Placement Program: Zenith

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6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

ONE+ONE Offer:Get a coding course FREE with Placement Programs

Learn from best in industry & Prepare for your Dream Company Ends in 1d 5h 10m 13s Grab Offer
now.Next Batch 1st July

Z E N IT H   P l a c e m e n t   P ro g ra m
This programme is designed to cover all topics
required for clearing the Technical tests and interview
process followed by Google, Amazon among others.
Focus on DS Algo and Coding.

Rs. 10799
Rs. 11999


1 July 2020 10% OFF

Limited seats available

15 July 2020 15% OFF

Limited Period Offer

1 Aug 2020 20% OFF

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6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

Recommended for companies Salary Package

like Range:

Above 10 lakhs 3-4 months 100% Online Lifetime

course duration Program Access

Overview Syllabus Pre-requisites Mentor Details


About the Programme

Only 1% students get placed in companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, DirectI and this program ensures you are in that
1%. It is crafted to get students placed in these companies. Starting from devising a plan for you to solving your queries till the day of
your interview you will have an expert mentor from one of these companies with you. Mastering DS/Algo, problem solving along with
strong knowledge of required computer science subjects is a key to get placed in these companies and in this program students get
proficient in all of these. After this program students will be able to easily solve problems asked in Coding interviews of these
companies and will have clear concepts of Data Structures, OS, DBMS, C , Java and more.

Programme Includes

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6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

India's only personalised course Mentorship by Industry Experts 80+ hours of Video Lectures 250+ Coding Questions

Practice 80+ Technical/Aptitude 3 Mock Interviews by Industry

Doubt Clearing over slack Code Live with top rated coders
Mock Tests Experts


Data Structures and Algorithms

Pointers Structures Arrays and Pointers

Linked List Stacks Queues

Trees Heap Graphs

Recursion Algorithms Overview Time and Space Complexity

Sorting Algorithms Searching Algorithms Divide and Conquer

Greedy Algorithm BackTracking Dynamic Programming

String Matching

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6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes
Operating System

Introduction to Operating System Process Concepts Threads

Process Scheduling Process Synchronization Deadlocks

Memory Management Virtual Memory Management File System and Secondary Storage

Database Management Systems

Introduction to DBMS Entity Relationship Model Enhanced Entity Relationship


Relational Model SQL Relational Database Design

Storage and File Structure Transaction Management


Number system HCF & LCM Time, Speed & Distance

Permutation & Combination Time & Work Profit & Loss

Series & Progression Percentage Geometry

Probability Mixtures & Allegations Reading Comprehension

Para jumbles Vocabulary Enroll Now Synonyms… 4/7
6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

Antonyms Sentence Completion Data Interpretation

Cryptarithmetic Data Sufficiency Deductive Logic

Number series pattern recognition Logical word sequence Logarithms

C/C++/Java(You can choose any one language)

Language Overview Data Types Operators and Expressions

Input/Output Decision Making Arrays and Pointers (C/C++)

Character Arrays and Strings Functions Recursion

Structures and Unions(C/C++) OOOPs Concepts(C++/Java) Inheritance

Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstraction

Virtual Function(C++) Standard Template Library(STLs) Exception Handling(C++/Java)


Generics(Java) Collections(Java) Multithreading(Java)

File Handling

PRE-REQUISITES Enroll Now… 5/7
6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

You just need to have dream to get placed in these companies and willingness to work hard.

You can come here with no knowledge and graduate with being an expert.


Mamta Kumari

NIT Jamshedpur, Ex-Amazon, Samsung

M a m t a h a s 4 . 5 y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e a s a S o f t w a r e D e v e l o p e r. S h e l o v e s c o d i n g a n d h e r
mission is to use her knowledge and exper tise to help students get placed in their dream
c o m p a n y.

Aditya Bhushan Verma

IIT Kharagpur, Product Development

Aditya has 4 years of experience in different industries and have been par t of multiple
h i r i n g s p r e e s . H e g ra d u a t e d f r o m I I T K h a ra g p u r i n 2 0 1 5 & h a v e m e n t o r e d m a n y s t u d e n t s t o
their dream companies. He is a placement exper t and knows very well what is required to
nail it in interviews. He is very passionate to guide students by any possible means he

Munish Sharma

NIT Jamshedpur, Placed at Amazon, Intern at Cadence

M u n i s h h a s a k e e n i n t e r e s t i n c o m p e t i t i v e p r o g ra m m i n g a n d h e h a s d o n e c o m p e t i t i v e
p r o g ra m m i n g a c t i v e l y i n t h e p a s t , n o w a d a y s i t i s o n e o f h i s h o b b i e s - p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n
c o m p e t i t i o n s . H e d i d a n i n t e r n s h i p a t H a c k e r E a r t h a s a p r o b l e m s e t t e r, H e a l s o s e t s
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problem for HackerEar th monthly contest (Hourstorm, Long Circuit).He is also among the… 6/7
6/27/2020 Zenith Placement Program for top tech & product based companies - PrepBytes

t o p 2 0 - 5 0 ra n k s w o r l d w i d e i n s o m e o f t h e c o m p e t i t i o n s i n C o d e c h e f a n d H a c k e r E a r t h . H e
is also a machine learning enthusiast.


Interview Notes
Mock Tests
Placement Programs
Coding Courses
+91-8800 2588 17

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