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Bismi'llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim.

Allahumma ya Man la tara-hu 'l-'uyun.

wa la tukhalitu-hu 'D-Dunun. wa la yasifu-hu 'l-wasifun.wa la yakhafu 'd-dawa'ir.
wa la tufni-hi 'l-'awaqib. ya'lamu mathaqila 'l-jibali wa maka'ila 'l-bihar.
wa 'adada qatri 'l-amtar.wa 'adada waraqi 'l-ashjar. wa 'adada ma aDlama 'alai-hi 'l-lailu.
wa ashraqa 'alai-hi 'n-nahar.wa la tuwari min-hu sama'un min sama'in wa la ardun min ardin.
wa la jibalun illa ya'lamu ma fi qa'ri-ha.wa fi 'stikanati 'ADamati-hi 's-samawatu wa 'l-ardu. Allahumma 'j'al khaira 'amali
khawatima-hu.wa khaira ayyami yawma alqa-ka fi-h.inna-ka 'ala kulli shai'in Qadir. Allahumma man 'ada-ni fa-'adi-h. wa man
kada-ni fa-kid-h.

wa man bagha 'alayya bi-mahlakatin fa-ahlik-h.wa man nasaba li fakhkhan fa-khudh-h.wa atfi 'an-ni nara man shabba nara-hu
'alayya.wa 'kfi-ni ma ahamma-ni.min amri 'd-dunya wa 'l-akhirati.wa saddiq raja'i bi't-tahqiq.

ya Shafiqu ya Rafiq. farrij 'an-ni kulla diq. wa la tuhammil-ni ma la utiq. inna-ka Anta 'l-Maliku 'l-Haqiq.

ya Mushriqa 'l-Burhan.ya Man la yakhlu min-hu makanuni 'hrus-ni.bi-'aini-ka 'llati la tanam.

wa 'knuf-ni bi-kanafi-ka.wa rukni-ka 'lladhi la yuram.inna-hu qad tayaqqana qalbi inna-ka la ilaha illa Anta.
wa inni la ahliku wa Anta ma'i. ya Rahmanu fa-'rham-ni bi-qudrati-ka 'alayya.ya 'ADiman yurja li-kulli 'aDim.

ya 'Alimu ya Halim.wa Anta bi-hali 'Alim.wa 'ala khalasi Qadir. wa huwa 'alai-ka yasir. fa-'mnun 'alayya bi-qada'i-k.
ya Akrama 'l-akramina.

wa ya Ajwada 'l-ajwadina.wa ya Asra'a 'l-hasibin. ya Rabba 'l-'alamina wa ya Arhama 'l-arhamin.

Allahumma la taj'al li-'aishi kadda. wa la li-du'a'i radda. wa la taj'al-ni li-ghairi-ka 'abda.

wa la taj'al fi qalbi li-siwa-ka wudda. fa-inni la aqulu la-ka diddan.

wa la sharikan wa la nidda. inna-ka 'ala kulli shai'in Qadir.

wa la hawla wa la quwwata.illa bi'llahi 'l-'Aliyyi 'l-'ADim.

wa salla 'llahu 'ala sayyidi-na Muhammadin wa 'ala ali-hi.wa sahbi-hi wa sallama tasliman.kathiran ila Yawmi 'd-Din.

Bismi'llahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Rahim.

O Allah, O He Whom the eyes do not see, and with Whom mere suppositions do not blend,and Whom the portrayers do not
portray, and Who does not fear misfortunes, and Who is not destroyed by dire consequences.
He knows the weights of the mountains,and the measures of the oceans, and the number of the drops of rain, and the number
of the leaves on the trees, and the number of the things on which the night casts darkness, and on which the day sheds light.

Not one of the heavens is concealed from Him, nor any earth,nor any mountain, without His knowing what is in its very
depth,and the heavens and the earth are in submission to His Majesty.
O Allah, let the best of my work be its final results,and let the best of my days be the day on which I meet with You.
You are indeed Capable of all things.
O Allah, if someone is hostile toward me, treat him with hostility.
If someone deceives me, deceive him. If someone puts my life in danger, destroy him. If someone sets a trap for me, grab hold
of him. Extinguish for me the fire of him who kindles his fire to harm me, and protect me from what distresses me in the
business of this world and the Hereafter, and confirm my hope with realization.

O Tender One! O Gentle One! Relieve me of every hardship,and do not burden me with what I cannot bear.
You are indeed the Worthy Sovereign! O Radiant Source of the Proof!
O He of Whom no place is empty, protect me with Your eye that never sleeps,and shield me with Your shelter and Your pillar,
which can never be dislodged.

My heart is now fully convinced that there is no god but You, and that I shall not perish while You are with me.

O All-Merciful One, treat me mercifully with Your power over me! O Splendid One, looked to in hope by every splendid being!
O All-Knowing One, O All-Forbearing One!
You are Aware of my condition, and Capable of my salvation, and that is easy for You, so treat me with gracious favor in Your

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