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12 Entrep L1 ST - Types of Businesses Available to Entrepreneurs

Name ________________________________________ Date ______________________ Score ___________

I. Identify what is asked. Write your answer on the space provided.

______________________ 1. How many employees are ideally being hired in a small enterprise?
______________________ 2. What kind of industry includes the physical or chemical transformation of materials,
substances, or components into new products?
______________________ 3. What form of ownership registers to the Department of Trade and Industry?
______________________ 4. What industry considers the provision of complete meals and drinks and short-stay
services for visitors?
______________________ 5. What type of industry includes the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and
their pursuant regulation?
______________________ 6. What kind of enterprise holds an asset of not more than Php500,000 but is greater
than or equal to Php250,000?
______________________ 7. What is the asset estimate for medium enterprises?
______________________ 8. What form of ownership acknowledges the creation of an artificial being, having the
right of succession, and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by or incident to its existence?
______________________ 9. What industry includes cargo handling and terminal and parking facilities?
______________________ 10. This industry requires a high degree of training and makes specialized knowledge
and skills available to users.
______________________ 11. The disadvantage of this ownership is that it is complicated to set-up.
______________________ 12. These are activities demanded by consumers based on their needs and wants.
______________________ 13. These are products that are processed from raw materials that are consumable.
______________________ 14. A rolling store falls into this kind of enterprise.
______________________ 15. What kind of enterprise operates in highly formalized but complex systems of
______________________ 16. Give the two forms of ownership that register with the SEC.
______________________ 17.
______________________ 18. What is the meaning of the letters in PSIC?
______________________ 19. What is the meaning of the letters in BSMED?
______________________ 20. This form of ownership is believed to dominate the retailing, agriculture, and
service industries.
______________________ 21. This kind of industry includes new work, repair, additions and alterations, and the
erection of prefabricated buildings or structures.
______________________ 22. This industry involves renting real estate and selling or buying real estate.
______________________ 23. This industry includes financial service activities including insurance.
______________________ 24. This ownership has maximum flexibility for growth.
______________________ 25. This ownership relies on a consensual decision-making.

II. Complete the following tables:

A. Enterprise types
Type of Enterprise Asset Value Ideal Number of Employees Example

B. Ownership types
Type of Ownership Advantage Disadvantage

III. Answer the following briefly and concisely.

1. What are the three ways of classifying enterprises? What is the idea behind each classification?

2. What are the specific terms under each classification in number 1? Enumerate.

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