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Mammary glands

- They are compound tubular-acinar glands.

- They are covered with skin very rich in adipose connective


- Each gland is divided by connective tissue septa into 10-15


- Before the puberty mammary gland are formed of

lactiferous ducts.
- At the puberty mammary glands the lactiferous
ducts proliferate and increase in size and number.

more adipose connective tissue is accumulate

between its lobules.

- The ducts are lined with simple cubical or simple

columnar cells. Myoepithelial cells are present in
the wall of mammary gland ducts.

- With the menstrual cycle few secretion appear in the
mammary ducts, congestion of mammary blood
vessels and odema of the connective tissue occur.

- The nipple is the conical projection from the

mammary gland. It consists of 15 – 20 lactiferous

- The areola is the pigmented skin which surrounded

the nipple.
- The Montgomery's glands are modified sweat
glands around areola.

- During pregnancy osterogen, progesterone, growth

hormone, prolactine, glucocorticoid and insulin
hormones prepare the breast for lactation.
The lactating mammary glands
- It is covered with skin rich in subcutaneos fat.

- Interlobar fibrous connective tissue spate radiate

from the nipple to divided the Brest into 15 – 20
lobes and lobules.

- Loss cellular connective tissue present the

background of lobules and lobes.
The parenchyma if formed of:

1- acini

2- ducts.

- The mammary acini are lined are lined by simple

columnar or simple cubiodal cells. This cells are rich
in mitochondria, lysosome, secretary granules and
fat droplet.
- The acini are surrounded by myoepithelial cells.

- The acini are filled with milk rich in fat, sugar and

- The mammary ducts: small ducts are line with

simple cubiodal and large ducts are lined with
simple columnar cells . Myoepithelial are present in
the wall of the ducts.
N.B. after lobular the prolactine hormone
stimulate milk secretion.

Suckling of the nipple by child stimulate the

secretion of oxytocine which results in
contraction of myoepithelial cells around
alveoli and ducts, this allow the passage of
milk towards the nipple.
Dr/ Ammar Omar

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