Research Proposal Outline Fadli 2

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A. Background

Learning is the process of student interaction with educators and learning

resources in a learning environment that includes teachers and students who exchange

information. According to Smith learning is the acquisition of new behavior or

strengthening or weakening of old behavior as the result of experience. David states that

learning, as the process whereby an organism changes its behavior as a result of

experience. Experiences can be gained from learning because students can get

knowledge and skills that are very important for students’ life. Based on the definition

above, it can be concluded that learning is the acquisition of a new behavior, that occurs

as the result of relatively permanent changes and the organism’s experience or practice.

In other words, understanding learning is a process to help students to be able to learn


According to Clay, blended learning is institution based formal education where

students and instructors are in separate locations so that they need an interactive

telecommunications system to connect the two and the various resources needed in it. 1 In

Indonesia, blended learning will be applied when students and teachers cannot face to

face in class because of unexpected obstacles. As current COVID-19 pandemic situation

which led to the implementation of blended learning. Minimizing the transmission of

infectious diseases, the public takes action to limit social distancing and also self-

quarantine. Social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by public

health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease. While

quarantine is a system of separating and limiting the movement of people for some time

to prevent transmission of disease. It lasts long enough to ensure the person has not

contacted an infectious disease.

The teachers inevitably have to apply and adapt to blended classes in conveying

English material so that the teaching and learning process can keep going. Blended

learning viewed as the pedagogical approach that combines the effectiveness and

socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically enhanced learning

possibilities of the online environment.2 In other words, blended learning is where the

learning process are blending of an effective and socialize face-to-face classroom with

the technologically enhance learning environment. This approach combined the face-to-

face socialization-oriented learning activity with technology mediated instruction. It is

viewed as the best solution in current learning situation of endless COVID-19 Pandemic.

Also, with a short time and without training, the teacher must directly apply the blended

classroom. In order to maintain teaching and learning process, the teacher requires

adaptation and also a strategy to teach English in blended learning.

Therefore, the researcher formulated a research study proposal entitled “AN



B. Research Questions

Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulated research

questions as follows:

Dziuban, Hartman and Moskal (2004), Blended Learning: Online Learning Enters the Mainstream *
In Handbook of Blended Learning Environments: Global Perspectives, Local Designs, C.J. Bonk & C. Graham,
Eds. (2005). Pfeiffer Publications, An imprint of John Wiley and Sons.Page 8
1. What are the teacher’s strategies on English e-learning classes during the COVID-

19 pandemic?

2. What media did the teachers’ use to support the implemented blended during the

COVID-19 pandemic situation?

C. Research Methodology

This research purposed to find out the strategies use by teachers in teaching

English in blended classroom. To obtain the result, this research used descriptive

qualitative research that focuses on the teacher’s strategies on English blended classes.

Qualitative research is used to describe and analyze the abilities, forms, uniqueness,

variations of words produced by teachers in blended classes. Descriptive qualitative

trying to describe a social phenomenon in the form of words. The main purpose of

descriptive research is to describe the state of view as it exists today. Simply stated, this

is a fact-finding investigation. In descriptive research, conclusions can certainly be

accepted, but it doesn’t build a cause and effect relationship.

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