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Name: __________________ Id #: __________________

1. Choose the correct option

1. 1760-1840 Heroes are:

A. Charles Stanhope B. Ambrose C. Both a & b D. John Walter I

2. 25,000 copies __________ production:

A. Massive B. Press Mass C. Both a & b D. Press Limited

3. Invention of 1815:
A. Steam Press B. Kodak C. Asphalt D. Sun Engraving

4. Limited Newspaper:
A. 19 century B. Mid 18 century C. Mid 19 century D. 1761-1841

5. Joseph Nicepce used:

A. Asphalt & Acid B. Sensitive Material C. Both a & b D. Coconut Oil

6. Photographic Image related to:

A. Sun Engraving B. Steam Press C. Press Mass D. Press Massive

7. __________ is French:
A. Joseph B. Niepce C. Both a & b D. Joseph Niepce

8. 1888:
A. Codex Camera B. Kodak Camera C. Steam Press D. Sun Engraving

9. 1760 – 1840 Steam Cylinder progressed:

A. Double B. Four C. Single D. Both a & b

10. Photography:
A. Research Tool B. Codex Camera C. Coverage of D. Both a & c

By: Adla Khalid

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