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Introduction To XML

XML document structure – Well formed and valid documents – Namespaces – DTD –
XML Schema – X-Files.

Multiple choice Questions

1. What does XML stand for?

A. eXtra Modern Link
B. eXtensible Markup Language
C. Example Markup Language
D. X-Markup Language
Answer : B

2. What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the XML version?:
A. <xml version="A.0" />
B. <?xml version="A.0"?>
C. <?xml version="A.0" />
D. None of the above
Answer : B

3. Which statement is true?

A. All the statements are true
B. All XML elements must have a closing tag
C. All XML elements must be lower case
D. All XML documents must have a DTD
Answer : B

4. Kind of Parsers are

A. well-formed
B. well-documented
C. non-validating and validating
D. none of the above
Answer : C

5. Well formed XML document means

A. it contains a root element
B. it contain an element
C. it contains one or more elements
D. must contain one or more elements and root element must contain all other elements
Answer : D

6. Comment in XML document is given by

A. <?-- -->
B. <!-- --!>
C. <!-- -->
D. </-- -- >
Answer : C

7. Which of the following strings are a correct XML name?

A. _myElement
B. my Element
C. #myElement
D. None of the above
Answer : A

8. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <?xml?>
B. <?xml version="A.0"?>
C. <?xml encoding="JIS"?>
D. <?xml encoding="JIS" version="A.0"?>
Answer : B

9. What are the predefined attributes

A. xml:lang
B. xml:space
C. both
D. none.
Answer : C

10. Kind of Parsers are

A. well-formed
B. validating
C. non-validating
D. Both B & C

Answer : D

11. Valid XML document means

A. the document has root element
B. the document contains atleast one or more root element
C. the XML document has DTD associated with it & it complies with that DTD
D. Each element must nest inside any enclosing element property
Answer : C

12. XML uses the features of

Answer : D

13. There is a way of describing XML data, how?

A. XML uses a DTD to describe the data
B. XML uses XSL to describe data
C. XML uses a description node to describe data
D. Both A and C
Answer : D

14. What does DTD stand for?

A. Direct Type Definition
B. Document Type Definition
C. Do The Dance
D. Dynamic Type Definition
Answer : B

15. Which of the following XML documents are well-formed?

A. <firstElement>some text goes here
<secondElement>another text goes here</secondElement>
B. <firstElement>some text goes here</firstElement>
<secondElement> another text goes here</secondElement>
C. <firstElement>some text goes here
<secondElement> another text goes here</firstElement>
D. </firstElement>some text goes here
</secondElement>another text goes here

Answer : B
16. How can we make attributes have multiple values:
A. <myElement myAttribute="value1 value2"/>
B. <myElement myAttribute="value1" myAttribute="value2"/>
C. <myElement myAttribute="value1, value2"/>
D. attributes cannot have multiple values
Answer : D

17. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <myElement myAttribute="value1 <= value2"/>
B. <myElement myAttribute="value1 & value2"/>
C. <myElement myAttribute="value1 > value2"/>
D. None of the above
Answer : C

18. The use of a DTD in XML development is:

A. required when validating XML documents
B. no longer necessary after the XML editor has been customized
C. used to direct conversion using an XSLT processor
D. a good guide to populating a templates to be filled in when generating an XML document
Answer : A

19. Parameter entities can appear in

A. xml file
B. dtd file
C. xsl file
D. Both 1 and 2
Answer : B

20. Attribute standalone="no" should be included in XML declaration if a document:

A. is linked to an external XSL stylesheet
B. has external general references
C. has processing instructions
D. has an external DTD
Answer : D

21. In XML
A. the internal DTD subset is read before the external DTD
B. the external DTD subset is read before the internal DTD
C. there is no external type of DTD
D. there is no internal type of DTD
Answer : A

22. Disadvantages of DTD are

(i)DTDs are not extensible
(ii)DTDs are not in to support for namespaces
(iii)there is no provision for inheritance from one DTDs to another
A. (i) is correct
B. (i),(ii) are correct
C. (ii),(iii) are correct
D. (i),(ii),(iii) are correct
Answer : D

23. To use the external DTD we have the syntax

A. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”no”?>
B. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”yes”?>
(3 )<?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”no”?>
<! DOCTYPE DOCUMENT “order.dtd”?>
D. <?xml version=”A.0” standalone=”yes”?>
Answer : A

24. To add the attribute named Type to the <customer> tag the syntax will be
A. <customer attribute Type=”exelent”>
B. <customer Type attribute =”exelent”>
C. <customer Type attribute_type=”exelent”>
D. <customer Type=” exelent” >
Answer : D

25. The syntax for parameter entity is

Answer : A

26. You can name the schema using the name attribute like
A. <schema attribute=”schema1”>
B. <schema nameattribute=”schema1”>
C. <schema nameattri=”schema1”>
D. <schema name=”schema1”>
Answer : D

27. The default model for complex type, in XML schemas for element is
A. textOnly
B. elementOnly
C. no default type
D. both 1 & 2
Answer : B

28. Microsoft XML Schema Data types for Hexadecimal digits representating octates
Answer : C

29. A schema describes

(i) grammer
(ii) vocabulary
(iii) structure
(iv) datatype of XML document

A. (i) & (ii) are correct

B. (i),(iii) ,(iv) are correct
C. (i),(ii),(iv) are correct
D. (i),(ii),(iii),(iv) are correct
Answer : D

30. Simple type Built into Schema “ data’ represent a data in

Answer : D

Unit II


Building XML- Based Applications

Parsing XML – using DOM, SAX – XML Transformation and XSL – XSL Formatting –
Modeling Databases in XML

Multiple choice Questions

1.XML DOM defines a standard way for

A. only accessing the XML documents

B. accessing and manipulating XML documents
C. only manipulating XML documents
D. None of these

Answer : B

2.The DOM treats the XML document as

A. table-structure
B. file-structure
C. tree-structure
D. All the above

Answer : C

3. Which of these are not the valid XML DOM relationships ?

A. parentNode
B. previousSibling
C. lastChild
D. nextNode

Answer : D

4. Which of the following XPath expression selects attributes?

A. .
B. ..
C. @
D. //

Answer : C

5.When to use a SAX Parser?

A. You can process the XML document in a linear fashion from the top down
B. You are processing a very large XML document whose DOM tree would consume too
much memory.
C. The problem to be solved involves only part of the XML document
D. All of the above.

Answer : D

6.The most popular way to materialize XML documents is to use:

Answer : B

7. Which of the following is true about XPath?

A. XPath is an official recommendation of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

B. It defines a language to find information in an XML file.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
Answer : C

8. Which of the following statements is not true about XML Schemas

A. They are used to define the content and structure of data.

B. They define a set of symbols and the relationships of those symbols.
C. They are themselves XML documents.
D. They have their own syntax.
Answer : D

9. What is not true about XSLT?

A. XSLT is a declarative transformation language.

B. XSLT uses a set of rules that govern how a document is to be materialized is
C. XSLT uses a set of procedures that specify how a document is to be programmed.
D. XSLT is used to transform the input document into another document.
Answer : C

10.Which of the following statement is false if we consider above XML document ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<bname>XML Tutorials</bname>
A. Document Syntax is Self Explanatory
B. XML document forms a tree structure
C. XML document can have more than one book
D. It is a document that refers a single book
Answer : C

11.How many nodes and attributes are there in the document ?

<book category="Web">

<bname>XML Tutorials</bname>




A. 4 Nodes and 1 Attribute

B. 3 Nodes and 1 Attribute
C. 2 Nodes and 2 Attributes
D. 4 Nodes and 2 Attributes

Answer : A

12. The words Document Node, Nodelist, Element Node, Named Node Map etc. are
A. Objects
B. Interface
C. Elements
D. Attributes
Answer : B

13. How DOM differs from SAX?

A. SAX is event driven and requires less space

B. DOM and SAX are packages
C. DOM is not event driven and builds up the whole memory
D. None of these
Answer : A

14. Simple output filters which are supported by XSLT are ?

A. =,!=,<,>
B. =,!=,<,&
C. =,#,<,>
D. ^,!=,<,>

Answer : A

15. Which of these are not the builtin function of XSLT ?

A. generate-id()
B. function-available()
C. key()
D. file()

Answer : D

16.XPath is used to navigate through

A. elements and attributes

B. files
C. defferent pages
D. none of these
Answer : A

17. Which of these type of built-in functions which are not supported by XPath ?

A. string values functions

B. node and QName manipulation functions
C. sequence manipulation functions
D. character values functions

Answer : D

18. Which of these is not a valid XPathAxes ?

A. ancestor
B. attribute
C. following
D. followed
Answer : D

19. The XML DOM is language- and platform

A. dependent
B. independent
C. Not always dependent
D. None of these
Answer : B

20.  The ________ method can be used to display the value of the specified attribute.

A. attribute()
B. getAttribute()
C. showAttribute()
D. printAttribute()
Answer : B

21. Which of the following XML fragments are well-formed?

A. <?xml?>
B. <?xml version="A.0"?>
C. <?xml encoding="JIS"?>
D. <?xml encoding="JIS" version="A.0"?
Answer : B

22. There is a way of describing XML data, how?

A.XML uses a DTD to describe the data

B. XML uses XSL to describe data
C. XML uses a description node to describe data
D. Both A and C
Answer : D

23.In XML

A. the internal DTD subset is read before the external DTD

B. the external DTD subset is read before the internal DTD
C. there is no external type of DTD
D. there is no internal type of DTD
Answer : A

24. The XML DOM object is

A. Entity
B. Entity Reference
C. Comment Reference
D. Comment Data

Answer : B

25. Which one of the following is extended interface in DOM

A. Entity
B. Node
C. Document
D. Attr
Answer : A

26.Which one following is method of ContentHandler in SAX

A. endDocument()
B. igonarableWhitespace()
C. A only
D. Both A and B
Answer : D

27.Use of SAX based parser is most likely to be used in which of the following scenarios?

A. You want to process the document in a sequential order only.

B. The documents is very large.
C. A only
D. Both A and B
Answer : D

28.Which DOM method returns the root element of the document?

A. Document.getDocumentElement()
B. Node.getFirstChild()
C. Document.getRoot()
D. None of these
Answer : A

29.What is the Superinterface of Interface “Document”?

A. XMLReader
B. ContentHandler
C. DocumentBuilder
D. Node
Answer : D

30. Which method is used to build JDOM document from the xml source?

C. Document.newDocumentBuilder(xmlSource)
D. None of these

Answer : A



Characteristics of SOA, Comparing SOA with Client-Server and Distributed architectures

– Benefits of SOA -- Principles of Service orientation – Service layers.

Multiple choice Questions

1. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is

A. Strongly Coupled
B. Loosely Coupled
C. Strongly Cohesive
D. Loosely Cohesive
Answer : B

2. Which of the following is an essential principle of an architecture?

A. Consistency
B. Reliability
C. Scalability
D. All of the mentioned
Answer : D

3. Arrange the following activities in order to build a SOA.

i. Virtualization through mediation.
ii. Track services with registries.
iii. Govern, secure and manage the services.
iv. Design for interoperability through the adoption of standards.
A. i, ii, iii, iv
B. iii, ii, i, iv
C. ii, iii, i, iv
D. ii, iii, iv, i
Answer : C

4. What is a role of Web services in building an SOA?

A. To provide interoperability using XML-based messages

B. To provide an interface for human interaction using task lists
C. To provide loose coupling via remote method invocations using JAX-RPC
D. To implement the service functionality through interfaces defined in the applications'
Answer : A

5. Which architecture will be built on top of a SOA?

A. The Application Architecture
B. The Service Architecture
C. The Component Architecture
D. None of the mentioned
Answer : A

6. Which of the following utilities is not a part of Application Service Layer?

A. Policy implementation
B. QoS
C. Security
D. Verify invoice
Answer : D

7. Which of the following utilities is not a part of Business Service Layer?

A. Task centric service

B. Wrapper Services
C. Get account info
D. Entity centric service
Answer : B

8. What is a key difference between a component and a service?

A. A service is deployed once and a component is deployed many times.

B. A component is deployed once and a service is deployed many times.
C. A component has an interface and a service implements the interface.
D. A service has an interface and a component implements the interface. 
e) A service does not have a well-defined interface and a component does.
Answer : D

9. Which architecture describes the various elements that support the implementation of
A. The Application Architecture
B. The Service Architecture
C. The Component Architecture
D. None of the mentioned
Answer : C

10. Which of these is a realization of SOA?

A. Web Services
B. Client-Server
C. Distributed Server
D. None of the Above
Answer : A

11. The type of server in two-tier architecture which provides data to the client stored on
disk pages is called

A. Functional Server
B. Data Server
C. Disk Server
D. Transaction Server
Answer : B

12. In two-tier client/server architecture, the running of application programs and the user
interface programs is in control of
A. Modulation Side
B. Server Side
C. Client Side
D. Host Side
Answer : C

13. Which of these is not SOA key principle?

A. Service Abstraction
B. Service Composability
C. Service Statefullness
D. Service Interoperability
Answer : C

14. Which SOA architectural concept is applied as an organization combines services to

perform a business process?

A. Modularity
B. Composition
C. Encapsulation
D. Separation of concerns
Answer : B

15. Which two statements define a service in SOA?

A. It is a transaction that supports a business function.

B. It is a standard way for messaging between service providers and consumers.
C. It exposes business functionality with a well-defined interface that can be invoke
D. It is a language-specific operation that executes across an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
E. It is a loosely-coupled component that can be choreographed to create a composite business
Answer : C and E

16. In applying SOA, which principle can reduce overall cost?

A. Reuse services across lines of business.
B. Build services for only the most important business functions.
C. Build general services that can perform a variety of business tasks.
D. Re-implement all services on a consistent hardware and software platform.
Answer : A

17. Which two roles do Web services play in an SOA?

A. They provide mediation for service requests.
B. They provide the framework for information as a service.
C. They support interoperability between disparate technologies.
D. They provide an open standard means for describing service interfaces. 
E. They provide the messaging infrastructure for the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
Answer : C and D

18. Which two statements describe characteristics of SOA?

A. Multiple business units host the same service to ensure maximum reuse and availability.

B. Maximum reuse is achieved by ensuring services are generic so that the same service serves
many different business tasks.

C. Existing APIs are exposed over new technologies such as Web services and Enterprise
Service Buses (ESB) to increase business flexibility and agility.

D. Programming by contract ensures the service consumer can be unaware of the

implementation details of the service provider facilitating loose coupling.

E. Through layered abstraction over the implementation and runtime details, it is possible to
provide software resources that give the right balance between reuse and specificity.

Answer : D and E

19. Which basic characteristics of SOA can contribute to business agility?

A. Reuse and security
B. Loose coupling and reuse
C. Governance and integration
D. Point-to-point integration and extensibility
Answer : B
20. What is one architectural principle surrounding SOA?
A. Inheritance
B. Encapsulation
C. Cross-cutting concern
D. Focus on messaging strategies
Answer : B

21. Which one is a representation of a service's collective metadata.

A. Service composability
B. Service discoverability
C. Service Contract
D. Service abstraction
Answer : C

22. The architecture in which some application logic residingon the client, others on the

A. Client-Server
B. Distributed
C. Hybrid Architecture
D. None of these
Answer : B

23. This is the true heart of the SOA.

A. Service Component
B. Composition

C. Services

D. None of the Above

Answer : A
24. Which architecture reflects immediate solutionrequirements, as well as long-term,
strategic IT goals.

A. Application architecture
B. Enterprise architecture

C. Service Oriented Architecture

D. None of the Above

Answer : A

25. The architecture which spans enterprise and application architecture domains

A. Application architecture
B. Enterprise architecture

C. Service Oriented Architecture

D. None of the Above

Answer : C

26. The architecture contain a long-term vision of how the organization plans to evolve
itstechnology and environments.

A. Application architecture
B. Enterprise architecture

C. Service Oriented Architecture

D. None of the Above

Answer : B

27. The environments, in which bulky mainframe back-ends and serves thinclients

A. Hybrid
B. Two-tier client-server

C. Single-tier client-server

D. Distributed

Answer : C
28. The architecture which serves fat intelligent client and bulk of application logic.

A. Hybrid
B. Two-tier client-server

C. Single-tier client-server

D. Distributed

Answer : B

29. The architecture which serves intelligent web and application server in the business

A. Hybrid
B. Two-tier client-server

C. Single-tier client-server

D. Distributed

Answer : D

30.Which of these is not a components of an SOA

A. Message
B. Operation

C. Service

D. Composition

Answer : D


Service descriptions – WSDL – Messaging with SOAP – Service discovery – UDDI –

Message Exchange Patterns – Orchestration – Choreography –WS Transactions.

Multiple choice Questions

1. Which of the following is commonly used to describe the service interface, how to bind
information, and the nature of the component’s service or endpoint?

D. None of the mentioned
Answer : A

2. What does the SOAP specification define?

A. format for XML messaging
B. An interface to a business process\
C. An Internet communications protocol
D. The payload contents for a Web service message
Answer : A
3. What does the WS-I Basic Profile provide for an SOA?
A. Test suites for Web services interoperability
B. An implementation of interoperable Web services
C. Interoperability guidance for Web services specifications
D. A certification of interoperability for Web services engines
Answer : C

4. How can disparate services communicate with each other in an SOA?

A. Use XML messages to provide interoperability
B. Service providers adopt one common data model for all services.
C. Enforce a common data model at the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) layer.
D. Business analysts create the integration logic details to negotiate between services.
Answer : A

5. Which two statements define a service in SOA?

A. It is a standard way for messaging between service providers and consumers
B. It exposes business functionality with a well-defined interface that can be invoke
C. It is a language-specific operation that executes across an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
D. It is a loosely-coupled component that can be choreographed to create a composite
business function
Answer : B and D

6. In which phase of the SOA lifecycle are service descriptions specified?

A. Model business process and design according to requirements
B. Construct and assemble service components
C. Configure and deploy from test through production
D. Manage to business and IT goals
Answer : A

7. When releasing a new service version, which changes to the WSDL document are
backward compatible? 
A. Adding an operation
B. Removing an operation
C. Renaming an operation
D. Changing the parameters of an operation
Answer : A

8. What is contained in an SOA repository as opposed to a registry?

A. Service policy information
B. Versions of software components
C. Uncommitted transactions to enable compensation handling
D. Service endpoint information to facilitate dynamic binding at runtime
Answer : A

9. Which standard describes the interface for Web services?


Answer : D

10. Which role does XML play in an SOA design?

A. XML is used to implement the UML design
B. XML schema drives the messaging payloads
C. XML is used for Web services which are required in SOA
D. XML is used to describe interfaces and message bindings
Answer : D

11. What is a role of Web services in building an SOA?

A. To provide interoperability using XML-based messages
B. To provide an interface for human interaction using task lists
C. To provide loose coupling via remote method invocations using JAX-RPC
D. To implement the service functionality through interfaces defined in the applications'
Answer : A

12. At which two points in SOA communication are registries used?

A. During discovery
B. During publication
C. During message transport
D. During message validation
Answer : A and B
13. Why is messaging important to an SOA?
A. Messaging improves the performance of complex environments
B. Messaging implements separation of concerns resulting in faster development
C. Messaging facilitates communication between distributed heterogeneous environments
D. Messaging is used to communicate between a repository and an Enterprise Service Bus
Answer : C

14. What does the information in the service registry support?

A. The complete service lifecycle
B. Runtime lookup of service endpoints
C. Enhances messages through mediation
D. Transformation of messages between different technologies
Answer : B

15. Service metadata can be centrally registered within a __________ for discoverability
A. service inventory
B. service composition

C. service registry

D. service model
Answer : C

16.XML and XML Schema are examples of:

A. custom design standards commonly used by service-oriented solutions
B. custom design characteristics commonly found in service-oriented solutions
C. industry standards commonly used by service-oriented solutions
D. industry characteristics commonly found in service-oriented solutions
Answer : C

17. SOAP stands for

A. Simple Object Access Protocol
B. Simplified Object Arbitary Protocol

C. Secure Object Access Protocol

D. None of these

Answer : A

18.Web services use ________ to code and to decode data.



D. None of these

Answer : A

19. SOAP is an _________ to let applications exchange information over HTTP.

A. PHP-based protocol
B. JAVA-based protocol
C. .NET-based protocol
D. XML-based protocol
Answer : D

20. SOAP is a format for sending messages and is also called as __________.
A. Data Transfer protocol
B. Network protocol
C. Communication protocol
D. None of these
Answer : C

21. _________ is a directory for storing information about web services.



Answer : C

22. Which of the following is correct about UDDI?

A. UDDI is seen with SOAP and WSDL as one of the three foundation standards of web
B. UDDI is an open industry initiative enabling businesses to discover each other and define
how they interact over the Internet

C. Both of the above

D. None of the above

Answer : C

23. Which of the following is/are the variants of Two-Phase Commit (2PC) Protocol?
A. Non-Volatile 2PC
B. Volatile 2PC
C. Non-Durable 2PC
D. Durable 2PC
Answer : B and D

24. Which of the following are primitive MEPs?

A. Request Response
B. Fire and Forget
C. Publish and Subscribe
D. All of the above
Answer : A and B

25. How many MEPs patterns are supported by WSDL 1.1 and 2.0 respectively?
A. 2 and 4
B. 4 and 8
C. 3 and 6
D. 4 and 4
Answer : B

26. What are the type of WS-Coordination?

A. WS-Atomic Transaction
B. WS-Choreography
C. WS-Business Activity
D. WS-Orchestration
Answer : A and C

27. Which of the following statements are true?

A. orchestration expresses organization-specific business workflow whereas choreography is
not necessarily owned by a single entity and acts as a community interchange pattern
used for collaborative purposes by services from different provider entities
B. specifications namely WS-BPELandWS-CDL are used by orchestration and
choreography respectively
C. Only b
D. Both a and b
Answer : D

28. Which of the following is not a element of SOAP structure?

A. <fault>
B. <head>
C. <envelope>
D. <message>
Answer : D

29. mustUnderstand field in SOAP message take the value

A. 0
B. 1
C. 0 or 1
D. Empty
Answer : B

30. Which of the following is not an element of WSDL?

A. <portType>
B. <service>
C. <body>
D. <binding>
Answer : C


Service Oriented Analysis and Design – Service Modeling – Design standards and

guidelines — Composition – WS-BPEL – WS-Coordination – WS-Policy – WS-Security –

SOA support in J2EE

1. Services are ideally designed to be:

A. agnostic and reusable

B. unidirectional and semi-granular

C. linear and logistically decomposable

D. returnable and non-standardized

Answer: A

2. Service Autonomy, Service Statelessness, and Service Loose Coupling are examples of:

A. service-oriented architecture types

B. service-orientation design principles

C. service models

D. none of the above

Answer: B

3. When planning a transition toward SOA, we are usually required to balance the
__________ goals with the __________ requirements.

A. strategic (long-term), tactical (short-term)

B. strategic (long-term), unimportant (low priority)

C. tactical (short-term), unimportant (low priority)

D. unimportant (low priority), important (high priority)

Answer: A

4. A part of a service contractthatis commonly standardized is the __________.

A. data model

B. service agent

C. service registry

D. data agent

Answer: A

5. Service-oriented computing aims to increase an organization’s responsiveness by

allowing itto adapt to change more efficiently and effectively. This is known as:

A. organizational diversity

B. organizational agility
C. organizational federation

D. organizational interoperability

Answer: B

6. Which ofthe following statements is true?

A. Service-orientation is a revolutionary design paradigm comprised solely of new design

techniques and practices never before used in IT’s history.
B. The only known historical influence of the service-orientation design paradigm is procedural
C. The service-orientation design paradigm has been influence by several established design
paradigms and platforms.
D. None of the above statements are true.
Answer: C

7. The use of__________ services tends to __________the size of service compositions.

A. autonomous, increase
B. stateless, decrease
C. scalable, decrease
D. agnostic, increase
Answer:: B
8.__________ and __________ are used to classify and organize services within a service

A. service compositions, service-oriented solutions

B. service capabilities, service compositions
C. service models, service layers
D. service contracts, service capabilities
Answer: C
9. Service metadata can be centrally registered within a __________for discoverability
A. service inventory
B. service composition
C. service registry
D. service model
Answer: C
10. “A primary focus of service modeling is the encapsulation and abstraction of business
logic in support of denying business service candidates.” Whatis wrong with this
A. Service modeling is a phase dedicated to denying non-business service logic only.
B. there is no such things as a business service when creating service-oriented solutions
C. The service modeling process results in the implementation of services, not the definition of
service candidates.
D. There is nothing wrong with this statement.
Answer: D
11. To qualify as a service composition, at least__________ participating services need to
be present. Otherwise,the service interaction only represents a point-to-point exchange.
A. two
B. four
C. six
D. eight
Answer: A
12. The use of__________ services tends to __________the size of service compositions.
A. autonomous, increase
B. stateless, decrease
C. scalable, decrease
D. agnostic, increase
Answer: B
13. A __________ can be part of a/an __________ which can be assembled from
__________ within a/an __________.
A. component, object, enterprises, service
B. service inventory, service, enterprises, service composition
C. service, service composition, services, service inventory
D. service inventory, service, service compositions, enterprise
Answer: C

14. Which of the following is the language standard for Web service interactions?

D. All of the mentioned

Answer: A

15. Which of the following messaging protocol is used with XML in BPEL?

A. WS-Coordination
B. WS-Addressing
C. WS-Transactions
D. All of the mentioned

Answer: D

16. Which of the following statement is incorrect related to BPEL?

A. Data functions in BPEL support process data and control flow

B. BPEL includes techniques for error handling and scopes transactions
C. BPEL uses Web services for standards and to assemble and decompose processes
D. None of the mentioned

Answer: D

17. Which of the following is/are true about J2EE?

A. J2EE stands for Java 2 Enterprise Edition
B. J2EE is an environment for developing and deploying enterprise applications
C. J2EE specification is defined by Sun Microsystems Inc
D. The J2EE platform is one the best platform for the development and deployment of
enterprise application.
(A) both a and b
(B) both a and c
(C) both a, b and c
(D) all
Answer: D
18. The standard for deploying web services on the Java EE platform as of Java EE 1.4:-
D. None of the mentioned
Answer: A

19. Which of the following is true for EJB?    

A. EJB is server-side component architecture for distributed applications in Java

B. EJB facilitates scalable, secure and transaction-oriented applications
C. EJB supports portability and reusability
D. EJB specification allows different vendor implementation of it
E. All of the above.

Answer:  E  

20. Which role in EJB architecture is responsible for EJB Server?    

A. EJB Deployer
B. Application Assembler
C. Network Engineer
D. Server Provider
E. Tool Vendor.

Answer: D

21. Which services are provided to EJB components by the EJB container?
A. Transaction support
B. Persistence support
C. Naming support
D. All mentioned above
Answer: D

22. Which component can be used for sending messages from one application to another?

A. Client
B. Mq
C. webapp

Answer: C

23. Which protocol is used with WS-Coordination?

A. WS-Atomic transaction
B. Choose the service layers.
C. Position the core standards.
D. Choose SOA extensions.
Answer :A

24. ------------- is the types of WS-Coordination?

A. Central Coordination
B. Application service Coordination
C. Task-centric business service Coordination
D. Service-oriented business process Coordination
Answer :A

25. The initial set of assertions in WS-Policy assertions is ----------------.

A. Text encoding
B. Structuring activities
C. Communication activities
D. Miscellaneous activities

Answer : A
26. which is the suitable component for WS-Policy Framework.

A. Attributes that determine policy usage.

B. Existing configuration
C. Required standards
D. Service composition performance
Answer : A

27. Which step is suitable for individual design process

A. Entity-centric business service design

B. build agility into business models
C. prepare a process for orchestration.
D. Model candidate services
Answer : A

28. What are the steps involved in service oriented analysis process

A. Define business automation requirements

B. Identify existing automation systems
C. Model candidate services
D. All of the above

Answer: D

29.What are the benefits for incorporating service-orientation into business process level?

A. Business services build agility into business models.

B. Business services prepare a process for orchestration.
C. Business services enable reuse.
D. Business services can realize service-oriented enterprise.
E. All of the above
Answer: E

30. What EJB stands for?

A. Enterprise J2EE Bean

B. Enterprise Java Bean

C. Enterprise Java oBject

D.Entity Java oBject

Answer: B

31. Which is an objective of WSBPEL?

A.To provide common representation of data process models

B.To provide a mapping from legacy methodologies to business process modeling

C.To provide a tool for capturing process models

D.To provide an XML language designed for process execution

Answer : D

32. Which role does WS-Security play in an SOA?

  A. It provides security interchange for RESTful Web services.
  B. It enforces authentication and authorization within an SOA.
  C. It provides an end-to-end security context among Web services.
  D. It provides a security implementation for Enterprise Service Buses (ESB).
Answer:  C

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