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Thanks for purchasing RimWorld! This file contains some useful miscellaneous info.

Please be sure to read the EULA.txt included alongside this file before playing!

=============== Where's my save data? ======================

To find saved games or config data:

1. Start the game.

2. Open the options menu.
3. Click "open save data folder".

Or look in this folder, depending on your operating system:

WINDOWS: C:/Users/[username]/AppData/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/

(On Windows, the AppData folder may be hidden.)

MAC: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/RimWorld/

LINUX: /home/[username]/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld/

Deleting config files will reset them. This can be useful if the game is borked and
won't start.

For debugging and troubleshooting, the output_log.txt file is in the _Data folder
in the game install folder.

Why is it like this? Modern operating systems separate changing data from program
installations for several reasons:
-First, it allows different users to have different save and config data.
-Second, it enhances security, because it allows the program to run without
having permission to write to disk anywhere outside its own little save folder.

You can override the save data folder. This is useful, for example, if you want to
install the game on a USB stick so you can plug and play it from anywhere.
To do this, add this to the end of the command line used to launch the game:


So it'll look something like this:

C:/RimWorld/RimWorld.exe -savedatafolder=C:/Path/To/The/Folder

If you don't start the path with anything, it'll be relative to the game's root
folder. So you could do this, to have the game save data in a folder called
SaveData in its own root folder:


Be sure the game is running with permission to modify the folder. It may not work
properly if, for example, you run the game under default permissions on its own
install folder.

====================== Modding =============================
For info on how to mod, see:

The RimWorld wiki modding page:

The Modding forum:

The modding help forum:

Tynan's modding notes:

A partial source release is included with the game in the Source folder.
Here you'll find a few of the source files for the base game for your reference.
You can also decompile the whole game using a .NET decompiler like dotPeek or

For testing, you can start the game into a tiny (fast-loading) map with one click
by running the game with the -quicktest command line parameter. For example:

C:/RimWorld/RimWorld.exe -quicktest

If you're a modder, we recommend making a shortcut to the game that does this.

=================== Help Translate! ========================

RimWorld comes with a number of translations. All non-English translations are fan-

If you have another language to add or something to correct in an existing

translation, you can! Check out the fan translation hub on the forum here:

A note on translating backstories: You can output a clean list of the original
backstory data by turning on Development Mode in the Options menu, hitting the /
key in the main menu, and then selecting the "Write backstory translation file"
option. Then, you can translate the resulting file. To apply it to your
translation, place it as "Backstories/Backstories.xml" in your translation folder.

================== Additional credits ======================

Free sounds are courtesy of:

Research bubbling: Glaneur de sons

Click: TicTacShutUp
Shovel hits: shall555
Pick hits: cameronmusic
Building placement: joedeshon and HazMatt
Flesh impacts: harri
Food drop: JustinBW
Nutrient paste dispenser: raywilson
Weapon handling: S_Dij, KNO_SFX
Corpse drop: CosmicEmbers and Sauron974
Growing done pop: yottasounds
Flame burst: JoelAudio (Joel Azzopardi)
Interface pops: Volterock, patchen, broumbroum
Melee miss: yuval
Construction drill A: cmusounddesign
Construction drill B: AGFX
Construction ratchet: gelo_papas
Construction rummaging: D W
Urgent letter alarm: JarAxe

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