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The spatial distribution of diatoms in mires along the gradient of mineral richness

1. The name of the principal investigator

Liisa Umbleja
2. Institution and structural unit
Tallinn University, Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Natural Sciences
3. Start and end dates
4. Research area
B270 Plant ecology

5. Summary
Mires are characteristic features of Estonia’s landscapes. It is estimated that one fifth of country’s
territory is covered with peatland, but the area of peat forming mires is much less. Because of rapid
human-induced changes, mire ecosystems are threatened in Estonia and elsewhere. Although, they
have been the subject of biological studies, there are only few that target their algal communities.
This research focuses on Estonian mires according to the successional stage, and on their diatom
communities. Even though diatoms are otherwise widely used proxy in freshwater habitats, in mire
studies diatoms have been largely underexplored. Diatoms are potentially an important indicator to
evaluate mire ecosystem functions and health. Since diatoms are unicellular organism, they respond
rapidly to changing environment. Therefore, monitoring shifts in diatom assemblages, it can be
determine what is happening in the mire under study. At present, comprehensive diatom-based
calibration studies across mire types are limited. The expected outcomes are invaluable for basic
science, biomonitoring and future management plans for mires in Estonia.

6. Theoretical background, analysis of previous studies

Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) are one of the most useful biological indicators for monitoring the
environmental status of different freshwater environments (Stevenson, Pan, 1999; Smol, Cumming,
2000). So far the focus has been on using diatoms in lakes and riverine systems, and the ecological
preferences of many diatoms are available (Van Dam et al., 1994; Kelly, Whitton, 1995; Smol,
Stoermer, 2010). But even though diatoms are otherwise widely used proxy, in mire studies diatoms
have been largely underexplored (Smol, Stoermer, 2010). However, the shallow inundated surfaces
of fens and bogs offer an ideal habitat for diatoms (Stevenson, Robinson, 1996). They provide an
exceptional tool for examining environmental change. They are distributed world-wide and can be
found in many different environments, including mires. They are characterised by small body size,
high dispersal potential, large population sizes, and rapid reaction to changing environment. Their
siliceous valves are usually well preserved in sedimentary deposits. Many diatom species tend to
have well-defined ecological niches; diatom assemblages are well correlated to different gradients
of abiotic characteristics as well (Battarbee et al., 2001; Smol, Stoermer, 2010). The biological
components of an ecosystem are the result of the biotic and abiotic interactions and provide useful
information about the health of the system. Kokfelt et al. (2009) suggested that diatoms continue to
thrive or even flourish when ambient mire vegetation is stressed. More specialized diatom species
seem to benefit from either low pH, partially aerated conditions and possibly improved light
constitutions. Furthermore, when surrounding surface vegetation dies and starts to decay, it will
increase nutrient availability to diatoms in this habitat. Also, it has been stated that diatom growth is
optimal in wet and low acidity environments, so the abundance of diatoms indicates the moisture
conditions in mires, but as well the different mire types (Smol, 1990).
Knowing the ecological preferences of diatoms in various types of mire is useful for environmental
or palaeoecological assessment. Although taxonomy and autecology of mire diatoms are well
studied in some regions (Gaiser, Rühland, 2010), baseline information of diatoms from different
types of mires is limited in Europe. In Europe, during the last decades diatom-based ecological
studies have also been successfully carried out in different types of mires. There have been some
studies about diatoms in spring fens (e.g. Poulíčková et al., 2004, Fránková et al., 2009, Poulíčková
et al., 2013), in poor fens (e.g. Kapetanovic et al., 2011) and in bogs (e.g. Buczko, Wojtal, 2005,
Kulikovsky, 2007). Most of these investigations have been done in Central Europe and mainly in
mountainous areas (e.g. Fránková et al., 2009, Kapetanovic et al., 2011). Only a few have been
carried out in lowland mires (e.g. Machová-Černa, Kulikovsky, 2007).
In Estonia, only one paper has been published by Sheshukova-Poretskaya (1962), where diatom
analysis is used in a mire study.

7. Objective, research questions, hypotheses, research methodology

Research questions:

- Is there any pattern to the occurrence of freshwater diatom taxa in Estonian mires, in terms
of the habitats in which they are found, and is it corresponding with existing ecological
- What characteristics of different types of mire environments are controlling the occurrence
of diatoms?

- Are there any seasonal changes in diatom assemblages in mires?

The main objectives are:

- To provide information of diatom diversity in mires along the gradient of mineral richness;

o to evaluate the extent to which the spatial distribution of diatom species is correlated
to the habitat typology based on vegetation data;

o to evaluate site-to-site and within-site variabilities of diatom assemblages in different

mire types and their seasonal variability;

o to determine the main environmental factors influencing distribution of diatom

assemblages in mires;

- To provide baseline information of microbial indicators that characterizes environmental

conditions in the past.

Hypotheses are:

- Changes in diatom assemblages in different mire types occur along the mineral richness
gradient that influences plant assemblages;

- Spatial variability in different mires is greater than seasonal variability in diatom assemblage

- Compositional changes in diatom assemblages within the mire type reflects the variety of
surface micro-topography;

Research methodology:

Study areas are will be chosen accordingly to the availability of previous long-term studies. Study
areas for this project are selected according to different successional stages of mires. Chosen study
sites are Endla mire complex, Peningi mire complex, Tolkuse-Maasika mire and Viru bog.
During the fieldworks, diatom samples will be collected from different habitats in various mire
types according to their successional stages (i.e. fens, transition mires, and raised bogs). Samples
will be collected between 2013 and 2016, using standard collection methods and habitat descriptors
(Tabel 1). Exact number of samples and location of sampling sites depends on specific study site
(its variety of microhabitats and the size of the area). The surrounding vegetation near sampling
sites will be described. Samples will be collected in different seasons. Every study site will be
sampled during through the vegetation period (spring, summer and autumn). Seasonal variation,
site-to-site, and intra-site spatial variation will be observed.

Sampling sites will be chosen to characterize the certain mire as well as possible. Main habitat types
for bogs are: flat lawns, hummocks, hollows and bog pools. For fens: hummocks, depressions
between hummocks and springs (open water). Within each mire habitat type, duplicate samples will
be collected from three similar habitat types. If possible, both sediment and water samples will be
collected. The pH, electrical conductivity and water temperature will be measured at the same time
in situ. Also, shading and water depth will be estimated.

Permanent slides of diatom samples were prepared using standard methods (Batterbee et al., 2001)
and examined at 1000x under an Olympus BX41 microscope. Species identifications will be made
using a range of literature, mainly Krammer & Lange-Bertalot (1988–1991) and (1999–2004).
Multivariate techniques will be used to correlate diatom assemblages to major environmental
factors studied.

Table 1. A general scheme to define different habitat types in mires. The ordination is based
on the two main environmental gradients - distance between surface and water depth (vertical
axis) and mineral richness gradient with variation in pH, base saturation, and nutrient status
(horizontal axis).

Ombrotrophic Oligotrophic Mesotrophic Eutrophic


Between (~2cm)

Open water

8. Description of prior R&D of the applicant
Umbleja (project leader) is an ecologist with the expertise in diatom analysis. Her previous research
activities in this topic have been in tracking hydrological changes in forest hollows during the
Holocene using diatom analysis. Also, she has done some archaeological researches using diatoms
as indicators for defining pre-historical settlement sites. She has studied the effect of changing
hydrological conditions and changes in the landscape, and their interrelationships. She has
previously worked with peat sediments and knows the restrictions and challenges associated with it.
Also, she is well prepared is subject of Estonian mires and competent for pursuing the main
objectives of the project.

9. Schedule

Table 2. Work plan of the main research activities and resulting deliverables

Schedule Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Subject courses

Work with literature

Improving skills in statistical analysis

Participating in trainings and courses in Estonia

and abroad


Laboratory preparations, microscopic analysis

Data analysis

Meetings and discussions with partners,



Synthesis, discussions, writing, publishing

Writing thesis
10. Budget

Stipends One PhD student, 200€ PhD studies last 4 9600€ per four years
per month. 2400€ per years.

Transportation to 4 study sites, 3 visits a A total of 2640 km. 296€

fieldworks year.

Laboratory equipment H202: 30 litres, one 420€

bottle 14€

Microscopy equipment Glass slides (50pc) 8pc, 2,2€ 17,6€

Cover glass (100pc) 4pc, 2,6€ 10,4€

Storage boxes (100pc) 4pc, 10€ 40€

Naphtax 1pc 40€

Mobility costs During 4 year project, Average cost for one 6000€
there should be at least event is around 1000€.
4 conference
participations and 2

Other costs New identification books, the care service for + 10%

SUM: 18 066€

11. Outcomes, their possible application and follow-up activities

The research is expected to comply following outcomes: to provide information in diatom diversity
in Estonian mires, plausible mechanism and factors influencing their distributions, and a basic
understanding of variabilities between different mire types. Also, the results can be used in
biological assessment of current state in Estonian mires. For example, for the detection of alkaline
pollution in industrial landscapes in Ida-Virumaa. Also, detecting agricultural pollution. As wel as,
following shifts in ecosystems or the impact of drainage.
12. List of publications cited in the proposal.

Battarbee, R. W., Jones, V. J., Flower, R. J., Cameron, N. G., Bennion, H. 2001. Diatoms. In
Tracking Environmental Changes Using Lake Sediments. Volume: Terrestial, Algal, and Siliceous
Indicators (Birks, H. J. B., Last, W. M., Smol, J. P., eds). pp. 155–168. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordecht.

Buczko, K., Wojtal, A. 2005. Moss inhabiting siliceous algae from Hungarian peat bog. Studia
Botanica Hungarica, 36, 21–42.

Fránková, M., J. Bojuková, A. Poulíčková, A., Hájek, M. 2009. The structure and species richness
of the diatom assemblages of the Western Carpathian spring fens along the gradient of mineral
richness. Fottea, 9, 355–368.

Gaiser, E.E. & K. Rühland. 2010. Diatoms as Indicators of Environmental Change in Wetlands and
Peatlands . In The Diatoms: Applications in Environmental and Earth Sciences. (Smol, J. P.,
Stoermer, E. F. eds). pp. 473–496. Gambridge University Press, Gambridge.

Kapetanović, T., Jahn, R., Redžić, S., Carić, M. 2011. Diatoms in a poor fen of Bijambare protected
landscape, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Nova hedwigia, 93, 1, 125–151.

Kelly, M. G.,Whitton, B. A., et al. 1995. The trophic diatom index: a new index for monitoring
eutrophication in rivers. Journal of Applied Phycology, 7, 433-444.

Kokfelt, U., Struyf, E., Randalu, L. 2009. Diatoms in peat – Dominant producers in a changing
environment? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 41, 1764–1766.

Krammer, K., Lange-Bertalot, H. 1988–1991. Bacillariophyceae. In Süsswasserflora von

Mitteleuropa, Vol. 2(2–4) (Ettl, H., Gerloff, J., Heynig, H. & Mollenhauer, D., eds), Gustav Fischer
Verlag, Stuttgart/Jena.

Krammer, K., Lange-Bertalot, H. 1999–2004. Bacillariophyceae. In Süsswasserflora von

Mitteleuropa, Vol 2(1;3–4) (Ettl, H., Gerloff, J., Heynig, H. & Mollenhauer, D., eds), Spektrum
Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg/Berlin.

Kulikovsky, M. S. 2007. The Species Composition and Distribution of Diatoms in Sphagnum Bogs
of European Russia: Ecosystems of the Volga Upland. Inland Water Biology, 1, 4, 347–355.

Machová-Černa, K, Spatial distributation of algal assemblages in a temperate lowland peat bog.

International review of Hydrobiology, 94, 40–45.
Poulíčková, A. , Bergová, K., Hnilica, R., Neustupa, J. 2013. Epibryic diatoms from ombrotrophic
mires: diversity, gradients and indicating options. Nova Hedwigia,96, 3-4, 351–365.

Poulíčková, A., Hájková, P., Křenková, P., Hájek, M. 2004. Distribution of diatoms and bryophytes
on the linear transects through spring fens. Nova Hedwigia,78, 411–424.

Sheshukova-Poretskaya, V. S. 1962., Diatom Flora of Some Peat Bogs of the Coast of the Baltic
Region (Estonian SSR and Kaliningrad Oblast), Uch. Zap. Leningr. Gos. Univ., Ser. Biol. Nauk, 49,
313, pp. 137–169.

Smol, 1. P. 1990: Freshwater Algae. In Methods in Quaternary Ecology (Warner, B. O. ed). pp 3-

14. Love Printing Service Ltd, Stittsville.

Smol, J.P. & Stroemer, E.F. 2010. The Diatoms: Applications for Environmental and Earth
Sciences. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Stevenson, R. J. 1996. An introduction to algal ecology in freshwater benthic habitats. In Algal

Ecology: Freshwater Benthic Ecosystems (Stevenson, R. J., Bothwell, M. L., Lowe, R. L., eds). pp.
3–30. Academic Press, San Diego.

Van Dam, H., Mertens, A., Sinkeldam, J. 1994. A coded checklist and ecological indicator values of
freshwater diatoms from the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology, 28, 117-133.

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