One Cup

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Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

One Cup

Sunlight shone through the windows, through the curtains, through the blinds. Birds flew

around the morning sun searching for worms among the leaves. Wind blew, gently swaying the

branches. An oldman walked around in his apartment looking for something. The walkway

beneath him was as lively as ever. Crowds of people chatting, going on their everyday


Oldman Frank lived alone in his apartment in the big city. Walking around in his

apartment is his daily routine. He’s known by almost everyone in the area. Many say he’s

obnoxious, some won’t let their kids go near him. They’d be right. Like any person of his age,

time has not been kind to him. After his morning routine, he often went down to meet the crowd

of people minding their own business. He would walk around the streets complaining about

anything and everything. The weather, the traffic, the crowds of people. He also liked to

comment on people’s wardrobe selection and their appearance. Those comments are really what

people don’t like about him.

He has one friend though. Jake owned a coffee shop right under his apartment. After his

morning rant, oldman Frank like to go and chill in the coffee shop. Often he would scare away

customers from the shop, but Jake didn’t mind it. Jake’s coffee was the only thing he’d ever


Oldman Frank lived the life anyone of his age could only wish. He many not seem like

one from a glance, but oldman Frank was very successful. Starting his own business at the age of

eighteen and selling it for millions before he retired. You wouldn’t know it as he doesn't spend
Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

much on anything. He used to spend a lot on expensive clothes and eat luxurious food. But he

realised that these things couldn’t give him happiness.

He’d searched for happiness for years, since he started getting rich. He didn’t enjoy his

business very much, that’s why he sold it. He used to travel, a lot, to many places people dreams

of. Yet he never got the sense of happiness. He tried a lot of things, golf, fishing, almost going as

far as doing drugs. Nothing gave him the happiness he was looking for.

Today was like any other day. Oldman Frank was in Jake’s shop waiting for his first


“You seem extra grumpy today, what happened?” Jake opened.

“It’s not your problem.” Frank replied in his old grumpy voice.

“Yeah, it’s not.” Jake returned. “But it eventually becomes one if I ask about it enough, right?”

“I hate kids like you.” said Frank.

“But you still come here.” Jake laughed. “So much for hating a kid. Anyways, here you coffee of


“Why do you even have that cup.” said Frank looking at the cup. “It ugly.”
Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“I got it just because I knew you would be annoyed by it.” said Jake. “It’s now worth the two

dollars I spent on it.”

“Whatever.” Frank rolled his eyes.

“Oldman,” Jake called. “I’d known you for a long time. I never thought about asking this. I know

you like to live life in the fast lane. But why do you like to come chill in my shop?”

“Kids sure ask a lot of questions these days.” said Frank.

“Really though.” said jake. “I want to know.”

“If you know, so what.” Frank replied. “It won’t make your life better.”

“Maybe it will make yours a little bit better.” Jake replied.

“Why would it?” Frank asked.

“It’s not your problem.” Jake laughed.

“You kids are so annoying.” said Frank.

Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“So why do you like to come here?” Jake asked smilingly.

“Fine,” Frank exhaled. “There are too many idiots walking around outside.”

“Typical you.” Jake laughed. “But there must be more than than right?”

“I don’t know.” replied Frank after a bit of thought. “The coffee here doesn’t make me sick.”

“Coming from you, that’s a blessing.” Jake laughed.

“Oh, shut up.” said Frank finishing his coffee. “I got to go now.”

“What do you even do on a daily basis?” Jake asked. “I thought you’re retired.”

“Like before,” Frank replied. “It’s not your problem.”

“I really want to know though.” said Jake.

“I just walk around town. Are you happy?” said Frank.

“You like to go and do things all the time,” Jake finished cleaning his hands. “Why don’t you try

sitting down and chill like you do here?”

Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“You sure ask a lot of questions.” said Frank opening the door. “Sitting down and do nothing?

That’s just sad.”

“Be careful, those old legs of your might fall off at any moment.” Jake teased.

“Oh shut up, you.” Frank said as he leaves the shop.

Oldman Frank when on with his day still annoying people around the streets. During the

night, he went back to his apartment to sleep. He lay down and thought a bit about Jake’s words.

“Sitting down and chill?” Frank said to himself. “That’s just stupid. Happiness won’t come to me

on it's own if I don’t try to find it.”

The next day was the same. Same street, same routine, same shop.

“So your legs didn’t fall off?” Jake smiled.

“When will you stop saying that?” said Frank.

“When you stop getting annoyed by it.” Jake replied. “What do you want today?”
Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“Like usual.” Frank replied.

“You like to travel right?” Jake asked while preparing the coffee.

“You would know that.” Frank replied. “And stop asking question.”

“I’ve heard rumors.” Jake said.

“Do I need to care?” Frank replied. “If it’s about me, then it’s nothing special.”

“It’s about a place.” Jake replied. “I’ve heard that people travel there in search of happiness.”

“That sounds stupid.” Frank replied.

“They said that it’s a forest hidden in the valleys up north.” Jake went on. “They also said if you

ever to ever find it, you’ll never come back.”

“Do you really believe in the bullsh*t?” Frank replied.

“I mean, you don’t know for sure right?” Jake added.

“Then why are you telling me this?” Frank stared at Jake.

Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“I thought you'd be interested.” Jake replied. “You like traveling. You’re trying to find

happiness. It’s the perfect place for you.”

“I couldn’t care less.” Frank replied.

“I just want you to find happiness.” said Jake.

“Even if I go,” Frank thought abit. “But how would you know if I find happiness or not?”

“I won’t.” Jake replied. “Any way, I digress.”

“I’ll be on my way then.” Frank finishing his coffee.

The next day was different. Oldman Frank didn’t came to Jake’s shop. Jake didn’t know

if anything happened to Frank.

“Did that oldman get beaten up by someone?” He asked himself as he walked back to his own

apartment. As he approached the door, he saw a package in front of his door. Jake took it inside.

Inside the package reads, “To the idiot. If you don’t see me then I’m off. Here’s the keys to my

apartment and stop asking questions. You annoy me but thanks for the not sh*tty coffee you

gave me everyday. ”
Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“That crazy old man.” Jake smiled as he looked into the sunset. “He’d really went for it didn’t


Seven days of travelling, finally oldman Frank was standing above the world, above the

valley that carved the land into pieces. The air was filled with a warmth and as the sun rises, the

trees and rivers awake and dances with the wind. The rays from the rising sun bounces off the

vibrant rocks along the wall of the valley.

He followed the path down the valley. The path was like a war zone, full of holes and

sadness. The oldman’s legs is showing its age as he kept on tripping on the loose dirt.

“I’ve came this far, a sh*tty road can’t stop me.” Frank told himself.

At the end of the path on the edge of the forest, the air there was filled with a strong scent

of flowers. Oldman Frank travel into the thick forest as the sun rose to middle where it will

continue to wake the valley up. The deeper he went the harder it was to navigate. The slippery

grass, exposed roots and branches is a hurdle the oldman must overcome.

The trembling roar of a river loud enough to silence any beast can be heard from far

away. It took some time but he reached the river by afternoon. The oldman found an old rope

drawbridge. The bridge was covered in moss, and swung around as the river splashes water onto

it. It was the only way across the river, but it was a risk he was willing to take. He wanted to

know what is on the other side of the river. Like a crazy man he was, he slowly made his way
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across carefully choosing places with less moss to step on. The river was relentless, the bridge

was swinging around as he crosses it. Eventually, He made it onto the other side. Tired and

hungry he took a nap under a tree.

It was almost sunset when he kept pushing himself deeper and deeper. Finally, he reached

a pond, not a very big one. The pond had a shine that made it seem like it’s glowing during the

sunset. The sun fell fast and he found himself standing next to the pond in the dark. The pond

was glowing like the moon, as the roaring of the river disappears.

“Was this it?” He cried. “Was this what I’d spend days trying to reach? What is this! Where’s the

happiness I’m looking for.”

His tears dropped into the pond as he fell onto his knee. Tired and sad, he finally sat

down dipping his feet into the water. The water was deep, so deep that he couldn’t see the

bottom. He sat alone under the shine of the moon, his eyes were stuck in boketto.

He was calm, no longer felt the need to walk around. He took his time to think about his

past. Then, it hits him.

“My whole life, I’d been chasing after happiness.” Thoughts ran through his head. “I was

spending my days messing around with others to make myself happy. I travel everywhere to find

the things that makes me happy. I never sat down and chill, sat down and enjoy life, sat down

and enjoy the moment, sat down and enjoy the experience”
Rattawit Sinsudtipong (Kamu) 1108

“I finally understand your words, kid” Frank smiles staring into the sky. “It’s a relief, it’s the

end, but it’s a relief. To get away for the crazy world out there. This moment, is happiness”

Oldman Frank, finally overcame by his fatigue, fell into the water. At the same time a

cup in the coffee shop fell from the shelf, a cup with the word ‘sadness’ written on it, shattered.

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