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Kalimat perintah (Imperative Sentence)

Tutuplah bukumu!
Bukalah pintu!
Kata akhira “lah” atau “kan”
Bukalah pintu itu! Open the door!
Tutuplah pintu itu! Close the door!
Bukalah jendela itu! Open the window!
Tutuplah jendela itu! Close the window!
Ciri-ciri kalimat perintah (imperative sentence)
1. menggunakan kata kerja pertama (verb 1)
2. menggunakan tanda seru (!)
3. biasanya diikuti dengan kata “please”
Command => Request
Dengan cara menambahkan kata “PLEASE” pada kalimat
Bukalah pintu itu! => Tolong buka pintu itu!
Open the door! => Open the door, please!

Tutuplah jendela itu! => Tolong tutup jendela itu!

Close the window => Close the window, please!
Tolong matikan kipas angin itu!
Turn off the fan, please!
Tolong matikan TV itu!
Turn off the TV (television), please!
Tolong hidupkan/nyalakan radio itu!
Turn on the radio, please!
Kata “please” dapat diletakkan di akhir kalimat atau di awal
Turn off the TV, please!
Please turn off the TV!
Tolong kerjakan PR mu!

Do your homework, please!

Please do your homework!

Tolong geser kursi itu!

Move the chair, please!
Please move the chair!
Tolong sapu lantai itu! Sweep
Sweep the floor, please! Please sweep the floor!

Tolong pel lantai itu! Mop

Mop the floor, please! Please mop the floor!

Tolong siram bunga mawar itu! Water

Water the rose, please! Please water the rose!
1 Tolong kerjakan tugas Do task 1 on page 10, please!
halaman 10! Please do task 1 on page 10!
2 Tolong bukalah bukumu Open your book on page 20, please!
halaman 20! Please open your book on page 20!
3 Tolong maju kedepan! Come forward, please!
Please come forward!
4 Tolong hapus/bersihkan Clean the whiteboard, please!
papan tulis itu! Please clean the whiteboard!
5 Tolong bersihkan meja itu! Clean the table, please!
Please clean the table!
6 Tolong bawalah buku kalian Bring your books into my room, please!
ke ruangaku! Please bring your books into my room!
6 Tolong ambilkan sapu itu! Take the broom, please!
Please take the broom!

Tolong buka pintu itu, Please open the door, Luqman!

7 Luqman! Open the door, please, Luqman!
8 Tolong letakkan buku-buku Please put the books into the
itu ke rak buku, Affina! bookshelf, Affina!
Put the books into the bookshelf,
please, Affina!
9 Tolong bermain di luar, Please play outside, children!
anak-anak! Play outside, pleae, children!

1 Tolong matikan kipas angin, -Please turn off the fan, Gani!
Gani! -Turn off the fan, please, Gani!
2 Tolong baca bukumu -Please read you book on page 15, Lani!
Halaman 15, Lani! -Read your book on page 15, please,
3 Tolong buang sampah itu, -Please throw the rubbish, children!
anak-anak! -Throw the rubbish, please, children!
4 Tolong jawab pertanyaanku, -Please answer my question, students!
murid-murid! -Answer my question, please, students!

Buang = throw Sampah = rubbish/garbage

Larangan (Prohibition)
Tolong hapus papan tulis itu! (Please clean the whiteboard!)
(Clean the whiteboard, please!)
Tolong jangan hapus papan tulis itu!
(Please don’t clean the white board!)
(Don’t clean the whiteboard, please!)
Tolong sapu lantai itu! (Please sweep the floor!)
(Sweep the floor, please!)
Tolong jangan sapu lantai itu!
(Please don’t sweep the floor!)
(Don’t sweep the floor, plese!)
Tolong kunci pintu itu! (Please lock the door!)
(Lock the door, please!)
Tolong jangan kunci pintu itu! (Please don’t lock the door!)
(Don’t lock the door, please!)
Tolong pel lantai itu! (Please mop the floor!)
(Mop the floor, please!)
Tolong jangan pel lantai itu! (Please don’t mop the floor!)
(Don’t mop the floor, please!)
Tolong buang sampah itu! (Please throw the garbage!)
(Throw the garbage, please!)
Tolong jangan buang sampah itu!
(Please don’t throw the garbage!)
(Don’t throw the garbage, please!)
Tolong tutup bukumu! (Please close your book!)
(Close your book, please!)
Tolong jangan tutup bukumu! (Please don’t close your book!)
(Don’t close your book, please!)

Tolong buka pintu itu, Rogi! (Please open the door, Rogi!)
(Open the door, please, Rogi!)
Tolong jangan buka pintu itu, Rogi!
(Please don’t open the door, Rogi!)
(Don’t open the door, please, Rogi!)
Tolong jangan berisik, anak-anak!
(Please don’t be noisy, children!)
(Don’t be noisy, please,children!)
Tolong jangan kunci jendela itu, Lucky!
(Please don’t lock the window, Lucky!)
(Don’t lock the window, please, Lucky!)
Tolong jangan baca majalah itu, Keke!
(Please don’t read the magazine, Keke!)
(Don’t read the magazine, please, Keke!)
Tolong jangan bermain hp di kelas, Luqman!
(Please don’t play handphone in the classroom, Luqman!)
(Don’t play handphone in the classroom, please, Luqman!)
Tolong jangan tidur di kelas, Ranti!
(Please don’t sleep in the classroom, Ranti!)
(Don’t sleep in the classroom, please, Ranti!)
Tolong jangan parkir di depan kantor, Maria!
(Please don’t park in front of the office, Maria!)
(Don’t park in front of the office, please, Maria!)
Tolong jangan bermain di dalam kantor, Salwa!
(Please don’t play in the office, Salwa!)
(Don’t play in the office, please, Salwa!)

Talk to strangers, boys! (Please don’t talk to strangers, boys!)

(Don’t talk to strangers, please, boys!)

1. Smoke here, Mr. Hasan!

(Please don’t smoke here, Mr. Hasan!)
(Don’t smoke here, please, Mr. Hasan!)

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