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Name: Yem sotheavik

ID: 60 18 06 86
Session: Morning
Course: BUS201
Chapter3: Homework3
1. How would you explain the difference internal and external stakeholders?
 The individual and parties that are the part of the organization is known as
Internal Stakeholders.
 The parties or groups that are not a part of the organization, but gets affected by
its activities is known as External Stakeholders.

2. Among external stakeholders, what’s the difference between the task environment
and the general environment?
 General environment is the types of External environment that affect the
performance of Business organization indirectly, it comprise the following

1. Political factors
2. Economic factors
3. Social cultural factors
4. Technological factors
5. Demographic factors

 Task environment is the types of External environment that affect the

performance of Business organization directly, it comprise the following factors:

1. Customers

2. Suppliers

3. Shareholders

4. Environmentalist

5. Government agencies

6. Competitors

7. Media etc.
3. Of the 11 groups in the task environment, which 5 do you consider most
important, and why?

 Customer, in the reason that each company need customers to process

 Competitor: because competition always lead to development
 Supplier: because we need supplier to run a company
 Distributor: because distributor has an important role distribute the company to
grow bigger
 Government regulatory: because if one company does not have government
regulatory, so there will be chaos in company.
4. Of the six groups in the general environment, which one do you think has the least
importance, and why?
 Among the six groups of the general environment, the least importance is
sociocultural because it is all move by the social media and social
structure of society.
5. Distinguish among the four approaches to deciding ethical dilemmas
 Utilitarian-ethical behavior is guided by what will result in the greatest
good for the greatest number of people.
 Individual-ethical behavior is guided by what will result in the individual’s
best long-term interest, which ultimately is in everyone’s self -interest.
 Moral-rights-ethical behavior is guided by respect for the fundamental
rights of human beings, such as those expressed in the U.S. Constitution’s
Bill of Rights.
 Justice-ethical behavior is guided by respect for the impartial standards of

6. . What’s the difference between insider trading and a Ponzi scheme?

The difference between insider trading and a Ponzi scheme:
 Insider trading is when someone who works for a publicly traded business
profits from information they have, and that information is not available to
the general public.
 A Ponzi scheme involves taking someone else’s money for a nonexistent
investment, and then getting more people to invest.

7. How would you summarize Kohlberg’s levels of personal moral development?

 Kohlberg proposed three levels of personal moral development:
o Pre-conventional level of moral development-people tend to follows rules
and to obey authority;
o Conventional-level-people are conformist, generally adhering to the
expectations of others; and
o Post-conventional level-people are

8. What are four ways that organizations can promote ethics?

 There are four ways that organizations can promote ethics:
 Organizations can create an ethical climate through the policies, procedures, and
 Managers can screen the prospective employees by checking resumes and
references to weed out dishonest people.
 Instituting ethics codes and training programs for employees and clarifying
 A company can also reward employees for ethical behavior and protect the

9. Describe the levels in Carroll’s corporate social responsibility pyramid. Where

does trying to achieve sustainability fit in?
 The levels in Carrol’s corporate social responsibility pyramid are:
o Philanthropic Responsibility is to be a good global corporate citizen which
is the responsibility to give back to society.
o Ethical Responsibility is the responsibility to act morally and ethically.
o Legal Responsibility is the responsibility to obey laws and other
o Economic Responsibility is the responsibility of business to be profitable.
The achievement of sustainability fit in social responsibilities is “going
green” or meeting humanity’s needs without harming future generations.
10. How would you explain the concept of corporate governance?
 Corporate governance is the system of governing a company so that the interests
of corporate owners and other stakeholders are protected. One way to further
corporate governance is to be sure directors are clearly separated in their authority
from the CEO by insisting on stronger financial reporting systems and more

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