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Group 3

Frontliner: NGO Volunteer (Malaysian Relief Agency )

Interview Questions

Personal Information
1. Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself?

Salbiah, a divorcee with 6 childen.the youngest is now 16 , studying in Melaka, 3 of them are
mrrried , 6 grndchildren
2. What is the name of the NGO you volunteered?
3. When did you start joining it?

Started joining in 2018 during the fasting month of Ramadan because there was no
volunteer in Pontian. 2019 also for the needy during fasting months…. 2020
4. Why did you choose to be an NGO volunteer?

Because of personal life experience …from a poor family so know the feeling of needy
person. So when was offered to

Memories of World Pandemic

5. When the government announced the implementation of the MCO in March 2020, what
was your reaction?

Was in dilemma and shocked

6. How did you feel when the NGO was selected to be in the front line?

Xcited because hve the opportunity to get involve, go around helping people even though
others could not go out, yet worried and I took precaution. I don’t fear the covid because as
the head of the family I hv to go out to get the essential things. Help to build up semangat
tolong org
7. How does your family react when you volunteered to be part of the NGO for this COVID-
19 pandemic?
5 of my children were against it, they dont allow cause for them I am unfit to go around
based on my age, thy were worried tat I would be easily infected , except one daughter who is
also in the same NGO who lives in Tangkak supported me. She even

Experiences as frontliner
8. As one of the NGO frontliners during the COVID-19 pandemic, what did you do?

As a coordinator I, I made plan and arrange for the bantuan yg boleh diberi, name list of
people who needs the help. From just the asnaf, more list specially those who lost income
suddenl like hawker2.
9. What were the safety measures that you took throughout your volunteerism?

I always follow SOP, washing hand, using ……… take supplements and I use the ceragem
V3 to increase the immune system in my body as a precaution
10. Were there any specific rule codes (curfews, dress code, behaviours) to meet the victims?

If yes, what were the specific rule codes?

Yes, must wear must, use sanitizer..maintain distance. No handshaking aand cannot met the
victims for more 5 minutes.

Personal Experiences
11. Were you affected by the Covid-19? If yes, how did that happen?

No, thank God. Supplemet , ceragmnV3 helped a lot.

12. What did you learn about volunteering in this current pandemic crisis?

It menyedarkan diri sy tentang humanity is more important that anything, naikka semangat
positif diasa susah. Bersyukur dgn diri sendiri kerana ada jawatan tetap, sihat tubh badan .

13. What do you think is your greatest strength?

Kesan pernah hidup susah dan ada yg membantu masa susah. Rasa sperti dapat peluang
membalas jasa dengan membantu lbih ramai orang..

14. How does it help you in your volunteer service?

As a teacher, mmg da terdidik untuk membantu anak murid, so when givn opportunity to help
I a bigger scale,

15. Being a volunteer, have you experienced any unappreciated service? If yes, what were
they and why?

Yes. According to the mRa policy…1 rumah 1 bantuan. It happened that there were 3families
in a house. They expect 3 packs of essential thing. Tey want to make a report. Timbul salah

We are NGO, we can give anyone,

It was solved by explaining to them about the policy and will giv them more if they are new




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