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MM: 40 TIME: 3 HRS

Section A: Attempt any one question from each unit. Each question carries 7.5 marks.

Unit I
Q1. What do you understand by strategic intent? Explain the relevance of Value chain analysis.


Q2. Discuss in detail the methods of organizational appraisal.

Unit II
Q3. Under what conditions are firms motivated to go for integration strategies? How can a firm
use horizontal integration to expand in the same industry? Support your answer with sufficient

Q4. Discuss porter’s generic business strategies with examples.

Unit III
Q5. Enumerate and describe the major tasks that strategic leaders perform in the organizations.
How strategic leaders can sustain ethical practices in an organization?

Q6. What is meant by organizational politics? Discuss the problems associated with strategic
implementation and how they can be resolved?

Unit IV
Q7. Discuss the concept of Corporate Governance. Does effective Management Succession
needed for effective Corporate Governance?


Q8. What are the different techniques of strategic evaluation and control?
Section B: Case Study (Arun Ice Cream) based questions. Please find case as a separate
pdf file in the Watsapp group. This section carries 10 marks.

Q1. Identify opportunities and challenges that Chandramogan faced in initial years of his


Q2. Discuss the pricing strategy followed by Arun Ice Cream. (3)

Q3. How Chandramogan found space for his ice cream, in an intensely price sensitive
commodity market with highly fragmented competition?


Q4. How Arun Ice Cream achieved its brand leadership position? (3)

Q5. Consider yourself in Chandramogan’s place, how would you rework the competitive
strategy for Arun due to the coming of HLL? (4)
 Section B: It will comprise of questions based on case study and will carry 10 marks.

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