are
based on the participant's emotions for that period only rather than evidence
over a period of time for all VTA members. Another limitation is that the
results are presented only to the views of the participants in this study only,
and therefore represent a partial perspective for reviewing the selection
process when considering all other employees in the organization who did not
participate in the study. Based on the results of this research, one of the
important results is to provide a comprehensive and representative research
By involving more participants from each organization in this sector. This will
greatly enhance the empirical knowledge base on employee selection as well
as provide valuable insights and comparisons on perceptions of talent
acquisition between different sectors. This will make a valuable contribution to
developing a more comprehensive understanding of talent acquisition and
staff selection in the recruitment process.
2018 Ahmedabad A Study On Recruitment And Selection Process Of Airtel (2018)
The study presented several recommendations, the most important of which
was the necessity of an effective human resources management in the
organization that depends on the effectiveness of many other human
resources activities such as selection and training on the quality of new
employees who are attracted through the recruitment process. Also on raising
awareness about the risk of wrongful appointments, management must obtain
specific training on the recruitment process. Finally, an improvement in
organizational results was observed as a result of improved recruitment and
selection strategies. More effectively, the more organizations recruit and
choose candidates, the more likely they will be recruited and retained. In
addition, the effectiveness of the enterprise selection system can affect low
business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance. Therefore,
money investment is spent on developing a comprehensive and valid selection
2017 Dr. Amer Recruitment and Selection Practices in Business Process Outsourcing
Hani Al- Industry)2017)
Kassem The study recommended that access to employee services, develop their skills,
and motivate them at high levels of performance, and in order to ensure the
maintenance of their commitment to the organization, this is necessary to
achieve organizational goals. Also, no organization can survive without giving
importance to its employees. Moreover, the adoption of different business
models, best practices and strategies is the motto that the institution must
follow to retain its employees. Achieving reasonable expectations for
employees must be an ongoing process.
2017 Agneš Slavić The Role of the Internet and Social Networks in Recruitment and Selection
and Others Process(2017)
The results of the research conducted show that in Serbia, the internet and
social networks are used in the recruitment process, but still not to a large
extent. According to the results of the survey, 30% of organizations in Serbia
use advertising job vacancies on the company's official website and 32% of
organizations do this on commercial websites. The conclusion is that the
decision to select a suitable candidate should not only be based on social
network data, but this information can help in making decisions. Combining
traditional selection methods with modern online methods can provide better
results and provide a better database for decision makers to choose a suitable
2016 Endah Merit System in Recruitment and Selection Process of Civil Servant Candidate
Setyowati in Malang Indonesia (Implementation of Recruitment and Selection of Civil
Servant Candidate in 2010) (2016)
The results showed that formation submission has not been based on the
analysis on the needs of employees, as well as job and workload analysis.
There are three factors inhibiting the application of the merit system in the
recruitment and selection of employees. The first is the administrative barriers
related to the lack of harmonization between the policy framework which
became the legal basis for carrying out recruitment and selection of
employees. The results showed indications of corruption in the process of
recruitment and selection of employees. Results also indicate that the practice
of transaction between applicants and committee still happens. The third is
the technical barriers associated with the limited ability of personnel resources
in carrying out the responsibility and the lack of infrastructure in the process of
recruitment and selection of employees.

2015 Stoilkovska Equal employment opportunities in the recruitment and selection process of
and others human resources(2015)
Taking into account all the results of the research, it can be generally
concluded that the HR managers in the companies in the Republic of
Macedonia generally consider that they do their work professionally and
employ the best personnel without any influence of prejudice and
discrimination on any grounds during the recruitment and selection process
while the opinion is different among the people who have experienced these
processes and they consider that this concept has not been enough preserved.
From the presented conclusions the following recommendations arise:
It is necessary to prepare amendments to the Law on ethnic minorities in the
institutions so as to provide equal employment opportunities for all citizens
regardless of their ethnicity.
The gender of the desired candidate should not be included in the job adverts
if there is no special need for it and it is not related to the nature of the work.
The companies should ensure equal employment opportunities regardless of
the candidates’ age or to hire real professionals according to their expertise
and not according to their age.
2015 Asif Kamran, Analysis of the Recruitment and Selection Process(2015)
Jawad The Research has investigated or come to the point that the Recruitment and
Dawood and Selection processes used in the Organization (s) is varying in nature. As per the
Saad Bin Hilal small firms are concerned the way of recruiting and selection is on a little scale
and sometimes have influence of others as well, but coming to large
organizations the influence is not there but the large scale or recruiting and
selection is quiet lengthy and time consuming.
1.The process of Recruitment and Selection should be well defined for a rapid
response from the person applying.
2.The response time from the HR team should be quick and criteria should be
judged in accordance with time limit, hence they will not loose the employee
to rivals.
3.he traditional recruitment and selection methods or procedures should be
changed and unconventional methods, like moving towards universities and
fresh candidates would help in getting energetic and willing full recruits.
4.Panel interviewing is most suitable for now days and is less time consuming
so by traditional means of different stages interview should be cut down and
this method should be implemented on regular basis.
5.The amounts of money spend on the recruitment and selection procedures
should be taken in account and more specialized and new ways of procedures
should be adopted, which will be beneficial for the organization.
2015 Mary Argue The Importance of the Strategic Recruitment and Selection Process on
Meeting an Organisations Objectives’.(2015)
The purpose of this study was to highlight the importance of the strategic
recruitment and selection process on meeting an organisations objectives’. It
was evident from both my primary and secondary research that the strategic
recruitment and selection process is fundamental to the running of any
organisation and its objectives. Based on the findings of this research,
recommend that organisations design a clear and descriptive job analysis.
However, evidence shown in my findings, from one of the organisations,
proved that nowadays when people are applying for jobs they will nearly
always be asked to do something outside of what was specified in the job
analysis. Literature places a major emphasis on the job analysis and it is seen
as a major feature in the recruitment process. I do think this depends on the
job type.
2015 Ayesha Recruitment and Selection Process of Higher Education Sector and Its Impact
Yaseen on Organizational Outcomes(2015)
Researchers in this research are of the view that GCU needs revision of its set
up of selection and recruitment starting from job advertisement to the hiring
of employees. As advertisements are given in newspaper while it could be
improved by giving advertisement in other medium like internet etc that would
increase the pool of candidates. Organization needs to remind itself the crucial
role of HR in employee‟s selection and recruitment.
The researchers mentioned several recommendations, the most important of
1)The organization should maintain a proper formal written recruitment and
selection process.
2) The organization should advertise for high and average skills positions in the
metropolitan daily newspaper and internet.
3)The organization adopts structured interviews for all positions classed as
high and average skilled.
4)The organization should use comfortable lounge-type seating area and a
coffee table to be used to take interviews in the interview room.
5)The organization should adopt and flourishes an employee orientation
6)The organization should take care of that the orientation program is held
with new employees on their very first day, where it must be held on first day
or may than in initial week.
7)All employees should be aware of selection and recruitment policy, criteria
and tools.
8)Selection and recruitment should be free of political influence and personal
9)Organization should focus more on qualified as well as experienced
2014 Syamala Devi A study on recruitment and selection process of sai global Yarntex (india)
Bhoganadam private limited (2014)
and Dr. The study presented many results and recommendations, the most important
Dasaraju of which came
Srinivasa Rao 1. The management of Sai Global Yarntex can increase its scope of
requirements through advertisements and company can go for job fairs where
people get to know about the openings.
2. They should also follow new selection techniques and methods for better
3. The member of the selection committee should be well qualified and
experienced people. So that the selection of the employee will be more
4. For filling up vacancies recruitment process can be adopted more in the
5. It suggested that the Hr department should involve various departmental
heads while recruiting an individual, because the departmental heads can
analyze the technical knowledge relating to the job to the particular
2014 Bernard Staff Recruitment and Selection Process in the Nigerian Public Service: What
Oladosu is to be done?(2014)
Omisore, On the whole, it is safe to conclude that staff recruitment and selection in the
Ph.D and Public Service in Nigeria are complementary and critical indispensable
Bernadette institutional activities that add significant value to Nigeria’s civil service. This is
Ivhaorheme due to the fact that they jointly provide the basis or bottom line for the
Okofu (Mrs.) efficacious role of the civil service in supporting the policy formulation process
and translating policies into action. After all, the onerous task of the civil
service is to operate the administrative machinery in accordance with the
policy established by the political executive, and the work of government
cannot be done without it.
The researchers mentioned several recommendations, the most important of
1. The Nigerian Public Service Commission should try as much as possible to
ensure that no unlawful discrimination occurs in the recruitment and selection
process on thegrounds of sex, ethnic origin and religion.
2. Staff recruitment and selection in the Public Service, should not be based on
the skills of the applicants alone.
3. Political office holders and other top government functionaries should
minimize or stop constant interference in the issue of recruitment and
selection of staff in the public service.
4. Public Service employers should be cautious in choosing recruitment and
selection methods as well as assessing the predictive value of the methods in
order to maintain credibility among applicants.
5. recruiters in the Nigerian Public Service need to keep abreast of changes in
the labour market to ensure that their recruitment efforts are not wasted or
directed at too small a pool of labour.
The purpose of this article was to report on findings obtained through a
literature survey and an empirical investigation conducted among respondents
within the DOJCD. The focus was on developing an appropriate intervention
mechanism to address the recruitment and selection challenges identified in
this study. A comprehensive recruitment and selection process model was
designed and proposed as such a mechanism of intervention.
The application of the comprehensive model can help build an organisation
that displays adequate values, competencies, capabilities and human resource
strengths. These gains could aid the different government departments in
South Africa to operationalise its constitutional mandate and strategic
objectives successfully.
2013 Neeraj A Study of the Recruitment and Selection process: SMC Global (2013)
Kumari he found that the company is following an effective Recruitment and Selection
process to maximum extent. out of the various methods of sourcing
candidates, the best one is – getting references via references and networking.
In the process, I came across various experiences where the role of an HR and
the relevant traits he finds in the candidates were displayed. The structure of
the financial sector (as well as that of SMC Ltd) was known along with the
analysis that recruitment is an ongoing process in this industry and therefore
new innovative methods have to be thought of and applied to meet the
demand. Company should focus on long term consistent performance rather
then short term. The emphasis towards training and enhancing skills of
recruiters needs to be more and also consistent.
2013 Wycliffe M. Recruitment and Selection Process: A Case of City council of Nairobi,
Nyangaresi Kenya(2013)
and others The study made important recommendations based on its findings and the
most important of those recommendations was that for any organization in
the competitive business world today to achieve its goals and objectives and in
order to remain relevant to the market, it must invest heavily in the
appointment and selection of its employees. And on the need to choose the
right people for the right jobs right on time. And the recruitment and selection
procedures must be fair enough for all applicants who provide equal
opportunities to all applicants. It must be based on job descriptions and job
descriptions for every job in the company. Employees must be appointed on
the basis of their qualifications for the advertised position and not on the basis
of someone who knows someone at the higher levels of that organization. If
employees are hired on this basis, organizations are subject to failure.
2013 MUSTAPHA, The Impacts of well Planned Recruitment and Selection Process on Corporate
Adeniyi Performance in Nigerian Banking Industry(2013)
Mudashiru The study recommended that the goal of employment goes beyond merely
(Ph.D) and filling vacancies to include individual development and achievement. It aims to
others build a strong organization where effective teamwork takes place, while
meeting the needs of individuals at the same time. To achieve this goal, the
organization must re-adopt internally consistent recruitment policies that also
align with the organization's goals and the expectations of the larger
community. A good selection process is one that is properly planned and well
run. Weak hiring efforts may lead to poor applicants being chosen because
jobs have to be filled very quickly. In addition, a weak recruitment and
selection process can affect individual development and deprive the
organization of achieving its set goals and objectives. Therefore it is
recommended that the recruitment and selection process be effective, it
should be consistent with a stable, fair and transparent standard, and ensure
that the peg is placed in the right slot.
2012 Laila Zaman The Recruitment and Selection Process of Pharmaceutical Companies in
Bangladesh: A Case on GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh Limited(2012)
The goal of GSK is to be indisputable leader in the field of world
pharmaceutical companies. To achieve this goal, GSK has to develop a global
set up for each operating country office with local competencies. Keeping this
target in mind GSK realizes the obligatory need of identification of prospective
employees and placing the right people to the right position. It recognizes that
while recruiting people it is possible to identify those candidates who have the
potentiality to contribute to achieve the strategic aim of the company. This is
why to GSK highlights more on its recruitment and selection process. This
study could be helpful for some of the employers in Bangladesh and around
the world to get and hire suitable candidate for their organization by following
the mentioned chain and sequence of activities and also helpful for researcher
to do more research on recruitment and selection process as the study has
showed the detail actions pertaining to recruitment and selection of different
level of management and non-management employable candidates.

2012 Nipupurni Internship report On Recruitment and Selection Process at Viyellatex

Biswas Group(2012)
Although the HR activities of “Viyellatex Group” is at satisfactory level at the
present, but there is scope to enhance development both internally and
externally. To streamline and strengthen overall activities of the factory the
following areas have been identified:
Should hire more HR Associates in the organization.
Should give proper attention management of the interns in HR department.
For future the success of the firm depends on evolving innovative ways and
resolving solutions to human resource problems.
Suitable candidates should be selected for particular posts.
Proper attention should be given to strengthen HR department of the
Socio-cultural activities can be developed to create better working
2011 Aakash Effectiveness of Online Recruitment and Selection Process : A Case of
Gopalia Tesco(2011)
The aggregate research data indicated that online recruitment and selection
are effective in terms of the time needed to employ reducing employment and
saving and managing costs. Apart from that, it was determined that online
recruitment is also effective in terms of developing a competitive advantage
for companies by developing a market image and obtaining high-quality
candidates. Use of online recruitment and selection process offers advantage
in the form of economies of scale. Therefore, this feature of e-recruiting would
attract lot of corporations to invest their resources in developing e-recruiting
supply chain. Only limited researchers have been conducted over the
effectiveness of online recruitment and selection process. So, there is lot of
scope to conduct further research over this growing phenomenon that is
currently on the prime focus for corporations.
2011 Sintheya Internship Report on Recruitment and Selection Process of Robi Axiata
Rahman Ltd(2011)
Human resource management is one of the main tasks to be done. Because
without appropriate staff support, the organization may find it difficult to
achieve its goal. So recruitment and selection are very important for any
organization. The recruitment and selection process allows the organization to
evaluate the vacancy and select the best staff who will lead the organization in
the future. Ruby's selection and selection process is a highly developed and
effective process. Ruby is determined to achieve its goal and goal and to be
present in the market with the support of every employee. However, they do
have some major changes to do in terms of resource policy and HRIS. If they
could do it as they had planned, the Robi HR department would be more
effective and efficient.
The report mentioned in the recommendations section a number of
recommendations that must be made by the company in order to eliminate
the weaknesses represented in:
1-Currently the HRIS that Robi is using cannot provide much useful
2-At present Robi does not have any resourcing policy. They are still
developing it.
3-Robi should sometimes go for open recruitment, because in targeted
recruitment process sometimes for a less number, a good and efficient
applicant failed to apply.

2010 Geeta Kumari Recruitment and Selection Process: A Case Study of Hindustan Coca Cola
and others Beverage Pvt.Ltd, Gangyal, Jammu, India(2011)
This is concluded from the above mentioned studies that the performance of
the company is nice. 120 out of 120 employers said that company maintains
and manage candidate’s file including maintenance of database to ensure
comprehensive data collection of candidates. 70 out of 120 employers said
that the company spends about 20%-30% of its total expenditure on
recruitment and selection. 120 out of 120 employees’s accepted the fact that
coca-cola follows recruitment and selection procedure. It basically depends on
the post the candidate is applying for, in most of the cases the company does
compensate the employees for the expenses incurred by them. 70 out of 120
employers said that the company compensates the employees for the
expenses made by them, while 50 employeres said no. 120 out of 120
employers said that company maintains and manages candidate’s file including
maintenance of database to ensure comprehensive data collection of
candidates. It can be concluded that this company is doing very well in the
area of soft drinks if it is compared with the other competitors.
2010 Dr. Nazrul Factors Affecting the Recruitment and Selection Process of Private Commercial
Islam and Banks in Bangladesh(2010)
others This study aimed to identify the factors that affect the recruitment and
selection process for commercial banks for the private sector in Bangladesh. It
includes workforce planning and the selection process for banks which are the
most prominent and stable sector compared to other industrial sectors in
Bangladesh. A number of factors affecting the recruitment and selection
process have been identified and multivariate analysis techniques such as
factor analysis and multiple regression analysis have been implemented to
determine the relationships between the recruitment and selection process
and factors.
The results showed that factors including family pressure for managers, the
involvement of people involved in the process, political interference, the
ability of the hubs to design tests, and the perception of candidates about the
possibility of obtaining a job have a major impact on employment and the
selection process in private commercial banks in Bangladesh. The study
concluded that the factors that affect the recruitment and selection process in
banks are unable to bridge the gap between the qualifications of candidates
and the requirements of work in banks.

This paper reviewed some of the research papers, articles and reports published during
the past ten years of the year 2020. The researcher focused on one of the most
important topics of the Human Resources Management Department, which is
recruitment and selection processes.
The review provided a detailed overview of both recruitment and selection, and
reviewed the procedures and processes that are performed with these tasks according
to their nature from one organization to another, but there is a general character or we
can say that there is a general framework for carrying out these tasks. The researcher
found through his review of studies and articles that the process of selection and
selection is one of the most important jobs that the Human Resources Department
claims, and the importance of these jobs lies in being the first source in supplying
organizations and companies with the workforce required to achieve the goals of the
However, through my reading of some studies that came during the last ten years, I
found that this topic did not receive more attention from researchers, but there is a
difficulty in obtaining and collecting information related to this topic. Therefore, this
review may be useful for future researchers and it will also be my first step for future
research, which will address this topic more broadly and accurately.
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