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S’Cliff, S’Cae, M’TRA, Atty.

Revised per S’Cae’s instruction. FYC

please. Thank you

-Earl 8/11/2020

Filipino Consumers should expect healthier treats courtesy of DOST

There is no denying that we Filipinos have become more and more self-aware with what we eat through

these past years. This has been the trend and people are finding alternatives to everyday treats, switching

into healthier options as much as possible.

The Department of Science and Technology, in the effort to provide innovative solutions to the masses,

has developed over the years a number of food products that are not just focused on health and nutrition,

but appealing to the taste of the public, as well.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) thru the Technology Application and Promotion

Institute (DOST-TAPI) recently announced the completion of Freedom-to-Operate (FTO) Reports for 35

DOST-Funded technologies. These technologies, upon identifying the possible risks of infringing existing

patents and justifying the valuation of their IP, are now likely to proceed into the next phase:stage which

is commercialization.

With this development, we should expect it is expected to see more of DOST’s products become available

in the market in the next coming years.

Here’s a select few Below are some products developed by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute

(DOST-FNRI): that you should look forward for.

 Mango Puree thickened with Nata De Coco

 Extruded Ready to Fry Frozen Sweet Potato Fries

 Rice-Mongo Curls

 Instant Germinated Brown Rice Beverage

 Instant Laing

Prepared by:

Eric Sabrina


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