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Gettab – Never forget your medicines again!!!

Working in an Artificial Intelligence / RFID / data analytics based company, the idea that I
would like to innovate is data based, real time reminder of medicine consumption that
tracks the overall health status of individual, specifically the elders. With the repertoire of
RFID related technologies, the core skill set re The idea is to have a RFID based medicine
box, that reminds the user to take medicines on time, replenish the medicines before they
get over, help them schedule appointments with doctor.
How it works?
The basic idea is to provide medicine storage box with RFID chip embedded. The RFID
senses if the medicine is not taken from the box at the specified time of the day, specified
tablet count according to the prescription uploaded by the doc/ user on the porta. It also
sends reminder to restock / reorder medicine in a customizable frequency before the
medicine gets over. Based on the pills taken, app also provides few related blogs or tips on
healthy living. The app can be installed on many devices and the user record can be
accessed with user id and password – used for tracking of aged parents’ data by the
Business idea/vision evaluation:
5Q framework is used to have a better understanding of the problem and market scenario.
We can use the 5Q framework, the market for the service can be understand. This a painful
problem for all the elderly people. Most often, then tend to forget to take medicines on
time or even don’t notice when to replenish the stock. When the notification goes to the
registered mobile device, their son/daughter can then procure it or get a consultation with a
doctor with the help of links in the app. With the help of the effectuation principle, I
identified What I have (RFID tech, app design, vendor base,), What I know ( Health is
important, Forgetting to take medicines is a unmet need), Whom I know (Medicine stores,
Digital marketing experts, RFID experts). The idea is to first introduce this in Chennai and
further scale up to other metros.
Identifying Niche:
The customer segment that we target is middle- upper income, 50+ years aged people with
health issues and require to be on regular medications. Typically, these are the people
whose children have settled abroad/ in any other city with no one to remind them.
Value Proposition:
The RFID attached to the medicine box keeps track of the medicines in each compartment of
the medicine box. If the medicine is not taken, then the alarm goes off from the box and a
notification is sent to the mobile number/ app stating that the medicine was not removed
for that particular meal of the day. Also, a reminder to replenish the medicine is sent out to
stock the medicines ( a week in advance) and the user is connected with the medical stores.
There are no other market players in India in this segment. There will also be a dedicated
customer ser
Consumption chain & Digital presence:
The key segmentation variable is demographic and psychographic. Our end users are
reached mostly thrugh TV advertisements, newspaers. While targeting the direct users is
important, it is equally important to target the chukdren of users. Most often, it is the young
adults who convince their parents/ relatives to use certain novel products. Hence, we need
to engage with them actively on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook. Also,
Word Of Mouth through promos in health checkups can also have a huge impact on our
Operations Management:
The key activities that would be in house is RFID technology, device branding, app
maintenance. The activities that would be outsourced is digital marketing agencies, medical
box manufacturers, RFID chip manufacturers.
Startup Cost – Licensing, Permits, Marketing, Technology cost, Service personnel cost,
process establishment, box procurement, installation cost
Fixed Cost – Rent, Salary, device maintenance, Legal services
Variable Cost – Servicing cost, App maintenance cost
Revenue – Medicals/ Hospitals commissions, device cost and maintenance charges
Business Model
Customer Segments:
 Men and Women
 Age – 50+ years
 Urban
 Middle, Higher Income group
 Smart phone users – initially. Further scale up to include IVR options for reminder.
Key Partners:
The key partners for this are the medical boxes manufacturers hospitals, digital marketing
partners, RFID device vendors. We already have the RFID technology, customer service
team, app development teams
Key Activities:
RFID device maintenance, notifications and frequent reminder and tracking of patient’s
medicine taking behavior, converting prescriptions to set trigger reminders (using Text
analysis). Revenue from purchase of the device, annual servicing cost.
Key Resources:
Managerial staff, Technical staff, Office space, Data, Vendors, RFID device providers, service
person, support team.
Cost Structure:
Cost of RFID technology, cost of app development, digital marketing, training service
personnel, Cost of medicine box procurement
Revenue streams:
Product purchase, Annual servicing cost, Medicals/ Hospital commissions.
Value proposition:
Customer support, one stop solution for all medicine consumption problems, Reliable
technology, tracking of one’s medicine schedule
Customer Relationships:
Customized customer service, personalized recommendations, feedback mechanism
Newspapers (users), Instagram (for children of the users), Facebook Ad, Doc/ Pharmacist
recommendations (Word of Mouth)
Assumptions and Unknowns:
There is a market for Never Forget!!
RFID systems work properly
Elders consume the medicine once they remove from the box
The frequency of refill is dependent on the prescription
Once notified, elders use the medicine
Users can pick up the basic notifications (in form of vibrations) from installed app
Users can store the pill anywhere else
Medicine frequency doesn’t change in the given period – if any changes are prescription to
be re uploaded.
Further steps:
The company must test the following assumptions and come with an MVP that needs to be
again tested with the Users. Value test and execution test must be completed by the
company to understand the market needs and come up with counter measure or action
plan. It is at this stage the company must decide if it must pivot or persevere and scale up.

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